1/29/2018 0 Comments SATAN, PRINCE OF THIS WORLD |
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When Darkness Fell To Earth
Satan, The First Rebel And "Revolutionary"
Dear Reader, Lucifer is real not a fiction!
"It is not a coincidence that Saul Alinksy’s book, “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to Lucifer. Alinsky writes on his dedication page.
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” Paul McGuire - 2012
There is a force of evil so unspeakably wicked, prevalent on the Earth today that explains the often aberrant and depraved behaviour of humans. It is a spiritual force working from another dimension to usurp control over mostly unsuspecting humanity. Its nature is that of lies, deception and a diabolical cunning beyond mortal comprehension. Where did it emanate from? The Bible tells us there was a "REBELLION" (WAR) in heaven and Lucifer (Satan) and his angels (demons) were defeated and cast out onto the Earth where they have been meddling in the affairs of men ever since. Satan managed to deceive and usurp "AUTHORITY" over the Earth from the first human parents in the Garden of Eden. Evil has been attempting to build a kingdom since before the beginning of time - a kingdom of "darkness" now working through deceived and unsuspecting human agents.
These humans in return for temporal power and wealth, assist this force in achieving its goals. From the beginning of time these people, usually called witches or sorcerers, have been opening "portals" for demonic entities to enter into and take possession of human vessels. Through magical rituals, spells and human sacrifice these human "coadjutants" expand the "LUCIFERIAN" enterprise. The goal of these entities is "CONTROL," always CONTROL, in order to establish their dark kingdom on the Earth. Today, sorcery (witchcraft) is practiced widely at the highest levels of every bureaucratic power where politics, ancient occult religion and technology converge. Today, occult power controls the USA, Russia, China, Germany, the UK and all other powerful leading nations.
Darkness has always stalked the Earth seeking out willing participants but we are now in the "Last Days" of Earth as we know it and spiritual Darkness is Falling rapidly. The Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire has taken control of all world SYSTEMS!
Darkness is attempting to TOTALLY EXTINGUISH the light (truth) and will succeed for a time!

All Indigenous Peoples Record The Story Of "War In Heaven"
Fr. Schmidt divides what remains of the “Urkulturen,” i.e., primitive civilizations, into three groups; (1) The Southern, comprising several tribes, (Aboriginals) in southeastern Australia, (2) The Central, comprising the pygmies and pygmoids in Africa and southeastern Asia, including Ceylon, the Andaman Islands and the Philippines, and (3) The Northern, or Arctic-Americans, whose representatives are also found in northern Asia and disseminated among the Esqumaux and American Indians.
"All of these so-called uncivilised human beings share the fundamental belief that (1) Before this world was created other worlds existed. (2) At some time, before the Supreme Being created this world, a revolution had occurred in the celestial world (Universe), caused by the fact that some of the Creator’s creatures had challenged His right to exercise Supreme authority over the entire universe. (3) As a result of this revolt against the absolute supremacy of the Creator (God), the Universe was divided into “Good” and “Evil” parts. (4) That the Evil Spirits tried to interfere with God’s work while He was actually engaged in creating this world. (5) That ever since this world was finished these evil forces have been at work trying to prevent human beings from doing the Will of God. (6) That it was the representative of the leader of the heavenly revolt who brought death, sickness and ALL other EVILS to the Human Race because he deceived our first parents into defecting from God." Page 8
The Source Of, "Might Is Right" Or Totalitarianism
If God bases His plan for the rule of the universe on the premise that Lesser Beings can be taught to know Him, love Him, and to wish to serve Him voluntarily for all eternity out of love and respect for His own infinite perfections, then it seems reasonable to suppose that Lucifer challenged God’s Right to exercise supreme authority over all the Universe on the grounds that His plan was weak and impractical. If this is so, then obviously Lucifer’s ideology must be based on the premise that MIGHT is RIGHT, and rule must be totalitarian.
Considering that one-third of the highest and brightest of the heaven host joined him voluntarily in rebellion against God, it seems also reasonable to suppose that Lucifer founded the further totalitarian principle that beings of vastly superior intelligence have the RIGHT to rule those less gifted.
In other words, God’s plan is to derive pleasure and glory from the love and service voluntarily given him by His creatures who remain loyal despite the lies, deceits, and temptations to which they are subjected by Lucifer’s Satanic agencies, while they are undergoing their period of trial. The Luciferian ideology is that all lesser beings must be forced to obey supreme authority by application of absolute despotism. Therefore, we would seem entitled to believe that we now are faced with the same alternatives on earth. Those who favour totalitarianism are determined to enslave those who favour freedom and voluntary service. Page 11
We have already witnessed despotism in its many forms throughout history: dictatorships accompanied by varied forms of "fascist" autocratic rule.
Below are symbols that "represent" the Luciferian fascist methodologies of control!
Who Are The Luciferians In Control Of The Plot?
Those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy AT THE TOP have also encouraged and even financed anti- Semitism, and used it to serve their secret plans and diabolical ambitions. But they have also deceived Gentiles into serving their diabolical purposes in exactly the same way. It is utterly ludicrous to say the W.R.M. (World Revolutionary Movement) is a Jewish plot designed to give the Jews ultimate control of the world, because study of the Luciferian plot proves clearly that ALL forms of government and religion are to be destroyed in the final stage of the Luciferian conspiracy, so that when,
“No power or cunning can prevent us, we (the high priests of the Luciferian religion) shall crown our leader King-Despot of the entire world.”
According to the writings of those who have directed the Luciferian conspiracy, their purpose is to enslave ALL Lesser human beings absolutely, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and force them to accept the Luciferian ideology by application of Satanic despotism. This being a fact, those who claim that the W.R.M. is a Jewish, Roman Catholic, Communist, Nazi, Masonic, or any other kind of conspiracy, talk utter nonsense, because evidence in this book will PROVE HOW the conspirators intend to destroy all forms of government and religion.
The Zionist Jews, the Roman Catholic system, the Communist system, Nazism and Freemasonry are all coopted and used as vehicles of coercion through fear and violence to achieve the the final Luciferian goal of one world government!
As far as our investigations have gone, the evidence indicates that those who have directed the Luciferian conspiracy secretly, have always masqueraded as champions of another established religion. We have the Luciferian who headed the Jewish Sanhedrin during Christ’s mission on earth; we have Weishaupt (Adam Weishaupt,) who taught Canon Law by which the Christian missionary efforts were governed in his day; we have Albert Pike- who was head of the Masonic religion (for Masonry is a religion), in his day, etc., etc. Page 15
Below are central groups comprising the "Jesuit Roman Catholic New World Order" hierarchy of control. Only the VERY TOP (high level) initiates in each are Luciferians and KNOW the plan!
Modus Operandi Of The Conspiracy
With deceit as their chief weapon, those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy have caused Catholics to believe Freemasonry to be the main instrument the Devil uses to destroy them and Christianity. Using exactly the same deception Masons are taught to believe Roman Catholicism is Luciferianism in disguise. By the same token Communists are taught they are the champions of “democracy” while the people of the so-called remain- ing democratic nations are being convinced Communism is the root of all evil and the main threat towards the destruction of their governments and religions. Thus those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy kept the Goyim divided among themselves. They shift the blame for their own sins against God and their crimes against humanity and place it where they find it most convenient. In a most remarkable manner, which can only be explained by the power of the Devil, they manage to deflect towards others the finger of suspicion whenever it is pointed at them and, generally speaking, they preserve the secrecy of their motives and identity.
The Synagogue of Satan directs the Luciferian conspiracy. History proves the S.O.S. has used ALL internationalist movements organized since the beginning of time to further their own secret plans. The Bible tells us the ‘idea’ of a one world government was introduced to Solomon ten centuries before Christ was born. As happened to Nazism, all international movements are made to destroy themselves as soon as they have served the Luciferian cause. Thus it is that the few, who direct the World Revolutionary Movement move peacefully nearer to establishing a totalitarian state. They make those they plot to subjugate, fight, and destroy each other, their governments, and religions because they stand as obstacles in their path. Page 50
Below are some key Luciferian occult symbols.

The Luciferian Goal
“Their (the Illuminati - think JESUIT'S) first task, and immediate aim, is to get the possession of riches, power, and influence without industry; and to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity; and then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure them the adherence of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all civil governments of Europe; after which they will think of further conquests, and extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe; until they have reduced mankind to one indistinguishable chaotic mass.” Page 53
How do they do this?
REVOLUTION, that's how. The overthrow of democratically elected governments. This IS SATAN'S methodology of eliminating opposition, and transferring temporal and then spiritual POWER from the common people to his select tyrants!
Read below the extensive list of revolutions and uprisings and then guess how many were fomented/financed by covert Jesuit scheming! Many we know because they are documented but many were well hidden and orchestrated through 3rd parties like the Jacobins in the French Revolution!
The Luciferians control all technology and are using it to ensnare humanity at all levels. Key to their strategy of "control" is chemical warfare via food, water and air to "dumb down" the masses and ensure apathy and passivity (compliance with orders.) Electro magnetic frequencies are used effectively because they are invisible. People do not suspect that cell phones, wi-fi and TV are being used to alter their brain functions and KILL them slowly by prolonged MICROWAVE IRRADIATION.
Under the direction of the UN (Luciferian Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire Headquarters,) Agenda 30 is now rolling out. Please take the time to read the objectives of this document under the guise of "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" and you will have no doubts as to the REAL aim of the Jesuit Luciferian New World Order for all humanity.
List of Jesuit Fomented World Revolutions And Uprisings Since 1540

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Read Agenda 21/30 below

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Message & Invitation
Dear reader there's only one way to defeat the Jesuits and their world system that will soon plunge the world into darkness and that is to reject that world system, turn away from it and make Jesus Christ your Lord and God.
The Jesuits HATE Jesus Christ because they serve the dark lord - Satan/Lucifer, the prince of this dark world system. Satan was defeated at the cross 2000 years ago and his time controlling this Earth has almost expired. He's ANGRY and wants to DESTROY as many human SOULS as he can before Jesus Christ RETURNS to Earth to take his people home for ETERNITY! Don't be one of those who are destroyed!
Will you be there with God forevermore? Heaven or Hell - it's your choice!
There are NO second chances after death so NOW is the time to REPENT of your SINS and turn to Christ for forgiveness!
Mao Zedong, Stalin and Hitler's terrible reign of terror as horrible as it was will PALE into INSIGNIFICANCE compared to the soon-coming HORROR of the WORLD DICTATOR, the Bible calls THE "ANTICHRIST."
This one man will control the whole WORLD in a 3 1/2 year TOTALITARIAN reign of DARKNESS and EVIL history has NEVER, ever witnessed before!
NO person, group or FORCE will be able to oppose him so the ONLY answer for ANYONE is, to REFUSE to OBEY him and SERVE GOD ONLY.
Remember; JESUS CHRIST is the WINNER in this battle between GOOD and EVIL!
The BIG question is; Who's side will you be on at the END?
Jesus said, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no way cast out." John 6:37
Also, "Jesus said unto him, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
There is NO other way to be saved!
Read more HERE.
*My prayer is that you will find your way to the "giver of life" Jesus Christ and be washed, healed and delivered from SIN and DEATH.
1/27/2018 0 Comments

The Dark Side Of Technology
Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already:
“mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.” These technologies make it “possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves].”
Sourced: (Marc Filterman, Intelligence Newsletter, (December 16, 1999) (http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO201A.html)
Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already:
“mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.” These technologies make it “possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves].”
Sourced: (Marc Filterman, Intelligence Newsletter, (December 16, 1999) (http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO201A.html)

Weaponising Weather
Solar Shield & Chemtrails
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
When I was growing up in the 50's and 60's the weather was an overarching mysterious power that influenced the seasons of my life. I grew up with a love and respect for this awesome force that set the backdrop for the memories I hold dear. Until 3 years ago I was certain the weather was a force of God directed by him only and there was a certain comfort in knowing everything was determined by heaven. Recently, it has become clear to me through strange world events making little sense, that something is seriously amiss!
Through alternative media channels I learned about Chemtrails and Operation Solar Shield a solar "remediation" program aimed at blocking out the sun to reduce a now proven, man - made scam called "global warming." I learned how the skies across the world are being sprayed 24/7 with metallic, nano particulates like Barium, Aluminium and Strontium that are toxic to all life on Earth. These metals are toxic to all life and now have poisoned food, water and air resulting in dramatic increases in diseases like Autism, Alzheimers and Cancer worldwide! This can be verified on good authority based on government documents and has been happening for at least 40 years. Anyone, anywhere can look up at the skies at anytime and see the criss crossed chemtrail patterns sprayed by an army of pilots.
The worlds weather is being modified without consultation, or with the knowledge of the people. The world is being poisoned from the skies by an invisible rain of death! The intent of those who are doing this is not beneficent but malevolent. This interference will not "protect" Earth but "destroy" it!

Since the 70's more than 60,000 Wet Surface Air Cooling (WSAC) facilities have been built across the world and are pumping out clouds of vapour 24/7. "Normal" weather patterns have ceased to exist as greater intrusions into weather and climate are made by those seeking pre-determined, "nefarious" outcomes using advanced technologies to "manipulate" and "steer" weather events. Rain, snow, hail and cloud can be directed to whatever location is intended. Due to the wide scale and continuous man-made intrusions into "natural" weather systems there has been a severe collapse demonstrated by the failure of conventional (naturally occurring) wind and rain patterns.

Using ionospheric "heaters" such as HAARP, tremendous energy can be directed artificially to any place on the Earth causing cataclysmic storms, volcanoes and earthquakes accompanied by horrific destruction and loss of life. Once the storm has been "birthed" it's intensity can be increased and then steered using NexRad towers which are located all across the USA and in other countries. Weather is being used to move (herd) people like cattle to where the controllers wish them to go. In this way the infrastructure in whole areas can be destroyed and people moved out by artificial force and through "destitution" (the loss of homes, loved ones and possessions.) Law enforcement agencies are then employed, preventing people from returning to their homes in the area of devastation.
There are dozens of HAARP installations on all continents and i believe they are responsible for the horrific 2004, 9.3 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean killing 250,000+ people in many countries and resulting in 20 billion dollars damage and countless shattered lives. These events are ARTIFICIALLY induced, they are NOT natural!
There are dozens of HAARP installations on all continents and i believe they are responsible for the horrific 2004, 9.3 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean killing 250,000+ people in many countries and resulting in 20 billion dollars damage and countless shattered lives. These events are ARTIFICIALLY induced, they are NOT natural!

As if this wasn't horrific enough, new Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are being used to start forest fires and the wholesale destruction of homes and suburban neighbourhoods. They have been used covertly from airborne platforms in Alberta, Canada 2017, Liverpool, England 2018, Northern California, USA 2017 and even in Tianjin, China, 2015. These weapons are trillion watt Lasers that can disintegrate glass and vaporise ceramics, concrete, metals and human bodies in an instant. They have a tremendous destructive force and can hit silently without any warning.
These new Electro-Magnetic wave technologies are being "employed" against CIVILIAN populations by the US military-industrial complex domestically and abroad. The Jesuits are "playing" God with their new "toys" and using the powerfully destructive force of weather to "socially engineer" whole populations worldwide. This is happening right NOW and any rational person can see that it is the New war of TERROR against the people by ruling governments and not against some shady, contrived foreign terror organisation!
Read about the reality of DEW 's below.
Used in conjunction with each other, the Jesuits are directing LETHAL force against civilians in order to wage war with impunity against targets slated for elimination. These advanced technologies CANNOT be resisted, giving the Jesuit controllers god-like powers over humanity!
The Jesuits have been warning humanity for 50 years or more through their "predictive programming," "apocalyptic" genre Hollywood film productions, of the power they would unleash. Like fools we just thought it was "innocent" fun, entertainment! The TRUTH is really in the movies and LIES are in the news! It's NOT fiction as we've been led to believe!
From now on, no one is safe anywhere from these technologies!

Weaponising Money
Money is a benign commodity in and of itself for conveniently exchanging value when buying or selling. When nations were pushed off the GOLD standard during the 20th century by the ruling power (Jesuit bankers,) paper money essentially became "worthless" having no intrinsic "value" in and of itself. Printing "fiat" currency enabled the Jesuits to remove the "real" wealth (gold) from nations and print unlimited supplies of money to finance their wars and revolutions. This they did mostly through the covert and "illegal" creation of the "Federal Reserve Bank," which is just a Jesuit private bank set up to finance WW's I and II, Korea War, Vietnam War and every war up to the present day! It is now almost illegal for individuals in many countries to possess GOLD privately. GOLD is the only REAL currency!
Today, all nations minus a few, have a Jesuit controlled "central" bank which controls the money supply for the Jesuits. Money, once a useful object of exchange has become an end in itself for many. Money IS the goal of life and Jesuit relativist philosophies PROMOTE materialism and DEBT. Accumulating more and more has become the sole purpose of living for many people. Money is no longer a tool, a means for good but is now a weapon that is destroying many lives as people pursue the "good life." Money- capital is now being used against people to enslave them into a purposeless, empty life, mindlessly "chasing" more. Enormous Vatican wealth is now building the infrastructure for the total enslavement of these deluded individuals when money takes the last transition to DIGITAL or E-MONEY!
Untold trillions $$$$ have been lavished on building new technologies, buying obedient sycophants (CEO's,) corrupting politicians and public officials in order to change laws, fomenting revolutions, inciting wars and waging a continuous propaganda blitz through every form of media! This costs a lot of money but it's not a problem because the Jesuits know that it is money well spent in achieving their final goal of a "FASCIST" one world government! The Jesuit-Vatican cabal is the wealthiest institution on the face of the Earth. A vast amount of capital is leveraged toward the destruction of the freedom of humanity! It is a weapon used for corrupting and destroying!
Who's paying for ROME'S programs? All ordinary people everywhere, thats who! Through USURY (interest on loans and credit cards from Vatican Banks,) and TAXES ( all taxes go to Vatican Banks) imposed on every commodity and service by Vatican controlled governments worldwide! All taxes collected by Rome are used to build the system for world slavery! Taxes do NOT benefit people but are used AGAINST them to IMPOVERISH them!
Remember, for the Jesuits; the "end" always justifies the "means." They will do whatever it takes to achieve world dominance! This is a Jesuit maxim and central to their thinking.
Money is a benign commodity in and of itself for conveniently exchanging value when buying or selling. When nations were pushed off the GOLD standard during the 20th century by the ruling power (Jesuit bankers,) paper money essentially became "worthless" having no intrinsic "value" in and of itself. Printing "fiat" currency enabled the Jesuits to remove the "real" wealth (gold) from nations and print unlimited supplies of money to finance their wars and revolutions. This they did mostly through the covert and "illegal" creation of the "Federal Reserve Bank," which is just a Jesuit private bank set up to finance WW's I and II, Korea War, Vietnam War and every war up to the present day! It is now almost illegal for individuals in many countries to possess GOLD privately. GOLD is the only REAL currency!
Today, all nations minus a few, have a Jesuit controlled "central" bank which controls the money supply for the Jesuits. Money, once a useful object of exchange has become an end in itself for many. Money IS the goal of life and Jesuit relativist philosophies PROMOTE materialism and DEBT. Accumulating more and more has become the sole purpose of living for many people. Money is no longer a tool, a means for good but is now a weapon that is destroying many lives as people pursue the "good life." Money- capital is now being used against people to enslave them into a purposeless, empty life, mindlessly "chasing" more. Enormous Vatican wealth is now building the infrastructure for the total enslavement of these deluded individuals when money takes the last transition to DIGITAL or E-MONEY!
Untold trillions $$$$ have been lavished on building new technologies, buying obedient sycophants (CEO's,) corrupting politicians and public officials in order to change laws, fomenting revolutions, inciting wars and waging a continuous propaganda blitz through every form of media! This costs a lot of money but it's not a problem because the Jesuits know that it is money well spent in achieving their final goal of a "FASCIST" one world government! The Jesuit-Vatican cabal is the wealthiest institution on the face of the Earth. A vast amount of capital is leveraged toward the destruction of the freedom of humanity! It is a weapon used for corrupting and destroying!
Who's paying for ROME'S programs? All ordinary people everywhere, thats who! Through USURY (interest on loans and credit cards from Vatican Banks,) and TAXES ( all taxes go to Vatican Banks) imposed on every commodity and service by Vatican controlled governments worldwide! All taxes collected by Rome are used to build the system for world slavery! Taxes do NOT benefit people but are used AGAINST them to IMPOVERISH them!
Remember, for the Jesuits; the "end" always justifies the "means." They will do whatever it takes to achieve world dominance! This is a Jesuit maxim and central to their thinking.

Weaponising Culture
What does it mean, "weaponising" culture? What do i mean by culture?
Culture here is meant as a loose term describing the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores of a ruling tribe or people group. All open minded people "celebrate" the diversity in cultures we see across all the peoples of the world. We appreciate the difference but have no desire to "superimpose" our culture onto another culture. We accept that cultures "lose" their "unique" features when we attempt to "alter" them.
The Jesuits through their Cultural Marxist agenda outlined in Antonio Gramsci's principle of cultural "hegemony" back in the 20's and 30's, have undermined and destroyed cultures in order to HOMOGENISE and then "subjugate" the peoples of the world. Cultures are being mixed together in a grand exercise to "hybridise" diversity and through "miscegenation" produce a worldwide "mongrel" (mixed race) and culture lacking any distinct and "unique" features.
The Jesuits desire to "erase" everything "beautiful" or "noteworthy" from all cultures. The end goal is to "indoctrinate" all people into CONFORMITY with the Jesuit Luciferian ideals. This has been done "generationally" through Jesuit controlled education and pervasive propaganda through all forms of Jesuit controlled media, particularly TV and Hollywood films. The Jesuit NWO wants "Group-Think," a controlled "Hive-Mind," not individuality or "critical" thought! Western white culture is now Luciferian in form and ideology. We are witnessing the rise of "extreme" PC (politically correct,) irrational (Fascist) and often "racist" behaviour and intolerance toward dissenting viewpoints everywhere. The Western "worldview" is no longer moral, just and "Christian" but essentially immoral, relativistic and Pagan, rejecting "absolute" truth, the rule of conscience and Godly standards of conduct! The East is not far behind as the Jesuits work hard to pollute traditional Eastern cultures with base materialist values!
The Jesuit social engineering programs devised at the Tavistock Institute and from "critical theory" philosophy developed by the Frankfurt School in the USA have created a "ME FIRST" society where narcissism, irrational argument, selfishness and greed are praised, admired and considered "virtuous," not condemned!
What does it mean, "weaponising" culture? What do i mean by culture?
Culture here is meant as a loose term describing the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores of a ruling tribe or people group. All open minded people "celebrate" the diversity in cultures we see across all the peoples of the world. We appreciate the difference but have no desire to "superimpose" our culture onto another culture. We accept that cultures "lose" their "unique" features when we attempt to "alter" them.
The Jesuits through their Cultural Marxist agenda outlined in Antonio Gramsci's principle of cultural "hegemony" back in the 20's and 30's, have undermined and destroyed cultures in order to HOMOGENISE and then "subjugate" the peoples of the world. Cultures are being mixed together in a grand exercise to "hybridise" diversity and through "miscegenation" produce a worldwide "mongrel" (mixed race) and culture lacking any distinct and "unique" features.
The Jesuits desire to "erase" everything "beautiful" or "noteworthy" from all cultures. The end goal is to "indoctrinate" all people into CONFORMITY with the Jesuit Luciferian ideals. This has been done "generationally" through Jesuit controlled education and pervasive propaganda through all forms of Jesuit controlled media, particularly TV and Hollywood films. The Jesuit NWO wants "Group-Think," a controlled "Hive-Mind," not individuality or "critical" thought! Western white culture is now Luciferian in form and ideology. We are witnessing the rise of "extreme" PC (politically correct,) irrational (Fascist) and often "racist" behaviour and intolerance toward dissenting viewpoints everywhere. The Western "worldview" is no longer moral, just and "Christian" but essentially immoral, relativistic and Pagan, rejecting "absolute" truth, the rule of conscience and Godly standards of conduct! The East is not far behind as the Jesuits work hard to pollute traditional Eastern cultures with base materialist values!
The Jesuit social engineering programs devised at the Tavistock Institute and from "critical theory" philosophy developed by the Frankfurt School in the USA have created a "ME FIRST" society where narcissism, irrational argument, selfishness and greed are praised, admired and considered "virtuous," not condemned!
The Jesuit Endgame
What more is there to say? The 500 year old story of the Jesuit-Vatican Roman Empire march to world power is a story that few believe because of "incredulity," a narrative dwarfing the wildest imagination even though it is well documented!
Nothing remains that is not subject to Jesuit scrutiny and control through their ruling agencies. Religion and education have been weaponised. Science and technology have been weaponised. Society itself has been weaponised and "POISONED" by Jesuit "Social Justice" concepts such as "environmentalism" (save the planet,) and "LGBTQ" rights. These movements are just mechanisms for "control."
The Jesuit endgame is in play as society is increasingly divided into ideological "camps" making them easy prey for government agencies. The Jesuits have perfected the "divide and conquer" strategy over the centuries. It works every time as people are duped into following leaders advovating false social and spiritual narratives and utopian ideologies.
The Jesuits are the source of every "deception" masquerading as TRUTH! Jesuit scholars have penned classics covertly, like, Art Of War by a fictitious "Sun Tzu" aka Jesuit Matteo Ricci in China, "Protocols Of Sion" by Jesuit "Abbé Augustin Barruel," "Mein Kampf" by Jesuit Bernhard Stempfle, and The Communist Manifesto by Marx's Jesuit tutors in London. In fact, Alexandre Dumas wrote "The Count Of Monte Cristo" describing metaphorically the fall, disgrace, return and revenge of the Jesuits in Europe. The "Piltdown Man" hoax was perpetrated by a Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin in order to perpetuate the evolution lie and both the Scientism and New Age agendas. Georges Lemaître a Belgian Jesuit, promulgated the "Big Bang" theory in order to legitimise evolution and the "NASA" "SPACE" hoax. The Jesuits CONTROL all science and space programs including CERN, worldwide!
The list goes on and on of the Jesuits tireless, subversive activities against mankind.
The Jesuits have masterfully incorporated Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Bacon, Newton, Copernicus, Einstein, Russell, Freud, Kinsey and every other atheistic and anti- Christ doctrine or teaching into their multi-faceted working methodology to deceive and subjugate humanity into Satanic thought! It has worked like a charm!
It may be far too late to stop them but at the very least, people should KNOW what is coming soon so they can prepare themselves. It will be brutal!
What more is there to say? The 500 year old story of the Jesuit-Vatican Roman Empire march to world power is a story that few believe because of "incredulity," a narrative dwarfing the wildest imagination even though it is well documented!
Nothing remains that is not subject to Jesuit scrutiny and control through their ruling agencies. Religion and education have been weaponised. Science and technology have been weaponised. Society itself has been weaponised and "POISONED" by Jesuit "Social Justice" concepts such as "environmentalism" (save the planet,) and "LGBTQ" rights. These movements are just mechanisms for "control."
The Jesuit endgame is in play as society is increasingly divided into ideological "camps" making them easy prey for government agencies. The Jesuits have perfected the "divide and conquer" strategy over the centuries. It works every time as people are duped into following leaders advovating false social and spiritual narratives and utopian ideologies.
The Jesuits are the source of every "deception" masquerading as TRUTH! Jesuit scholars have penned classics covertly, like, Art Of War by a fictitious "Sun Tzu" aka Jesuit Matteo Ricci in China, "Protocols Of Sion" by Jesuit "Abbé Augustin Barruel," "Mein Kampf" by Jesuit Bernhard Stempfle, and The Communist Manifesto by Marx's Jesuit tutors in London. In fact, Alexandre Dumas wrote "The Count Of Monte Cristo" describing metaphorically the fall, disgrace, return and revenge of the Jesuits in Europe. The "Piltdown Man" hoax was perpetrated by a Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin in order to perpetuate the evolution lie and both the Scientism and New Age agendas. Georges Lemaître a Belgian Jesuit, promulgated the "Big Bang" theory in order to legitimise evolution and the "NASA" "SPACE" hoax. The Jesuits CONTROL all science and space programs including CERN, worldwide!
The list goes on and on of the Jesuits tireless, subversive activities against mankind.
The Jesuits have masterfully incorporated Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Bacon, Newton, Copernicus, Einstein, Russell, Freud, Kinsey and every other atheistic and anti- Christ doctrine or teaching into their multi-faceted working methodology to deceive and subjugate humanity into Satanic thought! It has worked like a charm!
It may be far too late to stop them but at the very least, people should KNOW what is coming soon so they can prepare themselves. It will be brutal!
2Timothy 3: 1-5
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Jesuit Magic Money & Sorcery
“The Jesuits…are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor…that’s their ideal. …It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the Jesuits] as masters – that’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; famous Russian novelist)
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; famous Russian novelist)

Crypto Currency Concept
Digital or "virtual" currency is without a doubt the most dangerous SCAM in recent times! It will be the mechanism by which ALL humanity, eventually, is imprisoned. Block chain software is nothing more than an AI trap. The "lure" is human greed and human desire to get "rich" without effort. This trap is similar to the other preceding financial tricks that have created economic "booms" and "busts" like bank loans (usury,) "fiat" paper money, credit cards, stocks, shares and hedge funds. This is "human pride!" People always think they are so much smarter than the scammers!
The major difference with "E Money" is, no one knows who CONTROLS this system and someone is ALWAYS in control! Key words like "de-centralised" and "private" or "secure" should set alarm bells ringing but many will "ignore" the warning signs. When will people ever learn that there is a terrible price to pay for "greed" and EASY money! Crypto currency isn't REAL, it is an ILLUSION; just 1's and 0's in computer code. People are buying NOTHING with SOMETHING!
It is Magic money that can disappear like a morning mist if and when the electronic medium gets TURNED OFF by the controllers!
Here's the 2000 year old warning from the Bible about what's up the road. Ignore it at your peril!
"And the second BEAST required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelations 13: 16-17
What is being described above is an ELECTRONIC PAYMENT system ACTIVATED by electronic IMPLANTS (chip technology) IN the BODY!
* Crypto currencies will take us to the "final" stage before the above scenario occurs. Very soon 5G technology will enable IOT (connection of all things to the Internet) and MOBILE PHONES will become redundant as payment devices. E money will REQUIRE implantation in the body of "advanced" chip technology. It has already begun in various countries. It is happening NOW!
Digital or "virtual" currency is without a doubt the most dangerous SCAM in recent times! It will be the mechanism by which ALL humanity, eventually, is imprisoned. Block chain software is nothing more than an AI trap. The "lure" is human greed and human desire to get "rich" without effort. This trap is similar to the other preceding financial tricks that have created economic "booms" and "busts" like bank loans (usury,) "fiat" paper money, credit cards, stocks, shares and hedge funds. This is "human pride!" People always think they are so much smarter than the scammers!
The major difference with "E Money" is, no one knows who CONTROLS this system and someone is ALWAYS in control! Key words like "de-centralised" and "private" or "secure" should set alarm bells ringing but many will "ignore" the warning signs. When will people ever learn that there is a terrible price to pay for "greed" and EASY money! Crypto currency isn't REAL, it is an ILLUSION; just 1's and 0's in computer code. People are buying NOTHING with SOMETHING!
It is Magic money that can disappear like a morning mist if and when the electronic medium gets TURNED OFF by the controllers!
Here's the 2000 year old warning from the Bible about what's up the road. Ignore it at your peril!
"And the second BEAST required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelations 13: 16-17
What is being described above is an ELECTRONIC PAYMENT system ACTIVATED by electronic IMPLANTS (chip technology) IN the BODY!
* Crypto currencies will take us to the "final" stage before the above scenario occurs. Very soon 5G technology will enable IOT (connection of all things to the Internet) and MOBILE PHONES will become redundant as payment devices. E money will REQUIRE implantation in the body of "advanced" chip technology. It has already begun in various countries. It is happening NOW!
As of today, 24.1.2018, there are more than 1486 different crypto currency "brands" trading, see HERE. Masses of people great and small are jumping on the "bandwagon" like RATS following the PIED PIPER to destruction. What many are unaware of is that E money is BOTH "Payment Network" and "Currency" at the same time and is definitely subject to the whims of "INSIDE" traders. This has NEVER occurred before in history. Supposedly, the "Banking" middlemen get "CUT OUT" of the transaction loop. Really? I guess they're just going to accept it and roll over, right? Is it logical to assume the Bankers are just going to die off and allow another worldwide "system" to take over their "business" without a fight? Are you kidding? So far, there doesn't APPEAR to be much in the way of concern or retaliation against BITCOIN, (B = bit or beast?) by the banks. Politicians are even beginning to legislate in favour of crypto currencies. So, what's going on?
Below: 6 Reasons Why Bitcoin Is Doomed To Fail
Ok, so what am i not getting here about money systems, financial power and the lessons of history? Bankers don't seem to be threatened by a private "peer to peer" currency transaction system that will eventually put them out of business? That doesn't add up when we KNOW the "RUTHLESSNESS" of bankers and their dealings in modern history. Well, it doesn't make sense, UNLESS the bankers are "COVERTLY" controlling crypto currencies and the supposedly "IMPREGNABLE" decentralised Block Chain software, already.
Personally, i don't believe the hype about BC software being SECURE or UN-HACKABLE! It is my opinion that the bankers aren't REACTING simply because they actually CONTROL it all. Whatever opposition you may hear about in the news is merely HYPE and public THEATRE! This is done to AROUSE curiosity in the masses and TEMPTATION to participate or be LEFT OUT while all your friends get RICH. GREED is still the most effective BAIT! Buyer BEWARE!
When i say "bankers," i mean, more accurately, the JESUIT-VATICAN BANK (Bank Of International Settlements BIS,) which controls all the other banks including the IMF and World Bank under a giant world, corporate "umbrella."
There is NO such thing as an INDEPENDENT bank, this is a FICTION!
Personally, i don't believe the hype about BC software being SECURE or UN-HACKABLE! It is my opinion that the bankers aren't REACTING simply because they actually CONTROL it all. Whatever opposition you may hear about in the news is merely HYPE and public THEATRE! This is done to AROUSE curiosity in the masses and TEMPTATION to participate or be LEFT OUT while all your friends get RICH. GREED is still the most effective BAIT! Buyer BEWARE!
When i say "bankers," i mean, more accurately, the JESUIT-VATICAN BANK (Bank Of International Settlements BIS,) which controls all the other banks including the IMF and World Bank under a giant world, corporate "umbrella."
There is NO such thing as an INDEPENDENT bank, this is a FICTION!

Satoshi Nakamoto, the character who purportedly invented de-centralised peer to peer financial transaction software is a "MYTH" that has fooled millions of "GULLIBLE" people! Maybe they deserve what they get for their greed and blind acceptance of unverifiable stories. People would rather believe in "myths" than TRUTH and the truth is people are being played. Satoshi Nakamoto is a "front" behind which diabolically clever people are manipulating "base" human impulse for "easy" material wealth! No one knows who this "character" is. No one knows who is behind the original "block-chain" software platform either. People just trust what they DON'T know; makes a lot of sense right? Wrong! It makes NO sense. Satoshi Nakamoto is an Internet "meme," a fiction, created to dupe the foolish because manipulating human "psychology" is what the Jesuits are MASTERS at and they do control the world financial system!
Chasing a fiction is simply ILLOGICAL, especially when it comes to risking the rapidly dwindling financial independence remaining to humanity, flawed as it is!
Chasing a fiction is simply ILLOGICAL, especially when it comes to risking the rapidly dwindling financial independence remaining to humanity, flawed as it is!
The Bitcoin Block Chain Promises
1) De-centralised, private financial transactions!
*This is a claim that is not fully verifiable!
2) Block-chain format is secure and un-hackable!
*This claim is also not fully verifiable! All programs CAN be HACKED!
3) Crypto currency P to P format creates personal independence!
*This claim is made to lure those currently outside the banking system so that there are NO unbanked individuals left anywhere in the world! Actually, the reality is opposite to the claim. Outside the digital system a person is relatively FREE. Inside the system, a person is CAPTIVE to the system and loses what little freedom they still have!
4) The crypto currency system is just a SUPPLEMENTARY system to the current money systems, ie. just another CHOICE!
*This is NOT true as the REAL aim is to eventually SUPPLANT the current systems so there is ONLY ONE system! This MEANS NO CHOICE!
1) De-centralised, private financial transactions!
*This is a claim that is not fully verifiable!
2) Block-chain format is secure and un-hackable!
*This claim is also not fully verifiable! All programs CAN be HACKED!
3) Crypto currency P to P format creates personal independence!
*This claim is made to lure those currently outside the banking system so that there are NO unbanked individuals left anywhere in the world! Actually, the reality is opposite to the claim. Outside the digital system a person is relatively FREE. Inside the system, a person is CAPTIVE to the system and loses what little freedom they still have!
4) The crypto currency system is just a SUPPLEMENTARY system to the current money systems, ie. just another CHOICE!
*This is NOT true as the REAL aim is to eventually SUPPLANT the current systems so there is ONLY ONE system! This MEANS NO CHOICE!
1) Convince everyone to go the next step to relinquishing "IN YOUR HAND" real money (banknotes, coins, gold, promissory certificates etc.) for the promise of status (it's cool,) convenience and instant wealth!
2) Accomplish the above by employing "specialists" in finance and marketing to whip up a media advertising "storm" through every avenue about the "BENEFITS" of E MONEY, especially to naive young people who are unaware of the implications.
3) When "CRITICAL MASS" has been achieved (90% of humans are locked into "digital money,") pull the plug on all other financial options so there is NO other choice and NO WAY to OPT OUT of the new DIGITAL MONETARY SYSTEM.
4) Finally, by force, compel the "chipping" of all humans to "enforce" compliance to autocratic world government rule!
1) Convince everyone to go the next step to relinquishing "IN YOUR HAND" real money (banknotes, coins, gold, promissory certificates etc.) for the promise of status (it's cool,) convenience and instant wealth!
2) Accomplish the above by employing "specialists" in finance and marketing to whip up a media advertising "storm" through every avenue about the "BENEFITS" of E MONEY, especially to naive young people who are unaware of the implications.
3) When "CRITICAL MASS" has been achieved (90% of humans are locked into "digital money,") pull the plug on all other financial options so there is NO other choice and NO WAY to OPT OUT of the new DIGITAL MONETARY SYSTEM.
4) Finally, by force, compel the "chipping" of all humans to "enforce" compliance to autocratic world government rule!
Inherent Risks of Cryptocurrency
1) Spoofing payment information and phishing
2) Hacking a payment gateway
3) User address error
4) Loss of a wallet file
5) Insecure ICOs
6) Spoofing a user address
For more info go to: www.kaspersky.com/blog/cryptocurrencies-intended-risks/20034/
1) Spoofing payment information and phishing
2) Hacking a payment gateway
3) User address error
4) Loss of a wallet file
5) Insecure ICOs
6) Spoofing a user address
For more info go to: www.kaspersky.com/blog/cryptocurrencies-intended-risks/20034/

The Jesuits are LUCIFERIANS and the MASTERS of SORCERY! They have been casting SPELLS covertly, on humanity for 500 years. Bitcoin IS another SPELL, a DIGITAL SPELL! It is hypnotising the "naive" and "unlearned" by appealing to the base, sensual LUST for money! The Jesuits have declared many times that they WILL have RULE over the whole Earth. Control of Finance and Religion is the key to that control. The promise Crypto currencies make IS too good to be TRUE! Sadly, many will ignore the warnings and eventually become enslaved nevertheless, i will continue to WARN people anyway i can because i DO CARE, even when people DON'T CARE!
* Bitcoin is NOT currency and has NO value! It is an instrument for SPECULATION without any regulation or oversight! Actually, paper money today has NO value either! However, Gold and Silver DO have value! Think about it! Who has most of the worlds Gold reserves? China and the Vatican. Ask yourself WHY? The simple answer is, the Jesuits and Chinese recognise what REAL wealth is and stockpile vast reserves of GOLD but CON the people with WORTHLESS DIGITAL CURRENCIES in order to confiscate the existing savings people have!
Anyone who buys crypto currencies is supporting this system of digital financial control and SPEEDING UP the DEMISE of FINANCIAL FREEDOM for EVERY HUMAN BEING! They - we, are RESPONSIBLE for what follows after "freedom of choice" is gone forever!
Below is a warning from another concerned person!
The Jesuits are LUCIFERIANS and the MASTERS of SORCERY! They have been casting SPELLS covertly, on humanity for 500 years. Bitcoin IS another SPELL, a DIGITAL SPELL! It is hypnotising the "naive" and "unlearned" by appealing to the base, sensual LUST for money! The Jesuits have declared many times that they WILL have RULE over the whole Earth. Control of Finance and Religion is the key to that control. The promise Crypto currencies make IS too good to be TRUE! Sadly, many will ignore the warnings and eventually become enslaved nevertheless, i will continue to WARN people anyway i can because i DO CARE, even when people DON'T CARE!
* Bitcoin is NOT currency and has NO value! It is an instrument for SPECULATION without any regulation or oversight! Actually, paper money today has NO value either! However, Gold and Silver DO have value! Think about it! Who has most of the worlds Gold reserves? China and the Vatican. Ask yourself WHY? The simple answer is, the Jesuits and Chinese recognise what REAL wealth is and stockpile vast reserves of GOLD but CON the people with WORTHLESS DIGITAL CURRENCIES in order to confiscate the existing savings people have!
Anyone who buys crypto currencies is supporting this system of digital financial control and SPEEDING UP the DEMISE of FINANCIAL FREEDOM for EVERY HUMAN BEING! They - we, are RESPONSIBLE for what follows after "freedom of choice" is gone forever!
Below is a warning from another concerned person!
The Jesuit Threat Of World Domination
“Dear brethren [the six Assistants of the Jesuit General], our weapons are of a quite different temper from those of the Caesars of all ages; and it will not be difficult for us to man0euvre as to render ourselves masters of all the powers already so much weakened. We need fear no lack of soldiers, only let us apply ourselves to recruiting them from all ranks, and from all nations, and drilling them into punctual service. But let us, at the same time, be vigilant, that no one may suspect our designs . . .
You well know that what we aim at is the EMPIRE of the world.”
Aloysius Fortis, 1824
20th Jesuit General, 1820-1829
Spoken in Secret Council
to his Assistants including: Johannes Roothaan, 1824
Message & Invitation
Dear reader there's only one way to defeat the Jesuits and their world system that will soon plunge the world into darkness and that is to reject that world system, turn away from it and make Jesus Christ your Lord and God.
The Jesuits HATE Jesus Christ because they serve the dark lord - Satan/Lucifer, the prince of this dark world system. Satan was defeated at the cross 2000 years ago and his time controlling this Earth has almost expired. He's ANGRY and wants to DESTROY as many human SOULS as he can before Jesus Christ RETURNS to Earth to take his people home for ETERNITY! Don't be one of those who are destroyed!
Remember; JESUS CHRIST is the WINNER in this battle between GOOD and EVIL!
The BIG question is; Who's side will you be on at the END?
Jesus said, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no way cast out." John 6:37
Also, "Jesus said unto him, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
There is NO other way to be saved!
Read more HERE.
*My prayer is that you will find your way to the "giver of life" Jesus Christ and be washed, healed and delivered from SIN and DEATH.
Dear reader there's only one way to defeat the Jesuits and their world system that will soon plunge the world into darkness and that is to reject that world system, turn away from it and make Jesus Christ your Lord and God.
The Jesuits HATE Jesus Christ because they serve the dark lord - Satan/Lucifer, the prince of this dark world system. Satan was defeated at the cross 2000 years ago and his time controlling this Earth has almost expired. He's ANGRY and wants to DESTROY as many human SOULS as he can before Jesus Christ RETURNS to Earth to take his people home for ETERNITY! Don't be one of those who are destroyed!
Remember; JESUS CHRIST is the WINNER in this battle between GOOD and EVIL!
The BIG question is; Who's side will you be on at the END?
Jesus said, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no way cast out." John 6:37
Also, "Jesus said unto him, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
There is NO other way to be saved!
Read more HERE.
*My prayer is that you will find your way to the "giver of life" Jesus Christ and be washed, healed and delivered from SIN and DEATH.
Pagan Babylonian Religion DISGUISED As Christianity!
An Ancient Conspiracy To Enslave The World!

Dear Reader
Do not be deceived! The greatest conspiracy to enslave and destroy mankind is IN PROGRESS as i write. The Vatican Roman Empire New World Order is HERE, NOW and soon, when complete, will plunge the world into total DARKNESS!
Warnings from the past:
“All these things cause the Father-General [of the Jesuits] to be feared by the Pope and sovereigns… A sovereign who is not their [the Jesuits’] friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.” (1852)
– Luigi Desanctis (Official Censor of the Inquisition)
“The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. …For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.”
– Robert J. Breckinridge (author)
“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they would be blamed and suffer the consequences (this has happened more than 80 times in the past,) but if they could use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives.
The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy onto the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front. (There are MANY prominent Papal Jews!)
“History books will tell us that the French Revolution first began in 1787 or 1789, depending on which book you read. However, it was actually planned by [Jesuit] Dr. Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild almost 20 years before the Revolution took place.”"
– William Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement and Illuminati 666)
Do not be deceived! The greatest conspiracy to enslave and destroy mankind is IN PROGRESS as i write. The Vatican Roman Empire New World Order is HERE, NOW and soon, when complete, will plunge the world into total DARKNESS!
Warnings from the past:
“All these things cause the Father-General [of the Jesuits] to be feared by the Pope and sovereigns… A sovereign who is not their [the Jesuits’] friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.” (1852)
– Luigi Desanctis (Official Censor of the Inquisition)
“The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. …For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.”
– Robert J. Breckinridge (author)
“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they would be blamed and suffer the consequences (this has happened more than 80 times in the past,) but if they could use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives.
The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy onto the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front. (There are MANY prominent Papal Jews!)
“History books will tell us that the French Revolution first began in 1787 or 1789, depending on which book you read. However, it was actually planned by [Jesuit] Dr. Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild almost 20 years before the Revolution took place.”"
– William Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement and Illuminati 666)

Excerpt from the "diabolical" 4th Jesuit Oath
I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness's agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding, I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest; to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever; but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me by you, my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order.
I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centres of civilisation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things, whatsoever is communicated to me.
I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.
Brief Historical Background Of Roman Transition
Almost as soon as the Roman Empire had begun morphing from a pagan, political state entity into a politico - religious pseudo Christian entity, the first Papal Caesars began to lay plans for the re-purposing of the "new" empire concealed as it was like a "monstrous embryo" within the old one (think here of the movie "Alien" and how its progeny gestated within a living "host,") disguised as an innocuous "church" organisation with lofty spiritual (overt) and political (covert) ideals. It took only 67 years for the brief respite from 3 centuries of persecution that Christians had had to endure to vanish like a mist. By 384 AD under Siricius the first pope, Nicene Christianity (state Christianity) had become the "new" persecutor of not only true Christians but also other independent people groups who would not submit to Roman authority whether secular or ecclesiastical.
As the old Empire began to fragment under the power struggles of the heirs descended from the "noble" Roman patrician families (Black Nobility,) it lost it's centre and ability to coalesce the peoples of the empire into a "unifying force." Historians seem to point to the events of 476 AD as the determining force that ended the longevity of the empire. Up until this time the infant, "Roman Catholic" Church was protected by Rome's imperial military but after this it was vulnerable to any hostile forces from without. The papal Caesars (popes) learned early that forming a "military" arm (strategic alliances) and "intelligence" arm (use of the "confessional" and spies) under church control were vital to the emerging "dominance" of Catholicism and its success in achieving both absolute "temporal" and "spiritual" power in the world for the Pope.
Between 476 and 800 AD when Charlemagne was crowned King of the Roman Empire and "protector" of the "Faith" by the Pope, the Roman church lurched from drama to drama which threatened to restrict its efficacy and even terminate it's existence!
Almost as soon as the Roman Empire had begun morphing from a pagan, political state entity into a politico - religious pseudo Christian entity, the first Papal Caesars began to lay plans for the re-purposing of the "new" empire concealed as it was like a "monstrous embryo" within the old one (think here of the movie "Alien" and how its progeny gestated within a living "host,") disguised as an innocuous "church" organisation with lofty spiritual (overt) and political (covert) ideals. It took only 67 years for the brief respite from 3 centuries of persecution that Christians had had to endure to vanish like a mist. By 384 AD under Siricius the first pope, Nicene Christianity (state Christianity) had become the "new" persecutor of not only true Christians but also other independent people groups who would not submit to Roman authority whether secular or ecclesiastical.
As the old Empire began to fragment under the power struggles of the heirs descended from the "noble" Roman patrician families (Black Nobility,) it lost it's centre and ability to coalesce the peoples of the empire into a "unifying force." Historians seem to point to the events of 476 AD as the determining force that ended the longevity of the empire. Up until this time the infant, "Roman Catholic" Church was protected by Rome's imperial military but after this it was vulnerable to any hostile forces from without. The papal Caesars (popes) learned early that forming a "military" arm (strategic alliances) and "intelligence" arm (use of the "confessional" and spies) under church control were vital to the emerging "dominance" of Catholicism and its success in achieving both absolute "temporal" and "spiritual" power in the world for the Pope.
Between 476 and 800 AD when Charlemagne was crowned King of the Roman Empire and "protector" of the "Faith" by the Pope, the Roman church lurched from drama to drama which threatened to restrict its efficacy and even terminate it's existence!

It was during this time that Rome cunningly invented Islam and groomed Mohammed as its leader in order to co-opt the Arabs as a "sword" to take Jerusalem for Rome and subdue all of Rome's perceived enemies without bringing any attention to it's plans of conquest. The scourge of Islam was to last 1400 years with hundreds of millions dead in it's conquering wake! After Charlemagne's bloody reign it was a bumpy ride for the Roman church for a few centuries but by 1119 AD the Papacy had founded the Knights Templar an occult secret society of soldiers who became the new "sword" of Rome, active from about 1129 to 1312 AD and known for their bloody escapades during the 4 Roman Catholic "Crusades" in the "Holy Land" to re-take the city of Jerusalem in turn 'back' from the Muslims.
The Templars eventually became too powerful for Rome and were ordered to disband and many were executed. After the Templars, other priestly religious orders were created such as the Dominicans, Augustinians, Benedictines, Franciscans and finally the Jesuits, undoubtedly the most savage, malevolent and merciless group of men ever to walk the Earth. To date they have infiltrated every facet of society, at every level, in every culture and people group worldwide! They are a MILITARY ORDER!
The Jesuits today hold ABSOLUTE power over ALL political, military,
intelligence, financial and religious groups everywhere and wage "endless" war (inquisition) (Catholic Counter Reformation) for the extirpation of ALL Biblical "Faith" from the Earth!
Using this methodology of infiltration and then force, the Roman church has continually created or co-opted its own military forces that do its bidding in working towards total world control by the Vatican. These forces work tirelessly for the Roman Catholic Empire and are responsible for most of the blood shed over the last 2 millennia in every far flung corner of the world. This began with the 1492 AD Vatican funded Columbus "New World" expedition and then was followed by an endless stream of Jesuit "missionaries" dedicated to the destruction of "indigenous" peoples everywhere under the guise of piety and charity with the aim of thieving their lands and wealth.
Following is an incomplete list of events causing the "river of blood" directly attributed to the Roman Catholic Church and it's military orders through the centuries! No other institution on the face of the Earth has ever existed that was capable of orchestrating such relentless brutality against the human family in attaining it's goal of "total" world hegemony.
The Templars eventually became too powerful for Rome and were ordered to disband and many were executed. After the Templars, other priestly religious orders were created such as the Dominicans, Augustinians, Benedictines, Franciscans and finally the Jesuits, undoubtedly the most savage, malevolent and merciless group of men ever to walk the Earth. To date they have infiltrated every facet of society, at every level, in every culture and people group worldwide! They are a MILITARY ORDER!
The Jesuits today hold ABSOLUTE power over ALL political, military,
intelligence, financial and religious groups everywhere and wage "endless" war (inquisition) (Catholic Counter Reformation) for the extirpation of ALL Biblical "Faith" from the Earth!
Using this methodology of infiltration and then force, the Roman church has continually created or co-opted its own military forces that do its bidding in working towards total world control by the Vatican. These forces work tirelessly for the Roman Catholic Empire and are responsible for most of the blood shed over the last 2 millennia in every far flung corner of the world. This began with the 1492 AD Vatican funded Columbus "New World" expedition and then was followed by an endless stream of Jesuit "missionaries" dedicated to the destruction of "indigenous" peoples everywhere under the guise of piety and charity with the aim of thieving their lands and wealth.
Following is an incomplete list of events causing the "river of blood" directly attributed to the Roman Catholic Church and it's military orders through the centuries! No other institution on the face of the Earth has ever existed that was capable of orchestrating such relentless brutality against the human family in attaining it's goal of "total" world hegemony.
Visitor read and weep at the number of the dead!
Roman Catholic Terror Campaigns - Ongoing INQUISITION
1096 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter half the Bible Believers in Worms, Germany.
1098 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter almost all of the inhabitants of the city of Antioch.
1099 Roman Catholic crusaders massacre 70,000 Muslims, Jews, and Bible Believers when they capture Jerusalem.
1208-26 The Albigensian Crusades in southern France. Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter approximately 20,000 citizens of Beziers, France, on July 22, 1209. Albigensian Bible Believers were slain. By the time the Roman Catholic armies finished their “crusade,” almost the entire population of southern France (mostly Albigensian Bible Believers) had been exterminated. During the six centuries of papal Inquisition that began in the 13th century, up to 50 million people were killed. Read what J. A. Wylie’s The History of Protestantism has to say about the Crusades against the Albigenses
1236 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter Bible Believers in the Anjou and Poitou regions of western France. The Catholic crusaders trample to death under their horses 3000 Jews who refuse baptism.
1243 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Bible Believers in Berlitz, Germany (near Berlin).
1298 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Bible Believers in Rottingen, Germany.
1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Bible Believers in Germersheim, Germany.
1348-49 The Bible Believers are blamed for the bubonic plague. “Accused of causing the ‘Black Death’ Bible Believers were rounded up [by Roman Catholic mobs] and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge.”
1389 Roman Catholic mobs murder 3000 Bible Believers in Prague when they refuse to be baptised.
1481-83 At the direction of the Roman Catholic inquisitors, authorities burn at the stake at least 2000 people during the first two years of the Spanish Inquisition.
Jesuit Terror Campaigns - Inquisitional Proxy Wars
*This is not an exhaustive list
1492 - 1900 North American Indian Genocide 9,000,000 + dead (est.)
1540-70 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Bible Believers of all ages during this 30-year period.
1550-60 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
1553-58 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the sake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
1618-48 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
1641-49 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
1789-99 The French Revolution (Jacobites = Jesuits) 40,000 dead (est.)
1800-15 Napoleonic Wars 3,250,000 to 6,500,000 dead (est.)
1861-65 American Civil War 620 - 650,000 dead (est.)
1902 Vatican pushes for birth certificates and recording of births (to prepare for upcoming taxes and war efforts; the original purpose of vital statistics was for tax purposes and for the determination of available military manpower.)
1904-08 Herero / Namaqua Genocide by the Germans in Namibia, Africa 70 - 80,000 dead (est.)
1911 Jesuits sink Titanic clone (Olympic) on purpose to murder rich anti Federal Reserve Americans.
1913 Federal Reserve is put into place, taxes directly sent to Vatican’s banking capital.
1914-18 World War I 20,000,000 dead (est.)
1914-23 Assyrian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 270.000- 750,000 dead (est.)
1914-23 Greek Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 500,000- 1,000,000 dead (est.)
1915-23 Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 1-1.500,000 dead (est.)
1919-49 Russian political prisoner Genocide in Siberia, Russia 12,000,000 dead
1924-30 Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak farmers 15,000,000 dead
1929 "Great Depression" orchestrated stock market collapse, over 8 million died of starvation alone (to prepare for social security act, forced personage, and going off the gold standard to total fiat currency, even though gold is really fiat currency as well, price established by the same likes, instead American fiat currency would be generated by actual human beings as slaves)
1930-33 “Holodomar” Ukrainian Genocide by the Russians in Ukraine 7- 10,000,000 dead (est.)
1935 Social Security Act Legally acknowledging a United States Citizen (subject) is now property of the vatican. (total control over the people and resources of America)
1937 Nanking Massacre (rape) Chinese Genocide by the Japanese in China 200 -300,000 dead (est.)
1938-45 Circa Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter over six million innocent people in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
1938-45 German destruction of Jews, Gypsies, soldiers and civilians in Europe 50 - 80,000,000 dead (est.) by Hitler
1940-45 World War II 50 - 80,000,000 dead (est.)
1941-45 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roma and Jews. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
1945-48 German Expulsion by the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Poland 473,000+ dead (est.)
1945-53 German POW Genocide by the USA (Eisenhower) in Germany 1,000,000 dead (est.)
1950-53 Korean War Korean peninsula 3,000,000 + dead (est.)
1958-62 Chinese Genocide by Mao Ze Dong in China 45,000,000 dead (est.)
1960-96 Mayan Genocide in Guatemala 200,000+ dead (est.)
1965-66 Indonesian Genocide of the PKI by Soeharto in Indonesia 500,000+(est.)
1965-74 Vietnamese Genocide of Buddhists by the USA (Lyndon Johnson) (Cardinal Spellman's War) in Vietnam 1 - 2,000,000 (est.)
1966-70 Biafra (Igbo) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
1947-71 Bangladesh Genocide by Pakistan between 2 - 3,000,000 dead (est.)
1971 Bengali Genocide in Bangladesh by Pakistan 3,000,000 + dead (est.)
1971-85 Uganda Genocide Idi Amin & Milton Oboete 600,000 + (est.)
1972 Burundi (Hutu) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
1975-79 Cambodian Genocide by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge against Cambodians in Cambodia 2 - 2,500,000 dead (est.)
1976-78 Ethiopian Genocide by Mengistu Haile Marian’s gov’t in Ethiopia up to 500,000 dead (est.)
1988-89 Somalian Genocide by Siad Barre 400,000 + dead (est.)
1992-95 Bosnian Genocide by the Serbians against the Bosnian muslims in Bosnia Herzegovina 200,000 dead (est.)
1994 Rwandan Genocide by the Hutu against the Tutsis in Rwanda 800,000 dead (est.)
1997-2003 Sudan (Darfur) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
2003-17 Iraq War casualties military and civilian 4 - 600,000 + dead (est.)
2011-17 Syrian War casualties military and civilian 5 - 600,000 + dead (est.)
*This is not an exhaustive list
1492 - 1900 North American Indian Genocide 9,000,000 + dead (est.)
1540-70 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Bible Believers of all ages during this 30-year period.
1550-60 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
1553-58 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the sake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
1618-48 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
1641-49 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
1789-99 The French Revolution (Jacobites = Jesuits) 40,000 dead (est.)
1800-15 Napoleonic Wars 3,250,000 to 6,500,000 dead (est.)
1861-65 American Civil War 620 - 650,000 dead (est.)
1902 Vatican pushes for birth certificates and recording of births (to prepare for upcoming taxes and war efforts; the original purpose of vital statistics was for tax purposes and for the determination of available military manpower.)
1904-08 Herero / Namaqua Genocide by the Germans in Namibia, Africa 70 - 80,000 dead (est.)
1911 Jesuits sink Titanic clone (Olympic) on purpose to murder rich anti Federal Reserve Americans.
1913 Federal Reserve is put into place, taxes directly sent to Vatican’s banking capital.
1914-18 World War I 20,000,000 dead (est.)
1914-23 Assyrian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 270.000- 750,000 dead (est.)
1914-23 Greek Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 500,000- 1,000,000 dead (est.)
1915-23 Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks in greater Turkey 1-1.500,000 dead (est.)
1919-49 Russian political prisoner Genocide in Siberia, Russia 12,000,000 dead
1924-30 Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak farmers 15,000,000 dead
1929 "Great Depression" orchestrated stock market collapse, over 8 million died of starvation alone (to prepare for social security act, forced personage, and going off the gold standard to total fiat currency, even though gold is really fiat currency as well, price established by the same likes, instead American fiat currency would be generated by actual human beings as slaves)
1930-33 “Holodomar” Ukrainian Genocide by the Russians in Ukraine 7- 10,000,000 dead (est.)
1935 Social Security Act Legally acknowledging a United States Citizen (subject) is now property of the vatican. (total control over the people and resources of America)
1937 Nanking Massacre (rape) Chinese Genocide by the Japanese in China 200 -300,000 dead (est.)
1938-45 Circa Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter over six million innocent people in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
1938-45 German destruction of Jews, Gypsies, soldiers and civilians in Europe 50 - 80,000,000 dead (est.) by Hitler
1940-45 World War II 50 - 80,000,000 dead (est.)
1941-45 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roma and Jews. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
1945-48 German Expulsion by the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Poland 473,000+ dead (est.)
1945-53 German POW Genocide by the USA (Eisenhower) in Germany 1,000,000 dead (est.)
1950-53 Korean War Korean peninsula 3,000,000 + dead (est.)
1958-62 Chinese Genocide by Mao Ze Dong in China 45,000,000 dead (est.)
1960-96 Mayan Genocide in Guatemala 200,000+ dead (est.)
1965-66 Indonesian Genocide of the PKI by Soeharto in Indonesia 500,000+(est.)
1965-74 Vietnamese Genocide of Buddhists by the USA (Lyndon Johnson) (Cardinal Spellman's War) in Vietnam 1 - 2,000,000 (est.)
1966-70 Biafra (Igbo) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
1947-71 Bangladesh Genocide by Pakistan between 2 - 3,000,000 dead (est.)
1971 Bengali Genocide in Bangladesh by Pakistan 3,000,000 + dead (est.)
1971-85 Uganda Genocide Idi Amin & Milton Oboete 600,000 + (est.)
1972 Burundi (Hutu) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
1975-79 Cambodian Genocide by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge against Cambodians in Cambodia 2 - 2,500,000 dead (est.)
1976-78 Ethiopian Genocide by Mengistu Haile Marian’s gov’t in Ethiopia up to 500,000 dead (est.)
1988-89 Somalian Genocide by Siad Barre 400,000 + dead (est.)
1992-95 Bosnian Genocide by the Serbians against the Bosnian muslims in Bosnia Herzegovina 200,000 dead (est.)
1994 Rwandan Genocide by the Hutu against the Tutsis in Rwanda 800,000 dead (est.)
1997-2003 Sudan (Darfur) Genocide 2,000,000 + dead (est.)
2003-17 Iraq War casualties military and civilian 4 - 600,000 + dead (est.)
2011-17 Syrian War casualties military and civilian 5 - 600,000 + dead (est.)
Today, the the Jesuit controlled CIA/MI5/Mossad/KGB alliance is wreaking destruction in the middle east in order to achieve total dominance over the Shia Muslims and Arab oil. The US military, and Russian military along with private "mercenary" armies like "Blackwater" are the "sword" of the Jesuit criminal cabal. These militaries are commanded by the Jesuit "Superior General," the "Black Pope" and are carrying out the subjugation of all intransigent peoples everywhere in order to place them ALL under the TEMPORAL and SPIRITUAL authority of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Empire!
The aim has always been the same:
The deception of the whole world into a satanic one world religion governed by a Luciferian one world government under the Anti Christ dictator!
The aim has always been the same:
The deception of the whole world into a satanic one world religion governed by a Luciferian one world government under the Anti Christ dictator!

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Foxes Book Of Martyrs - John Foxe

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Final Note:
Time is running out dear reader, as we speed to the end of this age. World events are snow-balling and everything is becoming less and less certain. No one knows how much time is left but the time is SHORT according to the Bible timetable. No one can stop the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire from instituting their "Communist" one world dictatorship but you can still make a personal decision to change your life and prepare for the terrible storm that is coming!
Looking for another way? There isn't! God has only provided ONE WAY - his son Jesus Christ who died for your sins. His perfect blood can cleanse your sins and set you free from sin and death!
Religion will NOT save you!
Jesus said unto him, "I am The way, The truth, and The life: no man comes unto the Father, but by ME." John 14:6
Need more info? Then go HERE or HERE
All Politicians Are Masonic Puppets Controlled By Rome!
More Roman Catholics In Government Than Ever Before!
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear."
Marcus Tullius Cicero - (106-43 BC) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator
Marcus Tullius Cicero - (106-43 BC) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator
How has this treachery happened in Australia you may ask?
Does it matter?
The answer is simple: Yes, because Jesuit control of "elite" education and their lifelong "influence" over students reflects on the moral "RIGHTNESS" of "restrictive" New Laws affecting all citizens! These laws are all in line with UN Agenda 21 and 30, which is nothing more than than a worldwide "FASCIST" agenda rolling out under the guise of Jesuit inspired "SOCIAL JUSTICE" and "ENVIRONMENTALISM" and "SAVE THE PLANET," which is a diabolical "HOAX."
The Jesuit Threat
“We came in like lambs and will rule like WOLVES. We shall be expelled like dogs and return like EAGLES.”
–-Francesco Borgia (3rd Jesuit Superior General from 1565-1572)
Jesuit maxim - "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man."
Does it matter?
The answer is simple: Yes, because Jesuit control of "elite" education and their lifelong "influence" over students reflects on the moral "RIGHTNESS" of "restrictive" New Laws affecting all citizens! These laws are all in line with UN Agenda 21 and 30, which is nothing more than than a worldwide "FASCIST" agenda rolling out under the guise of Jesuit inspired "SOCIAL JUSTICE" and "ENVIRONMENTALISM" and "SAVE THE PLANET," which is a diabolical "HOAX."
The Jesuit Threat
“We came in like lambs and will rule like WOLVES. We shall be expelled like dogs and return like EAGLES.”
–-Francesco Borgia (3rd Jesuit Superior General from 1565-1572)
Jesuit maxim - "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man."
Jesuit 4th Vow Of Extreme Unction
I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that i will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.
~ ~ ~
* This dear reader is why the Jesuits are so DANGEROUS to life and liberty and why those who have been trained by them hold to Jesuit philosophy, creating laws, which are INTOLERANT of difference and dissent and is FASCIST at its CORE!
These are the men and women who make and pass new laws on behalf of their MASTERS in ROME not the people of Australia!
Read the complete blood curdling Jesuit Oath HERE
I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that i will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.
~ ~ ~
* This dear reader is why the Jesuits are so DANGEROUS to life and liberty and why those who have been trained by them hold to Jesuit philosophy, creating laws, which are INTOLERANT of difference and dissent and is FASCIST at its CORE!
These are the men and women who make and pass new laws on behalf of their MASTERS in ROME not the people of Australia!
Read the complete blood curdling Jesuit Oath HERE
A Short History
The Jesuits first landed on Australian shores in 1865 and in less than 150 years have, through persistence in their social justice and education programs wormed their way into a position of POLITICAL power. This will not bode well for the Australian people. The Jesuit "trojan horse" has quietly infiltrated and conquered this nation as it has so many others over the centuries! Any sovereignty Australia had left will now disappear like the morning mist. Australia was made a "corporation" after it quietly declared bankruptcy in 1933 and allowed the setting up of the "illegal" ATO Vatican "fee" collection agency on behalf of Rome's bankers. Australians have been living under an illusion that they are a sovereign and free nation. Not so! In 1975 traitors further eroded the nation's autonomy by signing the "Lima Declaration" without public notice or consent! Rome has slowly been curling its tentacles around Australia's neck and is squeezing it's freedoms to death!
The Jesuits have done this quietly, covertly, like they do in every nation, carrying out their nefarious mission of establishing the Pope's "temporal" and "spiritual" power over every land and people under the "guise" of false humility and MISSION! Everything they do is a pretence to political POWER! It is a continuation of the Jesuit "counter-reformation" offensive initiated in 1563 at the completion of the "Council Of Trent." It is the Jesuit war against all "heretics" and forced compliance of all humanity to Rome's Imperial Dictator and Caesar, the Pope!
The Jesuits first landed on Australian shores in 1865 and in less than 150 years have, through persistence in their social justice and education programs wormed their way into a position of POLITICAL power. This will not bode well for the Australian people. The Jesuit "trojan horse" has quietly infiltrated and conquered this nation as it has so many others over the centuries! Any sovereignty Australia had left will now disappear like the morning mist. Australia was made a "corporation" after it quietly declared bankruptcy in 1933 and allowed the setting up of the "illegal" ATO Vatican "fee" collection agency on behalf of Rome's bankers. Australians have been living under an illusion that they are a sovereign and free nation. Not so! In 1975 traitors further eroded the nation's autonomy by signing the "Lima Declaration" without public notice or consent! Rome has slowly been curling its tentacles around Australia's neck and is squeezing it's freedoms to death!
The Jesuits have done this quietly, covertly, like they do in every nation, carrying out their nefarious mission of establishing the Pope's "temporal" and "spiritual" power over every land and people under the "guise" of false humility and MISSION! Everything they do is a pretence to political POWER! It is a continuation of the Jesuit "counter-reformation" offensive initiated in 1563 at the completion of the "Council Of Trent." It is the Jesuit war against all "heretics" and forced compliance of all humanity to Rome's Imperial Dictator and Caesar, the Pope!
The Jesuits are incredibly "patient" and work with long term plans extending over 100's of years. The goal of "world" domination never changes for the Roman Catholic Empire! This agenda has been rolling out for 1700 years since Constantine feigned "conversion" to Christianity and ceased the persecution and killing of Christians that had been going on for 300 years!
Only God knows how many innocent people had been murdered for their faith in Jesus Christ over those centuries but it numbers in the tens of millions!
Only God knows how many innocent people had been murdered for their faith in Jesus Christ over those centuries but it numbers in the tens of millions!
Nation after nation is now under Rome's control through their systems of Roman Canon, Civil and Maritime laws. Australia has joined the ranks of the prisoners and is now hostage to the Vatican! Damien Murphy writing in the Sydney Morning Herald in 2013 declared rightly, “The separation of church and state may be a given, but through a mix of masculine Christianity and svelte intellectualism, the Jesuits seem to have been able to hard-wire a large slice of the next shift of political leaders.” This has been achieved through old boy school and Masonic occult fraternity connections, which the Jesuits control.
The writer continues to describe how this has occurred, “For more than 100 years, through a mixture of educational excellence, snobbery, astute appreciation of societal changes and high fees, the Jesuits retained a stranglehold on shaping the intellectual development of the sons of well-to-do Australian Catholics. The grip may be strongest in Melbourne, where old-school ties remain a useful social lever. With Geelong College, Geelong Grammar, Melbourne Grammar, Scotch College and Wesley College, Xavier was a founding member of Associated Public Schools, based on the English public-school tradition. Jesuits also saw the future was tertiary education, in 1918 opening Newman College, one of University of Melbourne's halls of residence.”
He states further that, “The ranks of law, medicine and the higher echelons of commerce are filled with Jesuit products.” Is it any wonder that the health of Australian political life should be "subverted" by this rising tide of "elitist" pollution. It appears 1966 was an auspicious year "numerologically" for the Jesuits as they inserted their advance guard into the Australian political "mainstream." Murphy writes, “In 1966 Phillip Lynch, a Xavier old boy, reputedly became the first practising Catholic elected as a Liberal MP in Robert Menzies' largely Protestant party. Eventually he was to become Malcolm Fraser's treasurer and the deputy leader of the Libs. Another old Xavierian, Tim Fischer, led the Nationals, and was a deputy prime minister. And of course, Nick Greiner, an old Ignatian, led the NSW Liberals into power in 1988.”
The Jesuits always control both sides of a "duopoly" unbeknownst to the public. The appearance of "choice" is an ILLUSION created to control politics as public "spectacle" or theatre while "mocking" the people.
The writer continues to describe how this has occurred, “For more than 100 years, through a mixture of educational excellence, snobbery, astute appreciation of societal changes and high fees, the Jesuits retained a stranglehold on shaping the intellectual development of the sons of well-to-do Australian Catholics. The grip may be strongest in Melbourne, where old-school ties remain a useful social lever. With Geelong College, Geelong Grammar, Melbourne Grammar, Scotch College and Wesley College, Xavier was a founding member of Associated Public Schools, based on the English public-school tradition. Jesuits also saw the future was tertiary education, in 1918 opening Newman College, one of University of Melbourne's halls of residence.”
He states further that, “The ranks of law, medicine and the higher echelons of commerce are filled with Jesuit products.” Is it any wonder that the health of Australian political life should be "subverted" by this rising tide of "elitist" pollution. It appears 1966 was an auspicious year "numerologically" for the Jesuits as they inserted their advance guard into the Australian political "mainstream." Murphy writes, “In 1966 Phillip Lynch, a Xavier old boy, reputedly became the first practising Catholic elected as a Liberal MP in Robert Menzies' largely Protestant party. Eventually he was to become Malcolm Fraser's treasurer and the deputy leader of the Libs. Another old Xavierian, Tim Fischer, led the Nationals, and was a deputy prime minister. And of course, Nick Greiner, an old Ignatian, led the NSW Liberals into power in 1988.”
The Jesuits always control both sides of a "duopoly" unbeknownst to the public. The appearance of "choice" is an ILLUSION created to control politics as public "spectacle" or theatre while "mocking" the people.
Steady Catholic Infiltration
Today's political lineup is heavily infiltrated by "Catholics" and the process appears to be picking up speed! The coalition in particular seems to have succumbed to the Catholic wave of party members; incidental? I doubt it. Murphy states, “The Catholicisation of the Coalition has been a trend in Australia over the past several decades, said John Warhurst, an expert in religion and politics at the Australian National University. Asked whether the Abbott government was the most powerful coalition of Catholics assembled in Australia, Professor Warhurst said: ''I don't think there's any doubt about it. Professor Warhurst says the migration of Catholics from the Labor Party to the Democratic Labor Party and then to the Liberals happened for social and economic reasons. Catholics have become wealthier, he says, and Labor more secular, making it less appealing for socially conservative voters." Really? Catholics "migrated" because they became wealthier? I don't buy this for 1 minute. The migration is "orchestrated" by the "hidden" Jesuit hand. Old boys doing as their told by Jesuit masters!
Old Boy's Club
Tony Abbot and Barnaby Joyce are old "Ignatians" from Riverview, Joe Hockey came out of St. Aloysius College, Christopher Pyne attended St Ignatius College in Adelaide and Kevin Andrews resided at Newman College while at Melbourne University but Bill Shorten, the leader for Labor is an old Xavierian and an exception to the rule. Lets add to the list Matthias Cormann, Andrew Robb, Anthony Albanese and Malcolm Turnbull, all Catholic movers and shakers in Canberra as well as Paul Keating, and Kevin Rudd from the old guard. I suspect there are more that have not owned up to their Catholic persuasion as i could not find that information readily.
Jonathan Swan & Lisa Visentin in their 2014 article in the Sydney Morning Herald state, “Catholics are in power this Easter, with the highest proportion of ministers of that faith occupying senior positions in a Coalition government. Of the 19 cabinet ministers, at least eight are Catholics, nearly double the proportion of Catholics in the general population.” Again, just a coincidence that Catholic numbers are climbing in government circles? I think not.
Tony Abbot and Barnaby Joyce are old "Ignatians" from Riverview, Joe Hockey came out of St. Aloysius College, Christopher Pyne attended St Ignatius College in Adelaide and Kevin Andrews resided at Newman College while at Melbourne University but Bill Shorten, the leader for Labor is an old Xavierian and an exception to the rule. Lets add to the list Matthias Cormann, Andrew Robb, Anthony Albanese and Malcolm Turnbull, all Catholic movers and shakers in Canberra as well as Paul Keating, and Kevin Rudd from the old guard. I suspect there are more that have not owned up to their Catholic persuasion as i could not find that information readily.
Jonathan Swan & Lisa Visentin in their 2014 article in the Sydney Morning Herald state, “Catholics are in power this Easter, with the highest proportion of ministers of that faith occupying senior positions in a Coalition government. Of the 19 cabinet ministers, at least eight are Catholics, nearly double the proportion of Catholics in the general population.” Again, just a coincidence that Catholic numbers are climbing in government circles? I think not.
Jesuit Influence On Australia's Future
The most worrisome claim these writers make is, “The most striking example of the trend was during the 2009 Liberal leadership contest, in which all three contenders - Mr Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Joe Hockey - consulted with Jesuit priests.” Really? Consulted with Jesuits? What for? Confession of sins? No, this is DIRECT EVIDENCE that ROMISH RELIGION is steering politics in Australia!
That should PANIC everybody!!!!!
Sam Murray in 2013, writing for Honi Soit observed, “The representation of Jesuit-educated politicians in the Australian political scene is disproportionately high, given that there are only four such schools, all male only, in the country. Even Malcolm Turnbull was apparently received into the Catholic faith by a Jesuit priest.” Once again, this should have alarm bells ringing yet no one seems to notice or even care. The Jesuits are not just some "good ole boys," they are evil and after 1 thing only - ABSOLUTE POWER and they're getting "impatient."
They want their despotic one world government and the sooner Australia goes down the hole the better for them!
Murray goes on to say re: the Jesuit aims, “It is perhaps this focus on rational thought, social justice, and a long tradition of theological reform that gives the Jesuits and their philosophy of the Magis (finding God in all things) an enduring relevance to students, which is increasingly difficult to find with other forms of Catholic education.”
In fact, the Jesuits are directly responsible today for the relativistic thought, perverted notions of social justice, cultural Marxist ideology and Feminism taught in their schools, resulting in lax morality, social chaos and cultural divisiveness.
The worst outcome is that new LAWS are being formulated based on these "corrupt" ideas by Jesuit trained and controlled politicians!
So, where are we now? In deep water i'm afraid. Unless the power and influence of the Jesuits is immediately quarantined Australia is doomed! The number of terror "psy-ops" is already increasing and these all have the "hallmark" of Jesuit - Masonic operations perpetrated against the Australian people to create "fear" and diabolical "laws" designed to socially engineer the population and destroy "freedoms."
Warnings from History
Read what Napoleon had to say. Remember, the Jesuits PUT him into POWER and they TRASHED (poisoned) him when they had achieved their aims through him!
"The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."
--Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)
What Can You Do?
You may be feeling depressed after reading this page but i want to finish by giving you the GOOD NEWS! The Jesuits serve Satan and they will have their day in which they 'appear' to triumph. The Bible says so and God is NEVER wrong! It is only for a short time and then Jesus Christ will RETURN to this Earth from Heaven and destroy his enemies. This means ALL those who have REJECTED God's command to REPENT but delighted instead, in doing EVIL!
There is wonderful HOPE for all who turn from SIN and call out to God for forgiveness. God will hear you and SAVE you and lead you to the END into his ETERNAL kingdom of LIGHT. You will be his child forever!
How does this happen?
Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5
So you must be born again by water and Spirit.
God loves you and wants to save you but he's waiting for you to humble yourself, confess your sins to him and turn from your self-centred life and make God the centre of your life!
Time is running out as we speed to the end of this age. World events are snow-balling and everything is becoming less and less certain. No one knows how much time is left but the time is SHORT according to the Bible timetable. No one can stop the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire from instituting their "Communist" one world dictatorship but you can still make a personal decision to change your life and prepare for the terrible storm that is coming!
Looking for another way? There isn't! God has only provided ONE WAY - his son Jesus Christ who died for your sins. His perfect blood can cleanse your sins and set you free from sin and death!
Jesus said unto him, "I am The way, The truth, and The life: no man comes unto the Father, but by ME." John 14:6
Need more info? Then go HERE or HERE
A Short history of the Jesuits in Australia

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