Documents & Url's
The link below called Vatican Assassins created by author and researcher Eric J Phelps, may be, "the" definitive website covering the history and machinations of the "Society of Jesus" ie. the Jesuits over the last 500 years!
*Reader Please Note:
I do NOT agree with all of Eric J Phelps' views or opinions on Biblical doctrines re: Calvanism, Zionism, the state of Israel, the Jews, white nationalism, secession and the use of guns/violence by Christians for self defence, which i believe "negates" Jesus direct teaching to "turn the other cheek" and to, "not return evil for evil." Jesus said, "those that take up the sword, die by the sword." Matthew 26:52 Christians are IN this world but not OF this world so do not follow the way of "taking up arms."
Eric J Phelps advocates the "use" of the "sword" of the Spirit- the Bible AND the "sword" of "just defence"- the SWORD/GUN, which God's Word NEVER permits! This teaching is CONTRARY to Christian behaviour and the Bible, which advocates in Mark 12:31 "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." and in Romans 8:36 "As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
I DO agree for the most part with Eric's comprehensive expose and writing on the Roman Catholic Church and it's "military" orders, in particular, the JESUITS however in crosschecking facts i have discovered that there are many OMISSIONS whether intentional or not that make this history INCOMPLETE so reader beware!!
You can order his comprehensive study on the JESUITS titled "Vatican Assassins - Wounded In The House Of My Friends," in book/pdf or cd-rom form from his website for your personal study of the true historical enemy of the New Testament Christian church - Pagan Roman Catholicism!
*Reader Please Note:
I do NOT agree with all of Eric J Phelps' views or opinions on Biblical doctrines re: Calvanism, Zionism, the state of Israel, the Jews, white nationalism, secession and the use of guns/violence by Christians for self defence, which i believe "negates" Jesus direct teaching to "turn the other cheek" and to, "not return evil for evil." Jesus said, "those that take up the sword, die by the sword." Matthew 26:52 Christians are IN this world but not OF this world so do not follow the way of "taking up arms."
Eric J Phelps advocates the "use" of the "sword" of the Spirit- the Bible AND the "sword" of "just defence"- the SWORD/GUN, which God's Word NEVER permits! This teaching is CONTRARY to Christian behaviour and the Bible, which advocates in Mark 12:31 "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." and in Romans 8:36 "As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
I DO agree for the most part with Eric's comprehensive expose and writing on the Roman Catholic Church and it's "military" orders, in particular, the JESUITS however in crosschecking facts i have discovered that there are many OMISSIONS whether intentional or not that make this history INCOMPLETE so reader beware!!
You can order his comprehensive study on the JESUITS titled "Vatican Assassins - Wounded In The House Of My Friends," in book/pdf or cd-rom form from his website for your personal study of the true historical enemy of the New Testament Christian church - Pagan Roman Catholicism!
More Great Links:
I don't personally agree with everything presented on these web sites. There are some views related to historical dates, events, persons and doctrines that are open to conjecture as solid documented evidence is sparse or lacking. I also do not agree with SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) doctrine and recommend WLC as an adjunct source of historical Bible facts only.
The Path Of Truth
Standing The Gap Ministry - (Caution: Bible Truth With A False Gospel)
The Fuel Project - Truth For A Postmodern Age - (Caution: Truth With a False Gospel)
The Jesuits
Mao Zedong Was A Yale Man - Skull And Bones And Communism In China
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Brian David Anderson
The Jesuit Agenda And The Evangelical Church
The Vatican and The Jesuits
Proclaiming The Gospel To Roman Catholics
Spiritually Smart - (Caution: A Lot of Biblical Truth But A False Gospel)
Inquisition Update
The Other Side
World's Last Chance - (Caution: Truth About ROME But Gospel Falsehood)
The Narrow Gate
Johnny Cirucci - (Exercise Caution: This Man is a Possible Jesuit or Jesuit Agent)
The Jesuit Matrix
Almost Forbidden Books - A Great Archive Of Hard To Obtain Books
The Jesuit Vatican New World Order - Free Pdf Downloads Of Hard To Find Books
Internet Archive Search Site - All things Jesuit!
DIF Video Directory
dif _video _directory.pdf |
Geneva Bible 1599 - Patriot's Version
genevabiblepatriotedition.pdf |
King James Bible KJV - Old & New Testaments
kingjamesbible.pdf |
Foxes Book Of Martyrs - John Foxe - 1563 - Abridged Version
foxes_book_of_martyrs.pdf |
Foxe's Book Of Martyrs - John Foxe - 1563 - Full Version
actes_and_monuments_by_john_foxe_-_1583.pdf |
History Of The Inquisition Vol. I - Henry Charles Lea - 1887
a_history_of_the_inquisition_vol._i_henry_charles_lea__1887_.pdf |
History Of The Inquisition Vol. II - Henry Charles Lea - 1887
a_history_of_the_inquisition_vol._ii_henry_charles_lea__1887_.pdf |
History Of The Inquisition Vol III - Henry Charles Lea - 1887
a_history_of_the_inquisition_vol._iii_henry_charles_lea__1888_.pdf |
Proof The Bible Is True!
proof_the_bible_is_true_2.pdf |
45 Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled About Jesus Christ
45_prophecies_messianic_prophesies_fulfilled.pdf |
68 Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ
68_ancient_biblical_prophecies_that_foretold_the_future_.pdf |
Zetetic Astronomy - "Earth Not A Globe" - Samuel B Rowbotham - 1865
Proof for a "flat" Earth
1865__rowbotham___zetetic_astronomy.pdf |
Terra Firma - David Wardlaw Scott - 1901
scott_david_wardlaw_-_terra_firma.pdf |
200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball - Eric Dubay - 2018
200_proofs_earth_is_not_a_spinning_ball_.pdf |
Ever Increasing Faith - Smith Wigglesworth - 1924
smith_wigglesworth_ever_increasing_faith.pdf |
Table Talk - Martin Luther - 1483 - 1546
martin-luther-table-talk.pdf |
Vatican Assassins - Wounded In The House Of My Friends - E J Phelps - 2004
vaticanassassins.pdf |
List Of 265 Roman Catholic Popes
list_of_roman_catholic_popes_.pdf |
Catechism Of The Roman Catholic Church
catechism-of-the-catholic-church.pdf |
The Papal System: From Its Origin To The Present Time - William Cathcart - 1872
thepapalsystem_10127021.pdf |
A Complete History Of the Popes Of Rome - Louis Marie De Cormenin - 1851
a_complete_history_of_the_popes_of_rome.pdf |
Slavery And Catholicism - Richard Roscoe Miller - 1957
slavery_and_catholicism_richard_roscoe_miller_1957.pdf |
The Dollar And The Vatican - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini) - 1957
the_dollar_and_the_vatican_-_avro_manhattan_1957.pdf |
The Vatican And The USA - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini) - 1946
the-vatican-and-the-usa-avro-manhattan.pdf |
The Vatican, Moscow, Washington Alliance - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini - 1982
the-vatican-moscow-washington-alliance-avro-manhattan.pdf |
The Vatican Billions - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini) - 1983
thevaticanbillions_-_avro_manhattan.pdf |
The Vatican's Holocaust - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini) - 1986
thevaticansholocaust_-_avro_manhattan.pdf |
Catholic Power Today - Avro Manhattan (Teophilo Lucifero Gardini) - 1967
catholic_power_today.pdf |
Will - G Gordon Liddy - 1980
will__the_autobiography_of_g._gordon_liddy.pdf |
Mugabe - Martin Meredith - 2002
mugabe.pdf |
The Great Silence Conspiracy - Andrew Sinclair - 1980
the_great_silence_conspiracy_-_andrew_sinclair.pdf |
A Woman Rides The Beast - Dave Hunt - 1994
a-woman-rides-the-beast-by-dave-hunt.pdf |
The Seduction Of Christianity - Dave Hunt - 1985
seduction_of_christianity_by_dave_hunt.pdf |
The False Gospel Of "Accepting Christ" - Path Of Truth.Com website |
The Enemy Unmasked - Bill Hughes - 2004
billhughes_theenemyunmasked_101pp.pdf |
The Vatican And The Jesuits - Ex Wiki Company Website - Recovered from WayBackMachine Website
the_vatican_and_the_jesuits.pdf |
List Of 31 Jesuit Superior Generals
list_of_the_31_jesuit_superior_generals.pdf |
The Black Pope - M F Cusack (Former Nun Of Kenmare) - 1896
black_pope_-_m_f_cusack.pdf |
The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan Of The Order - Abbate Jacopo Leone - 1848
jesuit-conspiracy.pdf |
Jesuit Plots From Elizabethan To Modern Times - Albert Close - 1936
book_-_history_-_albert_close_-_jesuit_plots_from_elizabethan_to_modern_times.pdf |
Dealings With The Inquisition: Papal Rome, Her Priests And Her Jesuits - Giacinto Achille - 1851
2015.180682.dealings-with-the-inquisition.pdf |
Mystery Babylon Religion - Ralph Woodrow - 1966
babylon-mystery-religion-by-ralph-woodrow-1966.pdf |
265 Roman Catholic Popes - Complete Data Sheet
who_were_the_popes__-_data_on_popes.pdf |
Washington In The Lap Of Rome - Justin D Fulton - 1888
washingtoninthel00fultuoft.pdf |
Vatican Policy In The Second World War - L.H. Lehmann
vatican_policy_in_the_second_world_war.pdf |
Vatican Policy During The Second World War - L.H. Lehmann - 1945
vatican_policy_in_the_second_world_war.pdf |
behindthedictators.pdf |
The Jesuits Manipulated The Nazis - Retired Research Page
jesuit_manipulated_catholic_nazis.pdf |
The Jesuits & The Croatian "Serb" Holocaust - Retired Research Page
vaticans_holocaust_in_croatia_yugoslavia_and_jasenovac.pdf |
The Pentecostal Thing And The Jesuits - Vol V, No. 4 - John C Haughey, SJ - 1973
the_pentecostal_thing___jesuits.pdf |
Speaking In Tongues Throughout History - Apostolic Info Service Webpage - 2009
speaking_in_tongues_throughout_history_december_26_2009.pdf |
Reflections On The Jesuit Mission To China - K Winston & MJ Bane - 2010
rwp10-004_winston_bane.pdf |
Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol 13, 1981. - James W. Reites, S.J.
3714-6674-1-sm.pdf |
St Ignatius Loyola And The Early Jesuits - Stewart Rose - 1891
stignatiusloyola00roserich.pdf |
The Life Of St Ignatius Of Loyola, Founder Of The Jesuits - Antonio Francesco Mariani - 1848
lifeofstignatius02mari.pdf |
History Of The Life And Institute Of St Ignatius De Loyola - Fr Daniel Bartoli - 1650
historyoflifeins01bart.pdf |
History Of The Life And Institute Of St Ignatius De Loyola Vol 2 - Fr Daniel Bartoli - 1855
historyofstignat02bartuoft.pdf |
The Jesuit Oath
the_jesuit_oath.pdf |
In Defence Of Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera
in_defense_of_alberto_rivera.pdf |
Achievements Of The Jesuit Order
history_and_achievements_of_the_jesuit_order.pdf |
Jesuit Influence Overplayed - Propaganda Piece Written By A Jesuit Sycophant
jesuit_influence_overplayed.pdf |
The Bloodiest Century - Jesuit Inspired Genocides
the_bloodiest_century.pdf |
The Jesuit Conspiracy - Brian David Anderson
the_jesuit_conspiracy.pdf |
rulers_of_evil.pdf |
Why Did The Roman Catholic Church Create Islam?
The Vatican Against Europe - Edmond Paris
the-vatican-against-europe-edmond-paris.pdf |
Thirty Years In Hell - Bernard Fresenborg - 1904
thirty_years_in_hell_-_bernard_fresenborg_-_1904_-_https___spirituallysmart.com_18040.txt.pdf |
Fifty years In The Church Of Rome - Charles Chiniquy
fifty_years_in_the_church_of_rome.pdf |
The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional - Charles Chiniquy
the_priest_the_woman_and_the_confessional.pdf |
Awful Disclosures By Maria Monk - Revised Second Edition - Rev JJ Slocum - 1837
awful_disclosures_of_maria_monk_-_00monkgoog.pdf |
The Jesuits: A complete history of their open and secret proceedings from the foundation of the order to the present time. Told to the German people- Theodor Griesenger - 3rd edition 1903 (original 1885)
jesuitscompleteh1903grie.pdf |
The Secret History Of The Jesuits - Edmond Paris
the_secret_history_of_jesuits_by_edmond_paris__1975_.pdf |
The Papacy - J A Wylie
the_papacy.pdf |
The Papacy Is The Antichrist - J A Wylie
thepapacy_is_the_antichrist.pdf |
The History Of Protestantism - Vol 15: The Jesuits - JA Wylie - 1878 |
Engineer Corps Of Hell - Edwin A Sherman
engineer_corps_of_hell.pdf |
The Jesuits As They Were And Are - Edward Duller - 1845
the_jesuits_as_they_were_and_are_-_edward_duller_-_00dull.pdf |
A History Of The Society Of Jesus 1534-1921 - Thomas J Campbell - 1921
title-_the_jesuits_1534-1921__a_history_of_the_society_of_jesus_from_its_foundation_to_the_present_time__author-_thomas_j._campbell_-_1921.pdf |
History Of The Jesuits - G B Nicolini
history_of_the_jesuits.pdf |
Ex-Priest Answers: Attack By Roman Clergy - Peter J Doeswyck - 1956
ex-priest_answers_attack_by_roman_clergy_dr_peter_j_doeswyck_-_1956.pdf |
The Jesuits: Religious Rogues - Joseph McCabe - 1927
the_jesuits__religious_rogues_-_joseph_mccabe_-_1927.pdf |
The Fiery Jesuits - F Doza SJ - 1667
pyrotechnicaloyo00cath.pdf |
The End Justifies The Means: Taught by Jesuits for 350 Years - J Beaufort Hurlbert - 1890
j_beaufort_hurlbert_-_the_end_justifies_the_means_-_1890_-_00hurl.pdf |
Fourteen Years A Jesuit - Count Paul Von Hoensbroech - 1911
fourteenyearsajesuit_10507613.pdf |
Romanism: A Menace To The Nation - Jeremiah J Crowley
romanism_a_menace_to_the_nation.pdf |
Rome Stoops To Conquer - E. Boyd Barrett - 1935
rome_stoops_to_conquer_-_e_boyd_barrett_-_mn5009ucmf_1.pdf |
The Footprints Of The Jesuits - R W Thompson - 1894
footprintsofjesu00thom.pdf |
Romanism As A World Power - Luther S Kauffman
romanism-as-a-world-power-2mb.pdf |
The Crown Temple: Rule Of Babylon - Michael Edward - Publishing Date Unknown
crown_temple.pdf |
Fourth Lateran Council 1215 AD
Pope Innocent III
fourth_lateran_council_-1215-1215_concilium_lateranum_iiii_documenta_omnia_en.pdf |
Summa Theologica - Thomas Aquinas - 1485
aquinas-summa-v16.pdf |
The Council Of Trent Decree - The Jesuits - 1545 - 1563
100 Curses On Protestant Believers Never Revoked
1545-1545_concilium_tridentinum_canons_and_decrees_en.pdf |
The Council Of Trent Decree - The Jesuits - Summary - 1545 - 1563
100 Curses On Protestant Believers Never Revoked
council_of_trent_-_summary.pdf |
The "Malevolent" Jesuit "Theologia" - Peter Dens - 1826
the_malevolent_jesuit _22theologia_22__-_1826.pdf |
Jesuit Syllabus Of Errors - Pope Pius IX - 1864
syllabus-of-pius9.pdf |
Jesuit Syllabus Of Errors - Pope Pius IX - Sourced from:
the_syllabus_of_errors_-_papal_encyclicals.pdf |
Cardinal Ercole Consalvi - Decree For Mandatory Vaccination - Rome - 1822
cardinal_consalvi_-_edict_for_mandatory_vaccination_-_1822.pdf |
Romanism And The Reformation - H. Grattan Guinness - 1887
romanism_and_the_reformation.pdf |
The Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop - 1853
the_two_babylons-alexander_hislop.pdf |
The History Of Romanism - John Dowling - 1845
history_of_romanism.pdf |
Babylon The Mother Church - Grattan Guiness
babylon_the_mother_church-_grattan_guiness.pdf |
The Pope The Kings And The People - William Arthur - 1877
popekingsandpeo00arthgoog.pdf |
Papism In The XIX Century In The United States - Robert J Breckinridge - 1841
breckinridge_robert_jefferson_papism_in_the_xix_century_in_the_united_states.pdf |
Foreign Conspiracy Against The Liberties Of The United States - Samuel F B Morse - 1855
foreign_conspiracy_against_the_liberties__of_the_united_states_-_samuel_f_b_morse_-_1855.pdf |
The Crisis: Or, The Enemies Of America Unmasked - J Wayne Laurens - 1855
the-crisis-8mb.pdf |
The Obedience Of A Christian Man - William Tyndale - 1528
and How Christian Rulers Ought To Govern
obediencechristianman.pdf |
Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits - Jesuit Instruction Manual
secret-instructions-of-the-jesuits-1857.pdf |
Loyola And The Educational System Of The Jesuits - Thomas Hughes - 1892
loyolaeducationa00hugh.pdf |
The Doctrine Of The Jesuits - Paul Bert - 1880
doctrineofjesuit00bert.pdf |
Jesuits - Comic Book - Jack Chic Publications - 2011
jesuits.pdf |
The Pope, Chief Of White Slavers, High Priest Of Intrigue - Jeremiah J. Crowley - 1913
the_pope_chief_of_white_slavers_high_priest_of_intrigue__by_jeremiah_j._crowley__1913_.pdf |
Philip Dru: Administrator - Col Edward Mandell House - 1920-35
philip-dru-administrator_-_col_edward_mandell_house_-_1920-35.pdf |
Satan, Prince Of This World - William Guy Carr - 1966
satan_prince_of_this_world.pdf |
Pawns In The Game - William Guy Carr - 1958
pawns_in_the_game_-__by_william_guy_carr__1_.pdf |
Fire In The Minds Of Men - James H Billington - 1980
fire_in_the_minds_of_men_-_james_h_billington_-_1980.pdf |
The Revolutionary Movement - J. Findlater - 1933
A Diagnosis Of World Disorders Fomented By The Jesuits
the_revolutionary_movement_-_j._findlater.pdf |
Propaganda - Edward L Bernays - 1928
edward-bernays-propaganda-1928.pdf |
Now Is The Time For A Great Reset - World Economic Forum (WEF) - June 3, 2020
now_is_the_time_for_a_great_reset_of_capitalism___world_economic_forum.pdf |
United Nations Agenda 21 Document - 1992
agenda21.pdf |
UN Agenda 21 Summary
un_agenda_21-_summary.pdf |
United Nations Agenda 30 Document - 2016
120815_outcome-document-of-summit-for-adoption-of-the-post-2015-development-agenda.pdf |
United Nations Agenda 30 Document - 17 Points With Interpretation
united_nations_agenda_30_-_real_meaning.pdf |
Satan In Satin - Jeremy James - 2013
"Mariolatry" - Pagan Catholic goddess worship explained
satan_in_satin_apparitions_of_mary.pdf |
Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Dr John Coleman - 2006
coleman_john_-_the_tavistock_institute_of_human_relations.pdf |
MK Ultra Project: Tavistock Institute Building Absolute Mind Control For The New World Order - - 2008
mk-ultra-project-tavistock-institute-building-absolute-mind-control-for-the-162f8938-3f11-4431-a99e-4f00b5cb5636.pdf |
Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon - Dave McGowan - 2014
weird_scenes_inside_the_canyon_-_laurel_canyon_covert_ops___the_dark_heart_of_the_hippie_dream__2014__by_david_mcgowan___nick_bryant.pdf |
Programmed To Kill: The Politics Of Serial Murder - Dave McGowan - 2004
david-mcgowan-programmed-to-kill.pdf |
Proofs Of A Conspiracy - John Robison AM - 1798
Against all the religions and governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, collected from good authorities.
proofs_of_a_conspiracy_john_robison.pdf |
The Great Deceit - Social Pseudo Sciences - Zygmund Dobbs - 1964
zygmund_dobbs_-the-great-deceit_rev4.1.pdf |
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy - Thomas E Watson - 1915
thomas-edward-watson-the-roman-catholic-hierarchy-the-deadliest-menace-to-american-liberties-and-christian-civilization.pdf |
Think Magazine - 33 Degrees Of Deception Review - Warnings Against Freemasonry - March 2012, Pages 12-19
think-march-2012-final.pdf |
The Deadly Deception - Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney - 1988
the_deadly_deception__freemasonry_exposed_by_one_of_its_top_leaders_-_the_deadly_deception__freemasonry_exposed_by_one_of_its_top_leaders__1988_-james_shaw.pdf |
Freemasonry And Roman Catholicism - Max Heindel - 1865 - 1919
freemasonry-catholicism.pdf |
Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry - Albert Pike - 1871
moralsanddogmaoftheancientandacceptedscottishriteoffreemasonry_10806648.pdf |
The Symbolism Of Freemasonry - Albert G Mackey - 1882
the_symbolism_of_freemasonry_by_albert_g._mackey_m.d_.pdf |
The Origin Of Freemasonry And Knights Templar - John R Bennett - 1907
theoriginoffreemasonryandknightstemplar_10015689.pdf |
A Frank Exposure Of Freemasonry - The Baptist Examiner - Chris Lawson
a_frank_exposure_of_freemasonry_-_srn_0314mar_web.pdf |
The Brotherhood (Expose of Freemasonry) - Stephen Knight - 2007
stephenknight_thebrotherhood-thesecretworldofthefreemasons_1983-1985_104pp.pdf |
Morgan's Freemasonry - Captain William Morgan - 1882
morgansfreemason1882.pdf |
Why I Left Freemasonry - Charles Finney
__why_i_left_freemasonry_-_charles_finney.pdf |
The Creature From Jekyll Island - G Edward Griffin - 1994
the_creature_from_jekyll_island.pdf |
Bel, The Christ Of Ancient Times - Hugo Radau - 1908
belthechristofancienttimes_10198845.pdf |
20 Absolutist Papal Maxims Of The Jesuit Military Order
20_absolutist_papal_maxims_of_the_jesuits_.pdf |
The Coming Prince - Robert Anderson - 1894
the_coming_prince_text.pdf |
The Coming Of Messiah In Glory And Majesty - Manuel Lacunza SJ - Completed in 1790 and first published in Cadiz, 1810. Translated Into English And Published By Edward Irving in London - 1827
lacunza_vol1.pdf |
Lupus Occultus: The Paganised Christianity Of CS Lewis - Jeremy James - 2010
lupus-occultus_-_the_paganised_christianity_of_cs_lewis_-_jeremy_james.pdf |
Androgyny - The Pagan Sexual Ideal - Dr. Peter Jones - 2000
androgyny-_the_pagan_sexual_ideal_-_truthxchange.pdf |
Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse In The Catholic Church - William H Kennedy - 2004
kennedy_-_lucifers_lodge_-_satanic_ritual_abuse_in_the_catholic_church__2004_.pdf |
'Sick Pleasure': GU Jesuit Walsh Abused Nieces For Decades - The Hoya - Riley Rogerson - 2019
sick_pleasure__gu_jesuit_walsh_abused_nieces_for_decades.pdf |
Archbishop's Computer Contained Over 100.000 Child Porn Files - Patheos - Michael Stone - 2014
archbishop’s_computer_contained_over_100000_child_porn_files___michael_stone.pdf |
The Wandering Jew - Eugene Su - 1844 - Novel (Anti Catholic Allegory of The Jesuit Order)
wanderingjew.pdf |
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P Hall - 1928
manly_p._hall_-_the_secret_teachings_of_all_ages__1928_.pdf |
Confessions Of A Medical Heretic - Robert S Mendelsohn MD, 1979
robert_s_mendelsohn_md_-_confessions_of_a_medical_heretic.pdf |
Useful Knowledge About Viruses -The Deception Of Virology And Vaccines - The Bernician "Blog" - Posted on 25th March 2020 -
useful_knowledge_about_viruses.pdf |
Horrors Of Vaccination - Charles M Higgins - 1920
the_horrors_of_vaccination_-_charles_m_higgins_-_1920.pdf |
The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean - 1957
the_poisoned_needle_-_eleanor_mcbean_-_1957.pdf |
Vaccination: The Silent Killer - Ida Honorof & Eleanor McBean - 1977
vaccination-the-silent-killer-honorof-ida-mcbean-eleanor.pdf |
Inventing The Aids Virus - Peter H Duesberg - 1996
1996peterh.duesberginventingtheaidsvirus-regnerypublishinginc.1996__1_.pdf |
DNA & RNA - Based Computing Systems - Evgeny Katz - 2021
dna_and_rna_based_computing_sy_katz_evgeny.pdf |
Magnetic Nanoparticles - Collection of 18 Articles Edited by Evgeny Katz - 2020
magnetic_nanoparticles.pdf |
The Invisible Rainbow - Arthur Firstenberg - 2017
_the_invisible_rainbow_-_arthur_firstenberg_-_2017.pdf |
The Invisible Rainbow Summary
english-summary-of-the-invisible-rainbow-a-history-of-electricity-and-life-3_-_arthur_firstenberg.pdf |
The Harmonic Conquest Of Space - Bruce L Cathie - 1995
the_harmonic_conquest_of_space_-_bruce_cathie1564193323825-0.pdf |
The Art Of War - Attrib. to Sun Tzu but likely written by Lorenzo Ricci SJ & Jean-Joseph-Marie Amiot SJ- "Gutenberg Press" version
the-art-of-war-by-sun-tzu.pdf |
The Art OF War - Attrib. to Sun Tzu but likely written by Lorenzo Ricci SJ & Jean-Joseph-Marie Amiot SJ - "Freeditorial Press" version
the_art_of_war.pdf |
The Art Of War - Attrib. to Sun Tzu but likely written by Lorenzo Ricci SJ & Jean-Joseph-Marie Amiot SJ - "Allandale Online Publishing" version
the_art_of_war__1_.pdf |