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“It is here that the tremendous power of the Church makes itself felt. It is through this [Jesuit] ‘direction’ that statesmen are compelled to act, not for the benefit of the country to which they belong, but for the benefit of the Church, which controls them. It is here that matters of the most secret nature are discussed and decided [like the present Crusade against Islam, the attack into Afghanistan commencing on the anniversary of the naval Battle of Lepanto when the Armada of the Pope’s Knights of Malta destroyed the Armada of the Islamic Ottoman Turks on October 7, 1571. It is here that alliances . . . are arranged, and political treaties are agreed on.”
The Black Pope - Mary Cusack (former nun) 1896, pg. 106.
“It is here that the tremendous power of the Church makes itself felt. It is through this [Jesuit] ‘direction’ that statesmen are compelled to act, not for the benefit of the country to which they belong, but for the benefit of the Church, which controls them. It is here that matters of the most secret nature are discussed and decided [like the present Crusade against Islam, the attack into Afghanistan commencing on the anniversary of the naval Battle of Lepanto when the Armada of the Pope’s Knights of Malta destroyed the Armada of the Islamic Ottoman Turks on October 7, 1571. It is here that alliances . . . are arranged, and political treaties are agreed on.”
The Black Pope - Mary Cusack (former nun) 1896, pg. 106.
ALL POPES believe they are GOD!
“For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the one true God.”
Pope Innocent III - Antichrist of the Dark Ages, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
“We [the Popes] hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.
Undeniable evidence mouthed repeatedly over 6 centuries of the threat by the Roman Cult to RULE the EARTH! This REMAINS the major threat TODAY!
“For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the one true God.”
Pope Innocent III - Antichrist of the Dark Ages, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
“We [the Popes] hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.
Undeniable evidence mouthed repeatedly over 6 centuries of the threat by the Roman Cult to RULE the EARTH! This REMAINS the major threat TODAY!
“But if our hopes in this should be blasted, and since offences of necessity will come, our political schemes must be cunningly varied, according to the different posture of the times; and princes, our intimates, whom we can influence to follow our counsels, must be pushed on to embroil themselves in vigorous wars one with another, to the end, our Society (as promoters of the universal good of the world,) may on all hands be solicited to contribute its assistance, and always employed in being mediators of public dissensions: . . . ”
Ignatius Loyola - Founder, 1st Jesuit General, 1540-1556, "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," 1540.
This has NOT changed! The JESUITS continue to execute this MANDATE of Loyola today with ferocious tenacity and heartless cruelty toward the people of the Earth!
“But if our hopes in this should be blasted, and since offences of necessity will come, our political schemes must be cunningly varied, according to the different posture of the times; and princes, our intimates, whom we can influence to follow our counsels, must be pushed on to embroil themselves in vigorous wars one with another, to the end, our Society (as promoters of the universal good of the world,) may on all hands be solicited to contribute its assistance, and always employed in being mediators of public dissensions: . . . ”
Ignatius Loyola - Founder, 1st Jesuit General, 1540-1556, "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," 1540.
This has NOT changed! The JESUITS continue to execute this MANDATE of Loyola today with ferocious tenacity and heartless cruelty toward the people of the Earth!

Dear Reader
History has been REVISED by Jesuit authors to the point where it almost doesn't make sense. So much detail has been OMITTED and or EXAGGERATED that reference to the Jesuits and their connection to historical events is often difficult to ascertain. However, the truth can readily be found by perusing the writings of Jesuit authors and otherwise who were contemporary to their times and described events accurately and without bias. Original historical pictures and text when combined, paint an ominous picture of "diabolical cunning" in covering up the truth about Jesuit involvement. Many scholarly books warning about the Jesuits have been "disappeared" by the Jesuits through their worldwide media conglomerate and are no longer available for purchase, some only as Pdf's. Nevertheless, the truth will come OUT regardless of Rome's efforts to suppress it!
In this article i will attempt to CUT THROUGH the MYTHS surrounding 2 of the most influential characters in modern world history and give a simplified account of who they were and why they did what they did! Feel free to make your own judgements!
Download free "out of print" Pdf books about the JESUIT order at:
History has been REVISED by Jesuit authors to the point where it almost doesn't make sense. So much detail has been OMITTED and or EXAGGERATED that reference to the Jesuits and their connection to historical events is often difficult to ascertain. However, the truth can readily be found by perusing the writings of Jesuit authors and otherwise who were contemporary to their times and described events accurately and without bias. Original historical pictures and text when combined, paint an ominous picture of "diabolical cunning" in covering up the truth about Jesuit involvement. Many scholarly books warning about the Jesuits have been "disappeared" by the Jesuits through their worldwide media conglomerate and are no longer available for purchase, some only as Pdf's. Nevertheless, the truth will come OUT regardless of Rome's efforts to suppress it!
In this article i will attempt to CUT THROUGH the MYTHS surrounding 2 of the most influential characters in modern world history and give a simplified account of who they were and why they did what they did! Feel free to make your own judgements!
Download free "out of print" Pdf books about the JESUIT order at:

Napoleon Bonaparte: Jesuit Agent & Servant Of Rome
Few people know that Napoleon, (1769-1821) born on the island of Corsica, was raised by Roman Catholic parents and educated first by nuns until the age of 9 and then by the Jesuits in France. He spent only 4 months, January to May 1779 at the Autun Academy near Aix, then was transferred to the Brienne Le Chateau military school for 6 years until 1784. Then he was sent to the Ecole Militaire in Paris finishing a 2 year course in 1 year. This was all funded by a "scholarship" but of course the identity of the patron is undisclosed.
I maintain the Jesuits saw potential in Napoleon from the time he was young and with his parents agreement, funded him, grooming him as an obedient "hammer" of vengeance, to crush the enemies of the Jesuits; Popes, the Kings and Queens of Europe who expelled them, other Catholic orders and the Muslims. This he was to do, changing the political and spiritual face of Europe forever and laying the foundation for the Jesuit's future, Luciferian New World Order!
Few people know that Napoleon, (1769-1821) born on the island of Corsica, was raised by Roman Catholic parents and educated first by nuns until the age of 9 and then by the Jesuits in France. He spent only 4 months, January to May 1779 at the Autun Academy near Aix, then was transferred to the Brienne Le Chateau military school for 6 years until 1784. Then he was sent to the Ecole Militaire in Paris finishing a 2 year course in 1 year. This was all funded by a "scholarship" but of course the identity of the patron is undisclosed.
I maintain the Jesuits saw potential in Napoleon from the time he was young and with his parents agreement, funded him, grooming him as an obedient "hammer" of vengeance, to crush the enemies of the Jesuits; Popes, the Kings and Queens of Europe who expelled them, other Catholic orders and the Muslims. This he was to do, changing the political and spiritual face of Europe forever and laying the foundation for the Jesuit's future, Luciferian New World Order!

The Making Of A HAMMER: Napoleon's Progress 1785 - 1799
The rise of Napoleon to ruler of France cannot be understood unless it is within the context of a "hidden hand" assisting him every step of the way. His involvement in the complex Corsican "nationalist" struggle while at the same time fighting for France, one of the 3 protagonists involved, is inexplicable. "He was a supporter of the republican Jacobin movement, organising clubs in Corsica." - (Wikipedia.) The Jacobins were vicious Masonic thugs controlled by the Jesuits under the guise of "Illuminati." The Jesuits are MASTER political and military agitators using a vast resource of historical knowledge to usurp advantage over their enemies. All 4th vow Jesuits are highly trained in numerous academic fields and are military tacticians. The Jesuits always use a 3rd party to do their "dirty work" while they appear "unconnected" to major political and spiritual events!
Their tactic is always the same: INFILTRATE and SUBVERT their enemies secretly from behind the scenes! This behaviour is in "full" accord with their "bloody" oaths!
It is vital to remember here that in 1773 the Jesuits had already been suppressed by order of Pope Clement XIV so Napoleon was being guided covertly by the Jesuits during his rise to power. Napoleon's adviser (handler) was Emmanuel (Abbie) Joseph Sieyès a Jesuit trained clergyman, writer, political theorist and founding father of the "Social Sciences." He was a major player and took 6 key positions of political power at critical moments during the 10 years of the Revolution ensuring Napoleon's hold on power and rise to the place of "emperor." This description of him by his associates is very chilling; that of a cold and dispassionate man.
"Although Sieyès was passionate about his ideologies, he had a rather uninvolved social life. His journals and papers held much information about his studies but almost nothing pertaining to his personal life. His associates referred to him as cold and vain. In particular, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord remarked that, "Men are in his eyes chess-pieces to be moved, they occupy his mind but say nothing to his heart."
Sieyès: His Life And His Nationalism. Van Deusen, Glyndon, pg 22.
Just as major political leaders today have Jesuits standing behind them so did Napoleon. He did as he was told in exchange for "Earthly" reward. Time and again we read that Napoleon disobeyed commands or left his post or backed the opposing side and yet was NOT reprimanded, punished or SHOT! How is that even possible? Only if powerful people were looking out for him and paving the way forward ... and pave the Jesuits did!
For example, " He was promoted to captain in the regular army in July 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against French troops." - (Wikipedia.) What? A French commander leading a riot against French troops. Isn't that TREASON? No problem; instead of punishment or death he was PROMOTED! That's diabolical Jesuitical INVERSION of what is RIGHT! This happens again and again when reading the story of Napoleon's rapid rise to power. Somewhere between 1785 and 1795 Napoleon became a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of Paris. (recorded by Catholic historian Nesta Webster) European Freemasonry was taken over by the Jesuits in 1776 when the Illuminati was created by Adam Weishaupt as a FRONT to conceal the Jesuit's ACTIONS during their 40 year suppression. Napoleon was a Masonic "deist" and the willing servant of the Luciferian Jesuits.
Napoleon understood fully who the Jesuits were and admits it. In exile on St Helena (1815-1821) he wrote; "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." His admission is not one of horror at the realisation but of Luciferian ADMIRATION! The Jesuits used him and then used their English lackeys to assassinate him when he became expendable!
Could Napoleon's warning to us from the grave be any clearer?
The rise of Napoleon to ruler of France cannot be understood unless it is within the context of a "hidden hand" assisting him every step of the way. His involvement in the complex Corsican "nationalist" struggle while at the same time fighting for France, one of the 3 protagonists involved, is inexplicable. "He was a supporter of the republican Jacobin movement, organising clubs in Corsica." - (Wikipedia.) The Jacobins were vicious Masonic thugs controlled by the Jesuits under the guise of "Illuminati." The Jesuits are MASTER political and military agitators using a vast resource of historical knowledge to usurp advantage over their enemies. All 4th vow Jesuits are highly trained in numerous academic fields and are military tacticians. The Jesuits always use a 3rd party to do their "dirty work" while they appear "unconnected" to major political and spiritual events!
Their tactic is always the same: INFILTRATE and SUBVERT their enemies secretly from behind the scenes! This behaviour is in "full" accord with their "bloody" oaths!
It is vital to remember here that in 1773 the Jesuits had already been suppressed by order of Pope Clement XIV so Napoleon was being guided covertly by the Jesuits during his rise to power. Napoleon's adviser (handler) was Emmanuel (Abbie) Joseph Sieyès a Jesuit trained clergyman, writer, political theorist and founding father of the "Social Sciences." He was a major player and took 6 key positions of political power at critical moments during the 10 years of the Revolution ensuring Napoleon's hold on power and rise to the place of "emperor." This description of him by his associates is very chilling; that of a cold and dispassionate man.
"Although Sieyès was passionate about his ideologies, he had a rather uninvolved social life. His journals and papers held much information about his studies but almost nothing pertaining to his personal life. His associates referred to him as cold and vain. In particular, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord remarked that, "Men are in his eyes chess-pieces to be moved, they occupy his mind but say nothing to his heart."
Sieyès: His Life And His Nationalism. Van Deusen, Glyndon, pg 22.
Just as major political leaders today have Jesuits standing behind them so did Napoleon. He did as he was told in exchange for "Earthly" reward. Time and again we read that Napoleon disobeyed commands or left his post or backed the opposing side and yet was NOT reprimanded, punished or SHOT! How is that even possible? Only if powerful people were looking out for him and paving the way forward ... and pave the Jesuits did!
For example, " He was promoted to captain in the regular army in July 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against French troops." - (Wikipedia.) What? A French commander leading a riot against French troops. Isn't that TREASON? No problem; instead of punishment or death he was PROMOTED! That's diabolical Jesuitical INVERSION of what is RIGHT! This happens again and again when reading the story of Napoleon's rapid rise to power. Somewhere between 1785 and 1795 Napoleon became a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of Paris. (recorded by Catholic historian Nesta Webster) European Freemasonry was taken over by the Jesuits in 1776 when the Illuminati was created by Adam Weishaupt as a FRONT to conceal the Jesuit's ACTIONS during their 40 year suppression. Napoleon was a Masonic "deist" and the willing servant of the Luciferian Jesuits.
Napoleon understood fully who the Jesuits were and admits it. In exile on St Helena (1815-1821) he wrote; "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." His admission is not one of horror at the realisation but of Luciferian ADMIRATION! The Jesuits used him and then used their English lackeys to assassinate him when he became expendable!
Could Napoleon's warning to us from the grave be any clearer?

In 1792 Napoleon was promoted to Captain in the French regular army. He's already proven his "revolutionary" salt to his ghostly superiors in Corsica. In 1793 as artillery commander of the "Army of Italy" he is wounded during the "Siege of Toulon" and promoted to brigadier general at the age of 24. He is made commander of forces guarding the Republican National Convention in 1795 repulsing the royalist forces becoming famous and thus promoted to Commander of the Interior and Commander of the Army of Italy. In 1797 after a succession of victories in the Italian campaign, France controls northern Italy, Venice, the Lowland countries and brings Austria to heel. Between 1797 and 1799 Napoleon drives the Knights Hospitaller (later Knights Of Malta) out of Malta, crushes the Mamluk ruling caste in Egypt and lays brutal seige to coastal towns like Jaffa and Acre in the Ottoman territory of Syria and Galilee in order to establish French control of the trade route to India via the Middle East. Or so the books say! Looks more like Roman Catholic payback to the Muslims who opposed the popes attempts to capture Jerusalem and the Holy Land during the 4 major crusades between 1096 and 1291.
On November 9, (911) 1799, Napoleon, by re-writing the constitution and fudging the numbers in a "rigged plebiscite" gets himself elected as "first consul" and effectively becomes dictator of France.
** Remember that the "bloody" French Revolution is happening simultaneously between 1789 and 1799 while Napoleon is campaigning in the field punishing the Jesuit's enemies and that he becomes "Dictator of France" on the same date that the "revolution" ends; November 9, 1799! If you call that coincidence then you just aren't paying attention. This was all PLANNED by the Jesuits down to the exact day and month they wanted - 911 which has very HIGH occult significance to Luciferians.
On November 9, (911) 1799, Napoleon, by re-writing the constitution and fudging the numbers in a "rigged plebiscite" gets himself elected as "first consul" and effectively becomes dictator of France.
** Remember that the "bloody" French Revolution is happening simultaneously between 1789 and 1799 while Napoleon is campaigning in the field punishing the Jesuit's enemies and that he becomes "Dictator of France" on the same date that the "revolution" ends; November 9, 1799! If you call that coincidence then you just aren't paying attention. This was all PLANNED by the Jesuits down to the exact day and month they wanted - 911 which has very HIGH occult significance to Luciferians.

Napoleon isn't done yet! In 1800 he crushes the Austrians in Northern Italy and by 1802 has signed a treaty with the British. Using political intrigue and assassination plots against him he harnesses "sympathy" and gets himself elected as "Emperor" in 1804, believing himself to be a Roman "Caesar." The Jesuits had re-created a new Roman Empire. Don't think so? Napoleon was crowned with a gold Roman "laurel wreathe" and a replica of "Charlemagne's" crown was also made but Napoleon refused to wear it. Napoleon greatly admired the Romans and preferred being the new Augustus CAESAR! of the Jesuit's new created Holy Roman Empire.
** Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Emperor crowned in AD 800 on December 25th. You just can't make this stuff up! December 25 is the height of the Luciferian winter solstice, later to become "Christ mass" a pagan Roman Catholic celebration of Saturnalia! It's all Luciferian!
** Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Emperor crowned in AD 800 on December 25th. You just can't make this stuff up! December 25 is the height of the Luciferian winter solstice, later to become "Christ mass" a pagan Roman Catholic celebration of Saturnalia! It's all Luciferian!

Between 1805 and 1814 Napoleon waged an ongoing campaign of battles against 3 more coalitions of European nations. Examining the different alliances and counter alliances, battles that were thrown and decisions that resulted in ultimate defeat we see the rise and then steady decline of Napoleon but even more telling we see the Jesuit hand manoeuvring the European powers like chess pieces on a board. Is it possible to display such genius in some battles (Austerlitz, Jena and Auerstedt) and then stupidity in others (Leipzig, Aspern-Essling and Waterloo?) With Napoleon, this contradiction is what we see.
Napoleon's Russian campaign is telling. He waited until June 24, 1812 to invade but the Russians kept retreating and stalling until September 7 when they finally engaged Napoleon near Moscow. Defeated, the Russians burned Moscow and retreated again. Napoleon waited another 5 weeks before making a decision to return to France. Of course the winter snows trapped the French army and more than 350.000 men perished from exposure and the Cossack sword. Napoleon, like a coward abandoned his army to their fate and fled back to Paris in a sled.
This was the Jesuits destroying the youthful "republican" manhood of France. They would do EXACTLY the same using Hitler with the "Operation Barbarossa" invasion of Russia in 1941. Hitler would ignore the advice of his generals resulting in an estimated 830.000 men lost in battle and as a result of the extreme winter conditions. Hitler, like Napoleon also delayed his invasion by 2 weeks for unexplained reasons, contributing greatly to the failure of the campaign.
Napoleon's Russian campaign is telling. He waited until June 24, 1812 to invade but the Russians kept retreating and stalling until September 7 when they finally engaged Napoleon near Moscow. Defeated, the Russians burned Moscow and retreated again. Napoleon waited another 5 weeks before making a decision to return to France. Of course the winter snows trapped the French army and more than 350.000 men perished from exposure and the Cossack sword. Napoleon, like a coward abandoned his army to their fate and fled back to Paris in a sled.
This was the Jesuits destroying the youthful "republican" manhood of France. They would do EXACTLY the same using Hitler with the "Operation Barbarossa" invasion of Russia in 1941. Hitler would ignore the advice of his generals resulting in an estimated 830.000 men lost in battle and as a result of the extreme winter conditions. Hitler, like Napoleon also delayed his invasion by 2 weeks for unexplained reasons, contributing greatly to the failure of the campaign.
“There is no record in history of an association whose organisation has stood for three hundred years unchanged and unaltered by all the assaults of men and time, and which has exercised such an immense influence over the destinies of mankind . . . ‘The ends justify the means,’ is his favourite maxim; and as his only end, as we have shewn, is the order, at its bidding the Jesuit is ready to commit any crime whatsoever.”
History of the Jesuits - G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 [Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England]

Napoleon continued to fight on against a coalition of European powers after his disaster in Russia. Again he delayed in his tactics (why?) allowing his enemies to gain the upper hand so that by 1814 the game is up as they close in on him. He is banished to the island of Elba and the European powers then squabble over a "peace plan" for Europe at the Congress of Vienna between Nov. 1814 and June 1815. Miraculously, Napoleon escapes (How?) and on Feb. 26 he's back in France with full support of the army and leaders (How?) beginning a new campaign. He is then defeated at Waterloo by Wellington and Leberecht von Blucher where he throws the battle to the English. Why?
Well, because, the Jesuits used the news of the battle to feign defeat of the British and take control of the Bank of England through their servant Nathan Mayer Rothschild who bought up what were suddenly deemed as worthless stocks at pennies in the pound before his ruse was uncovered! The Bank of England is still controlled by the Jesuits today!
** Napoleon is a "pawn" in the hands of the Jesuits. Abbe Sieyes gives him his orders and he complies. A victory here, a defeat there according to the Jesuit plan for the chessboard of Europe! In the end they checkmate him, killing him with arsenic in exile! Did he see it coming? The ignoble end of a HAMMER of VENGEANCE used to smash the non-compliant monarchs of Europe and eliminate the protestant peoples!
Between 1789 and 1815 the Jesuits brilliantly killed many birds with one stone. They 1) got rid of their obedient "Hammer," Napoleon in 1815, after using him to crush the Kings and Queens of Europe, they 2) took revenge on their enemy the Dominican order, assassinating thousands of priests during the French Revolution, they 3) did the same with their political enemies, beheading, shooting and imprisoning more than 50.000 victims, they 4) formed a "Holy Alliance" through their tool Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria with the monarchs of Europe through the Congress of Vienna and later the secret "Treaty of Verona" in 1822 to suppress all attempts by the peoples of Europe for "popular" government, they 5) expanded their "nascent" American Empire with the "bargain basement" purchase of the "Louisiana" territory for $15 million and finally 6) resurfaced "triumphant" from "suppression" on Aug. 7, 1814 nearly 41 years later in almost total control of Europe under the guise of the mysterious, "Illuminati."
Well, because, the Jesuits used the news of the battle to feign defeat of the British and take control of the Bank of England through their servant Nathan Mayer Rothschild who bought up what were suddenly deemed as worthless stocks at pennies in the pound before his ruse was uncovered! The Bank of England is still controlled by the Jesuits today!
** Napoleon is a "pawn" in the hands of the Jesuits. Abbe Sieyes gives him his orders and he complies. A victory here, a defeat there according to the Jesuit plan for the chessboard of Europe! In the end they checkmate him, killing him with arsenic in exile! Did he see it coming? The ignoble end of a HAMMER of VENGEANCE used to smash the non-compliant monarchs of Europe and eliminate the protestant peoples!
Between 1789 and 1815 the Jesuits brilliantly killed many birds with one stone. They 1) got rid of their obedient "Hammer," Napoleon in 1815, after using him to crush the Kings and Queens of Europe, they 2) took revenge on their enemy the Dominican order, assassinating thousands of priests during the French Revolution, they 3) did the same with their political enemies, beheading, shooting and imprisoning more than 50.000 victims, they 4) formed a "Holy Alliance" through their tool Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria with the monarchs of Europe through the Congress of Vienna and later the secret "Treaty of Verona" in 1822 to suppress all attempts by the peoples of Europe for "popular" government, they 5) expanded their "nascent" American Empire with the "bargain basement" purchase of the "Louisiana" territory for $15 million and finally 6) resurfaced "triumphant" from "suppression" on Aug. 7, 1814 nearly 41 years later in almost total control of Europe under the guise of the mysterious, "Illuminati."
April 30, 1803 - Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to the USA doubling the size of the Jesuit's American Empire.
1809 - Napoleon takes Pope Pius VII prisoner until 1814 when he agrees, under pressure, to lift the suppression on the Jesuits.
April 11, 1814 - Napoleon abdicates and is sent into exile on Elba.
November 1814 - June 22, 1815 - Congress of Vienna is overseen by Jesuit General Tadeusz Brzozowski - Absolute Monarchs Promoting Absolute Despotisms for the next 100 years by war and revolution until the outbreak of WWI in 1914.
August 6, 1814 - Pope Pius VII Papal Bull restores the Jesuit order after 41 years of suppression.
February 26, 1815 - Napoleon escapes and lands in France - start of the 100 days.
June 18, 1815 - Napoleon throws the battle and the Bank of England falls into Jesuit hands.
June 22, 1815 - Napoleon surrenders to the British - start of final exile to St Helena.
May 5, 1821 - Napoleon dies on St Helena after being poisoned with arsenic by the British.
November 22, 1822 - Treaty of Verona agreed upon by the major European political powers to establish absolute rule over the nations of Europe, Russia, America and the nations of the Far East under the Jesuits.
April 30, 1803 - Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to the USA doubling the size of the Jesuit's American Empire.
1809 - Napoleon takes Pope Pius VII prisoner until 1814 when he agrees, under pressure, to lift the suppression on the Jesuits.
April 11, 1814 - Napoleon abdicates and is sent into exile on Elba.
November 1814 - June 22, 1815 - Congress of Vienna is overseen by Jesuit General Tadeusz Brzozowski - Absolute Monarchs Promoting Absolute Despotisms for the next 100 years by war and revolution until the outbreak of WWI in 1914.
August 6, 1814 - Pope Pius VII Papal Bull restores the Jesuit order after 41 years of suppression.
February 26, 1815 - Napoleon escapes and lands in France - start of the 100 days.
June 18, 1815 - Napoleon throws the battle and the Bank of England falls into Jesuit hands.
June 22, 1815 - Napoleon surrenders to the British - start of final exile to St Helena.
May 5, 1821 - Napoleon dies on St Helena after being poisoned with arsenic by the British.
November 22, 1822 - Treaty of Verona agreed upon by the major European political powers to establish absolute rule over the nations of Europe, Russia, America and the nations of the Far East under the Jesuits.
“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.”
The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers - M. Josephson, 1968, American Physician & Historian
“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.”
The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers - M. Josephson, 1968, American Physician & Historian
"Being one of the greatest enigmas of history, Napoleon was a tool of the Order. As a result of the Order’s Suppression in 1773, Napoleon, believing the people should not have the Bible in their own language pursuant to the Council of Trent, was brought to power out of Corsica, the Order’s island fortress. Through Bonaparte’s military exploits the Jesuits imprisoned the Papal Caesar and drove the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe into exile until they had learned their lesson to never interfere with the POWER of the Black Pope.
Here we see the great betrayal by the Emperor as he abandons his Grande Armee of 250,000? men to the snows and Cossacks of Russia in 1812. Those brave men, truly believing they were fighting for liberty, could not be allowed to return to France, the Order intending to reduce Europe to the tyranny of the Holy Alliance. To further dash the hopes of the French, Napoleon, betrayed by his Jesuit masters including the Jesuit-trained coadjutor Abbe Sieyes, was confined to St. Helena, an island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and in due time given the Order’s “poison cup” by his detested English jailer in 1821."
Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, Vol. XIV, p. 748.
"Being one of the greatest enigmas of history, Napoleon was a tool of the Order. As a result of the Order’s Suppression in 1773, Napoleon, believing the people should not have the Bible in their own language pursuant to the Council of Trent, was brought to power out of Corsica, the Order’s island fortress. Through Bonaparte’s military exploits the Jesuits imprisoned the Papal Caesar and drove the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe into exile until they had learned their lesson to never interfere with the POWER of the Black Pope.
Here we see the great betrayal by the Emperor as he abandons his Grande Armee of 250,000? men to the snows and Cossacks of Russia in 1812. Those brave men, truly believing they were fighting for liberty, could not be allowed to return to France, the Order intending to reduce Europe to the tyranny of the Holy Alliance. To further dash the hopes of the French, Napoleon, betrayed by his Jesuit masters including the Jesuit-trained coadjutor Abbe Sieyes, was confined to St. Helena, an island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and in due time given the Order’s “poison cup” by his detested English jailer in 1821."
Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, Vol. XIV, p. 748.
By 1822, the stage is set for the Jesuits to move their plan for world domination forward under the leadership of Johannes Philip Roothaan, 21st Superior General of the Jesuits between 1829 and 1853. The plans are set for the American Civil War between 1861 and 1865 to "divide" America and suppress democratic "autonomy." The Jesuits will incite a multitude of wars in every part of the world using European Empires subservient to Rome to militarily suppress all attempts at establishing popular government and "self rule" by indigenous peoples.
The Holy Alliance of 1815 had consisted of Russia led by the Romanoffs, Prussia led by the Hohenzollerns and Austria led by the Hapsburgs but by 1914 all three had long abandoned Rome, asserting their independence and thwarting the Jesuit's master plan. The Jesuits were enraged and embroiled Protestant Lutheran Prussian Germany and Austria in the First World War ending in their defeat and humiliation by 1918. Then in 1917 they orchestrated the Bolshevist Revolution in Russia, assassinating the royal family and turning the country into a Marxist hell hole.
These events set the scene on the world stage for the events that followed a few decades later in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan culminating in World War 2.
The Jesuits had orchestrated WWI and now they would finish the job with WWII completing their second 30 year war against Protestant Christianity!
The Holy Alliance of 1815 had consisted of Russia led by the Romanoffs, Prussia led by the Hohenzollerns and Austria led by the Hapsburgs but by 1914 all three had long abandoned Rome, asserting their independence and thwarting the Jesuit's master plan. The Jesuits were enraged and embroiled Protestant Lutheran Prussian Germany and Austria in the First World War ending in their defeat and humiliation by 1918. Then in 1917 they orchestrated the Bolshevist Revolution in Russia, assassinating the royal family and turning the country into a Marxist hell hole.
These events set the scene on the world stage for the events that followed a few decades later in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan culminating in World War 2.
The Jesuits had orchestrated WWI and now they would finish the job with WWII completing their second 30 year war against Protestant Christianity!

Adolf Hitler: The New Napoleon - Jesuit Agent & Servant of Rome
Like Napoleon, Hitler was raised Roman Catholic by Roman Catholic parents and remained a servant of the Roman religion. The myths about him being half Jewish are just nonsense; a Jesuit attempt to create confusion over his origins. This can be confirmed with a basic fact check. He was born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara Pölzl on April, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Irregardless of what has been written about Hitler and the stories are numerous; he remained a Roman Catholic all his life and there is a textual and pictorial record to prove it!
"In 1941, Hitler told General Gerhart Engel: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” He never left the church. He was baptised a Roman Catholic as an infant and was a communicant and altar boy in his youth."
Taken from: "Hitler Was A Good Catholic"
There isn't enough solid textual information to prove conclusively that he was a Freemason or sympathetic to their cause as most of the Masonic lodges in Germany were eventually closed down by Hitler's administration except for one favoured chapter, thus creating the "illusion" that the Nazis were anti Masonic. However, the TRUTH is in the photos where we see Hitler flashing Masonic signs indicating he was indeed a "Masonic" adept!
He was an occultist as well as Catholic, demonstrating that both "dovetail" together, CONTRARY to all the false claims of the RC church that Freemasonry is the "enemy" of the church! His mentor Dietrich Eckhart was a member of the Thule Society. They met when Hitler joined the DAP (German Workers Party) (later NSDAP -Nazi Party) in Munich sometime in 1919 as an undercover agent while still in the army. Hitler despite all his rhetoric, was a Luciferian (both Roman Catholicism & Thule are occult - satanic) serving Satan all the while proclaiming God and Christianity! Remember, Catholicism is NOT Christianity!
Hitler appears to have said and been so many conflicting things and rubbed shoulders with so many different kinds of people (leading to contradictions and opacity on his life) in his rise to prominence from obscurity but it is his almost invisible connections to the Jesuits (likely through Masonry) that appears to escape the notice of even prominent historians. This is in spite of the documented evidence that Himmler was a Jesuit, Himmler's uncle was a Jesuit and the SS was modelled on the Jesuit Order. This is openly stated in documents. Why is this ignored? Well, because no book laying the blame for WWII at the feet of the Jesuits will EVER make the bestseller list, let alone get approved for publishing! It might even get the author killed for his troubles!
Just like Napoleon, close study reveals how Hitler was assisted every step of the way up to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933 (a year of "High" occult significance) and then "Fuhrer" (Leader) the very next year. How is this possible?
Many will argue that he was saying the right things and was popular and so had the full support of his party and the German people. This may be true to some extent but it ignores the powers behind the scenes pulling strings making Hitler's rapid ascent to power possible, just as it did for Napoleon.
The truth is visible in Hitler's HAND SIGNS, which are MASONIC and the Freemasons (all secret societies) had come under Jesuit control by 1814!
Like Napoleon, Hitler was raised Roman Catholic by Roman Catholic parents and remained a servant of the Roman religion. The myths about him being half Jewish are just nonsense; a Jesuit attempt to create confusion over his origins. This can be confirmed with a basic fact check. He was born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara Pölzl on April, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Irregardless of what has been written about Hitler and the stories are numerous; he remained a Roman Catholic all his life and there is a textual and pictorial record to prove it!
"In 1941, Hitler told General Gerhart Engel: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” He never left the church. He was baptised a Roman Catholic as an infant and was a communicant and altar boy in his youth."
Taken from: "Hitler Was A Good Catholic"
There isn't enough solid textual information to prove conclusively that he was a Freemason or sympathetic to their cause as most of the Masonic lodges in Germany were eventually closed down by Hitler's administration except for one favoured chapter, thus creating the "illusion" that the Nazis were anti Masonic. However, the TRUTH is in the photos where we see Hitler flashing Masonic signs indicating he was indeed a "Masonic" adept!
He was an occultist as well as Catholic, demonstrating that both "dovetail" together, CONTRARY to all the false claims of the RC church that Freemasonry is the "enemy" of the church! His mentor Dietrich Eckhart was a member of the Thule Society. They met when Hitler joined the DAP (German Workers Party) (later NSDAP -Nazi Party) in Munich sometime in 1919 as an undercover agent while still in the army. Hitler despite all his rhetoric, was a Luciferian (both Roman Catholicism & Thule are occult - satanic) serving Satan all the while proclaiming God and Christianity! Remember, Catholicism is NOT Christianity!
Hitler appears to have said and been so many conflicting things and rubbed shoulders with so many different kinds of people (leading to contradictions and opacity on his life) in his rise to prominence from obscurity but it is his almost invisible connections to the Jesuits (likely through Masonry) that appears to escape the notice of even prominent historians. This is in spite of the documented evidence that Himmler was a Jesuit, Himmler's uncle was a Jesuit and the SS was modelled on the Jesuit Order. This is openly stated in documents. Why is this ignored? Well, because no book laying the blame for WWII at the feet of the Jesuits will EVER make the bestseller list, let alone get approved for publishing! It might even get the author killed for his troubles!
Just like Napoleon, close study reveals how Hitler was assisted every step of the way up to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933 (a year of "High" occult significance) and then "Fuhrer" (Leader) the very next year. How is this possible?
Many will argue that he was saying the right things and was popular and so had the full support of his party and the German people. This may be true to some extent but it ignores the powers behind the scenes pulling strings making Hitler's rapid ascent to power possible, just as it did for Napoleon.
The truth is visible in Hitler's HAND SIGNS, which are MASONIC and the Freemasons (all secret societies) had come under Jesuit control by 1814!

Hitler And Cardinal Pacelli: The Vatican Connection
Let's get something straight right here. What is TOLD in any "official" narrative is always a LIE! This whole world operates on LIES. This is how the DECEPTION is maintained by the Jesuits of Rome. They have written history and that history is a TOTAL FABRICATION containing small fragments of truth.
Hitler was boosted into power by the Jesuit HIDDEN HAND and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was the facilitator under instructions of undoubtedly the most wicked Jesuit Superior General who ever drew breath; Wlodimir Ledóchowski! These 2 men orchestrated every aspect of Hitler's regime prior to and during WWII. There's always 2 sides to a story and sometimes 3. If you are unfamiliar with the Jesuits and their MIND then read their bloody 4th oath HERE and you'll understand what their evil goal is and the means they will resort to in order to obtain it!
Hitler APPEARED to care for the plight of the German people but the truth is, his REAL mission was to REBUILD and then DESTROY (smash) Germany and lay waste to its Protestant Christian heritage as well as the Jews. To CRUSH the German peoples into submission once and for all. Hard to believe? It is a fact. The Jesuits used Hitler and his friends Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Roosevelt, Hirohito and Churchill to WASTE Europe, Russia and Asia so they could inaugurate the Jesuit's 44 year 'COLD WAR" in preparation to REBUILD them into an atheistic LUCIFERIAN EMPIRE. These men weren't ENEMIES as history declares them to be! They were acting together for a "COMMON CAUSE" ... a New World Order in which they believed!
Dear reader, these men were following instructions from the Jesuits every step of the way! Hard to believe i know but it is a FACT! All these world leaders were TRAITORS to their people, CARRYING OUT a Jesuit plan that resulted in the EXTERMINATION of tens of millions of people both civilian and military! They were all controlled and are VILLAINS not HEROES!
Today we see the New World Order they have created out of the United Nations. WWII was just another INQUISITION PROGRAM to further the JESUITICAL COUNTER REFORMATION against Biblical Christianity begun in 1567 after the evil Council of Trent concluded! Today, Europe, Russia and Asia are fundamentally godless, pagan, atheistic, Roman Catholic strongholds.
** The photo evidence of the full involvement of the Roman Catholic Church with Hitler's "Third Reich" is damning. The Vatican's repeated plea of innocence based on "not knowing" and "not wanting to get involved in politics" is HYPOCRISY beyond belief. The VATICAN is a POLITICAL STATE and was continually updated on actions taken by the Nazi regime. This is documented in a continuous stream of letters and communication sent and received by the Pope's confirming their guilt!
Let's get something straight right here. What is TOLD in any "official" narrative is always a LIE! This whole world operates on LIES. This is how the DECEPTION is maintained by the Jesuits of Rome. They have written history and that history is a TOTAL FABRICATION containing small fragments of truth.
Hitler was boosted into power by the Jesuit HIDDEN HAND and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was the facilitator under instructions of undoubtedly the most wicked Jesuit Superior General who ever drew breath; Wlodimir Ledóchowski! These 2 men orchestrated every aspect of Hitler's regime prior to and during WWII. There's always 2 sides to a story and sometimes 3. If you are unfamiliar with the Jesuits and their MIND then read their bloody 4th oath HERE and you'll understand what their evil goal is and the means they will resort to in order to obtain it!
Hitler APPEARED to care for the plight of the German people but the truth is, his REAL mission was to REBUILD and then DESTROY (smash) Germany and lay waste to its Protestant Christian heritage as well as the Jews. To CRUSH the German peoples into submission once and for all. Hard to believe? It is a fact. The Jesuits used Hitler and his friends Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Roosevelt, Hirohito and Churchill to WASTE Europe, Russia and Asia so they could inaugurate the Jesuit's 44 year 'COLD WAR" in preparation to REBUILD them into an atheistic LUCIFERIAN EMPIRE. These men weren't ENEMIES as history declares them to be! They were acting together for a "COMMON CAUSE" ... a New World Order in which they believed!
Dear reader, these men were following instructions from the Jesuits every step of the way! Hard to believe i know but it is a FACT! All these world leaders were TRAITORS to their people, CARRYING OUT a Jesuit plan that resulted in the EXTERMINATION of tens of millions of people both civilian and military! They were all controlled and are VILLAINS not HEROES!
Today we see the New World Order they have created out of the United Nations. WWII was just another INQUISITION PROGRAM to further the JESUITICAL COUNTER REFORMATION against Biblical Christianity begun in 1567 after the evil Council of Trent concluded! Today, Europe, Russia and Asia are fundamentally godless, pagan, atheistic, Roman Catholic strongholds.
** The photo evidence of the full involvement of the Roman Catholic Church with Hitler's "Third Reich" is damning. The Vatican's repeated plea of innocence based on "not knowing" and "not wanting to get involved in politics" is HYPOCRISY beyond belief. The VATICAN is a POLITICAL STATE and was continually updated on actions taken by the Nazi regime. This is documented in a continuous stream of letters and communication sent and received by the Pope's confirming their guilt!

Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli came from a family that was closely linked to the Papal families (Black Nobility) and rose through the ranks rapidly. His brother Francesco, a canon lawyer helped negotiate the Lateran Treaty with Benito Mussolini which gave birth to the Vatican State in 1929. This is a very significant event in world history. A church became a country? Can anyone see something WRONG with that?
You can read all the details about Pacelli's rise to power HERE.
Pacelli was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Germany on June 23, 1920 and carried out secret negotiations with Hitler during his rise to power in the 1920's. Let's have a look at this amazing "convergence."
In 1933 Hitler is Chancellor, Pacelli is Nuncio. That same year a "Reichskonkordat" is signed between the Roman church and the Nazi government of Germany. (A "concordat" is a treaty pledging allegiance and OBEDIENCE to the Pope of Rome.) All the garbage written about a silent war between the Pope and Hitler is pure nonsense written for gullible people! They were all WORKING TOGETHER to fulfil the Jesuit's PLAN for EUROPE! It was and still is, all about CONQUEST!
Pacelli is rewarded for his cooperation with the Jesuits and promoted to POPE, 6 years later on March 2, 1939, becoming Pope Pius XII. Only very wicked men go to the top and Pacelli was wicked. His predecessor Pope Pius XI said so before he died.
He stated, "When today the Pope dies, you'll get another one tomorrow, because the Church continues. It would be a much bigger tragedy, if Cardinal Pacelli dies, because there is only one. I pray every day, God may send another one into one of our seminaries, but as of today, there is only one in this world."
Satanic inversion flips the meaning so it actually reads; "he is so evil, there is only one like him in the world."
Hitler is also rewarded with the top position as Fuhrer of Germany the next year as part of the deal and the stage is set for the commencement of the Jesuit Vatican WWII.
You can read all the details about Pacelli's rise to power HERE.
Pacelli was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Germany on June 23, 1920 and carried out secret negotiations with Hitler during his rise to power in the 1920's. Let's have a look at this amazing "convergence."
In 1933 Hitler is Chancellor, Pacelli is Nuncio. That same year a "Reichskonkordat" is signed between the Roman church and the Nazi government of Germany. (A "concordat" is a treaty pledging allegiance and OBEDIENCE to the Pope of Rome.) All the garbage written about a silent war between the Pope and Hitler is pure nonsense written for gullible people! They were all WORKING TOGETHER to fulfil the Jesuit's PLAN for EUROPE! It was and still is, all about CONQUEST!
Pacelli is rewarded for his cooperation with the Jesuits and promoted to POPE, 6 years later on March 2, 1939, becoming Pope Pius XII. Only very wicked men go to the top and Pacelli was wicked. His predecessor Pope Pius XI said so before he died.
He stated, "When today the Pope dies, you'll get another one tomorrow, because the Church continues. It would be a much bigger tragedy, if Cardinal Pacelli dies, because there is only one. I pray every day, God may send another one into one of our seminaries, but as of today, there is only one in this world."
Satanic inversion flips the meaning so it actually reads; "he is so evil, there is only one like him in the world."
Hitler is also rewarded with the top position as Fuhrer of Germany the next year as part of the deal and the stage is set for the commencement of the Jesuit Vatican WWII.
Following is Hitler's open admission that he is carrying on the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church persecuting, incarcerating, torturing and killing Jews and Christians in the belief he is doing service to God!
"As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organisation of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organisation into my own party.”
Franz von Papen, Hitler's Chancellor made similar statements confirming that this is the accepted program of Hitler's government!
"The Third Reich is the first power that not only recognises, but puts into practice the high principles of the Papacy."
"Vatican Policy in World Affairs-The Converted Catholic"
This was prophesied by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago!
"They will put you out of the synagogues. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." John 16:2

Hitler's Modus Operandi
Like Napoleon, Hitler will go on to make strange decisions at crucial moments during the war, resulting in plots by top officers to assassinate him. Many historians state that Hitler "should have won." These bad decisions would result in enormous losses of life and in the end, the destruction of Germany and Protestant Christianity. But i'm positing that, that was the Jesuit's intention from the beginning. Hitler was raised up to be an obedient HAMMER of vengeance for the Jesuits. That was his purpose! He was FOLLOWING ORDERS to re-arrange Europe!
It appears all went well between 1933 and 1942 until slowly but surely the wheels started to fall off the war effort after his decisions in the Ukraine offensive. Part of the problem appears to have been Hitler's system of rule which placed him at the top of the hierarchy causing all to rely entirely on his decisions for good or bad.
"Hitler made clear in his speeches that the people formed a pyramid. “At its apex was ‘the genius, the great man.’ . . . The Leader was the ‘central point’ or ‘preserver’ of the ‘idea.’ This demanded, Hitler repeatedly under-lined, blind obedience and loyalty from the followers" (Kershaw, 2008, p. 181).
Read more about the evil Wlodimir Ledochowski SG at:
This is a mirror of the Jesuit "power" structure with the Superior General (Ledochowski between 1939 and 1945) at the apex giving orders to those below. Hitler was megalomaniacal and cruelly vindictive and enjoyed the suffering of others. This is pure Jesuitical behaviour. They enjoy torture and the suffering of others. That's why the Jesuits still control the Office of the Inquisition today, only the title has changed to: "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith."
"In this regard, Hitler was extremely cruel. It was not enough for him to dispose of his enemies once and for all. They had to suffer! The conspirators of July 20, 1944, were not simply killed, they were murdered slowly and excruciatingly (Fest, 2004a, p.1005). The executions were filmed and, on the very same evening, Hitler watched the movies to the “last convulsions of the delinquents" (“letzte Zuckungen der Delinquenten”; Fest, 2004a, p.1006)."
"In this respect, Haffner’s speculation that it was a heart felt matter for Hitler to destroy the German nation was not so fallacious. In the Burned Soil (Vebrannte Erde) Commands (Nero-Befehl; Haffner, 1978, p. 198), Hitler expressed the living conditions he wished for the German people after the war. "None! The best had anyway died and the remaining do not deserve any consideration."
Taken from: A psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler's decision making as commander in chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus
Was Hitler cruel and vindictive toward the German people? Without a doubt, like Napoleon, he was a traitor and tyrant working to a covert ROMAN agenda to WASTE Germany!
Do the German people understand this today? Maybe some but there is a "collective" guilt that cripples them to the present day. Here is a statement made by German writers Dorner and Guss about the BEWITCHING of Germany denying the culpability of the German populace or Hitler, or so it seems!
"What can one do against the dark power of evil? We Germans were just misled. It was not really us who committed these atrocities: It was an overarching dark power that caused us to become members of the Hitler Youth, to become soldiers, and to completely destroy almost all of Europe. We were bewitched. Such a demonising of Hitler only deflects responsibility."
"A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler's Decision Making as Commander In Chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus," Dorner and Guss, pg 48.
Read the full article HERE or download the Pdf:
Like Napoleon, Hitler will go on to make strange decisions at crucial moments during the war, resulting in plots by top officers to assassinate him. Many historians state that Hitler "should have won." These bad decisions would result in enormous losses of life and in the end, the destruction of Germany and Protestant Christianity. But i'm positing that, that was the Jesuit's intention from the beginning. Hitler was raised up to be an obedient HAMMER of vengeance for the Jesuits. That was his purpose! He was FOLLOWING ORDERS to re-arrange Europe!
It appears all went well between 1933 and 1942 until slowly but surely the wheels started to fall off the war effort after his decisions in the Ukraine offensive. Part of the problem appears to have been Hitler's system of rule which placed him at the top of the hierarchy causing all to rely entirely on his decisions for good or bad.
"Hitler made clear in his speeches that the people formed a pyramid. “At its apex was ‘the genius, the great man.’ . . . The Leader was the ‘central point’ or ‘preserver’ of the ‘idea.’ This demanded, Hitler repeatedly under-lined, blind obedience and loyalty from the followers" (Kershaw, 2008, p. 181).
Read more about the evil Wlodimir Ledochowski SG at:
This is a mirror of the Jesuit "power" structure with the Superior General (Ledochowski between 1939 and 1945) at the apex giving orders to those below. Hitler was megalomaniacal and cruelly vindictive and enjoyed the suffering of others. This is pure Jesuitical behaviour. They enjoy torture and the suffering of others. That's why the Jesuits still control the Office of the Inquisition today, only the title has changed to: "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith."
"In this regard, Hitler was extremely cruel. It was not enough for him to dispose of his enemies once and for all. They had to suffer! The conspirators of July 20, 1944, were not simply killed, they were murdered slowly and excruciatingly (Fest, 2004a, p.1005). The executions were filmed and, on the very same evening, Hitler watched the movies to the “last convulsions of the delinquents" (“letzte Zuckungen der Delinquenten”; Fest, 2004a, p.1006)."
"In this respect, Haffner’s speculation that it was a heart felt matter for Hitler to destroy the German nation was not so fallacious. In the Burned Soil (Vebrannte Erde) Commands (Nero-Befehl; Haffner, 1978, p. 198), Hitler expressed the living conditions he wished for the German people after the war. "None! The best had anyway died and the remaining do not deserve any consideration."
Taken from: A psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler's decision making as commander in chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus
Was Hitler cruel and vindictive toward the German people? Without a doubt, like Napoleon, he was a traitor and tyrant working to a covert ROMAN agenda to WASTE Germany!
Do the German people understand this today? Maybe some but there is a "collective" guilt that cripples them to the present day. Here is a statement made by German writers Dorner and Guss about the BEWITCHING of Germany denying the culpability of the German populace or Hitler, or so it seems!
"What can one do against the dark power of evil? We Germans were just misled. It was not really us who committed these atrocities: It was an overarching dark power that caused us to become members of the Hitler Youth, to become soldiers, and to completely destroy almost all of Europe. We were bewitched. Such a demonising of Hitler only deflects responsibility."
"A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler's Decision Making as Commander In Chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus," Dorner and Guss, pg 48.
Read the full article HERE or download the Pdf:

hitlerreviewofgeneralpsycdoernerguess2011__1_.pdf | |
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Watch how Nazi Germany was created by the Roman Catholic Empire!

Here's A Short List of Hitler's "Inexplicable" War Errors
The Dunkirk Evacuation - May 26-June 4, 1940
What happened? Hitler was allowed to be victorious and overrun France early in the piece, cutting off 338.226 British troops so they had to be evacuated. But wait! Hitler just let them go. Why didn't he destroy them? He was told not to, that's why. Why didn't Hitler take the opportunity to attack England at that strategic moment of so called allied weakness? Because he was told not to. Why? The Jesuits wanted a long, protracted war giving them time to destroy their population targets. They needed time (years) to do this.
Battle Of Britain - July 10, 1940
What happened? For 3 months the German airforce bombed England attempting to inflict enough damage and ensuring the success of Operation Sea Lion which was to follow. Why? After enormous losses of aircraft Hitler called a halt and abandoned his planned attempt at invading England by sea. Had he persisted he might have succeeded. Instead he turned his focus to the Eastern forum as he was ordered to do leaving his Western flank open to attack and once again extending the length of the war.
Operation Sea lion - September, 1940
What happened? Nothing! Hitler abandoned his plan for invasion by sea and focused his resources in the opposite direction to confront his fellow Jesuitical coadjutor and friend, Stalin in the East. The reason given is oil but this is just a distraction. The real purpose is the destruction of his army, Stalin's army, civilians and ultimately the vanquished German people. This operation had it gone ahead in tandem with continued aerial bombardment may have been successful!
Operation Barbarossa - June 22, 1941 - January 7, 1942
What happened? Hitler decides to redirect a large part of his army toward Russia just like Napoleon did. Even better, he delays, just as Napoleon did at a critical juncture diminishing his chances of success because of the oncoming Russian winter. Isn't that amazing, he's COPYING Napoleon's ERROR! Why? Is he an idiot? No, he's simply following orders to slowly DESTROY his army in the same manner Napoleon did! Many of these soldiers were Protestant Lutherans. Remember, the Jesuits are a MILITARY ORDER!
It is estimated more than 3 million German personnel were involved in this fatal theatre on the Eastern Front. Stalin, another Jesuit trained stooge, got the chance (under orders) to waste his army to the tune of millions dead and an estimated 5 million Russian men taken as P.O.W's by the Germans of which 3.5 million perished! Fatalities for the german army numbered 830.000. Millions of civilians also perished in the conflict. Some estimate upward of 14 million victims!
The result? An ongoing war of attrition backwards and forwards resulting in the deaths of millions more, ending finally in January 1945 with the capitulation of the German forces. For what? A protracted war designed to waste populations, many people of which are Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish and Catholic persuasion.
It must be remembered here that the German (Nazism,) Italian (Fascism) and Russian (Communism) war machines were constructed and financed by the Jesuit controlled Masonic Wall Street Bankers like Schiff, Warburg, Morgan and Bush in New York. This is a documented fact. Both sides, (Allies & Axis) are being financed and controlled by the same HIDDEN HAND. The Jesuits ALWAYS control both sides and NEVER LOSE in a conflict!
** Remember, the Jesuits took control of the US money supply when they secretly created their Masonic FEDERAL RESERVE bank on December 23, 1913, just in time to print millions in worthless paper, "Fiat" currency to finance their "Inquisitional" war against Germany, WWI! See, "The Monster From Jekyll Island" by historian G. Edward Griffin, 1994, for the facts about this.
Dear Reader
Adolf Hitler and his top men including Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and William Frick were Roman Catholic. Himmler was a Jesuit and modelled the SS on the Jesuit order. Hitler himself stated, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." That implicates the Nazis with the Jesuits in one statement! Under Hitler's Social Democrat government Germany essentially became a Catholic vassal state and "SWORD" of Rome even though only 40% of the population was Catholic. The facts literally scream, Hitler's ties to Rome and his unswerving allegiance to the Pope. Hitler carried out the protocols of the Jesuit order in everything he did. He openly declared his awe and admiration for the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic church just as Napoleon did!
Hitler and his Catholic cronies became a HAMMER of vengeance for the Luciferian Jesuits to "crush" the German PROTESTANT peoples once and for all so they could rebuild Germany as a 20th century economic "miracle" and the cornerstone of their coming Luciferian, European Union.
Martin Bormann, Hitler's second in charge would be tasked by the Jesuits with secreting the Nazi riches out of Germany into Swiss Banks. "In Berlin, Hitler had advised Bormann to "Bury everything, you will need it to return to power." - NY Times 1973. Stories were circulated about both Hitler's and Bormann's suicides in Berlin as the Russians approached yet many eyewitnesses attest to seeing both of them in South America years later but that is another account. The truth is the "bodies" of both men were never recovered. MIRACULOUSLY in a few decades, Germany rises from the rubble like a "PHOENIX," rapidly rebuilding to become a post WWII economic "POWERHOUSE." HOW is that possible? Only with assistance by the Jesuits! It was all pre-planned.
Read an account of Bormann's post war economic exploits at:
Martin Bormann and the Future of Germany by Paul Manning
** There is no doubt in my mind that both men exited Europe via the Vatican "RAT LINES" secretly in order to perpetuate Jesuit MYTHS that persist today about their deaths. The JESUITS are the "MASTERS" of MYTH and MAGIC and the creation of FALSE or ILLUSORY realities! Life truly is "stranger than fiction" when WAKING UP and discovering the truth after so many years of believing Jesuitical revisionist histories and pseudo science "LIES" learned from school textbooks published by the Masonic press!
According to many disparate sources Hitler and Bormann lived out their days in South America. A reward from the Jesuits for a job well done!
Adolf Hitler and his top men including Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and William Frick were Roman Catholic. Himmler was a Jesuit and modelled the SS on the Jesuit order. Hitler himself stated, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." That implicates the Nazis with the Jesuits in one statement! Under Hitler's Social Democrat government Germany essentially became a Catholic vassal state and "SWORD" of Rome even though only 40% of the population was Catholic. The facts literally scream, Hitler's ties to Rome and his unswerving allegiance to the Pope. Hitler carried out the protocols of the Jesuit order in everything he did. He openly declared his awe and admiration for the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic church just as Napoleon did!
Hitler and his Catholic cronies became a HAMMER of vengeance for the Luciferian Jesuits to "crush" the German PROTESTANT peoples once and for all so they could rebuild Germany as a 20th century economic "miracle" and the cornerstone of their coming Luciferian, European Union.
Martin Bormann, Hitler's second in charge would be tasked by the Jesuits with secreting the Nazi riches out of Germany into Swiss Banks. "In Berlin, Hitler had advised Bormann to "Bury everything, you will need it to return to power." - NY Times 1973. Stories were circulated about both Hitler's and Bormann's suicides in Berlin as the Russians approached yet many eyewitnesses attest to seeing both of them in South America years later but that is another account. The truth is the "bodies" of both men were never recovered. MIRACULOUSLY in a few decades, Germany rises from the rubble like a "PHOENIX," rapidly rebuilding to become a post WWII economic "POWERHOUSE." HOW is that possible? Only with assistance by the Jesuits! It was all pre-planned.
Read an account of Bormann's post war economic exploits at:
Martin Bormann and the Future of Germany by Paul Manning
** There is no doubt in my mind that both men exited Europe via the Vatican "RAT LINES" secretly in order to perpetuate Jesuit MYTHS that persist today about their deaths. The JESUITS are the "MASTERS" of MYTH and MAGIC and the creation of FALSE or ILLUSORY realities! Life truly is "stranger than fiction" when WAKING UP and discovering the truth after so many years of believing Jesuitical revisionist histories and pseudo science "LIES" learned from school textbooks published by the Masonic press!
According to many disparate sources Hitler and Bormann lived out their days in South America. A reward from the Jesuits for a job well done!

Luciferian Sun Worship & Androgyny
History is not what you've been led to believe! The TRUE history of the world runs PARALLEL to the "textbook history" sold to the public. The question is WHY has this been done as it has definitely NOT happened by CHANCE! NO, NO, NO! To believe that would be deliberate, wilful ignorance.
The truth is; correct KNOWLEDGE about history and science has been SUPPRESSED and MANIPULATED down through the ages by a pagan Luciferian Cult who aspire to WORLD RULE! This cult practices ancient Babylonian religion, worshipping the sun and sexual androgyny as central to their pagan mystical "gnostic" religion. Using the Roman Catholic religion as a vehicle and instrument of "power" they have covertly usurped control over all world systems. The goal is a One World Government and religion... theirs! Lucifer or Satan is their "god" and they ADMIT this openly! Deception and lies are the foundation of their world system.
Learn more about the Luciferian UN agenda to destroy God's perfect order:
Transgenderism, Androgyny and Occult Godhood
Learn more about Jesuitical Masonic pseudo science at:
SCIENTISM: The Luciferian Fake Science Deception!
The JESUITS control this world system from the top of the POWER PYRAMID they have CREATED over 500 years! They hide behind multiple "smokescreens; the "evil" Jew myth, which they created long ago and the "evil" Banker myth, which they also created! They have DECEIVED the whole world!
History is not what you've been led to believe! The TRUE history of the world runs PARALLEL to the "textbook history" sold to the public. The question is WHY has this been done as it has definitely NOT happened by CHANCE! NO, NO, NO! To believe that would be deliberate, wilful ignorance.
The truth is; correct KNOWLEDGE about history and science has been SUPPRESSED and MANIPULATED down through the ages by a pagan Luciferian Cult who aspire to WORLD RULE! This cult practices ancient Babylonian religion, worshipping the sun and sexual androgyny as central to their pagan mystical "gnostic" religion. Using the Roman Catholic religion as a vehicle and instrument of "power" they have covertly usurped control over all world systems. The goal is a One World Government and religion... theirs! Lucifer or Satan is their "god" and they ADMIT this openly! Deception and lies are the foundation of their world system.
Learn more about the Luciferian UN agenda to destroy God's perfect order:
Transgenderism, Androgyny and Occult Godhood
Learn more about Jesuitical Masonic pseudo science at:
SCIENTISM: The Luciferian Fake Science Deception!
The JESUITS control this world system from the top of the POWER PYRAMID they have CREATED over 500 years! They hide behind multiple "smokescreens; the "evil" Jew myth, which they created long ago and the "evil" Banker myth, which they also created! They have DECEIVED the whole world!
If you have persisted reading this far, then it means you are "looking" for answers! I have done my best to WARN you of the DANGER that lies ahead! The truth is, this world is under the authority of a powerful "evil" angel who has MALICIOUS intentions toward mankind. God is allowing Satan to do what he is doing for a limited time because he is an instrument in God's plan for mankind! Every human soul must make a choice of ALLEGIANCE to either JESUS CHRIST (GOOD) or SATAN (EVIL) the "god" of this world. There is NO third choice. Rejecting Christ, forgiveness for personal SIN and his Lordship over your life will result in ETERNAL separation from God = ETERNAL DAMNATION.
God MUST punish all those who refuse his offer of MERCY and choose instead to make themselves "god" and do what is evil! God is a JUST "judge" so he must PUNISH sin (rebellion) and REWARD righteousness (obedience!) He is FAIR! Rejecting God and his plan of REDEMPTION means CHOOSING to serve Satan whether you personally believe Satan exists or not. This world is first and foremost a "SPIRITUAL" reality. The material is fading away day by day!
Every "Soul" will die and stand before God at the LAST JUDGEMENT! There is NO escape! Everyone who has ever lived will face the judgement and an eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell!
"Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment."
Hebrews 9:27
God MUST punish all those who refuse his offer of MERCY and choose instead to make themselves "god" and do what is evil! God is a JUST "judge" so he must PUNISH sin (rebellion) and REWARD righteousness (obedience!) He is FAIR! Rejecting God and his plan of REDEMPTION means CHOOSING to serve Satan whether you personally believe Satan exists or not. This world is first and foremost a "SPIRITUAL" reality. The material is fading away day by day!
Every "Soul" will die and stand before God at the LAST JUDGEMENT! There is NO escape! Everyone who has ever lived will face the judgement and an eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell!
"Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment."
Hebrews 9:27
Jesus Christ said, "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life, NO MAN comes to the Father (God) but through ME." John 14:6
There is NO other way to be SAVED from SIN and DEATH!
God loves you and his FREE offer of Mercy is being offered NOW but time is running out on human history. This AGE is almost finished, darkness is falling and these are the LAST DAYS!
The Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire "BEAST" system is HERE NOW and is attempting to DECEIVE all into accepting the One World Religion and worship of Satan's god-man Dictator - the Pope of Rome! This is the MARK of the Beast! All who take this mark and JOIN this world system WILL DIE ETERNALLY!
I urge you to Save yourself from this EVIL generation!
If you want to learn more go HERE and HERE
There is NO other way to be SAVED from SIN and DEATH!
God loves you and his FREE offer of Mercy is being offered NOW but time is running out on human history. This AGE is almost finished, darkness is falling and these are the LAST DAYS!
The Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire "BEAST" system is HERE NOW and is attempting to DECEIVE all into accepting the One World Religion and worship of Satan's god-man Dictator - the Pope of Rome! This is the MARK of the Beast! All who take this mark and JOIN this world system WILL DIE ETERNALLY!
I urge you to Save yourself from this EVIL generation!
If you want to learn more go HERE and HERE