The "New" Unholy Jesuit-Vatican "NWO" Roman Empire!
WARNING! The New World Order Is Just The "OLD ROMAN EMPIRE!"
Dear Reader
If you're reading this page then the chances are you're in the process of formulating who is in control of everything. I say "CONTROL" because that's what history is all about. We can read about the endless rise and fall of pagan Babylonian - influenced people groups or "Empires" that tried to CONTROL the world.
Today, is no different to any other time period. There is indeed, a group of pagan Luciferians who now CONTROL the "whole" WORLD. When i say WORLD, i mean, all the WORLD SYSTEMS that people everywhere have now come to DEPEND on for a decent, civilized form of LIFE.
These include finance, trade, education, health, law, politics, energy, agriculture, culture and technology. It is vital to understand that all these systems have now been delivered into the hands of the Roman Catholic Church by the Vatican military arm - the JESUITS.
How could this have happened? How was the world deceived?
How have all the people of the world been enslaved?
In order to FIGHT an ENEMY, you must first IDENTIFY who the enemy is otherwise you are in the dark and will become a victim of that enemy.
If you're reading this page then the chances are you're in the process of formulating who is in control of everything. I say "CONTROL" because that's what history is all about. We can read about the endless rise and fall of pagan Babylonian - influenced people groups or "Empires" that tried to CONTROL the world.
Today, is no different to any other time period. There is indeed, a group of pagan Luciferians who now CONTROL the "whole" WORLD. When i say WORLD, i mean, all the WORLD SYSTEMS that people everywhere have now come to DEPEND on for a decent, civilized form of LIFE.
These include finance, trade, education, health, law, politics, energy, agriculture, culture and technology. It is vital to understand that all these systems have now been delivered into the hands of the Roman Catholic Church by the Vatican military arm - the JESUITS.
How could this have happened? How was the world deceived?
How have all the people of the world been enslaved?
In order to FIGHT an ENEMY, you must first IDENTIFY who the enemy is otherwise you are in the dark and will become a victim of that enemy.
Martyrdom of Christians By The Roman Empire - Then and Now!
Today, dissent or difference is "COVERTLY" punished and eradicated!
Today, dissent or difference is "COVERTLY" punished and eradicated!
A 2000 Year Summary
The last great ancient world empire was the Roman Empire, founded in 27 BC, which stretched from Britain to Iraq at its height in 117 AD and was the greatest empire the world has ever witnessed. By 476 AD this empire began to break up from internal corruption and power struggles and external assaults from opposing tribal groups after dominating the so called "civilised" world for more than 500 years. You can see from the map below the extent and influence of this great empire!
Comparison - Ancient Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Vatican Empire
Emperor worshipped as "god" Pope is " God"
Political & Religious System Political & Religious System
Satanic pagan rituals Satanists control the Vatican
Pantheistic religious system prevailed Pantheism prevails today
Rome was the centre of power Rome is the centre of power
Powerful "overt" military Powerful "covert" military
Extensive "intelligence" spy network World intelligence controlled
State education controlled Controls "all" education
Controlled media and propaganda Controls world media
Fascist dictatorship Fascist dictatorship
Canon Law code Canon Law code
Taxation/tribute system Controls world tax systems
Central control of currency Controls 98% of currencies
Distracted people with entertainment Controls all world entertainment
It is very clear there is NO difference between these "FASCIST" systems!
Click here for more comparative data on Rome and the RC church.
Roman "Legionnaires" of the old Roman Empire
The Roman Empire CONTROLLED all commerce, trade, law, education, religion and security within the extent of its borders. Roman Emperors were treated as "gods" by the people and worshipped as "more" than "mortals." When the emperor Constantine legalised Christianity in 313 AD after almost 300 years of state "persecution" and "murder" he created a non Biblical hierarchy of church leadership and "merged" it with pagan pantheistic beliefs in order to retain CONTROL over all the peoples of the empire by pandering to their desires for false gods.
In essence, Constantine became the first pope by appointing himself head of the Roman "political" state as well as head of the "religious" state even though he was "emperor." According to the historical record though, it was Siricius the first Roman bishop, who was declared the first pope in 384 AD after Nicea. It didn't take long after Constantine died in 337 AD for internal power struggles to erupt between his sons to "divide" the empire into 4 parts with the centre of the Roman state church located in the east at Constantinople.
The Birth Of The Holy Roman Empire / Roman Catholic Church
In 380 AD an extremely important event took place that was to shake the world! The 3 reigning Roman emperors Theodosius I, Gratian and Valentinian II issued an imperial "edict" that Nicene Christianity was to be the "state" religion and that all non Catholics were to be labelled "heretics." This is the point in history where the institutional state Roman Catholic Church is "born." From this point on, everyone "outside" the state religion is actively persecuted by the hierarchy and the roots of "religio-political fascism" take root and grow into the BEAST system it is today, devouring the Earth.
The Edict Of Thessalonica
It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition, and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority which in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict.
— Codex Theodosianus, xvi.1.2
In 380 AD an extremely important event took place that was to shake the world! The 3 reigning Roman emperors Theodosius I, Gratian and Valentinian II issued an imperial "edict" that Nicene Christianity was to be the "state" religion and that all non Catholics were to be labelled "heretics." This is the point in history where the institutional state Roman Catholic Church is "born." From this point on, everyone "outside" the state religion is actively persecuted by the hierarchy and the roots of "religio-political fascism" take root and grow into the BEAST system it is today, devouring the Earth.
The Edict Of Thessalonica
It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition, and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority which in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict.
— Codex Theodosianus, xvi.1.2
"The Catholic Establishment" (Jordan Maxwell) - Mirrored from "Invictus Mitra" You Tube channel at:
**In this video Jordan gives a clear outline of the goals of the Roman Catholic cult and its tenacious hold on world power today. I do NOT agree with Jordan's view that Jesus Christ did NOT exist, that the Bible is just a collection of stories or METAPHORS that must be decoded, that Christianity is just another religion being used to control people and that the the Vatican is being controlled by mysterious "ALIEN" entities. By rejecting Jesus Christ, Jordan has gone off into error promoting a mixture of truth and lies. Exercise caution when listening to this man's ideas!
**In this video Jordan gives a clear outline of the goals of the Roman Catholic cult and its tenacious hold on world power today. I do NOT agree with Jordan's view that Jesus Christ did NOT exist, that the Bible is just a collection of stories or METAPHORS that must be decoded, that Christianity is just another religion being used to control people and that the the Vatican is being controlled by mysterious "ALIEN" entities. By rejecting Jesus Christ, Jordan has gone off into error promoting a mixture of truth and lies. Exercise caution when listening to this man's ideas!
Between 337 AD and 476 AD when the Western Roman Empire fell, the Roman Catholic Church lost the military clout of the state and with it, it's authority and ability to enforce edicts. With the conversion of Clovis I of the Franks in 496 AD the influence of the church took an upswing in the West. The schism between Rome and Constantinople over power and doctrine continued to widen until 800 CE when Charlemagne was crowned by Pope Leo III and became protector of the Catholic Church in the West. The church relied on external forces for protection and support and this phase of weakness continued until 1499 AD.
*Note: In 431 AD the worship of Mary as "mother" of God was incorporated into Roman Catholic doctrine and practice. This idea MERGED the pagan Egyptian goddess "ISIS" with the Biblical person of MARY, the physical mother of Jesus Christ. This act "completed" the apostasy of the Roman church.
The HERETICAL worship of Isis/Mary continues unabated in the Catholic system today and is an ABOMINATION in the sight of God. This practice is repeatedly CONDEMNED by God in the Bible!
It's important to note that during this period of time (800 AD - 1499 AD) an extensive network of monasteries was established throughout Europe by the church and in particular the Benedictine monks. These monasteries became centres for education, maintaining intellectual culture as well as skills for craft, art and agriculture and became conduits for civilisation. In this way Rome has, (through its extensive public and private school systems on every continent) to this very day, kept a stranglehold on education and culture enabling Catholic ideology to spread itself from generation to generation and take root across the world.
During these 7 centuries Catholic missionaries (religious ORDERS) aggressively spread Catholicism into the British Isles, then Northern Europe to the Germanic and Slavic peoples and later to the Vikings and other Scandinavians. In this way Rome extended her influence gradually into the lives of the common people and over the Kings and Queens of Europe.
* The Roman Catholic male religious orders involved in this mission work were Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictines and various female orders of nuns. These orders acted as the advance guards in a military fashion, INFILTRATING cultures everywhere in a covert but aggressive manner. The Jesuits (the revived Knights Templars) who appeared in 1534 were and ARE a MILITARY ORDER becoming the Vatican's SECRET WEAPON, infiltrating everywhere and subverting governments and societies world wide!
It is VERY important to note that during this same period of aggressive Catholic expansion, the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ was being preached and taught and that these TRUE Christians opposed the Roman Catholic Institution and were PERSECUTED by ROME. Some of the history of these groups of Christians like the Waldenses and Albigenses is recorded in Foxes Book Of Martyrs and can be read at the link below.
In 1054 AD the schism between the Eastern Catholic Church in Constantinople and the Western Catholic Church in Rome was complete with the East becoming what is now the Greek Orthodox Church. However in 1095 AD, Pope Urban II launched the first Crusade against Muslim invaders at the request of Alexius I the Byzantine emperor. The Crusade was meant to rescue the Holy Land from the Muslims and return it to Christian control. There were 4 Crusades and during the last one ending in 1291 AD, Catholic Templar Knights sacked Constantinople. It was a time when terrible atrocities were committed by all sides.
The Knights Templar became the ENFORCERS and BANKERS for Rome and developed an extensive network of businesses and fortified bases around the Mediterranean. In 1307 AD, Charles V seized the opportunity to free himself from his indebtedness to the Templars and captured and executed it's chief leaders. This is an important event because the Templars were powerful and wealthy and it is believed by many scholars that they went underground and later resurfaced in the form of the JESUITS.
The Knights Templar became the ENFORCERS and BANKERS for Rome and developed an extensive network of businesses and fortified bases around the Mediterranean. In 1307 AD, Charles V seized the opportunity to free himself from his indebtedness to the Templars and captured and executed it's chief leaders. This is an important event because the Templars were powerful and wealthy and it is believed by many scholars that they went underground and later resurfaced in the form of the JESUITS.
During the 12th century, 8 new monastic orders were founded extending the reach of the church yet further into many communities. Many of them functioned as Military Knights of the Crusades. This is important because the Catholic Church has always acted as a POLITICAL/RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION involving itself in violence and war in order to TAKE by FORCE its political objectives.
*Note Nowhere in the Bible are Christians or the Christian Church permitted to engage in this kind of violent and malicious activity. So it is evident that the intolerant and aggressive behaviour of the Roman Catholic Church isn't Christian at all, marking it as ANTI CHRIST!
The Vatican is just the continuation and extension of the Roman Empire DISGUISED as a Christian institution.
*Note Nowhere in the Bible are Christians or the Christian Church permitted to engage in this kind of violent and malicious activity. So it is evident that the intolerant and aggressive behaviour of the Roman Catholic Church isn't Christian at all, marking it as ANTI CHRIST!
The Vatican is just the continuation and extension of the Roman Empire DISGUISED as a Christian institution.
"John The Revelator - World Revolution" 7 0f 15 by James Arrabito mirrored from The Medien You Tube channel at:
The Roman Catholic "Whore of Babylon" revealed
The Roman Catholic "Whore of Babylon" revealed
In 1208 AD the Church commenced its first Inquisition against perceived heretics, the Cathars, in order to tighten its grip on the people everywhere within its domain. The office of the inquisition within the Church was seemingly abolished in the 19th century after the Napoleonic wars but was revived as part of the Roman Curia and was renamed the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" in 1965. The inquisition was administered by the Dominicans at first and then later by the Jesuits commencing in the 1500's. Millions of true Christians were tortured and murdered over centuries because of their refusal to obey Rome and deny their faith in Jesus Christ!
* Rome's merciless "reign of terror" continued as vengeance and retribution on all HERETICS in Europe, Russia, China, Africa and South America through 2 horrible World Wars, multiple revolutions and continues today unabated in plain sight "DISGUISED" as the fake, CIA run, "Global War On Terror!"
This is a REALLY important subject because the inquisition was and is used as an instrument of torture and murder in order to intimidate any who dissent with Roman Catholic doctrine or control. The first inquisition never stopped but continues today! Anyone who researches carefully will discover the Roman Catholic Church plotting every revolution, war and genocide in the last 1700 years in order to retain and increase its control and domination over the nations/peoples of the Earth!
* Rome's merciless "reign of terror" continued as vengeance and retribution on all HERETICS in Europe, Russia, China, Africa and South America through 2 horrible World Wars, multiple revolutions and continues today unabated in plain sight "DISGUISED" as the fake, CIA run, "Global War On Terror!"
This is a REALLY important subject because the inquisition was and is used as an instrument of torture and murder in order to intimidate any who dissent with Roman Catholic doctrine or control. The first inquisition never stopped but continues today! Anyone who researches carefully will discover the Roman Catholic Church plotting every revolution, war and genocide in the last 1700 years in order to retain and increase its control and domination over the nations/peoples of the Earth!
Images of torture and execution of Protestant Christians by Roman Catholics
Power struggles within the Church and outside, between church and state, continued until 1417 AD when a board of cardinals elected a new pope Martin V. At one point the pope fled to Avignon in France for safety; the conflicts in Rome had become so severe. The centre of the church remained there between 1309 AD and 1378 AD and then returned to Rome. During the Renaissance the Church and the powerful Venetian families like the Medici and other Black Nobility families worked together to further the power and influence of the Catholic Church and many popes were elected from these ruling families.
During the 15th and 16th centuries Catholic explorers and missionaries took Catholicism to every part of the world. Through violence and force more often than not, native peoples everywhere were "converted" to Catholicism. Eventually, many indigenous tribes were decimated systematically by deliberate privation, disease and execution (poisoning) by Catholic "clergy" and their co-opted military forces.
The Catholic Church became more and more corrupt practicing simony and nepotism and through political intrigue gained wider control over governments in Europe. Great cathedrals were built as symbols of power in all the major cities and through the sale of "indulgences" the people everywhere were kept in fear of eternal damnation and retribution from Rome if they disagreed or rebelled.
When the Protestant Reformation broke out in 1517 AD with Martin Luther nailing his "95 theses" to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, the Catholic Church went into damage mode. In a short space of time, masses of people, upon hearing the message of "justification by faith" began to reject heretical, pagan Catholic teachings and abandoned the church.
Heroes of 'faith' like Luther, Huss, Waldo, Wycliffe and many others using the new "Gutenberg printing" press technology spread the message far and wide so Rome had great difficulty confiscating and destroying the mass printed literature and its wider spiritual impact was astounding. At this time the Bible was translated by Luther and Wycliffe into the common man's language from the Greek and Latin manuscripts so ordinary people could own a copy of the scriptures and read it for themselves. The Catholic paternalistic and pagan, "priestly" control and mediation of scriptural "truth" was broken.
So great was the impact of the restoration of Biblical truth and the freedom that it brought to the people, that the Catholic Church began to plot how to slow down and overturn the Reformation. This is where in 1534 AD the JESUIT order or "Society of Jesus" is formed by a Spanish Templar Knight by the name of Inigo or "Ignatius" de Loyola." In 1540 AD Loyola is granted permission by the pope to start a new "militant" order and all indicators point to full support and involvement by the Black Nobility families for this venture. In reality, the Jesuits simply took over the "role" of the Templar and Dominican orders as foot soldiers for the Vatican, engaging in political intrigue and the fomenting of plots to destroy all enemies of Rome, *restore the Pope's TEMPORAL and SPIRITUAL power and bring greater world influence and power to the Roman Catholic Empire.
The Jesuits have masterminded "every" assassination, government downfall, revolution, war, genocide and ideological subversion over the last 500 years.
The leader of the Jesuits is called the "superior general" and is unofficially known as the "BLACK POPE" and is today probably the most powerful man on Earth as he controls all world leaders, militaries and intelligence agencies. No one is free to do as they please and failure to "OBEY" Rome and its agenda results in speedy retribution in the form of assassination, military coup, revolution or outright war against that leader and the nation. Jesuit - planned events resulting in social chaos and bloodshed over the last 500 years could be turned into an extensive list and would result in a book. Such is the tale of human tragedy and horror perpetrated by these Son's Of Satan!
Download a short list of Jesuit planned atrocities for the 20th century, HERE
Another very important event that needs mentioning was the Council Of Trent, which was convened between 1545 AD and 1563 AD by the Vatican and controlled by the Jesuits. The purpose of this council was to formulate a strategy ( the Counter Reformation) to destroy the Protestant Reformation, "true" BIBLICAL Christianity and FREEDOM (Liberty of Conscience) everywhere in the world.
The final document written from the councils deliberation is an outright "declaration of war" against Christians everywhere and this document stands unchanged today having NEVER been altered or revoked. This means simply the Roman Catholic "Counter Reformation" is still being enacted and enforced everywhere. The Jesuits are the criminal "ENFORCERS" of Rome ensuring the Roman Catholic Church under the pope will "RULE" the world completely, one day!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to understand modern history unless read as a "ROMAN CATHOLIC" history wherein Rome has been gradually USURPING, century by century, power and control over every facet of HUMAN EXISTENCE!
The Jesuits have masterminded "every" assassination, government downfall, revolution, war, genocide and ideological subversion over the last 500 years.
The leader of the Jesuits is called the "superior general" and is unofficially known as the "BLACK POPE" and is today probably the most powerful man on Earth as he controls all world leaders, militaries and intelligence agencies. No one is free to do as they please and failure to "OBEY" Rome and its agenda results in speedy retribution in the form of assassination, military coup, revolution or outright war against that leader and the nation. Jesuit - planned events resulting in social chaos and bloodshed over the last 500 years could be turned into an extensive list and would result in a book. Such is the tale of human tragedy and horror perpetrated by these Son's Of Satan!
Download a short list of Jesuit planned atrocities for the 20th century, HERE
Another very important event that needs mentioning was the Council Of Trent, which was convened between 1545 AD and 1563 AD by the Vatican and controlled by the Jesuits. The purpose of this council was to formulate a strategy ( the Counter Reformation) to destroy the Protestant Reformation, "true" BIBLICAL Christianity and FREEDOM (Liberty of Conscience) everywhere in the world.
The final document written from the councils deliberation is an outright "declaration of war" against Christians everywhere and this document stands unchanged today having NEVER been altered or revoked. This means simply the Roman Catholic "Counter Reformation" is still being enacted and enforced everywhere. The Jesuits are the criminal "ENFORCERS" of Rome ensuring the Roman Catholic Church under the pope will "RULE" the world completely, one day!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to understand modern history unless read as a "ROMAN CATHOLIC" history wherein Rome has been gradually USURPING, century by century, power and control over every facet of HUMAN EXISTENCE!
The Roman Catholic Military Orders Through The Ages
The Knights Templar
The Dominicans
The Jesuits
Some Major Catholic Knightly Orders Serving The Jesuits
Hot on the heels of the PROTESTANT REFORMATION came freedom of information and learning and a mighty explosion of invention and knowledge based on Biblical truth about the creation and nature. This period of time is called "THE ENLIGHTENMENT" lasting approximately 150 years starting in 1685 AD and ending approximately 1815 AD during which modern "SOCIETIES" based on egalitarianism and a respect for "life" and "human dignity" were established in Europe and the New World. Catholic "monastic" fascism (Communism) was rolled back and people were free to "believe" what they wanted to.
Unfortunately, for humanity, the Jesuits and the Catholic Church were intent on destroying the new "freedoms" and "prosperity" being experienced everywhere and started their NEW campaigns of "terror" and "inquisition" that are still being conducted today. This well documented goal, stated by many popes, was/is the return of society everywhere to the darkness of 13th century mediaeval feudalism and total domination by the Catholic Church. This is achieved through endless social upheaval, chaos, war and the control of EDUCATION and LEGAL systems using ROMAN CANON LAW!
There is simply no argument here as this is the exact picture of the last 500 years!
Unfortunately, for humanity, the Jesuits and the Catholic Church were intent on destroying the new "freedoms" and "prosperity" being experienced everywhere and started their NEW campaigns of "terror" and "inquisition" that are still being conducted today. This well documented goal, stated by many popes, was/is the return of society everywhere to the darkness of 13th century mediaeval feudalism and total domination by the Catholic Church. This is achieved through endless social upheaval, chaos, war and the control of EDUCATION and LEGAL systems using ROMAN CANON LAW!
There is simply no argument here as this is the exact picture of the last 500 years!
Roman Canon Law Gives The Pope Temporal Authority Worldwide
In 1776 AD the Jesuits, which had been suppressed by Pope Clement IV in 1773 AD covertly commissioned Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor in Roman Canon Law to form the "ILLUMINATI," a secret society in Bavaria. This is another "very" significant development in the history of the Catholic Church because the purpose of the Illuminati was to continue the Jesuit operations under another name. The purpose of the Illuminati was to take "control" of all the secret societies and criminal organisations, in particular, Freemasonry and later the Mafia which had begun to spread all over the world and were a threat to the power of the Catholic Church. Today, there is all kinds of sensational speculation about the Illuminati, most of which is incorrect. CONTROL by COVERT operations has always been the "modus operandi" of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church.
Since 1776 AD an extensive "brotherhood" of secret cabals has insinuated its influence and control over every world government and social institution that exists. Via this network, of corrupt round table groups, secret societies, criminal gangs and intelligence agencies the affairs of the world are directed under the control of the Black Pope and the Black Nobility families at the top of the hierarchy.
*Note The suppression of the Jesuits marks the total transfer of power from the White Pope to the Black Pope. When the Jesuits re-emerge in 1814 AD, it is EVIDENT to the scholar that THEY are IN CONTROL of the Vatican and all secret societies under the Jesuit alias, "Illuminati." After this time the Jesuits are the secret but TRUE rulers in Rome and the Pope becomes merely a public FIGUREHEAD who obeys their orders or is removed. A succession of murdered popes from this date onward indicates this very clearly! As of 2015 a Jesuit Pope is in power and the takeover of the church by the Luciferian Jesuits is complete.
This is all documented!
In modern history, the key to world control is PAPAL control of the U.S. government and it's extensive military which has 800 bases in 70 countries. War will be waged against all who resist Rome! All world intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI5, KGB and Mossad report to and are controlled from Rome.
The church also has a number of knightly orders such as the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta which control the banking and military sectors under the jurisdiction of the Jesuits.
"The New Roman Empire" In Our Faces On The Cover Of Time!
"Today, the Christian churches have mostly all been infiltrated and subverted doctrinally by Jesuits masquerading as protestant leaders and pushing the Jesuit program of "ecumenism." The end of the "Protest" is near as christian churches everywhere "capitulate" to pressure from Rome. All world government leaders visit the pope at the Vatican to kiss his ring and swear obeisance to him. Jesuit businesses control all world media, publishing, banking, high tech and military arms manufacturing companies with prominent Papal Jews as managers. The "Evil Jew" is the "SMOKESCREEN" the Jesuits hide behind to DISTRACT the curious so the world doesn't suspect who is pulling the strings of power.
Nevertheless, anyone who takes an objective view on world affairs and studies closely the institutions that could "possibly" control the world, will in the end find that only ONE can do this and it is the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. It is the RICHEST organisation/empire on the face of the Earth owning vast amounts of real estate and corporate shares. This is undisputed as even basic research will reveal the wealth of the Vatican to be in the hundreds of trillions or quadrillions and possibly incalculable as it never discloses its true net worth.
Vast amounts of world art treasures, ancient relics, priceless books, gold, silver and diamonds that have been LOOTED, lie in the Vatican's cellars but this knowledge has increasingly, been cleverly relegated to myth by the Jesuit run media!
Today, the Catholic Church RULES the world through CANON LAW which it has insinuated incrementally into every world system governing every facet of life and controlling bodies such as the UN, WHO, IMF, WORLD BANK, NASA, IPCC and IOC. It is a system based on ambiguity and legalese that few can interpret or understand. The whole legal system is STACKED AGAINST the poor and disenfranchised people of the world and designed to promote corruption and the obfuscation of justice and fair play for all. This has been done deliberately in order to enrich the Roman Catholic Church by the illegal confiscation of property and wealth (theft of widow's houses) and the transfer of greater and greater control to those who serve this corrupt system.
Finally, the saying, "all roads lead to Rome" is correct! Not recognising Rome's World Empire today is to make a very "GRAVE" oversight! Viewing the Vatican as benign or beneficent and the pope as a harmless oddity is an incredible delusion. When all systems are finally secure in their hands, the Jesuits will LUNGE and grab the world PREY by the jugular and COMMAND obedience or DEATH just as it was in the ancient past.
Even Catholics will not be spared in the final world "CONFLAGRATION."
This is described in Daniel 7:23
Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
Also, in Revelations 13:15
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The ROMAN CATHOLIC NEW WORLD ORDER "is" the Luciferian, fascist one world government system described in Orwell's novel "1984" and in many other dystopian works of fiction but is being trumpeted openly as the solution to all of mankind's problems by many world leaders in recent years! The people of the world have been and ARE BEING LIED to and DECEIVED in a very big way!
* The Jesuits are the inventors of Nazism, Communism, Fascism, Feminism, Relativism, Atheism and Scientism and when this is understood, everything begins to make sense!
The reality is, it will be enslavement and a living hell for all who participate "willingly" with the "BEAST" system of Rome!
Dissent and resistance to Rome will always be met with persecution, incarceration and execution!
"The Bilderberg Group Is a Jesuit Creation" - Mirrored from You Tube channel " Eric 777 at:
Here are some related URL's to check out!
Looking for answers?
Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY out of this world system of death and destruction!
Jesus said, "I am The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through ME." John 14:6
Go HERE for more info on who Jesus Christ is and what the Bible claims!
Looking for answers?
Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY out of this world system of death and destruction!
Jesus said, "I am The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through ME." John 14:6
Go HERE for more info on who Jesus Christ is and what the Bible claims!