Slide Show Exposing The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire
Please Note** This power point show of 141 slides was created by David Swanson and is the fruit of his hard work alone. He offered them to this ministry so that they could be used to God's glory. I claim no credit for any of these slides but am giving them an online gallery in the hope that they will be a blessing to some who may find them. My prayer is that they would help increase their Faith and Understanding about the connections between History and Bible prophecy. These slides highlight and illustrate Salvation in Jesus Christ, prophetic Last Days events, the Synagogue of Satan "Masonic" world power hierarchy, the Papal Sea Beast, the Jesuit "Earth" Beast, the final Roman Papal Antichrist and the Mark Of The Beast!
Disclaimer** I do not in any way endorse the views of Eric John Phelps on many topics such as lethal self defense, private citizenship, the Calvinist False Gospel and "separation from the USA" among other teachings. His views are expressed in a number of these slides but rather than separate them i have kept the slides together as a "whole" and am providing this WARNING to all who visit. The majority of these slides illustrate a true history, which is NOT taught in schools anywhere today. I also do not endorse the "sensationalist" books and teachings of Tom Horn. I personally believe that both these men are "controlled opposition" BUT that the teaching about the Roman Catholic Cult and the Jesuits expresses Biblical truth!
Please CLICK on slides to enlarge and for numbering!
Please CLICK on slides to enlarge and for numbering!