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NASA and The Space Deception
In the late 1950's and into the 60's when missile technology had advanced enough, there was an attempt by the US and Russian governments to "nuke" the protective covering (dome/firmament) over the Earth which had been discovered by Antarctic explorers Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen between 1900-22 and then confirmed by Operation Highjump led by Admiral Byrd when 3 naval fleets sailed to Antarctica to assess the thermo-magnetic properties of the dome. The nuke operations were called Fishbowl and Domenic. Byrd was later killed in order to silence him about this truth!
When the attempt to smash the dome failed, the Luciferian cabal set up NASA in 1958 for the purpose of controlling all access to the sky/space in order to "hide" the truth of the Bible. The fake "space race" fiction was invented to deceive the people of the world with the lie of "space travel" to the stars, to promote nationalism and fleece taxpayers. NASA and 13 other "fake" space agencies control ALL information related to space including all the fake CGI pictures and video fed to the public via the Jesuit controlled world media conglomerate.
It is all FAKE ... there are NO REAL TIME photos or videos from space because NO ONE has been or can go into space. NO ONE! It's all filmed in Hollywood (Moon Landings) or the Canadian Arctic (Mars Rover) and in a giant swimming pool (ISS.) Yes folks, the ISS is in a pool of water on Earth. Yes, the moon missions were filmed on a Hollywood film set by Stanley Kubrick! He was very involved with NASA and later was killed like Admiral Byrd in order to silence him!
The famous "Hubble" space telescope is NOT in space but on board a Boeing 747 titled SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) flying around in Earth's atmosphere. Hundreds of billions of $$$$'s have been spent on the space fiction to keep people believing in this false hope and to perpetuate an industry that employs thousands of people worldwide.
All astronauts are Freemasons. Now why would that be significant? Astronauts are gatekeepers of the NASA hoax and are sworn to secrecy under a terrible "blood" oath. In return for perpetuating the "space" lie they are rewarded with fame and fortune. You can check this easily online.
The "BALL" Earth is what keeps the LIE active. No spinning ball = no Heliocentric space model = the Bible is TRUE and GOD is real = oh, oh reality!
NASA is a lie to HIDE the flat Earth, the firmament and GOD!!
In the late 1950's and into the 60's when missile technology had advanced enough, there was an attempt by the US and Russian governments to "nuke" the protective covering (dome/firmament) over the Earth which had been discovered by Antarctic explorers Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen between 1900-22 and then confirmed by Operation Highjump led by Admiral Byrd when 3 naval fleets sailed to Antarctica to assess the thermo-magnetic properties of the dome. The nuke operations were called Fishbowl and Domenic. Byrd was later killed in order to silence him about this truth!
When the attempt to smash the dome failed, the Luciferian cabal set up NASA in 1958 for the purpose of controlling all access to the sky/space in order to "hide" the truth of the Bible. The fake "space race" fiction was invented to deceive the people of the world with the lie of "space travel" to the stars, to promote nationalism and fleece taxpayers. NASA and 13 other "fake" space agencies control ALL information related to space including all the fake CGI pictures and video fed to the public via the Jesuit controlled world media conglomerate.
It is all FAKE ... there are NO REAL TIME photos or videos from space because NO ONE has been or can go into space. NO ONE! It's all filmed in Hollywood (Moon Landings) or the Canadian Arctic (Mars Rover) and in a giant swimming pool (ISS.) Yes folks, the ISS is in a pool of water on Earth. Yes, the moon missions were filmed on a Hollywood film set by Stanley Kubrick! He was very involved with NASA and later was killed like Admiral Byrd in order to silence him!
The famous "Hubble" space telescope is NOT in space but on board a Boeing 747 titled SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) flying around in Earth's atmosphere. Hundreds of billions of $$$$'s have been spent on the space fiction to keep people believing in this false hope and to perpetuate an industry that employs thousands of people worldwide.
All astronauts are Freemasons. Now why would that be significant? Astronauts are gatekeepers of the NASA hoax and are sworn to secrecy under a terrible "blood" oath. In return for perpetuating the "space" lie they are rewarded with fame and fortune. You can check this easily online.
The "BALL" Earth is what keeps the LIE active. No spinning ball = no Heliocentric space model = the Bible is TRUE and GOD is real = oh, oh reality!
NASA is a lie to HIDE the flat Earth, the firmament and GOD!!

The Space X Fiction
In the last 15 years many people have woken up to the NASA deception. To counter this the Luciferians have set up Space X as a distraction away from NASA. All the space fan boys have swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker. Elon Musk is a fake billionaire "hero" "authority" figure set up to distract people with false hope and then mock their gullibility. If you can believe that in less than 8 years Musk became a billionaire without serious help from the power players of this world, then you deserve to be duped. The recent rocket launches are sheer mockery of the dumbed down masses who believe anything they're told, especially when it comes to the "space" fiction shown on TV! In my opinion, Musk is a decoy, a fake, sending Tesla cars up in a rocket, (on a mission to Mars) and the masses think he's a genius. Yes, all those space pictures are fake; done in Photoshop! No rocket has ever gone into orbit or space as it is physically impossible. Look at all the pictures of rocket launches. They go up and then curve into the ocean out of sight ... every one!
Space X is doing exactly what NASA was doing; deceiving the public, mocking it and stealing money from it. $12 Billion at last count!
In the last 15 years many people have woken up to the NASA deception. To counter this the Luciferians have set up Space X as a distraction away from NASA. All the space fan boys have swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker. Elon Musk is a fake billionaire "hero" "authority" figure set up to distract people with false hope and then mock their gullibility. If you can believe that in less than 8 years Musk became a billionaire without serious help from the power players of this world, then you deserve to be duped. The recent rocket launches are sheer mockery of the dumbed down masses who believe anything they're told, especially when it comes to the "space" fiction shown on TV! In my opinion, Musk is a decoy, a fake, sending Tesla cars up in a rocket, (on a mission to Mars) and the masses think he's a genius. Yes, all those space pictures are fake; done in Photoshop! No rocket has ever gone into orbit or space as it is physically impossible. Look at all the pictures of rocket launches. They go up and then curve into the ocean out of sight ... every one!
Space X is doing exactly what NASA was doing; deceiving the public, mocking it and stealing money from it. $12 Billion at last count!
Science Facts And Fiction
The Earth is a globe:
This is fiction as there is no proof. All pictorial and video evidence of Earth from "space" is based on CGI not "realtime" and from 1 source only - NASA. There is NO alternative source for corroboration.
The Earth is orbiting in space around the Sun:
This is fiction as there is no proof. The Michelson - Morley experiment confirms the Earth is NOT moving. Einstein was used to create "relativity" in order to debunk Michelson - Morley's evidence.
Astronauts have been in space or to the moon:
This is fiction as there is no "realtime" photo and video proof of any space mission. There is documented evidence that space flights and moon missions were orchestrated on Hollywood film sets and water tanks using special photographic and lighting techniques.
Rockets and satellites can fly into space:
This is fiction as the thermosphere is so hot (500 - 2000 degrees C) that most metals would melt. Also, the Van Allen radiation belts would kill any life on the spacecraft. All photos of rocket launches show clearly a dramatic arc after takeoff eliminating any possibility of the rocket travelling straight up into space. There are purportedly more than 20.000 satellites and pieces of space debris orbiting the Earth but these are never seen in any photos. Never!
NASA was founded by criminal nazi German scientists:
This is fact and well documented. Thousands of high ranking nazi scientists like Werner Von Braun, were secretly brought to the USA under Operation "Paperclip" in the years immediately after the end of WWII. Control of space worldwide was a top priority for the Jesuit controlled OSS which later became the CIA. NASA was founded in 1958 during "Operation Fishbowl" when it became clear that the Earth was bounded by a protective "dome" or "shield" called the "firmament" in the Bible.
The purpose of all world space agencies is to control airspace:
This is fact and documented. NASA controls all the world aviation authorities under the UN run ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and sets down the rules and guidelines about what people can and can't do in the sky. NASA is a law unto itself. By controlling the skies and space, NASA has controlled the way the people of the world PERCEIVE their world and the universe.
The Earth is a globe:
This is fiction as there is no proof. All pictorial and video evidence of Earth from "space" is based on CGI not "realtime" and from 1 source only - NASA. There is NO alternative source for corroboration.
The Earth is orbiting in space around the Sun:
This is fiction as there is no proof. The Michelson - Morley experiment confirms the Earth is NOT moving. Einstein was used to create "relativity" in order to debunk Michelson - Morley's evidence.
Astronauts have been in space or to the moon:
This is fiction as there is no "realtime" photo and video proof of any space mission. There is documented evidence that space flights and moon missions were orchestrated on Hollywood film sets and water tanks using special photographic and lighting techniques.
Rockets and satellites can fly into space:
This is fiction as the thermosphere is so hot (500 - 2000 degrees C) that most metals would melt. Also, the Van Allen radiation belts would kill any life on the spacecraft. All photos of rocket launches show clearly a dramatic arc after takeoff eliminating any possibility of the rocket travelling straight up into space. There are purportedly more than 20.000 satellites and pieces of space debris orbiting the Earth but these are never seen in any photos. Never!
NASA was founded by criminal nazi German scientists:
This is fact and well documented. Thousands of high ranking nazi scientists like Werner Von Braun, were secretly brought to the USA under Operation "Paperclip" in the years immediately after the end of WWII. Control of space worldwide was a top priority for the Jesuit controlled OSS which later became the CIA. NASA was founded in 1958 during "Operation Fishbowl" when it became clear that the Earth was bounded by a protective "dome" or "shield" called the "firmament" in the Bible.
The purpose of all world space agencies is to control airspace:
This is fact and documented. NASA controls all the world aviation authorities under the UN run ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and sets down the rules and guidelines about what people can and can't do in the sky. NASA is a law unto itself. By controlling the skies and space, NASA has controlled the way the people of the world PERCEIVE their world and the universe.
"High Priests" Of The New Science Religion
Today, the high priests of the new religion of science include familiar faces like Neil De Grasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Lawrence Krauss and Michio Kaku. These men are ACTORS and paid huge salaries to deceive the public with their performances in high visibility forums pushing evolution, the big bang, trans-humanism, solar shield (climate change) and space travel! These subjects all fall under the umbrella of "SCIENTISM" as they are either purely THEORETICAL or ANTI-NATURE technologies!
These four EVANGELISTS for ATHEISTIC RELATIVISM have sold their souls for worldly fame and wealth. They work for the Luciferian Jesuit NASA Science criminal cabal propagating scientism as a "faith" while attacking Christian faith with virulent ferocity. They are highly intolerant towards any dissent or opposing view just like Richard Dawkins and they mock and scoff at any who DARE to question their opinion or viewpoint. What they teach are THEORIES without PROOF making wild claims and assumptions based on what? Mathematical equations! It is nothing more than number MAGIC. A form of mass HYPNOTISM based on unearned "adulation" they demand for the false office of "PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIST" that they claim. Laughable! These guys are paid ACTORS, nothing more and what they spruik shamelessly is NOT SCIENCE!
Believe them at your peril because they are LIARS!
Look at the pictures below. "Snake oil" salesmen. Buyer beware!
Today, the high priests of the new religion of science include familiar faces like Neil De Grasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Lawrence Krauss and Michio Kaku. These men are ACTORS and paid huge salaries to deceive the public with their performances in high visibility forums pushing evolution, the big bang, trans-humanism, solar shield (climate change) and space travel! These subjects all fall under the umbrella of "SCIENTISM" as they are either purely THEORETICAL or ANTI-NATURE technologies!
These four EVANGELISTS for ATHEISTIC RELATIVISM have sold their souls for worldly fame and wealth. They work for the Luciferian Jesuit NASA Science criminal cabal propagating scientism as a "faith" while attacking Christian faith with virulent ferocity. They are highly intolerant towards any dissent or opposing view just like Richard Dawkins and they mock and scoff at any who DARE to question their opinion or viewpoint. What they teach are THEORIES without PROOF making wild claims and assumptions based on what? Mathematical equations! It is nothing more than number MAGIC. A form of mass HYPNOTISM based on unearned "adulation" they demand for the false office of "PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIST" that they claim. Laughable! These guys are paid ACTORS, nothing more and what they spruik shamelessly is NOT SCIENCE!
Believe them at your peril because they are LIARS!
Look at the pictures below. "Snake oil" salesmen. Buyer beware!
Emerging "New" Science Fields
The original natural sciences of Geography, Astronomy, Botany and Anatomy gradually specialised out into a multiplicity of fields over the last 300 years as knowledge exploded. Gradually, over the last 100 years Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology also became defined fields of study in school curriculums. In the 20th century there has been an explosion in the growth of "niche" sciences now covering every field of human "knowledge" including the humanities.
See a comprehensive list HERE.
The emergence of "new" fields of science keeps growing as new technologies "merge" fields of study and create new areas of "specialisation." Some of these fields are: Neuroparasitology, Quantum Biology, Exo-meteorology, Nutrigenomics, Cliodynamics, Synthetic Biology, Recombinant Memetics, Computational Social Science, Cognitive Economics, Organic Electronics and Quantitative Biology and there are probably more based around "nano-technologies."
Read a short description of them HERE.
Many of these "new" sciences are focused on "mimicking" natural principles, then "synthesising" and re-applying them in an UNNATURAL way! This kind of "false" (unnatural) science is creating a future that does not bode well for all life on Earth. The long term effects are NOT understood and when they finally are, it will be too late! These technologies are being created in the quest to "conquer" death and achieve "immortality" man's way.
This CANNOT end well and is in direct "disobedience" to God's word!
The original natural sciences of Geography, Astronomy, Botany and Anatomy gradually specialised out into a multiplicity of fields over the last 300 years as knowledge exploded. Gradually, over the last 100 years Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology also became defined fields of study in school curriculums. In the 20th century there has been an explosion in the growth of "niche" sciences now covering every field of human "knowledge" including the humanities.
See a comprehensive list HERE.
The emergence of "new" fields of science keeps growing as new technologies "merge" fields of study and create new areas of "specialisation." Some of these fields are: Neuroparasitology, Quantum Biology, Exo-meteorology, Nutrigenomics, Cliodynamics, Synthetic Biology, Recombinant Memetics, Computational Social Science, Cognitive Economics, Organic Electronics and Quantitative Biology and there are probably more based around "nano-technologies."
Read a short description of them HERE.
Many of these "new" sciences are focused on "mimicking" natural principles, then "synthesising" and re-applying them in an UNNATURAL way! This kind of "false" (unnatural) science is creating a future that does not bode well for all life on Earth. The long term effects are NOT understood and when they finally are, it will be too late! These technologies are being created in the quest to "conquer" death and achieve "immortality" man's way.
This CANNOT end well and is in direct "disobedience" to God's word!
Closing Comments:
What else can be said? Do your own research. Take time to establish in your own mind if the claims being made about space and "new" technologies are true. This is the age of mass DECEPTION and the final age before everything comes to a grinding halt for humanity! The visions of DYSTOPIAN sci fi futures in the "flood" of Hollywood movies over the last 20 years is not an accident. It is mass predictive programming (brainwashing) of the public into NORMALISING and then ACCEPTING that reality without question. It is NOT serendipity or chance that this is happening NOW. The Luciferian rulers of this world don't operate on CHANCE. They work to detailed plans that span CENTURIES.
Yes, there is a conspiracy to deceive the world that defies the imagination. That's why most will refuse to believe it and wake up. Nevertheless, this is my warning to you, the reader because the time is short. There may not even be 20 years left in which to make a choice "where" you will spend ETERNITY! The Luciferian "Beast" one world dictatorship is already here but has yet to implement TOTAL control. When the financial system goes DIGITAL, that's the end of "freedom." No one is going to be able to STOP it.
This has happened before. The account of the TOWER OF BABEL in Genesis 11: 1-9 is the 1st world dictatorship under the godless tyrant NIMROD. Coming up is the 2nd attempt by SATAN to take control of humanity (God's creation.) Scientism is being used to deceive the world. The dream of a "technological" UTOPIA or Golden Age is being embraced by many. It is a LIE as old as the world.
Reader, this is a SPIRITUAL WAR between good and evil and the eternal DESTINY of your soul and mine. Everyone MUST choose a side. There is NO middle ground! You can choose to be a "victim" of ignorance and "darkness" or a "victor" in the "light" through faith in Jesus Christ.
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NO other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4: 12
Jesus said unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
What else can be said? Do your own research. Take time to establish in your own mind if the claims being made about space and "new" technologies are true. This is the age of mass DECEPTION and the final age before everything comes to a grinding halt for humanity! The visions of DYSTOPIAN sci fi futures in the "flood" of Hollywood movies over the last 20 years is not an accident. It is mass predictive programming (brainwashing) of the public into NORMALISING and then ACCEPTING that reality without question. It is NOT serendipity or chance that this is happening NOW. The Luciferian rulers of this world don't operate on CHANCE. They work to detailed plans that span CENTURIES.
Yes, there is a conspiracy to deceive the world that defies the imagination. That's why most will refuse to believe it and wake up. Nevertheless, this is my warning to you, the reader because the time is short. There may not even be 20 years left in which to make a choice "where" you will spend ETERNITY! The Luciferian "Beast" one world dictatorship is already here but has yet to implement TOTAL control. When the financial system goes DIGITAL, that's the end of "freedom." No one is going to be able to STOP it.
This has happened before. The account of the TOWER OF BABEL in Genesis 11: 1-9 is the 1st world dictatorship under the godless tyrant NIMROD. Coming up is the 2nd attempt by SATAN to take control of humanity (God's creation.) Scientism is being used to deceive the world. The dream of a "technological" UTOPIA or Golden Age is being embraced by many. It is a LIE as old as the world.
Reader, this is a SPIRITUAL WAR between good and evil and the eternal DESTINY of your soul and mine. Everyone MUST choose a side. There is NO middle ground! You can choose to be a "victim" of ignorance and "darkness" or a "victor" in the "light" through faith in Jesus Christ.
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NO other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4: 12
Jesus said unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
Dark Hymns Of Worship To the "I," to Rebellion, Alienation, Desperation and Madness
How Luciferian Sound Has Moulded Untold Hearts And Minds!
The Prince Of Darkness And His "Modus Operandi."
This is how it works
Satan is a ruler - Prince of this world.
He is a ruthless dictator, brutally efficient and feared.
"Chance" or "serendipity" are NEVER allowed to hinder his goal.
His "servants," angelic or human, SERVE him tirelessly or "else."
All people of faith who refuse his "rule" are "eliminated."
Deception and death are his hallmarks!
The agenda is, one world fascist government - world domination!
The band "Pink Floyd" are his servants helping achieve his goal.
This is how it works
Satan is a ruler - Prince of this world.
He is a ruthless dictator, brutally efficient and feared.
"Chance" or "serendipity" are NEVER allowed to hinder his goal.
His "servants," angelic or human, SERVE him tirelessly or "else."
All people of faith who refuse his "rule" are "eliminated."
Deception and death are his hallmarks!
The agenda is, one world fascist government - world domination!
The band "Pink Floyd" are his servants helping achieve his goal.
This Is How The Luciferian "Entertainment" System Works
1) The Jesuit - Freemason Cabal Control The Music And Movie Industry Conglomerate. This is the PROPAGANDA operation of the Vatican CIA.
2) All of these companies/corporations follow Luciferian rules of operation.
3) Musicians/Actors/Performers are CHOSEN based on EXCEPTIONAL SKILL and WILLINGNESS to COMPLY with the rules of the Luciferian DEAL.
4) Artists sell their souls (the deal/contract) in exchange for fame, wealth and "immortality" (they become STARS.)
5) Any artist can "CHECK OUT" (satanic term for death/suicide) any time but can NEVER leave the system (renege on the deal.)
6) Some artists who achieve super stardom are given the option to "RETIRE" from the system and their deaths are HOAXED and they are made LEGENDS!
7) Music and movies ( occult MM turned sideways = 33) have 2 purposes. Make MONEY (fleece the sheep = audience) and at the same time INDOCTRINATE the unsuspecting masses worldwide into the corruption and deception of the LUCIFERIAN RELIGION and its beliefs!
Pink Floyd promote the Luciferian doctrine of REBELLION against God through their music!
1) The Jesuit - Freemason Cabal Control The Music And Movie Industry Conglomerate. This is the PROPAGANDA operation of the Vatican CIA.
2) All of these companies/corporations follow Luciferian rules of operation.
3) Musicians/Actors/Performers are CHOSEN based on EXCEPTIONAL SKILL and WILLINGNESS to COMPLY with the rules of the Luciferian DEAL.
4) Artists sell their souls (the deal/contract) in exchange for fame, wealth and "immortality" (they become STARS.)
5) Any artist can "CHECK OUT" (satanic term for death/suicide) any time but can NEVER leave the system (renege on the deal.)
6) Some artists who achieve super stardom are given the option to "RETIRE" from the system and their deaths are HOAXED and they are made LEGENDS!
7) Music and movies ( occult MM turned sideways = 33) have 2 purposes. Make MONEY (fleece the sheep = audience) and at the same time INDOCTRINATE the unsuspecting masses worldwide into the corruption and deception of the LUCIFERIAN RELIGION and its beliefs!
Pink Floyd promote the Luciferian doctrine of REBELLION against God through their music!

The Most Satanic Concept Of All
It's important here to point out an extremely important fact about POP CULTURE as it is so often labelled. All entertainment is infused with ONE, all pervasive and controlling theme. It is so pervasive that very few can SEE it, yet it controls the minds of all people who embrace and express this theme in their thoughts, words and actions. Entertainment IS propaganda for mind control and predictive programming in order to prepare unsuspecting "naive" people into accepting a system of incremental (gradual) ENSLAVEMENT under the "guise" of having "fun."
This concept is contained in the ORIGINAL LIE made to man!
In Genesis 3: 5 we can read Satan's false promise:
"For God does know that in the day you eat from that, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
A few contemporary versions of this message are:
Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
More contemporary versions:
"Do what you want" or "Follow your heart" or "Do your own thing" or "If it feels good do it!"
The phrase seems innocent but the message is "wicked."
They all mean the same thing! Rebellion AGAINST God's plan for man, replacing it with Satan's plan!
This is Satan's (Lucifer) original lie to Eve the mother of humanity. The same LIE is propagated in virtually every book, movie, play and song created. This theme is ANTICHRIST and encourages the idea that humans are "gods," controlling their own destiny. The purpose is to overthrow God's plan and DESTROY (deceive) as many human souls as he can before the end of the age, which is near!
Rock music starting in the 50's, has been the source "driver" for all the different genres of music since. Some would argue that Blues and Jazz are the source and i would not disagree with that. In this article though, i want to look at an alternative-rock phenomenon from the 60's called Pink Floyd and examine the band, the source of its "music" and the "energy" that still drives it 53 years later!
REBELLION - DO YOUR OWN THING and a NIHILISTIC FUTILITY are heavily INFUSED into the melancholic LYRICS and SOUND of Pink Floyd!
If you have never heard of Pink Floyd then you can read about it HERE.
It's important here to point out an extremely important fact about POP CULTURE as it is so often labelled. All entertainment is infused with ONE, all pervasive and controlling theme. It is so pervasive that very few can SEE it, yet it controls the minds of all people who embrace and express this theme in their thoughts, words and actions. Entertainment IS propaganda for mind control and predictive programming in order to prepare unsuspecting "naive" people into accepting a system of incremental (gradual) ENSLAVEMENT under the "guise" of having "fun."
This concept is contained in the ORIGINAL LIE made to man!
In Genesis 3: 5 we can read Satan's false promise:
"For God does know that in the day you eat from that, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
A few contemporary versions of this message are:
Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
More contemporary versions:
"Do what you want" or "Follow your heart" or "Do your own thing" or "If it feels good do it!"
The phrase seems innocent but the message is "wicked."
They all mean the same thing! Rebellion AGAINST God's plan for man, replacing it with Satan's plan!
This is Satan's (Lucifer) original lie to Eve the mother of humanity. The same LIE is propagated in virtually every book, movie, play and song created. This theme is ANTICHRIST and encourages the idea that humans are "gods," controlling their own destiny. The purpose is to overthrow God's plan and DESTROY (deceive) as many human souls as he can before the end of the age, which is near!
Rock music starting in the 50's, has been the source "driver" for all the different genres of music since. Some would argue that Blues and Jazz are the source and i would not disagree with that. In this article though, i want to look at an alternative-rock phenomenon from the 60's called Pink Floyd and examine the band, the source of its "music" and the "energy" that still drives it 53 years later!
REBELLION - DO YOUR OWN THING and a NIHILISTIC FUTILITY are heavily INFUSED into the melancholic LYRICS and SOUND of Pink Floyd!
If you have never heard of Pink Floyd then you can read about it HERE.
Below is a video expose on the satanic "Follow Your Heart" meme.

Satan And Rock Music
It is necessary first of all to point out the powerful "LINK" between the figure of SATAN and MUSIC as a force for "control." Satan was CREATED by GOD with MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS built into his body. HE IS A MASTER MUSICIAN! SATAN is the "PIED PIPER," the SOURCE of all Earthly music that "SEDUCES" people into rebellion, sin and self worship (narcissism) and away from God's love.
Rock musicians are simply open channels for "DEMONIC" spirits who give them fame, riches and every worldly pleasure in exchange for their souls. Many rock stars have "OPENLY" admitted this to the media! The Pink Floyd band members are no different than all the others although i could find NO open confession on record, just hints in interviews and the telltale "OCCULT" symbols everywhere.
Bob Dylan, in an interview, when asked why he was still touring at 65 years old famously said he was keeping his end of the bargain he made with Satan when he was young.
You can watch that HERE
Nevertheless, Pink Floyd's music says it all; it is pure SORCERY! The music, lyrics and visual effects are designed to hypnotise the audience, placing them in an occult induced psycho-trance state. The ultimate goal is to heighten the sense of alienation and futility in each person, towards life, society, family and draw people unwittingly into a saturation of the senses. The music "soundscapes" crafted generate a temporary feeling of UNIVERSAL "belonging" that eventually dissipates into emptiness, which then exacerbates feelings of loneliness, anger, alienation and finally a sense of resignation (hopelessness.) As the mysterious but seducing waves of melancholic sound sweep over the listener, a feeling of loss is strangely offset by the sensual rapture of the moment, the pounding bass, mournful vocals and haunting guitar solos. I experienced this first hand years ago at a Pink Floyd concert. The psycho-emotional state created by this band emanates forth from a "SPIRITUAL" (demonic) source exerting an MK Ultra mind control effect on human minds, especially when experienced with drugs, which for most concert attendees is almost MANDATORY. Psychotropic drugs open spiritual doors; it's pure sorcery and it's dangerous!
What really interests me about Pink Floyd is the dizzying heights they were able to climb to! What happened to make them SO successful? Although they were popular from their first gigs in 1965, no band in the last 70 years has had the SUCCESS and the IMPACT on multiple generations like Pink Floyd except the Beatles! I have NO DOUBT that they were ELEVATED to a special place of "prominence" because of their "SERVICE IN ADVANCING THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS" on Earth. Three successive generations have been "exposed" to their musical "influence" spanning 53 years.
This is PHENOMENAL for a music group, most of which come and go in a short time, blips on the cultural radar, barely to be remembered! Pink Floyd is an "industry" that soldiers on even though 2 of the original founding members are now dead. Even more than that, i believe the band is a travelling "evangelistic" ministry of "worship" in music for the "church" of Satan worldwide.
The big questions here are, did the band members know what they were doing? Do they know where the musical inspiration is coming from? Who they are serving and what the agenda is?
I believe they know full well and that like all the others, they made a deal at the beginning and the DOORS of worldly SUCCESS were opened wide for them! I also suspect strongly that Syd Barrett was REMOVED from the band by powerful forces that WANTED the tension between Roger and David to be in control of the band's direction. Was Syd a satanic sacrifice? All i know is, Roger and David became the WIZARDS, the CHANNELS and looking back that is very evident. Syd was gifted but apparently, expendable!
Below are some instantly recognizeable, iconic Pink Floyd album images.

Facts about Satan
The Bible scripture below describes Satan. He was incredibly "BEAUTIFUL" and a very powerful ruling "Cherub" in Heaven before he "FELL." He was cast out of Heaven with a third (33%) of the angels that followed him in his revolt against God! The Earth is HIS kingdom for a "short" time under God's direction until Satan's purpose is fulfilled and he is thrown into the "Lake of Fire" forever! You can read the description of musical instruments built into his body!
Ezekiel 28: 13-15
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets (drums) and of thy pipes (woodwinds) was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Satan was one of 3 powerful guardian angels created by God and the scriptures seem to imply his ministry in heaven was a leader of music and worship unto God! Satan is deeply involved in music, as this medium like no other can INFLUENCE the human mind and soul (emotions) DIRECTLY! Today the music industry has great power to influence masses of people worldwide through TV and the Internet.
Below is a short factual documentary on Pink Floyd.
The Bible scripture below describes Satan. He was incredibly "BEAUTIFUL" and a very powerful ruling "Cherub" in Heaven before he "FELL." He was cast out of Heaven with a third (33%) of the angels that followed him in his revolt against God! The Earth is HIS kingdom for a "short" time under God's direction until Satan's purpose is fulfilled and he is thrown into the "Lake of Fire" forever! You can read the description of musical instruments built into his body!
Ezekiel 28: 13-15
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets (drums) and of thy pipes (woodwinds) was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Satan was one of 3 powerful guardian angels created by God and the scriptures seem to imply his ministry in heaven was a leader of music and worship unto God! Satan is deeply involved in music, as this medium like no other can INFLUENCE the human mind and soul (emotions) DIRECTLY! Today the music industry has great power to influence masses of people worldwide through TV and the Internet.
Below is a short factual documentary on Pink Floyd.
Between 1965 and 1972 Pink Floyd released 8 records which saw varying degrees of success and achieved increasing popularity for them. The group, regardless of the growing tensions between each member, was forging ahead creatively but they were still only experiencing modest success. Then, something DARK and POWERFUL occurred between the release of "Obscured By Clouds" and "Dark Side Of The Moon" in 1973.
What happened? We are not told but are left to infer meaning from comments the band members have made and what was NOT said!
There is no doubt, dark, occult power was definitely conjured into this album. It is on record that music companies hire witches to perform rituals over rock recordings. This has been verified by many musicians. It is no accident that this album launched the group into "immortality," it was planned. By who? Intelligent satanic forces that's who! From the lyrics to the music to the album design, DSOTM was a "supernatural" event and its hypnotic power continues to move into the future like ripples on a pond. This is SORCERY at its highest level, witchcraft that can re-engineer the social MIND of societies everywhere! I personally believe DARK SIDE OF THE MOON is a portrait of SATAN himself. His satanic CHARACTER! The band channeled a powerful spirit in a ritual, which gave them this music.
DSOTM is worship music to an evil, psychopathic monster who CRAVES WORSHIP! The music is very hypnotic and straight from HELL!
Some Facts About DSOTM:
1) Album sales - 45 million to date - only second after Michael Jackson "Thriller"
- Still sells 10.000+ albums per week 45 years later
2) Stayed in the Billboard 200 for 15 years straight.
3) Radio play is continuous around the world since 1973.
4) This album is often played in its entirety in Pink Floyd concerts.
Think this kind of success is all just "serendipity" or "chance," think again, as nothing happens by chance in the entertainment industry (NWO ministry of propaganda,) it's planned out decades in advance!
Between 1965 and 1972 Pink Floyd released 8 records which saw varying degrees of success and achieved increasing popularity for them. The group, regardless of the growing tensions between each member, was forging ahead creatively but they were still only experiencing modest success. Then, something DARK and POWERFUL occurred between the release of "Obscured By Clouds" and "Dark Side Of The Moon" in 1973.
What happened? We are not told but are left to infer meaning from comments the band members have made and what was NOT said!
There is no doubt, dark, occult power was definitely conjured into this album. It is on record that music companies hire witches to perform rituals over rock recordings. This has been verified by many musicians. It is no accident that this album launched the group into "immortality," it was planned. By who? Intelligent satanic forces that's who! From the lyrics to the music to the album design, DSOTM was a "supernatural" event and its hypnotic power continues to move into the future like ripples on a pond. This is SORCERY at its highest level, witchcraft that can re-engineer the social MIND of societies everywhere! I personally believe DARK SIDE OF THE MOON is a portrait of SATAN himself. His satanic CHARACTER! The band channeled a powerful spirit in a ritual, which gave them this music.
DSOTM is worship music to an evil, psychopathic monster who CRAVES WORSHIP! The music is very hypnotic and straight from HELL!
Some Facts About DSOTM:
1) Album sales - 45 million to date - only second after Michael Jackson "Thriller"
- Still sells 10.000+ albums per week 45 years later
2) Stayed in the Billboard 200 for 15 years straight.
3) Radio play is continuous around the world since 1973.
4) This album is often played in its entirety in Pink Floyd concerts.
Think this kind of success is all just "serendipity" or "chance," think again, as nothing happens by chance in the entertainment industry (NWO ministry of propaganda,) it's planned out decades in advance!

Roger Waters: Master Composer - Lyrics of Rage
Roger Waters was and is a creative "tour de force" and reservoir of "seething anger!" Pink Floyd may never have been what it became without Roger's driving ambition and control freak nature. However, examination of the lyrics of many of his songs reveal a startling "hatred" and "antagonism" towards God. Why? Roger is a "humanist" so this is partly understandable, as he rejects God's kingship over man, nevertheless, his rage against God permeates the music and lyrics with a sinister, brooding malevolence. The listener is then psychologically and emotionally seduced into cynicism and ultimately a rejection of Biblical truth and disrespect for God. Roger mocks and scoffs at God and every sacred thing, which he rejects because of his material atheism and his belief mankind can solve its own problems and become "gods" without God. Knowingly or not, Roger is promulgating Luciferian ideology in everything he does. This is evident in the following lyrics.
Sheep - from the Animals album
(stone, stone, stone...)
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives He releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water
What God Wants Pt 1 - from the Amused To Death album
God wants peace
God wants war
God wants famine
God wants chain stores
What God wants, God gets
[Verse 3]
God wants sedition
God wants sex
God wants freedom
God wants Semtex
These are just 2 samples where Roger expresses his contempt and rage at God. Why? Childishly, he blames God for the very things that are the result of MAN'S rejection of and rebellion against God's holy commandments. He IGNORES this truth! Many songs allude to God somehow being impotent as well as cruel and vindictive. This is Luciferian INVERSION of the truth. Satan is the cruel destroyer of worlds and the enemy of God and man! Satan wants war, famine, sedition, sex, semtex and death, not God. Roger has been deceived into believing lies because of his rejection of God and those lies have in turn been poured into his music for darkened minds to consume!
The Truth:
God is love, the creator and judge of the universe, perfect in every way. Satan is a created being, the opposite of God in character and intent and has deceived many through his Luciferian ideology into believing he is the good guy. The bloodshed and chaos of history reveal the true picture of Satan's power over man and his lust for war and death. Satan is Saturn, the god of war and he demands human sacrifice! He is NOT the good guy but a lying, deceiving, murderous tyrant!
Jesus said, "The thief (Satan) comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
Below: Pink Floyd blaspheming God.
Roger Waters was and is a creative "tour de force" and reservoir of "seething anger!" Pink Floyd may never have been what it became without Roger's driving ambition and control freak nature. However, examination of the lyrics of many of his songs reveal a startling "hatred" and "antagonism" towards God. Why? Roger is a "humanist" so this is partly understandable, as he rejects God's kingship over man, nevertheless, his rage against God permeates the music and lyrics with a sinister, brooding malevolence. The listener is then psychologically and emotionally seduced into cynicism and ultimately a rejection of Biblical truth and disrespect for God. Roger mocks and scoffs at God and every sacred thing, which he rejects because of his material atheism and his belief mankind can solve its own problems and become "gods" without God. Knowingly or not, Roger is promulgating Luciferian ideology in everything he does. This is evident in the following lyrics.
Sheep - from the Animals album
(stone, stone, stone...)
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives He releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water
What God Wants Pt 1 - from the Amused To Death album
God wants peace
God wants war
God wants famine
God wants chain stores
What God wants, God gets
[Verse 3]
God wants sedition
God wants sex
God wants freedom
God wants Semtex
These are just 2 samples where Roger expresses his contempt and rage at God. Why? Childishly, he blames God for the very things that are the result of MAN'S rejection of and rebellion against God's holy commandments. He IGNORES this truth! Many songs allude to God somehow being impotent as well as cruel and vindictive. This is Luciferian INVERSION of the truth. Satan is the cruel destroyer of worlds and the enemy of God and man! Satan wants war, famine, sedition, sex, semtex and death, not God. Roger has been deceived into believing lies because of his rejection of God and those lies have in turn been poured into his music for darkened minds to consume!
The Truth:
God is love, the creator and judge of the universe, perfect in every way. Satan is a created being, the opposite of God in character and intent and has deceived many through his Luciferian ideology into believing he is the good guy. The bloodshed and chaos of history reveal the true picture of Satan's power over man and his lust for war and death. Satan is Saturn, the god of war and he demands human sacrifice! He is NOT the good guy but a lying, deceiving, murderous tyrant!
Jesus said, "The thief (Satan) comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
Below: Pink Floyd blaspheming God.

Hipgnosis: Satan's Rock Culture Design Factory
It is impossible to write about Pink Floyd without briefly looking at Hipgnosis the design agency responsible for all their album art packaging. Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell were the artistic force behind the iconic album imagery that has become recognisable around the world. Both men were childhood friends of the members of the group so they were involved almost from the inception of Pink Floyd. Hip=trendy (cool) and gnosis=knowledge so Hipgnosis = "cool knowledge" but is also a play on sound and meaning for "HYPNOSIS." Coincidence? No way! Hypnosis and mind control are fundamental to the Pink Floyd phenomenon. This is enough to trigger warning bells as these iconic images were very carefully constructed in order to achieve "maximum" visual impact! In fact these images are almost visual "spells" and carry concealed meanings known only to "initiates."
All the images used are "occult" in nature and symbolise or refer to Luciferian doctrines, especially the prism-pyramid on Dark Side Of The Moon. From this i believe but can not prove conclusively, that all those involved in the Pink Floyd "circle" were knowledgeable about "esoteric" religious practices such as Freemasonry or witchcraft. All the Pink Floyd album covers can be viewed HERE however, it is not my purpose to analyse them deeply in this blog.
The team at Hipgnosis designed album covers for the rock "elite" for decades and their client list is a who's who of rock royalty. You can view a list of Hipgnosis' achievements HERE.
It is impossible to write about Pink Floyd without briefly looking at Hipgnosis the design agency responsible for all their album art packaging. Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell were the artistic force behind the iconic album imagery that has become recognisable around the world. Both men were childhood friends of the members of the group so they were involved almost from the inception of Pink Floyd. Hip=trendy (cool) and gnosis=knowledge so Hipgnosis = "cool knowledge" but is also a play on sound and meaning for "HYPNOSIS." Coincidence? No way! Hypnosis and mind control are fundamental to the Pink Floyd phenomenon. This is enough to trigger warning bells as these iconic images were very carefully constructed in order to achieve "maximum" visual impact! In fact these images are almost visual "spells" and carry concealed meanings known only to "initiates."
All the images used are "occult" in nature and symbolise or refer to Luciferian doctrines, especially the prism-pyramid on Dark Side Of The Moon. From this i believe but can not prove conclusively, that all those involved in the Pink Floyd "circle" were knowledgeable about "esoteric" religious practices such as Freemasonry or witchcraft. All the Pink Floyd album covers can be viewed HERE however, it is not my purpose to analyse them deeply in this blog.
The team at Hipgnosis designed album covers for the rock "elite" for decades and their client list is a who's who of rock royalty. You can view a list of Hipgnosis' achievements HERE.

Pink Floyd's Legacy
Pink Floyd have had an incredible influence on other bands over the last 50 years.
Artists such as David Bowie, Genesis, The Nazz, Queen, Phish, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins and Yes are just a few of the many well known rock acts that learned from Pink Floyds innovation with new sound and visual technologies. There is no way to know the countless millions of people hypnotically seduced by exposure to their concerts and records in every country and culture - it is extensive - beyond comprehension, surpassed maybe only by the Beatles, the most satanic musical force in history!
It is also no coincidence that in 1966 (a high occult year = 666) that Pink Floyd were recording their first album at Abbey Road studios at the same time the Beatles were recording the Sgt Peppers album in the studio next door. The exchange between the groups is hardly discussed at all. Why? The Beatles were the open portal by which demonic influence poured forth changing society forever. They were Luciferians, idolised Aleister Crowley and were heavily involved in witchcraft (Yoko Ono is a self declared witch.) She openly stated that the Beatles were 5 and that the fifth invisible member was giving them the music.
It is naive, even disingenuous to believe that the members of Pink Floyd were not involved with witchcraft when all the people around them were. Here are some facts alluding to that involvement: Dave Gilmour when asked about the inspiration for certain songs replied, "It just fell out of my guitar, i'm driven by music." This is "code" for "it came from another source, not me." Many rock musicians have said exactly the same thing. The honest arists have stated openly, "I didn't write it or it wasn't me playing!" Roger Waters was under psychoanalysis for 20 years and would call an analyst twice a week in New York. Psychoanalysis is a demonic form of mind control developed by Sigmund Freud who was also a Luciferian. I believe all these "elite" musicians are mind controlled to varying degrees!
It's important to remember that the 1960's was a "hotbed" of social and cultural ferment, engineered by organisations like the Tavistock Institute and London Free School. These were Luciferian "front" groups seeking to lure young "disaffected" people in and "radicalise" them with "counter-culture" concepts and agendas. The object was to instigate "revolution" using young people to overthrow "traditional" conservative" values and lifestyles. It wasn't called the "swinging" sixties for no reason as Eastern mysticism, witchcraft, free sex, drugs and subversive ideologies began to permeate education and culture! Pink Floyd were at the forefront of this eclectic "scene" where the Luciferian CIA/MI5 agencies were covertly introducing "hallucinogenic" drugs like LSD to young people. The band also experimented with LSD and other drugs and i believe they opened a door to "demonic" influence in their music!
Starting in the 50's and escalating rapidly into the 60's we see the aggressive "implementation" of Alice Bailey's "10 point plan" into society to shape and prepare it for the Luciferian "New Age." Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley (the Beast) had already devised the methodology by which to usher in the satanic "New World Order." Pink Floyd were "used" to integrate those concepts "covertly" into "new" emotionally hypnotic music thus "infusing" Luciferian ideology into society everywhere! Many rock musicians openly express "admiration" for Crowley, so this isn't a secret!
To date the band has sold more than 250+ million records worldwide, including 75 million certified units in the United States, and 37.9 million albums sold in the US since 1993. The bands music is perpetuated as Roger Waters continues to tour with his lineup and David Gilmour continues to play and record with his own band. Dave Mason also continues to play with both bands although Rick Wright died in 2009 leaving only 2 original members. Pink Floyd are 2nd only to the Beatles commercially, who have sold 265+ million albums.
The relationship between Paul McCartney and David Gilmour has been long and cordial leaving me to guess about what these 2 high priests of Lucifer have had to do to achieve this degree of success. I wonder also how much creative input has been shared between them over the years besides the recording stints and public performances David has contributed to McCartney's work.
Gilmour states,"I really wish I had been in The Beatles." Gilmour told MOJO of the genesis behind his cover. "[They] taught me how to play guitar, I learnt everything. The bass parts, the lead, the rhythm, everything. They were fantastic." Who influenced who? Food for thought!
Pink Floyd have had an incredible influence on other bands over the last 50 years.
Artists such as David Bowie, Genesis, The Nazz, Queen, Phish, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins and Yes are just a few of the many well known rock acts that learned from Pink Floyds innovation with new sound and visual technologies. There is no way to know the countless millions of people hypnotically seduced by exposure to their concerts and records in every country and culture - it is extensive - beyond comprehension, surpassed maybe only by the Beatles, the most satanic musical force in history!
It is also no coincidence that in 1966 (a high occult year = 666) that Pink Floyd were recording their first album at Abbey Road studios at the same time the Beatles were recording the Sgt Peppers album in the studio next door. The exchange between the groups is hardly discussed at all. Why? The Beatles were the open portal by which demonic influence poured forth changing society forever. They were Luciferians, idolised Aleister Crowley and were heavily involved in witchcraft (Yoko Ono is a self declared witch.) She openly stated that the Beatles were 5 and that the fifth invisible member was giving them the music.
It is naive, even disingenuous to believe that the members of Pink Floyd were not involved with witchcraft when all the people around them were. Here are some facts alluding to that involvement: Dave Gilmour when asked about the inspiration for certain songs replied, "It just fell out of my guitar, i'm driven by music." This is "code" for "it came from another source, not me." Many rock musicians have said exactly the same thing. The honest arists have stated openly, "I didn't write it or it wasn't me playing!" Roger Waters was under psychoanalysis for 20 years and would call an analyst twice a week in New York. Psychoanalysis is a demonic form of mind control developed by Sigmund Freud who was also a Luciferian. I believe all these "elite" musicians are mind controlled to varying degrees!
It's important to remember that the 1960's was a "hotbed" of social and cultural ferment, engineered by organisations like the Tavistock Institute and London Free School. These were Luciferian "front" groups seeking to lure young "disaffected" people in and "radicalise" them with "counter-culture" concepts and agendas. The object was to instigate "revolution" using young people to overthrow "traditional" conservative" values and lifestyles. It wasn't called the "swinging" sixties for no reason as Eastern mysticism, witchcraft, free sex, drugs and subversive ideologies began to permeate education and culture! Pink Floyd were at the forefront of this eclectic "scene" where the Luciferian CIA/MI5 agencies were covertly introducing "hallucinogenic" drugs like LSD to young people. The band also experimented with LSD and other drugs and i believe they opened a door to "demonic" influence in their music!
Starting in the 50's and escalating rapidly into the 60's we see the aggressive "implementation" of Alice Bailey's "10 point plan" into society to shape and prepare it for the Luciferian "New Age." Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley (the Beast) had already devised the methodology by which to usher in the satanic "New World Order." Pink Floyd were "used" to integrate those concepts "covertly" into "new" emotionally hypnotic music thus "infusing" Luciferian ideology into society everywhere! Many rock musicians openly express "admiration" for Crowley, so this isn't a secret!
To date the band has sold more than 250+ million records worldwide, including 75 million certified units in the United States, and 37.9 million albums sold in the US since 1993. The bands music is perpetuated as Roger Waters continues to tour with his lineup and David Gilmour continues to play and record with his own band. Dave Mason also continues to play with both bands although Rick Wright died in 2009 leaving only 2 original members. Pink Floyd are 2nd only to the Beatles commercially, who have sold 265+ million albums.
The relationship between Paul McCartney and David Gilmour has been long and cordial leaving me to guess about what these 2 high priests of Lucifer have had to do to achieve this degree of success. I wonder also how much creative input has been shared between them over the years besides the recording stints and public performances David has contributed to McCartney's work.
Gilmour states,"I really wish I had been in The Beatles." Gilmour told MOJO of the genesis behind his cover. "[They] taught me how to play guitar, I learnt everything. The bass parts, the lead, the rhythm, everything. They were fantastic." Who influenced who? Food for thought!

Although David Gilmour stated that Pink Floyd officially retired in 2014 after recording "The Endless River" he toured in 2016 to support his latest album "Rattle That Lock" released in 2015. "The Endless River" and "Rattle that Lock" also display occult themes such as the mythic Charon the boatman on the River Styx and Lucifer falling from Heaven. These albums have nothing of the "supernatural power" that the recordings of the 70's and 80's had! It appears as if both Rogers and Gilmour will continue to go their separate ways and keep producing music until they are both too old to do so. Both men are very wealthy and worth 100+ million dollars each. Nick Mason is also very wealthy in his own right.
Rogers has finally completed an opera, Ca Ira, about the French Revolution, taking 16 years, which is a fitting hoorah to the first and "chief" revolutionary, Satan, who caused it through his Jacobin (Illuminati) agents. Of all the things in the world Rogers could have written about he chose this bloody event that became the first domino in the Luciferian attempt to annihilate all rulers that oppose the Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire. Since then obedient lackeys have been installed that would appear to grant democracy without doing so while remaining "puppets" of Rome thereby deceiving the people worldwide. Today, soft Fascism rules everywhere under the guise of democracy. Rogers has been a puppet of Satan all along - deceived and deceiving others in his revolutionary music!
Pink Floyd have received all the accolades, awards, fame and wealth surpassing what most people could ever imagine. Remember, they didn't accomplish this just because they are "brilliant" but because they were "assisted" by a 5th ghostly member just like the Beatles, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and many other big rock bands. Talent isn't enough to get to the worldly heights Pink Floyd once soared to. All world systems are controlled by Satan and if you want dizzying success then you have to do it his way and sign a "contract," a contract in "blood." It does appear more and more that Pink Floyd has increasingly become a "spent" force as most of the demonic creative energy has gone!
Strange Fact:
In November 1974 Badfinger released their 6th album titled "Wish You Were Here" considered by many to be the bands best work. Seven weeks later it was pulled from circulation apparently because of a dispute between Warner Bros Publishing and the bands management. Then lo and behold Pink Floyd release their 9th studio album in September 1975, less than 10 months later. What are the chances of 2 bands having an album by the same name within the same approximate time frame?
Was this a plot? Was the Badfinger recording deliberately sidelined by recording industry bigwigs so Pink Floyd could get sole recognition for their album and it's title which went on to become an all time classic. Was the Badfinger album title ripped off by Pink Floyd? Today, hardly anyone has heard of this Badfinger album nor the financial skullduggery and tragedy that later befell various members of the band. Coincidence or conspiracy? You be the judge.
Pink Floyd Tribute Bands:
It would be remiss not to mention the "tribute" bands that copy the Pink Floyd experience and tour endlessly keeping the memory of the music "alive" for another generation. To date there are 2 notable ensembles, Brit Floyd and The Australian Pink Floyd Show that tour worldwide for fans of the band. There are countless other bands performing Pink Floyd music covers everywhere. It seems that Satan is not prepared to let a good thing go so easily. Pink Floyd has been so effective in bringing souls into the Luciferian "church" and into spiritual "darkness" that he's raised up bands to carry on this dark "ministry."
It remains to be seen what will happen to the surviving band members when they have "outlived" their usefulness in the kingdom of darkness. Sadly, Syd Barrett and Rick Wright were snuffed out by "drugs" like so many other musicians who signed a contract. Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour and Nick Mason are living on borrowed time and they will pay the ultimate price for their Mephistophelian "contract" with the devil for worldly success - eternal damnation unless they repent and turn to God for forgiveness and salvation! Serving Satan NEVER pays!
Dear reader
The Jesuit criminal cabal has been working tirelessly for 500 years infiltrating and subverting societies everywhere with their satanic ideologies, polluting the minds of billions of people over the centuries and leading them to destruction. In these LAST DAYS they are working even harder to enslave the MINDS of men and bring their one world Antichrist government into power over all humanity!
Although David Gilmour stated that Pink Floyd officially retired in 2014 after recording "The Endless River" he toured in 2016 to support his latest album "Rattle That Lock" released in 2015. "The Endless River" and "Rattle that Lock" also display occult themes such as the mythic Charon the boatman on the River Styx and Lucifer falling from Heaven. These albums have nothing of the "supernatural power" that the recordings of the 70's and 80's had! It appears as if both Rogers and Gilmour will continue to go their separate ways and keep producing music until they are both too old to do so. Both men are very wealthy and worth 100+ million dollars each. Nick Mason is also very wealthy in his own right.
Rogers has finally completed an opera, Ca Ira, about the French Revolution, taking 16 years, which is a fitting hoorah to the first and "chief" revolutionary, Satan, who caused it through his Jacobin (Illuminati) agents. Of all the things in the world Rogers could have written about he chose this bloody event that became the first domino in the Luciferian attempt to annihilate all rulers that oppose the Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire. Since then obedient lackeys have been installed that would appear to grant democracy without doing so while remaining "puppets" of Rome thereby deceiving the people worldwide. Today, soft Fascism rules everywhere under the guise of democracy. Rogers has been a puppet of Satan all along - deceived and deceiving others in his revolutionary music!
Pink Floyd have received all the accolades, awards, fame and wealth surpassing what most people could ever imagine. Remember, they didn't accomplish this just because they are "brilliant" but because they were "assisted" by a 5th ghostly member just like the Beatles, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and many other big rock bands. Talent isn't enough to get to the worldly heights Pink Floyd once soared to. All world systems are controlled by Satan and if you want dizzying success then you have to do it his way and sign a "contract," a contract in "blood." It does appear more and more that Pink Floyd has increasingly become a "spent" force as most of the demonic creative energy has gone!
Strange Fact:
In November 1974 Badfinger released their 6th album titled "Wish You Were Here" considered by many to be the bands best work. Seven weeks later it was pulled from circulation apparently because of a dispute between Warner Bros Publishing and the bands management. Then lo and behold Pink Floyd release their 9th studio album in September 1975, less than 10 months later. What are the chances of 2 bands having an album by the same name within the same approximate time frame?
Was this a plot? Was the Badfinger recording deliberately sidelined by recording industry bigwigs so Pink Floyd could get sole recognition for their album and it's title which went on to become an all time classic. Was the Badfinger album title ripped off by Pink Floyd? Today, hardly anyone has heard of this Badfinger album nor the financial skullduggery and tragedy that later befell various members of the band. Coincidence or conspiracy? You be the judge.
Pink Floyd Tribute Bands:
It would be remiss not to mention the "tribute" bands that copy the Pink Floyd experience and tour endlessly keeping the memory of the music "alive" for another generation. To date there are 2 notable ensembles, Brit Floyd and The Australian Pink Floyd Show that tour worldwide for fans of the band. There are countless other bands performing Pink Floyd music covers everywhere. It seems that Satan is not prepared to let a good thing go so easily. Pink Floyd has been so effective in bringing souls into the Luciferian "church" and into spiritual "darkness" that he's raised up bands to carry on this dark "ministry."
It remains to be seen what will happen to the surviving band members when they have "outlived" their usefulness in the kingdom of darkness. Sadly, Syd Barrett and Rick Wright were snuffed out by "drugs" like so many other musicians who signed a contract. Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour and Nick Mason are living on borrowed time and they will pay the ultimate price for their Mephistophelian "contract" with the devil for worldly success - eternal damnation unless they repent and turn to God for forgiveness and salvation! Serving Satan NEVER pays!
Dear reader
The Jesuit criminal cabal has been working tirelessly for 500 years infiltrating and subverting societies everywhere with their satanic ideologies, polluting the minds of billions of people over the centuries and leading them to destruction. In these LAST DAYS they are working even harder to enslave the MINDS of men and bring their one world Antichrist government into power over all humanity!
What Can You Do?
You may be feeling depressed after reading this page but i want to finish by giving you the GOOD NEWS! The Jesuits serve Satan and they will have their day in which they 'appear' to triumph. The Bible says so and God is NEVER wrong! It is only for a short time and then Jesus Christ will RETURN to this Earth from Heaven and destroy his enemies. This means ALL those who have REJECTED God's command to REPENT of their SINS but delighted instead, in doing EVIL!
There is wonderful HOPE for all who turn from SIN and call out to God for forgiveness. God will HEAR you and SAVE you and lead you to the END into his ETERNAL kingdom of LIGHT. You will be his child forever! That is his promise.
How does this happen?
Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5
So you must be born again by water and Spirit.
God loves you and wants to save you but he's waiting for you to humble yourself, confess your sins to him and turn from your self-centred life and make God the centre of your life!
Time is running out as we speed to the end of this age. World events are snow-balling and everything is becoming less and less certain. No one knows how much time is left but the time is SHORT according to the prophetic Bible timetable. No one can stop the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire from instituting their "Communist" one world dictatorship but you can still make a personal choice to change your life and prepare for the terrible storm that is coming!
Looking for another way? There isn't! God has only provided ONE WAY - his son Jesus Christ who died for your sins. His perfect blood can cleanse your sins and set you free from sin and death!
Jesus said unto him, "I am The way, The truth, and The life: no man comes unto the Father, but by ME." John 14:6
Need more info? Then go HERE and HERE
You may be feeling depressed after reading this page but i want to finish by giving you the GOOD NEWS! The Jesuits serve Satan and they will have their day in which they 'appear' to triumph. The Bible says so and God is NEVER wrong! It is only for a short time and then Jesus Christ will RETURN to this Earth from Heaven and destroy his enemies. This means ALL those who have REJECTED God's command to REPENT of their SINS but delighted instead, in doing EVIL!
There is wonderful HOPE for all who turn from SIN and call out to God for forgiveness. God will HEAR you and SAVE you and lead you to the END into his ETERNAL kingdom of LIGHT. You will be his child forever! That is his promise.
How does this happen?
Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5
So you must be born again by water and Spirit.
God loves you and wants to save you but he's waiting for you to humble yourself, confess your sins to him and turn from your self-centred life and make God the centre of your life!
Time is running out as we speed to the end of this age. World events are snow-balling and everything is becoming less and less certain. No one knows how much time is left but the time is SHORT according to the prophetic Bible timetable. No one can stop the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire from instituting their "Communist" one world dictatorship but you can still make a personal choice to change your life and prepare for the terrible storm that is coming!
Looking for another way? There isn't! God has only provided ONE WAY - his son Jesus Christ who died for your sins. His perfect blood can cleanse your sins and set you free from sin and death!
Jesus said unto him, "I am The way, The truth, and The life: no man comes unto the Father, but by ME." John 14:6
Need more info? Then go HERE and HERE