The Bible Is The Divinely Inspired WORD OF GOD
There is only 1 book in the world where anyone can come and read and learn of God's plan for mankind. The Bible!! Each person can find God and KNOW God by OBEYING the instructions in his book. God wants to SAVE each human SOUL and the instructions on how to be SAVED are in the Bible. It's as simple as that because God has made it SIMPLE so that ALL (no matter how intelligent) might learn and understand his perfect WILL. The Gospel (good news) message is SIMPLE!
NO other book is from God contrary to any claims made by any religious authority. There is only ONE Word Of God! There has been NO other additional Revelation given by God except that contained in the Bible contrary to any claims made by any religious authority! All other texts are invented/written by man and as such are NOT from God and CANNOT and do NOT have the answers for man's problems.
NO other book is from God contrary to any claims made by any religious authority. There is only ONE Word Of God! There has been NO other additional Revelation given by God except that contained in the Bible contrary to any claims made by any religious authority! All other texts are invented/written by man and as such are NOT from God and CANNOT and do NOT have the answers for man's problems.
"A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History Of The Bible" documentary mirrored from DoUSEEwhatEYEC You Tube channel at:
"Tares Among The Wheat" Part 2 of Lamp In The Dark mirrored from 2 Timothy 2:15 You Tube channel at:
"A Bridge To Babylon: Rome, Ecumenism & The Bible" Part 3 of A Lamp In The Dark mirrored from Jesus Christ Is The Almighty Creator King James Bible Colossians Chapter 1 ChristinaYou Tube channel at:
Proof The Bible Is True!
proof_the_bible_is_true_2.pdf |
Period Table Of History And Biblical Prophesy - From "Encyclopedia Of Bible" History by J Barton Payne
ebp_periodsofbibleprophecy.pdf |
The Bible Is A "SUPERNATURAL" Book
"For no prophecy was ever brought about through human initiative, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
2 Peter 1: 21
God used men to write the Bible but it was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. It wasn't invented or "imagined" from the natural mind of men. There are NO discrepancies between what was written in the oldest book (Job 1440-950 BC) to the newest or last book (Revelation C95 AD) contrary to many claims by heretical teachers.
The apostle Peter talks about these in 2 Peter 3: 16, "He writes this way in all his letters, speaking in them about such matters. Some parts of his letters are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction."
When people assert there are errors in the Bible it is because they either misunderstand what is written by reading isogetically (reading meaning into the text) or they attempt to make the Bible fit their preconceived notions or doctrines by cherry picking selected scriptures. Read correctly (exogetically,) the Bible speaks out its truth and the reader listens and responds receiving the meaning as the writer of the text intended! Some scriptures are difficult and may require a time of reflection, cross-referencing with other scriptures and prayer before the text can be illuminated and understanding received!
Often "experts" have made statements to dismiss the Bible based on an erroneous world view held like "evolution" and later archeology has proven the experts wrong again and again but these "experts" in science and history NEVER recant or apologize for their slanderous errors and lies against God's Word!
Since the Bible is a supernatural book, it is eternal and has the power to KILL those who use it incorrectly or deceitfully. Many will perish having read the Bible religiously for a lifetime but having never OBEYED its precepts and commands. It is OBEDIENCE to the Word Of God that SAVES and can present a soul righteous and without fault before God at the last judgement!
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was. But whoever looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
James 1:22-25
"For no prophecy was ever brought about through human initiative, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
2 Peter 1: 21
God used men to write the Bible but it was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. It wasn't invented or "imagined" from the natural mind of men. There are NO discrepancies between what was written in the oldest book (Job 1440-950 BC) to the newest or last book (Revelation C95 AD) contrary to many claims by heretical teachers.
The apostle Peter talks about these in 2 Peter 3: 16, "He writes this way in all his letters, speaking in them about such matters. Some parts of his letters are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction."
When people assert there are errors in the Bible it is because they either misunderstand what is written by reading isogetically (reading meaning into the text) or they attempt to make the Bible fit their preconceived notions or doctrines by cherry picking selected scriptures. Read correctly (exogetically,) the Bible speaks out its truth and the reader listens and responds receiving the meaning as the writer of the text intended! Some scriptures are difficult and may require a time of reflection, cross-referencing with other scriptures and prayer before the text can be illuminated and understanding received!
Often "experts" have made statements to dismiss the Bible based on an erroneous world view held like "evolution" and later archeology has proven the experts wrong again and again but these "experts" in science and history NEVER recant or apologize for their slanderous errors and lies against God's Word!
Since the Bible is a supernatural book, it is eternal and has the power to KILL those who use it incorrectly or deceitfully. Many will perish having read the Bible religiously for a lifetime but having never OBEYED its precepts and commands. It is OBEDIENCE to the Word Of God that SAVES and can present a soul righteous and without fault before God at the last judgement!
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was. But whoever looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
James 1:22-25
False Contenders
Many world religions have their own texts which their authorities/leaders claim are divinely inspired. The main contenders with the Bible for TRUTH are the "Rig Veda" from India (Hindu,) C 1700 BC, the "Epic of Gilgamesh," Mesopotamia, C 2100 BC, the "Quran," Arabia, C 609-32 AD and the Buddhist "Sutra," from India, C-BC dates unknown. In a world with more than 4000 religions today, 75% of people identify with either Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Judaism.
Of these 5, only Christianity, which comes out of the Old Testament text and is rooted in Abrahamic "Faith" offers a complete revelation of God, his nature, his creation, the Earths age and history and God's plan for mankind from beginning to end. The other religious texts teach polytheistic tales and myths, humanism, self enlightenment, idolatry, superstition and an endless cycle of works based religion aimed at the appeasement of a capricious and often malevolent "god" (Islam) or pantheon of gods (Hinduism = 33.000.000+!) Buddhism "deifies" man as god, which is the ultimate form of idolatry.
"Only 66 books in the Bible -- why the Apocrypha and Gnostic Gospels weren't included" Mirrored From Dark Day Ministries You Tube Channel At:
Bible Facts
The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew with some portions in Aramaic and the New Testament in the "koine" or common, Greek. The OT consists of 39 books and the NT, 27 books or letters making 66 in total.
The OT records the creation of all things, the downfall of Satan, the downfall of man, the "great" flood, God's dealings with the patriarchs of Israel, the captivity and deliverance of the people of Israel out of Egypt, God's ongoing attempts to return Israel from apostasy using prophets, judges and kings and the prophetic promise of a saviour for the world from the very beginning.
The NT records the coming of the Messiah and saviour Jesus Christ, his ministry, death by crucifixion and resurrection from the dead, the acts of the early church, instructions and warnings on salvation, righteousness, deception and the revelation of God's plan for his church through the ages to come.
Satan through his Roman Catholic cult has attempted to destroy the Bible many times throughout the last 2000 years but God has prevented him. During the Protestant Reformation faithful men of God translated copies of the original manuscripts into the common languages of Europe resulting in an explosion of Biblical knowledge that set the common man free from spiritual blindness and slavery to Rome and almost destroyed the Roman Catholic institution.
Endless attempts since the 1600's to PERVERT or CORRUPT Bible truth have been made by the JESUITS (who own the publishing companies) resulting in over 100 different Bible versions in English alone, most of which are from corrupt Greek Vaticanus, Alexandrinus and Sinaiticus texts. This has been done to undermine and destroy the Protestant Reformation and CONFUSE people and bring DISREPUTE on the AUTHENTICITY of the Word Of God! It has been done deliberately to make people question, "Which one is RIGHT or TRUE?," "Can i trust this text?," "Does it have mistakes or errors?" and worst of all, "It's TOO confusing so i better ask a pastor/minister or priest."
This is exactly what Satan wants - preventing people from reading and studying the Bible independently, hearing from God directly and DEPENDENT on priests for spiritual truth! This IGNORANCE is exactly what the Reformation set people FREE from! The Bible sets people FREE from ignorance, slavery and sin!
Today the Bible is available in more than 2000 languages. More than Bibles have been sold worldwide making it the number 1 bestseller of ALL time, miles ahead of any other written text. This is a MIRACLE of God and NOT a coincidence as the Roman Catholic cult has attempted repeatedly to stamp out or corrupt the Bible throughout the last 2000 years! Why?
Only the Bible has the answers to all the BIG QUESTIONS!
The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew with some portions in Aramaic and the New Testament in the "koine" or common, Greek. The OT consists of 39 books and the NT, 27 books or letters making 66 in total.
The OT records the creation of all things, the downfall of Satan, the downfall of man, the "great" flood, God's dealings with the patriarchs of Israel, the captivity and deliverance of the people of Israel out of Egypt, God's ongoing attempts to return Israel from apostasy using prophets, judges and kings and the prophetic promise of a saviour for the world from the very beginning.
The NT records the coming of the Messiah and saviour Jesus Christ, his ministry, death by crucifixion and resurrection from the dead, the acts of the early church, instructions and warnings on salvation, righteousness, deception and the revelation of God's plan for his church through the ages to come.
Satan through his Roman Catholic cult has attempted to destroy the Bible many times throughout the last 2000 years but God has prevented him. During the Protestant Reformation faithful men of God translated copies of the original manuscripts into the common languages of Europe resulting in an explosion of Biblical knowledge that set the common man free from spiritual blindness and slavery to Rome and almost destroyed the Roman Catholic institution.
Endless attempts since the 1600's to PERVERT or CORRUPT Bible truth have been made by the JESUITS (who own the publishing companies) resulting in over 100 different Bible versions in English alone, most of which are from corrupt Greek Vaticanus, Alexandrinus and Sinaiticus texts. This has been done to undermine and destroy the Protestant Reformation and CONFUSE people and bring DISREPUTE on the AUTHENTICITY of the Word Of God! It has been done deliberately to make people question, "Which one is RIGHT or TRUE?," "Can i trust this text?," "Does it have mistakes or errors?" and worst of all, "It's TOO confusing so i better ask a pastor/minister or priest."
This is exactly what Satan wants - preventing people from reading and studying the Bible independently, hearing from God directly and DEPENDENT on priests for spiritual truth! This IGNORANCE is exactly what the Reformation set people FREE from! The Bible sets people FREE from ignorance, slavery and sin!
Today the Bible is available in more than 2000 languages. More than Bibles have been sold worldwide making it the number 1 bestseller of ALL time, miles ahead of any other written text. This is a MIRACLE of God and NOT a coincidence as the Roman Catholic cult has attempted repeatedly to stamp out or corrupt the Bible throughout the last 2000 years! Why?
Only the Bible has the answers to all the BIG QUESTIONS!
The Bible Declares Itself To Be "The Word Of God"
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:14-17
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:14-17
The KJB True English Version & Counterfeit Jesuit Bible Translations
"Bible Translations By Reginald Jacob Block - Pt 1 - AKJV vs Modern Translations" Mirrored from Rescuing The Church You Tube Channel At:
"Bible Translations By Reginald Jacob Block - Pt2 - The Jesuits" Mirrored From Rescuing The Church You Tube Channel At:
"Bible Translations By Reginald Jacob Block - Pt3 - New Age (Sinaiticus Bibles)" Mirrored From Rescuing The Church You Tube Channel At:
213B -"Battle Of The Bibles" - Total Onslaught mirrored from Amazing Discoveries You Tube Channel with Walter Veith at: