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Signs In The Sky (CELESTIAL)
Since the "alleged" UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 there has been a "torrent" of UFO "sightings" and accompanying "strange" phenomena, even the abduction of "victims" by "alien" entities. Throughout history there have been stories of UFO events but nothing like the second half of the 20th century. Why and why now? I believe the advancement of "covert" technologies and the rise of the "occult" (witchcraft and sorcery) are the reason. Anyone studying the data can see on a graph the steady upward rise and correlation of both if they have eyes to see!
UFO's and Aliens
After 50 years of intensive study of cases by leading UFOlogists Jacques Vallee, J Allen Hynek, Brad Steiger, John Ankerberg, John Weldon and John Keel the conclusion was reached that the majority of UFO's and aliens were inter-dimensional (supernatural) visitors, not extra-terrestrial. Not all researchers agree with this viewpoint and the ET stance is still the mainstream narrative. The reason? The last few generations have been spoon-fed a diet of materialist ideals, evolution, atheistic humanism and New Age spirituality. They're looking for answers to their problems in achieving "godhood" (immortality without God) promised by occult spiritism (ascended Master spirit guides) and a path to the stars promised by technology. The return of beneficent alien overlords who will help humanity "ascend" is a seductive lie that many "want" to embrace!
Also, the relentless "assault" against Biblical "truth" and God's plan for humanity of salvation through Jesus Christ continues unabated as godless men and women promote the satanic agenda for one world government, (the New Babylon) and ecumenism, (one world religion.) Christianity has been made the "scapegoat" for "HINDERING" the "appearance" of the New Age "Maitreya" (teacher) who will solve all the worlds problems and bring "peace." The Christian "gospel" (good news) is increasingly rejected instead of being embraced as the "antidote" to "sin" which is destroying corrupt humanity.
Alien "visitation" as either friend or foe will provide the impetus to unite man in one common cause. The world rulers (Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire) have been psychologically seducing the people of the world on every "front" for at least 150 years in preparation for this unprecedented worldwide "alien" event!
Since the "alleged" UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 there has been a "torrent" of UFO "sightings" and accompanying "strange" phenomena, even the abduction of "victims" by "alien" entities. Throughout history there have been stories of UFO events but nothing like the second half of the 20th century. Why and why now? I believe the advancement of "covert" technologies and the rise of the "occult" (witchcraft and sorcery) are the reason. Anyone studying the data can see on a graph the steady upward rise and correlation of both if they have eyes to see!
UFO's and Aliens
After 50 years of intensive study of cases by leading UFOlogists Jacques Vallee, J Allen Hynek, Brad Steiger, John Ankerberg, John Weldon and John Keel the conclusion was reached that the majority of UFO's and aliens were inter-dimensional (supernatural) visitors, not extra-terrestrial. Not all researchers agree with this viewpoint and the ET stance is still the mainstream narrative. The reason? The last few generations have been spoon-fed a diet of materialist ideals, evolution, atheistic humanism and New Age spirituality. They're looking for answers to their problems in achieving "godhood" (immortality without God) promised by occult spiritism (ascended Master spirit guides) and a path to the stars promised by technology. The return of beneficent alien overlords who will help humanity "ascend" is a seductive lie that many "want" to embrace!
Also, the relentless "assault" against Biblical "truth" and God's plan for humanity of salvation through Jesus Christ continues unabated as godless men and women promote the satanic agenda for one world government, (the New Babylon) and ecumenism, (one world religion.) Christianity has been made the "scapegoat" for "HINDERING" the "appearance" of the New Age "Maitreya" (teacher) who will solve all the worlds problems and bring "peace." The Christian "gospel" (good news) is increasingly rejected instead of being embraced as the "antidote" to "sin" which is destroying corrupt humanity.
Alien "visitation" as either friend or foe will provide the impetus to unite man in one common cause. The world rulers (Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire) have been psychologically seducing the people of the world on every "front" for at least 150 years in preparation for this unprecedented worldwide "alien" event!
Reasons Why UFO's And Aliens Are Spiritual
1) The appearance, movements and disappearance of UFO's defy the laws of physics.
2) Alien entities always lie and behave in a deceptive manner.
3) Alien entities "hate" Jesus Christ and fear him.
4) UFO visitations are accompanied by a range of "anxiety" inducing paranormal phenomena like hauntings and visitation by strange creatures and monsters.
5) Alien entities work "too hard" at coming across as ET's.
6) Alien visitations are very carefully "stage managed" by the same entities.
7) Alien entities appear to adapt to human ability to understand. They morph into different creatures like gods, angels, demons to suit the age and understanding of humans.
8) UFO craft are not constructed of known "physical" materials.
Read more at the link below.
1) The appearance, movements and disappearance of UFO's defy the laws of physics.
2) Alien entities always lie and behave in a deceptive manner.
3) Alien entities "hate" Jesus Christ and fear him.
4) UFO visitations are accompanied by a range of "anxiety" inducing paranormal phenomena like hauntings and visitation by strange creatures and monsters.
5) Alien entities work "too hard" at coming across as ET's.
6) Alien visitations are very carefully "stage managed" by the same entities.
7) Alien entities appear to adapt to human ability to understand. They morph into different creatures like gods, angels, demons to suit the age and understanding of humans.
8) UFO craft are not constructed of known "physical" materials.
Read more at the link below.
See pictures below of the destruction perpetrated on civilians by US Gov't aerial DEW assaults = FALSE FLAG /PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS!

Jesuit High Tech Malevolence and Chicanery (TERRESTRIAL & CELESTIAL)
The Jesuit Vatican Roman NWO Empire has been rolling out a multiple "STRIKE" strategy against unsuspecting humanity in order to install their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! In order to DUMB people DOWN enough and make them totally complacent and compliant they have been using "PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONING" (propaganda,) the poisoning of water and food (fluoride,) prescription drugs, TV and FILMS (ideological and spiritual subversion) and cellular phone, internet and wi-fi technologies to distract and entertain them.
This combination has effectively "mind controlled" the last 3 generations so that today there is little critical thought or dissent in most populations. People across the world are being prepared for the final event which will employ advanced technologies unknown to even "educated" people. The US and Russian militaries have been developing these for at least 70 years. These "weaponised" technologies are totally controlled by the Luciferian Jesuits. They will be directed at the people of the world and create a scenario in the skies so "real" that it will deceive many into "worshipping" a soon to be WORLD DICTATOR as "God."
Holographic technology will be used to either simulate an "alien" attack or visitation and people will think it is the "real thing." NexRad, (next generation radar,) HAARP (high altitude auroral research program) and DEW (directed energy weapon) technologies will be rolled out to create audio visual hallucinations combined with the holographic displays on a world wide scale. Frequency modulation and thought/sensory control devices will be used on the masses to manipulate their emotions and thoughts. This world event will unify the masses into "worship" of the tyrant "SAVIOUR" (false Messiah) and give him complete control over their lives.
UFO like aircraft using silent, perpetual motion engine technologies will be used to heighten the "reality" of this great deception. These US military machines have been flying around the world for decades and are responsible for many of the UFO sightings. All these technologies will be used AGAINST the people to kill and control them. The order will be COMPLY with the NWO "FASCIST" agenda or DIE!
High tech inventions plus demonic (supernatural) forces will combine to ultimately deceive and destroy all those who assent to receiving the implantable "Mark of the Beast" technology. The lie made to these people will be "immortality" to those who SUBMIT and worship SATAN'S SON, the Antichrist!
If you are thinking it is impossible to DECEIVE the "whole world" then please watch the video below and understand that although these holograms are "claimed" to be the largest in the world, the Luciferian Jesuit Cabal has technology 10,000 times more powerful and it WILL FOOL the masses when deployed into the CHEMTRAILED skies of the world! Just as the rave crowd is MESMERISED by the images in the video, (Note: the raised hands of the crowd as in "worship") the GRAND DECEPTION will be far more visually convincing than the alien UFO craft scenes in the Hollywood film "Independence Day."
No one will stop this final "end game" of the satanic cabal that rules this world. They must have their day before they are destroyed by the second coming of Christ. It has all been foreordained by God who knows the beginning from the end and is clearly written in his WORD the Bible. Satan's world ruler (antichrist) will arise and will rule with a "brutal" fist of iron and cruelty never witnessed before in world history and that day is approaching quickly!
The question is always the same; Will you be DECEIVED with the rest of those who are perishing by this satanic display of FALSE "signs and wonders" and be destroyed or will you REPENT and turn away from your sins and seek God's forgiveness and salvation found only in Jesus Christ?
Bible Promises:
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
And again,
Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am he that blots out your transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember your sins.
But, in order to receive his mercy and forgiveness we must Turn Away from sin and receive a new heart from God.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me."
More Info on how to become a Christian HERE