DIF - Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire
Video Numbers 26 - 50
Video Numbers 26 - 50
The Jesuits And Their Masonic World Crime Network 26
Two Jesuit Hammers: Napoleon Bonaparte Smashing
Europe 27A
Europe 27A
Adolf Hitler: The New "Napoleon" Smashing Europe Again 27B
The Jesuits Building Their Primitive Neo Pagan Dark Age 28A
The Jesuits Building Their Primitive Neo Pagan Dark Age 28B
The Jesuit Fake Democracy Circus And Masonic Political
Theatre 29
Theatre 29
Masonic World News Agencies And Controlled Mainstream
News Narratives 30
News Narratives 30
The Jesuits: Authors Of Modern Communism 31
Disinformation And Biblical Truth Channels 32
The Luciferian Masonic Lie: Everyone Goes To Heaven? 33
The Jesuits And The "Theory" Of Evolution 34
The Jesuits Enforcing Papal Supremacy And Infallibility 35
The 1825 Jesuit World Control Plot, Devised At Chieri, Italy 36
Wlodimir Ledochowski, Jesuit SG: Wickedness Beyond Imagination 37
Jesuit Preterist and Futurist Doctrines In False Dispensational Methodology 38
The Luciferian Mindset Creates Satanic Art - 39A
The Luciferian Mindset Creates Satanic Art - 39B
Scapegoats: How Rome’s Evil Machinations Are Kept Hidden! 40
The Luciferian Goal: Railroading Mankind Into Depravity 41
How Did The Jesuits Infiltrate And Conquer All The Nations? - 42 A
How Did The Jesuits Infiltrate And Conquer All The Nations? - 42 B
Luciferian Deception In Wizard Of Oz Occult Programming! 43
The Jesuits Sank The Titanic "Death Ship!" - 44A
The Jesuits Sank The Titanic Death Ship! - 44B
The Inquisition: Rome's Diabolical Campaign of World Terror! - 45 A
The Inquisition: Rome's Diabolical Campaign of World Terror! - 45B
"A Woman Rides The Beast," - Ch 6 by Dave Hunt, 1994 - 46A
"A Woman Rides The Beast" - Ch 6 By Dave Hunt, 1994 - 46B
The Jesuits, The Occult & Clive Staples Lewis' Humanism! 47
The Jesuit Trojan Horse Infiltration Of World Education 48
The Jesuit Assault Against Sound Biblical Doctrine 49
The Jesuits, Mao Zedong, Yale and Skull and Bones Connection! 50