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Please Note:
Today, we are witnessing the extreme end of a period of time that has seen countless iterations of early 50's rock n roll. The lyrical content and musical quality of the music has gotten darker and more profane by the year. The music industry has become a satanic juggernaut pumping out act after act with more and more outlandish antics to attract the attentions of a generation suffering from increasing levels of attention deficit. Occult symbology and practice pervades everything and is viewed as 'normal' and 'hip.' Drug use has become habitual for many and the accompanying health problems and deaths a 'drain' on society.
The Tavistock program for corrupting successive generations with more and more outlandish entertainment has become very sophisticated, deceiving multitudes. Witchcraft and occult rituals are now performed by music 'stars' in plain sight before millions with nary a protest from anyone. Sixty years after the Beatles first appeared, wickedness (deviancy) has been 'normalised' and is now presented as 'good.' The 'sanctity' of family and clean living are viewed with disdain, as being odd or anomalous! The masses are unwittingly mind-controlled by music and movies.
Satanic INVERSION of what is 'good' and 'pure' is the new normal!
Today, we are witnessing the extreme end of a period of time that has seen countless iterations of early 50's rock n roll. The lyrical content and musical quality of the music has gotten darker and more profane by the year. The music industry has become a satanic juggernaut pumping out act after act with more and more outlandish antics to attract the attentions of a generation suffering from increasing levels of attention deficit. Occult symbology and practice pervades everything and is viewed as 'normal' and 'hip.' Drug use has become habitual for many and the accompanying health problems and deaths a 'drain' on society.
The Tavistock program for corrupting successive generations with more and more outlandish entertainment has become very sophisticated, deceiving multitudes. Witchcraft and occult rituals are now performed by music 'stars' in plain sight before millions with nary a protest from anyone. Sixty years after the Beatles first appeared, wickedness (deviancy) has been 'normalised' and is now presented as 'good.' The 'sanctity' of family and clean living are viewed with disdain, as being odd or anomalous! The masses are unwittingly mind-controlled by music and movies.
Satanic INVERSION of what is 'good' and 'pure' is the new normal!
Dear reader:
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that shall he reap." Galatians 6:7
Those who promote or engage in 'sin' will be judged by God one day. No one will escape the last judgement. As Tavistock accelerates its program of social and cultural degradation so also God has accelerated his plan to counter the downward spiral and wake people up before society reaches the point of total corruption and no return!
It's not too late for you if you are reading this. I urge you to turn away from engaging with the evil music and film industries and repent of your sins and God will forgive you. Jesus Christ came to die for your sins on the cross so that you might be saved. He loves you and is faithful to answer all those who call on his name.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
There is no other way to God, for as the scripture says, "Neither is there salvation in any other (Jesus Christ,) for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that shall he reap." Galatians 6:7
Those who promote or engage in 'sin' will be judged by God one day. No one will escape the last judgement. As Tavistock accelerates its program of social and cultural degradation so also God has accelerated his plan to counter the downward spiral and wake people up before society reaches the point of total corruption and no return!
It's not too late for you if you are reading this. I urge you to turn away from engaging with the evil music and film industries and repent of your sins and God will forgive you. Jesus Christ came to die for your sins on the cross so that you might be saved. He loves you and is faithful to answer all those who call on his name.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
There is no other way to God, for as the scripture says, "Neither is there salvation in any other (Jesus Christ,) for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
Private And Public "Schools" Are Centres For Mind Control
Education Of The Masses Is Corrupt And "Dumbed" Down!
* The Luciferian Jesuits Are Waging Relentless War Against Humanity!
“One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world.”
– Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)
“One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world.”
– Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)

Dear Reader
If you are reading this blog then i "assume" you are looking for "truth" about what is happening in the world today. You may be wondering; Why is there NO peace? Why is there CONSTANT AGITATION and WAR? Why are the SOCIAL MORALS and BEHAVIOUR of societies everywhere at an all time low? The simple answer is that the Jesuits, or "Society Of Jesus" have, over 500 years infiltrated themselves into EVERY aspect of human society and in particular, of "great" concern, the educational sphere through duplicity, subterfuge, cunning and sheer tenacity of will!
To put it bluntly; Jesuits control the school systems in every country! That means they are FORMING the MINDS of the YOUNG from a very early age!
It is important to understand right from the start that the Jesuits are NOT Christian in any way shape or form. Neither are they what THEY CLAIM to be. They are a MILITARY ORDER masquerading as a RELIGIOUS ORDER. Their sole reason for "existence" is to RESTORE the SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL power of the PAPACY over the WHOLE WORLD! They achieve this through REVOLUTION, CIVIL INSURRECTION, WAR and SOCIAL ENGINEERING!
They put on a PIOUS front in public but in thought and deed they are agents of EVIL having NO allegiance or love for family, friends, country - only to the Jesuit Superior General of whom they are mind controlled SLAVES! The high level "fourth vow" Jesuits are Luciferians worshipping Satan secretly while masquerading behind a "facade" of false "religious" duty and care.
The Jesuits are WOLVES in SHEEPS CLOTHING, chameleons under orders to deceive and exterminate the innocent and unsuspecting!
In fact, the central Jesuit strategy has always been to "control" the minds of the young in order to "socially engineer" society towards their final "stated" aim of world "domination." Yes, the Jesuits have "openly" stated their aim of WORLD CONQUEST. What better way to achieve this than to control the young by implanting Jesuit concepts (ideologies) and values (morality) into impressionable, unquestioning and TRUSTING minds in classrooms day after day for years. Within 2 or 3 generations this "trickle down" effect of Catholic "influence" would enable them to totally control the MINDS (thinking) and thus the LIVES of the people of the world!
This Jesuit maxim borrowed from Aristotle clearly states their intention; "Give me the child for seven years, and I will give you the man." They understand clearly that "early" indoctrination (inculcation) of a mix of Catholic religious practice ie. works salvation, religious rituals, priestly indemnification of sins plus humanistic philosophy will "dictate" the child's spiritual and moral decisions for LIFE resulting in "eternal damnation."
Education is POWER to "shape" civilisations for "good" or "evil."
Sadly, these children are NEVER taught the FEAR of GOD, OBEDIENCE to his WORD the BIBLE and SALVATION "only" through faith in Jesus Christ!
How has this happened and who are these Jesuits you may ask?
A detailed answer to these questions would require space not available here but the reader could start by looking at other pages on this site or watching this documentary on who the Jesuits are and what their mission is. Your eyes will be opened, i assure you!
What i'm writing here is NOT a lie but a truth so "horrible" so "unbelievable" as to beggar the imagination. Are you brave enough to face it and deal with it? I sincerely hope so! Time is running out for humanity and freedom is going to disappear rapidly as Roman Catholic New World Order "fascism" exerts greater and greater control over ALL world systems.
Humanity is already living on borrowed time!
If you are reading this blog then i "assume" you are looking for "truth" about what is happening in the world today. You may be wondering; Why is there NO peace? Why is there CONSTANT AGITATION and WAR? Why are the SOCIAL MORALS and BEHAVIOUR of societies everywhere at an all time low? The simple answer is that the Jesuits, or "Society Of Jesus" have, over 500 years infiltrated themselves into EVERY aspect of human society and in particular, of "great" concern, the educational sphere through duplicity, subterfuge, cunning and sheer tenacity of will!
To put it bluntly; Jesuits control the school systems in every country! That means they are FORMING the MINDS of the YOUNG from a very early age!
It is important to understand right from the start that the Jesuits are NOT Christian in any way shape or form. Neither are they what THEY CLAIM to be. They are a MILITARY ORDER masquerading as a RELIGIOUS ORDER. Their sole reason for "existence" is to RESTORE the SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL power of the PAPACY over the WHOLE WORLD! They achieve this through REVOLUTION, CIVIL INSURRECTION, WAR and SOCIAL ENGINEERING!
They put on a PIOUS front in public but in thought and deed they are agents of EVIL having NO allegiance or love for family, friends, country - only to the Jesuit Superior General of whom they are mind controlled SLAVES! The high level "fourth vow" Jesuits are Luciferians worshipping Satan secretly while masquerading behind a "facade" of false "religious" duty and care.
The Jesuits are WOLVES in SHEEPS CLOTHING, chameleons under orders to deceive and exterminate the innocent and unsuspecting!
In fact, the central Jesuit strategy has always been to "control" the minds of the young in order to "socially engineer" society towards their final "stated" aim of world "domination." Yes, the Jesuits have "openly" stated their aim of WORLD CONQUEST. What better way to achieve this than to control the young by implanting Jesuit concepts (ideologies) and values (morality) into impressionable, unquestioning and TRUSTING minds in classrooms day after day for years. Within 2 or 3 generations this "trickle down" effect of Catholic "influence" would enable them to totally control the MINDS (thinking) and thus the LIVES of the people of the world!
This Jesuit maxim borrowed from Aristotle clearly states their intention; "Give me the child for seven years, and I will give you the man." They understand clearly that "early" indoctrination (inculcation) of a mix of Catholic religious practice ie. works salvation, religious rituals, priestly indemnification of sins plus humanistic philosophy will "dictate" the child's spiritual and moral decisions for LIFE resulting in "eternal damnation."
Education is POWER to "shape" civilisations for "good" or "evil."
Sadly, these children are NEVER taught the FEAR of GOD, OBEDIENCE to his WORD the BIBLE and SALVATION "only" through faith in Jesus Christ!
How has this happened and who are these Jesuits you may ask?
A detailed answer to these questions would require space not available here but the reader could start by looking at other pages on this site or watching this documentary on who the Jesuits are and what their mission is. Your eyes will be opened, i assure you!
What i'm writing here is NOT a lie but a truth so "horrible" so "unbelievable" as to beggar the imagination. Are you brave enough to face it and deal with it? I sincerely hope so! Time is running out for humanity and freedom is going to disappear rapidly as Roman Catholic New World Order "fascism" exerts greater and greater control over ALL world systems.
Humanity is already living on borrowed time!

A Historical Overview
The Jesuits began to focus on "education" not long after their official "endorsement" by the Roman Catholic papacy in 1540. They understood that the path to power lay in the control of the "minds" of the young. Recognising the need for a structured system they began to formulate a working document in 1581, which was eventually titled "Ratio Studiorum" and by 1599 the "society" had completed the program that is still used today aside from upgrades to keep it relevant to "modernity" and the information age.
By 1640 the Jesuits were running 444 schools and by 1739 it had increased to 669. As of 2015, it is claimed there are 856 schools with 50.586 staff and 876.516 students in most countries of the world including Russia and China. Additionally, there are 1300 "educational" projects servicing 1.2 million people in 22 countries and 175 Refugee Services serving 121.000 people in 20 countries.
This is a staggering total of 2331 Jesuit schools and missions worldwide with a powerful "arc" of influence on all world cultures and all done under the "false" Jesuit "banner" of "social justice."
Read the Jesuit "Oath" above - This is the "true" mind and intention of the Jesuits!
Watch the short video below on the influence of the Jesuits.
The Jesuits began to focus on "education" not long after their official "endorsement" by the Roman Catholic papacy in 1540. They understood that the path to power lay in the control of the "minds" of the young. Recognising the need for a structured system they began to formulate a working document in 1581, which was eventually titled "Ratio Studiorum" and by 1599 the "society" had completed the program that is still used today aside from upgrades to keep it relevant to "modernity" and the information age.
By 1640 the Jesuits were running 444 schools and by 1739 it had increased to 669. As of 2015, it is claimed there are 856 schools with 50.586 staff and 876.516 students in most countries of the world including Russia and China. Additionally, there are 1300 "educational" projects servicing 1.2 million people in 22 countries and 175 Refugee Services serving 121.000 people in 20 countries.
This is a staggering total of 2331 Jesuit schools and missions worldwide with a powerful "arc" of influence on all world cultures and all done under the "false" Jesuit "banner" of "social justice."
Read the Jesuit "Oath" above - This is the "true" mind and intention of the Jesuits!
Watch the short video below on the influence of the Jesuits.
Jesuit Educational Influence Worldwide
You can visit the Jesuit map-making website by clicking on the link below or download the world map Pdf below showing the names of the schools and number per country for each of the Jesuit world districts.
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities In The USA
More information below about Jesuit schools in the USA only!
List of Jesuit Educational Institutions Worldwide
More information below about Jesuit schools worldwide!
You can visit the Jesuit map-making website by clicking on the link below or download the world map Pdf below showing the names of the schools and number per country for each of the Jesuit world districts.
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities In The USA
More information below about Jesuit schools in the USA only!
List of Jesuit Educational Institutions Worldwide
More information below about Jesuit schools worldwide!

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The UN Common Core For Standardised World Education
In conjunction with the Jesuit education program worldwide is the UN Core Curriculum for a standardised education created by Robert Muller and based on Alice Bailey's occult writings. If you wanted to know how thought could be controlled inter generationally then this is your answer.
"Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" that earned him the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989. The "World Core Curriculum" helped inspire the growing Global Education movement. More than 30 Robert Muller schools were founded throughout the world, including LIFE School in Panajachel, Guatemala, from which students have gone on to pursue degrees in International Affairs." - Wikipedia
Muller was instrumental in creating a Luciferian "One World" mindset through education of the young worldwide.
Watch the video below for an understanding how education was hijacked and controlled by the Luciferian Jesuits working behind UN agencies and key personalities like Muller!
In conjunction with the Jesuit education program worldwide is the UN Core Curriculum for a standardised education created by Robert Muller and based on Alice Bailey's occult writings. If you wanted to know how thought could be controlled inter generationally then this is your answer.
"Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" that earned him the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989. The "World Core Curriculum" helped inspire the growing Global Education movement. More than 30 Robert Muller schools were founded throughout the world, including LIFE School in Panajachel, Guatemala, from which students have gone on to pursue degrees in International Affairs." - Wikipedia
Muller was instrumental in creating a Luciferian "One World" mindset through education of the young worldwide.
Watch the video below for an understanding how education was hijacked and controlled by the Luciferian Jesuits working behind UN agencies and key personalities like Muller!

Jesuit Teaching Strategy
The Jesuits developed a diabolical method of teaching called "Learning Against Learning" which brings everything into question, using "relative" thinking to produce circular arguments. Education is taken down to the LCD, "lowest common denominator" where mediocrity is infused into children instead of a striving for "excellence." The student is taught to question and doubt the validity or possibility of any "absolute" principles. Everything is called into question and "truth" becomes "relative" to any situation where there are NO fixed answers!
The result is "FRUITLESS" arguments and debates based on "OPINIONS" based on unsubstantiated "ASSUMPTIONS" and "THEORIES" ending in disillusionment, anger and despair!
This reprobate mental condition exhibited widely today by a "brain washed" dumbed down, "snowflake" (spoiled) generation is prophesied in 2 Timothy 3: 7-8
"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith."
also in 1 Timothy 6:20-21
"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith."
Without a SOLID BIBLICAL foundation of "absolute" principles there is NO POSSIBILITY of EVER establishing TRUTH! None whatsoever!
The Christian "claim" that there are foundational universal principles upon which the Earth (creation) is founded, is "mocked" and thrown out. This "learning against learning" method effectively destroys any "hope" or "faith" the student has in spiritual "truth" as everything is reduced to "materiality" and life in the HERE and NOW! God the creator (first cause) is kicked out and evolution or "magic" is ushered in and taught as "science" truth, which is in reality, just another "belief" system (state religion) founded on "THEORIES," NOT empirical evidence.
Learning against learning is the prime cause for the dramatic increase in atheistic hedonism, apathy and aggression among the youth of the world. With the increase in atheism comes ungodly lifestyles and behaviours that are already impacting and eroding civilised societies everywhere. NO absolutes means NO boundaries or limits because humans are just "animals" without a "soul" and not subject to a God who hates "sin" and will judge every act one day in the future.
Learning against learning "removes" God and his "absolutes" from the human equation, replacing it with empty religion and opens up the door to every "immoral" act because there is no FEAR of ETERNAL retribution or punishment!
This is a deadly illusion because NO ONE will escape the judgement of God!
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
The Jesuits developed a diabolical method of teaching called "Learning Against Learning" which brings everything into question, using "relative" thinking to produce circular arguments. Education is taken down to the LCD, "lowest common denominator" where mediocrity is infused into children instead of a striving for "excellence." The student is taught to question and doubt the validity or possibility of any "absolute" principles. Everything is called into question and "truth" becomes "relative" to any situation where there are NO fixed answers!
The result is "FRUITLESS" arguments and debates based on "OPINIONS" based on unsubstantiated "ASSUMPTIONS" and "THEORIES" ending in disillusionment, anger and despair!
This reprobate mental condition exhibited widely today by a "brain washed" dumbed down, "snowflake" (spoiled) generation is prophesied in 2 Timothy 3: 7-8
"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith."
also in 1 Timothy 6:20-21
"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith."
Without a SOLID BIBLICAL foundation of "absolute" principles there is NO POSSIBILITY of EVER establishing TRUTH! None whatsoever!
The Christian "claim" that there are foundational universal principles upon which the Earth (creation) is founded, is "mocked" and thrown out. This "learning against learning" method effectively destroys any "hope" or "faith" the student has in spiritual "truth" as everything is reduced to "materiality" and life in the HERE and NOW! God the creator (first cause) is kicked out and evolution or "magic" is ushered in and taught as "science" truth, which is in reality, just another "belief" system (state religion) founded on "THEORIES," NOT empirical evidence.
Learning against learning is the prime cause for the dramatic increase in atheistic hedonism, apathy and aggression among the youth of the world. With the increase in atheism comes ungodly lifestyles and behaviours that are already impacting and eroding civilised societies everywhere. NO absolutes means NO boundaries or limits because humans are just "animals" without a "soul" and not subject to a God who hates "sin" and will judge every act one day in the future.
Learning against learning "removes" God and his "absolutes" from the human equation, replacing it with empty religion and opens up the door to every "immoral" act because there is no FEAR of ETERNAL retribution or punishment!
This is a deadly illusion because NO ONE will escape the judgement of God!
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Below are some Jesuit humanist "nonsense" quotes posing as spiritual "wisdom" with BIBLICAL REFUTATION of that worldly wisdom.
Image 1 - Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."
Human desires outside of "salvation" are wicked and displeasing to God!
Image 2 - Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way."
Human love leads to disaster but God leads the man who loves him into all righteousness! Human love is selfish and discriminatory and decides NOTHING godly; obedience to God and a "born again" heart does!
Image 3 - Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
Human activity outside of "salvation" not done as unto the Lord is wicked and displeasing to God.
This is the "foolishness" of "false" Roman Catholic man-centred religion INVERTING the truth of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ!
Image 1 - Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."
Human desires outside of "salvation" are wicked and displeasing to God!
Image 2 - Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way."
Human love leads to disaster but God leads the man who loves him into all righteousness! Human love is selfish and discriminatory and decides NOTHING godly; obedience to God and a "born again" heart does!
Image 3 - Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
Human activity outside of "salvation" not done as unto the Lord is wicked and displeasing to God.
This is the "foolishness" of "false" Roman Catholic man-centred religion INVERTING the truth of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ!

The Jesuit "Obsession" With FICTION!
After "Learning Against Learning" comes the further "indoctrination" in Jesuit private and public schools of young minds with "FICTIONS" of every variety. Fiction in literature (comics, magazines, books,) fiction in films and plays, fiction on TV, fiction in games and fiction in the N.E.W.S.
Postmodern culture is "saturated" with FICTION FANTASIES and this INFLUENCE takes precedence over "FACT" becoming a false "truth" to the deceived!
How did this happen?
Simple. First with the covert takeover of ALL media businesses print and electronic in the early 20th century by the Jesuits through "front" corporations owned by the Vatican, managed by Papal Jews. Then the gradual infiltration of that material into school teaching materials.
Here's a quote from the Newman Society about the aims of Catholic (Jesuit) education:
"What about literature? Good Catholic educators reject the Common Core’s emphasis on technical reading, preferring to instead focus on great literature — the epic tales, classical plays, poetry, biographies, persuasive essays and more that spark wonder, imagination and reasoning in young minds. Such literature prepares them to transform culture and renew it in the light of Christ."
Oh really? Rejecting necessary "technical" reading skills? Transform culture and (renew?) it in the light of Christ? How would you do that? This is a totally false assertion as most of this so called "literature" is CORRUPT, based on "fictive" morality tales, myths and legends containing accounts of wicked human behaviour ancient (Greek, Roman) and modern, embellishing and "glorifying" acts of human treachery, betrayal, murder, depravity and rebellion. Every "sinful" act that Christ HATES!
Statistics indicate that this kind of literature NEVER "transforms" society (human behaviour) but in fact, "debases" it and this is exactly the DEGENERATION we have been witnessing, "Clockwork Orange" style, over the last 80 years since the end of WW II. Society everywhere has never witnessed such an "avalanche" of "base" human behaviour and the rejection of the "good" as people ACT OUT their FANTASIES, even murdering for FUN!
There is a DIRECT correlation to the escalation of EVIL and the increased use of this godless "POP" culture that is now taught in schools everywhere. It coincides exactly with the 1963 "Prohibition" of the "Truths" of the Bible and prayer in schools by Vatican controlled education authorities and all by pre-planned DESIGN.
This is NOT a coincidence!
This is EXACTLY what the Jesuits want! Young people, (who are the future) gorging their minds on USELESS FICTION thus DISTRACTING them from the MOST IMPORTANT FACTS about God, his plan for their lives and their eternal destiny!
After "Learning Against Learning" comes the further "indoctrination" in Jesuit private and public schools of young minds with "FICTIONS" of every variety. Fiction in literature (comics, magazines, books,) fiction in films and plays, fiction on TV, fiction in games and fiction in the N.E.W.S.
Postmodern culture is "saturated" with FICTION FANTASIES and this INFLUENCE takes precedence over "FACT" becoming a false "truth" to the deceived!
How did this happen?
Simple. First with the covert takeover of ALL media businesses print and electronic in the early 20th century by the Jesuits through "front" corporations owned by the Vatican, managed by Papal Jews. Then the gradual infiltration of that material into school teaching materials.
Here's a quote from the Newman Society about the aims of Catholic (Jesuit) education:
"What about literature? Good Catholic educators reject the Common Core’s emphasis on technical reading, preferring to instead focus on great literature — the epic tales, classical plays, poetry, biographies, persuasive essays and more that spark wonder, imagination and reasoning in young minds. Such literature prepares them to transform culture and renew it in the light of Christ."
Oh really? Rejecting necessary "technical" reading skills? Transform culture and (renew?) it in the light of Christ? How would you do that? This is a totally false assertion as most of this so called "literature" is CORRUPT, based on "fictive" morality tales, myths and legends containing accounts of wicked human behaviour ancient (Greek, Roman) and modern, embellishing and "glorifying" acts of human treachery, betrayal, murder, depravity and rebellion. Every "sinful" act that Christ HATES!
Statistics indicate that this kind of literature NEVER "transforms" society (human behaviour) but in fact, "debases" it and this is exactly the DEGENERATION we have been witnessing, "Clockwork Orange" style, over the last 80 years since the end of WW II. Society everywhere has never witnessed such an "avalanche" of "base" human behaviour and the rejection of the "good" as people ACT OUT their FANTASIES, even murdering for FUN!
There is a DIRECT correlation to the escalation of EVIL and the increased use of this godless "POP" culture that is now taught in schools everywhere. It coincides exactly with the 1963 "Prohibition" of the "Truths" of the Bible and prayer in schools by Vatican controlled education authorities and all by pre-planned DESIGN.
This is NOT a coincidence!
This is EXACTLY what the Jesuits want! Young people, (who are the future) gorging their minds on USELESS FICTION thus DISTRACTING them from the MOST IMPORTANT FACTS about God, his plan for their lives and their eternal destiny!

Public And Private Schools
The TROJAN HORSE - Jesuit Ideology and Methodology Infiltrating Schools
There is a misperception by the public that private schools and public schools are vastly different. Private schools are meant to be "church" (mostly Catholic) based around "religious" values whereas public schools are secular, egalitarian and government funded. This is nonsense! The truth is, today, both sectors are controlled; private by the Jesuits and public also by the Jesuits through their MASONIC government hierarchy, populated by Jesuit trained academics and politicians who "obey" orders and direct the implementation of school curriculums! This is termed "Fifth Column" Infiltration and Subversion.
The same Luciferian agenda is being applied to education everywhere; there are 391 Jesuit schools in Hindu India alone! The introduction of relativism, the teaching of socially DESTRUCTIVE Cultural Marxist values such as Social Justice, Globalism, Feminism, Racial Integration, Environmentalism as well as Scientism ie. evolution, helio-centrism and space have all been inserted over decades into ALL curriculums eliminating alternative (creation) viewpoints and inciting social dissension and divisiveness thus creating generations of godless, selfish, immoral people.
Ultimately, if unchecked, this path can only lead to a societal "FASCIST" hell on Earth because there IS a point of NO RETURN!
The pagan Roman Catholic church and its religious fraternities (monks & priests) and sororities (nuns) had played a role for a long time in controlling education usually for royalty since the beginning of the "mediaeval" (Dark Ages) period (500 AD) in Europe. With the Protestant Reformation breaking forth in 1517 and the arrival of the "printing press" earlier in 1439 came a huge threat to Rome's power and influence over the dissemination of KNOWLEDGE and thus the "militant" Jesuit order was created in order to form an "offensive" (Counter Reformation) against the onslaught of Biblical truth and freedom that had destroyed the spiritual state of DARKNESS, "ignorance" and "fear" that the Roman Catholic church had kept the ordinary man in for so many centuries.
One of the long term strategies for world domination devised by the Jesuits in the 1500's was to co-opt the education of the children of sovereign nations in order to DESTROY nations from the "inside," exactly the same method employed by the Greeks with the TROJAN HORSE! All nations are right now being corrupted from "within" by godless Jesuit "atheistic humanist" principles being espoused to the young.
There is now a massive effort by the Jesuits to "indoctrinate" society as efficiently and quickly as possible! Even sexual identity is under assault as the Jesuits attempt to pervert and "invert" social norms thus WEAKENING the family ties that hold society together. They understand that a "debauched" and "sinful" society will come under the JUDGEMENT of God and be destroyed eventually just like Sodom and Gomorrah were.
God is patient but there is a point at which he INTERVENES sovereignly to PUNISH evil.
The TROJAN HORSE - Jesuit Ideology and Methodology Infiltrating Schools
There is a misperception by the public that private schools and public schools are vastly different. Private schools are meant to be "church" (mostly Catholic) based around "religious" values whereas public schools are secular, egalitarian and government funded. This is nonsense! The truth is, today, both sectors are controlled; private by the Jesuits and public also by the Jesuits through their MASONIC government hierarchy, populated by Jesuit trained academics and politicians who "obey" orders and direct the implementation of school curriculums! This is termed "Fifth Column" Infiltration and Subversion.
The same Luciferian agenda is being applied to education everywhere; there are 391 Jesuit schools in Hindu India alone! The introduction of relativism, the teaching of socially DESTRUCTIVE Cultural Marxist values such as Social Justice, Globalism, Feminism, Racial Integration, Environmentalism as well as Scientism ie. evolution, helio-centrism and space have all been inserted over decades into ALL curriculums eliminating alternative (creation) viewpoints and inciting social dissension and divisiveness thus creating generations of godless, selfish, immoral people.
Ultimately, if unchecked, this path can only lead to a societal "FASCIST" hell on Earth because there IS a point of NO RETURN!
The pagan Roman Catholic church and its religious fraternities (monks & priests) and sororities (nuns) had played a role for a long time in controlling education usually for royalty since the beginning of the "mediaeval" (Dark Ages) period (500 AD) in Europe. With the Protestant Reformation breaking forth in 1517 and the arrival of the "printing press" earlier in 1439 came a huge threat to Rome's power and influence over the dissemination of KNOWLEDGE and thus the "militant" Jesuit order was created in order to form an "offensive" (Counter Reformation) against the onslaught of Biblical truth and freedom that had destroyed the spiritual state of DARKNESS, "ignorance" and "fear" that the Roman Catholic church had kept the ordinary man in for so many centuries.
One of the long term strategies for world domination devised by the Jesuits in the 1500's was to co-opt the education of the children of sovereign nations in order to DESTROY nations from the "inside," exactly the same method employed by the Greeks with the TROJAN HORSE! All nations are right now being corrupted from "within" by godless Jesuit "atheistic humanist" principles being espoused to the young.
There is now a massive effort by the Jesuits to "indoctrinate" society as efficiently and quickly as possible! Even sexual identity is under assault as the Jesuits attempt to pervert and "invert" social norms thus WEAKENING the family ties that hold society together. They understand that a "debauched" and "sinful" society will come under the JUDGEMENT of God and be destroyed eventually just like Sodom and Gomorrah were.
God is patient but there is a point at which he INTERVENES sovereignly to PUNISH evil.
Today, elite Jesuit schools are churning out religiously atheistic graduates who are spiritually "bankrupt," materialistic, narcissistic and arrogant. Students graduating from government schools have experienced the same type of narrow, inbred dumbed down education where Jesuit "REVISIONIST" Histories and Helio-Centric SCIENTISM have been hammered into them. They are "smart" and "dumb" at the same time. They "know" something and "nothing" at the same time. They're "religious" but have no "spiritual" foundation and everything is "relative" to them based on "feelings" and "emotions." They live for "NOW" and to hell with "TOMORROW."
These young people have NO fear of God and do whatever "FEELS RIGHT" to them! Many of them are SJW "Fascists" unwittingly carrying out the orders of their New World Order Jesuit masters and thinking they are doing GOOD! They are so proud they seem to have forgotten that they CAN and WILL DIE! They don't understand that the Jesuits are loyal to no one and will eliminate them when they are of no further use. Having no "mind" of their own and no firm foundation of "truth" they become "useless idiots" fit only to become victims of their Jesuit "oppressors."
They are the end "result" of Satanic "INDOCTRINATION" by the Jesuit controlled education system and they DO NOT TOLERATE ALTERNATE VIEWPOINTS!
These young people have NO fear of God and do whatever "FEELS RIGHT" to them! Many of them are SJW "Fascists" unwittingly carrying out the orders of their New World Order Jesuit masters and thinking they are doing GOOD! They are so proud they seem to have forgotten that they CAN and WILL DIE! They don't understand that the Jesuits are loyal to no one and will eliminate them when they are of no further use. Having no "mind" of their own and no firm foundation of "truth" they become "useless idiots" fit only to become victims of their Jesuit "oppressors."
They are the end "result" of Satanic "INDOCTRINATION" by the Jesuit controlled education system and they DO NOT TOLERATE ALTERNATE VIEWPOINTS!
Bible Warnings About Deception
2 Peter 2:2, 12-13
“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing."
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.”
2 Peter 2:2, 12-13
“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing."
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.”
Further references:
The Revolutionary Movement - J. Findlater - 1933
A Diagnosis Of World Disorders Fomented By The Jesuits
The Revolutionary Movement - J. Findlater - 1933
A Diagnosis Of World Disorders Fomented By The Jesuits

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