Satanic Secret Societies
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This is a short list of some of the more influential secret societies active in the world today.
Secret societies are never 'harmless' and appear to be 'benign' channels of "patronage" and "fraternal fellowship" for the benefit of society. In reality they harness the energies of millions of both men and women into 'good' works to balance the 'dark' occult beliefs and activities they engage in. Although members talk of a belief in a 'higher power' this power remains unnamed and actually is 'satanic.' All secret societies are busy extending the mystical, ancient Babylonian 'Kingdom of Darkness' and are of necessity, opposed to Christianity and the 'Gospel' of Jesus Christ!
Secret societies are never 'harmless' and appear to be 'benign' channels of "patronage" and "fraternal fellowship" for the benefit of society. In reality they harness the energies of millions of both men and women into 'good' works to balance the 'dark' occult beliefs and activities they engage in. Although members talk of a belief in a 'higher power' this power remains unnamed and actually is 'satanic.' All secret societies are busy extending the mystical, ancient Babylonian 'Kingdom of Darkness' and are of necessity, opposed to Christianity and the 'Gospel' of Jesus Christ!
"These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rules America" Mirrored from Truthstream Media You Tube Channel at:

Whether out of ignorance, deception or willful rebellion, all who join in and partake of secret societies also partake in the 'deeds' of darkness. God forbids secret societies in the Bible and warns that those who engage in them will not enter the Kingdom of God!
Isaiah 29:15
Woe to those who deeply hide their plans from the LORD, And whose deeds are done in a dark place, And they say, "Who sees us?" or "Who knows us?"
Reader be warned!!
Isaiah 29:15
Woe to those who deeply hide their plans from the LORD, And whose deeds are done in a dark place, And they say, "Who sees us?" or "Who knows us?"
Reader be warned!!
The Illuminati:
A select cabal of extremely powerful 33 degree Grand Orient Luciferians formed by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt at Ingolstadt University in 1776 under direction from Lorenzo Ricci, Superior General of the Jesuits for the purpose of infiltrating all the secret societies in Europe and bring them under the control of the Jesuits who were suppressed by Papal "Bull" in 1773. The "Illuminati" is just another front for the Jesuit Military Order Of Rome created to confuse and create an undercurrent of fear!
A select cabal of extremely powerful 33 degree Grand Orient Luciferians formed by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt at Ingolstadt University in 1776 under direction from Lorenzo Ricci, Superior General of the Jesuits for the purpose of infiltrating all the secret societies in Europe and bring them under the control of the Jesuits who were suppressed by Papal "Bull" in 1773. The "Illuminati" is just another front for the Jesuit Military Order Of Rome created to confuse and create an undercurrent of fear!
"Secret History Of The Order Of The Illuminati" Mirrored From Truthstream Media You Tube Channel At:
The Freemasons:
An ancient "pagan" esoteric, secret society of foot soldiers whose rituals and beliefs were born out of the Luciferian, Pythagorean "mystery school" and passed down by diverse groups of illuminated "initiates" over the centuries to the once powerful "Templar Knights" and then via Roman Catholic elite clergy into the circles of European nobility. By 1800 the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry had not only been created under Jesuit instruction but were totally controlled by them.
They are the Vatican "military" who now control governments, the judiciary, police, intelligence agencies and militaries and have sworn to carry out the plans of the Illuminati (Jesuits) under the supreme direction of the Jesuit Superior General (the "ALL SEEING EYE" of Horus/Satan.") Today it is estimated they number 6 million worldwide. Together with the Jesuits they form the "Synagogue Of Satan" described in the book of Revelation.
An ancient "pagan" esoteric, secret society of foot soldiers whose rituals and beliefs were born out of the Luciferian, Pythagorean "mystery school" and passed down by diverse groups of illuminated "initiates" over the centuries to the once powerful "Templar Knights" and then via Roman Catholic elite clergy into the circles of European nobility. By 1800 the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry had not only been created under Jesuit instruction but were totally controlled by them.
They are the Vatican "military" who now control governments, the judiciary, police, intelligence agencies and militaries and have sworn to carry out the plans of the Illuminati (Jesuits) under the supreme direction of the Jesuit Superior General (the "ALL SEEING EYE" of Horus/Satan.") Today it is estimated they number 6 million worldwide. Together with the Jesuits they form the "Synagogue Of Satan" described in the book of Revelation.
Why I Left Freemasonry - Charles Finney

__why_i_left_freemasonry_-_charles_finney.pdf |
"Italy's Secret Government: Propaganda Doue" (P2 Lodge) - Mirrored from History Lessons You Tube channel at:
The Rosicrucians:
The "Order of the Rosy Cross" is smaller than the Freemasons but a highly influential esoteric secret society begun in 17th century Europe who infiltrate secular organisations for the purpose of control under the direction of the Illuminati.
The "Order of the Rosy Cross" is smaller than the Freemasons but a highly influential esoteric secret society begun in 17th century Europe who infiltrate secular organisations for the purpose of control under the direction of the Illuminati.
Ancient Order of Hibernians:
A secret Irish - Catholic fraternal organisation established 1836 in the USA and sworn to protect the Roman Catholic institution. This society of revolutionaries created the Fenians and would then later become the IRA.
A secret Irish - Catholic fraternal organisation established 1836 in the USA and sworn to protect the Roman Catholic institution. This society of revolutionaries created the Fenians and would then later become the IRA.
The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm:
A secret society for master masons formed in 1890 in the USA.
A secret society for master masons formed in 1890 in the USA.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
An offshoot order of the Rosicrucian Society begun in 1888.
An offshoot order of the Rosicrucian Society begun in 1888.
Knights of Malta
(The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, commonly known as the Knights Hospitaller or the Order of Saint John.) Founded in 1077 in Jerusalem.
(The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, commonly known as the Knights Hospitaller or the Order of Saint John.) Founded in 1077 in Jerusalem.
Knights of Columbus:
A Jesuit Catholic fraternal secret society founded in 1882 in the USA and possibly the largest military order in charge of international finance and banking for the Vatican.
A Jesuit Catholic fraternal secret society founded in 1882 in the USA and possibly the largest military order in charge of international finance and banking for the Vatican.
Knights of The Golden Circle
A secret fraternal society founded in Cincinnati USA in 1854 and said to be extinct however the logo has been cited in recent years, evidence that the order is active.
A secret fraternal society founded in Cincinnati USA in 1854 and said to be extinct however the logo has been cited in recent years, evidence that the order is active.
Ku Klux Klan:
A secret society first founded in the USA in 1860.
A secret society first founded in the USA in 1860.
Bilderberg Group:
A fluid roundtable group meeting every 2 years in secret, planning world agendas for the Illuminati.
A fluid roundtable group meeting every 2 years in secret, planning world agendas for the Illuminati.
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine:
A secret fraternal society also known as the 'Shriners' founded in 1870 in the USA.
A secret fraternal society also known as the 'Shriners' founded in 1870 in the USA.
Ordo Templi Orientis:
An offshoot order of the Rosicrucian Society founded sometime in 19th century Germany or Austria but only verified in 1895 and headquartered in London.
An offshoot order of the Rosicrucian Society founded sometime in 19th century Germany or Austria but only verified in 1895 and headquartered in London.
Priory of Sion:
A secret fraternal society supposedly founded in 1956 in France but actually dating back pre Templar to Jerusalem in 1099.
A secret fraternal society supposedly founded in 1956 in France but actually dating back pre Templar to Jerusalem in 1099.
Sons of Liberty:
A secret fraternal society founded in 1765 in the USA having a heroic mythic past and supposedly now defunct but still influential as an idea.
A secret fraternal society founded in 1765 in the USA having a heroic mythic past and supposedly now defunct but still influential as an idea.
Skull and Bones:
A powerful Jesuit fraternal secret society of death founded at Yale University in 1832 controlling business and politics in the USA.
A powerful Jesuit fraternal secret society of death founded at Yale University in 1832 controlling business and politics in the USA.
Opus Dei:
A Catholic society founded in 1928 dedicated to the support and promotion of Roman Catholic doctrine and teaching.
A Catholic society founded in 1928 dedicated to the support and promotion of Roman Catholic doctrine and teaching.
The Knights Templar:
A Catholic secret military society founded by crusader knights in 1118 in Europe. These were Rome's bankers and enforcers. When they became too powerful in 1314 they were outlawed, persecuted, imprisoned and many executed by the pope and were replaced much later by the Jesuits.
A Catholic secret military society founded by crusader knights in 1118 in Europe. These were Rome's bankers and enforcers. When they became too powerful in 1314 they were outlawed, persecuted, imprisoned and many executed by the pope and were replaced much later by the Jesuits.
A secret occult society of Luciferians whose teachings formed the basis for the "New Age" (Aquarian) movement first outlined in Alice Bailey's writings in the 1920's and 30's and that took form in the 1950's and 60's "Beat" and "Hippie" counter-culture (social engineering) movements and later transformed in the 90's (1992 Un Earth Summit) into the "Green" or "Environmental" movement.
A secret occult society of Luciferians whose teachings formed the basis for the "New Age" (Aquarian) movement first outlined in Alice Bailey's writings in the 1920's and 30's and that took form in the 1950's and 60's "Beat" and "Hippie" counter-culture (social engineering) movements and later transformed in the 90's (1992 Un Earth Summit) into the "Green" or "Environmental" movement.