The Lies
Twelve Lies Concerning God, Truth and the Salvation of Mankind
The very first lie:
"You shall not surely die, For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3: 4-5
The false promise and very first lie spoken to Eve (the first woman) that she would become a "god."
The liar:
The "Father" and origin of Lies, the serpent/Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub/the devil.
The truth:
Satan appealed to Eve's vanity and desire and both tempted and deceived her with a false promise. She and Adam had eternal life and were partners and caretakers of the garden paradise in Eden. God had given them authority over the whole Earth under him to manage and care for it and to name all the animals and birds and he walked and talked with them face to face in the garden as friends.
When they chose to rebel against God they broke spiritual union with him and lost their eternal life. Satan coerced them into rebelling, exactly as he had done against God and for which he was banished from heaven, knowing full well that they would die.
Satan redirected his jealously, hatred and murderous rage against God toward his creation and this continues today as his conspiracy against humanity and its destruction comes to a climax in the antichrist New World Order ( NWO) now unfolding rapidly across the Earth.
All of creation has groaned and suffered for around 6000 years under the ravaging forces of sin, death and corruption and it all started with one lie from the wicked "father of lies."
"You shall not surely die, For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3: 4-5
The false promise and very first lie spoken to Eve (the first woman) that she would become a "god."
The liar:
The "Father" and origin of Lies, the serpent/Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub/the devil.
The truth:
Satan appealed to Eve's vanity and desire and both tempted and deceived her with a false promise. She and Adam had eternal life and were partners and caretakers of the garden paradise in Eden. God had given them authority over the whole Earth under him to manage and care for it and to name all the animals and birds and he walked and talked with them face to face in the garden as friends.
When they chose to rebel against God they broke spiritual union with him and lost their eternal life. Satan coerced them into rebelling, exactly as he had done against God and for which he was banished from heaven, knowing full well that they would die.
Satan redirected his jealously, hatred and murderous rage against God toward his creation and this continues today as his conspiracy against humanity and its destruction comes to a climax in the antichrist New World Order ( NWO) now unfolding rapidly across the Earth.
All of creation has groaned and suffered for around 6000 years under the ravaging forces of sin, death and corruption and it all started with one lie from the wicked "father of lies."
The second lie:
The 66 documents that together comprise the book known as the Bible, the repository of God's revealed will for mankind are not divinely inspired, replete with errors and are a series of myths concocted by a string of unrelated, deviously cunning men over an approximate 1600 year period of time.
The liars:
Any man who attempted/s to change, subvert or cast doubt in any way on the only absolute written standard of truth and morality the world has ever known.
The truth:
Just as there is always an official instruction manual with a new product or service there is also an instruction book that God has given to mankind. Why is this so difficult for many to believe? The Bible is not an ordinary book but was written by men as they were inspired by the Spirit of God.
It is the only book in the world that gives a complete account of man's history from beginning to end, God's interventions in the affairs of men and contains the answers to most questions that people have about God, his requirements for right living, death and what comes after.
Contrary to what many contentious men have said and still say about there being many contradictions and errors in the Bible it is simply false and easy to prove.
God is omnipotent and has protected his word throughout the ages when evil men sought to destroy it. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered between 1947 and 1956 settled the issues and accusations made by many against the authenticity and integrity of the Bible. When the ancient documents were examined and compared to the King James text (and there are between 825 and 870 scrolls,) it was found that the text had not been altered over thousands of years and that the Bible we have today is in fact pure and unchanged. To date there are more than 25.000 original documents in museums that verify the authenticity of the Bible as it was written in its original state. There is no other ancient text in the world that has this amount of authentication ... none!
The 66 documents that together comprise the book known as the Bible, the repository of God's revealed will for mankind are not divinely inspired, replete with errors and are a series of myths concocted by a string of unrelated, deviously cunning men over an approximate 1600 year period of time.
The liars:
Any man who attempted/s to change, subvert or cast doubt in any way on the only absolute written standard of truth and morality the world has ever known.
The truth:
Just as there is always an official instruction manual with a new product or service there is also an instruction book that God has given to mankind. Why is this so difficult for many to believe? The Bible is not an ordinary book but was written by men as they were inspired by the Spirit of God.
It is the only book in the world that gives a complete account of man's history from beginning to end, God's interventions in the affairs of men and contains the answers to most questions that people have about God, his requirements for right living, death and what comes after.
Contrary to what many contentious men have said and still say about there being many contradictions and errors in the Bible it is simply false and easy to prove.
God is omnipotent and has protected his word throughout the ages when evil men sought to destroy it. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered between 1947 and 1956 settled the issues and accusations made by many against the authenticity and integrity of the Bible. When the ancient documents were examined and compared to the King James text (and there are between 825 and 870 scrolls,) it was found that the text had not been altered over thousands of years and that the Bible we have today is in fact pure and unchanged. To date there are more than 25.000 original documents in museums that verify the authenticity of the Bible as it was written in its original state. There is no other ancient text in the world that has this amount of authentication ... none!
The third lie:
Jesus Christ was a fictitious character based on earlier pagan figures and was invented to perpetuate the power and control of the Roman empire and its spiritual/political control over humanity.
The liars:
Any man who promised/es truth and freedom apart from the salvation found in the sacrifice of God's son, Jesus Christ!
The truth:
The figure of Jesus Christ has been the object of disputes for the last two thousand years. It is understood by all that if his legitimacy can be debunked then so can all the claims of the Bible. There has been no end of attacks against the divinity of Jesus Christ, whether or not he was a real historical figure or whether he in fact was a charlatan and fraud. Those who seek to discredit the Biblical narrative about him have worked hard but in vain. True christians, pseudo christian cults, ancient historians and even modern academics all over the world will attest the validity of a real historical figure named Jesus Christ not only through written records but in the changed lives of hundreds of millions who have put their faith in him over the last two millennia.
The Bible alone has the eyewitness accounts of not one, not two but of four disciples who knew him intimately and witnessed with their own eyes his life and miracles over a three year period of time. Only two eyewitnesses are required in a matter of law to prove guilt or innocence but the historicity of Jesus Christ in the Bible is proven by the long personal accounts of four eyewitnesses in very explicit detail. In addition there were hundreds of other eyewitnesses of his life and ministry of miracles. There are also many extra biblical accounts written of Jesus Christ as a real historical figure by historians and academics of the period such as Josephus and Tacitus. Even the Quran the holy book of Islam with a following of over a billion people acknowledges Jesus Christ as a real figure and great prophet in history.
Jesus Christ was a fictitious character based on earlier pagan figures and was invented to perpetuate the power and control of the Roman empire and its spiritual/political control over humanity.
The liars:
Any man who promised/es truth and freedom apart from the salvation found in the sacrifice of God's son, Jesus Christ!
The truth:
The figure of Jesus Christ has been the object of disputes for the last two thousand years. It is understood by all that if his legitimacy can be debunked then so can all the claims of the Bible. There has been no end of attacks against the divinity of Jesus Christ, whether or not he was a real historical figure or whether he in fact was a charlatan and fraud. Those who seek to discredit the Biblical narrative about him have worked hard but in vain. True christians, pseudo christian cults, ancient historians and even modern academics all over the world will attest the validity of a real historical figure named Jesus Christ not only through written records but in the changed lives of hundreds of millions who have put their faith in him over the last two millennia.
The Bible alone has the eyewitness accounts of not one, not two but of four disciples who knew him intimately and witnessed with their own eyes his life and miracles over a three year period of time. Only two eyewitnesses are required in a matter of law to prove guilt or innocence but the historicity of Jesus Christ in the Bible is proven by the long personal accounts of four eyewitnesses in very explicit detail. In addition there were hundreds of other eyewitnesses of his life and ministry of miracles. There are also many extra biblical accounts written of Jesus Christ as a real historical figure by historians and academics of the period such as Josephus and Tacitus. Even the Quran the holy book of Islam with a following of over a billion people acknowledges Jesus Christ as a real figure and great prophet in history.
The fourth lie:
Jesus Christ was a real character but just a man, did not perform countless miracles, did not die on the cross, did not rise from the dead in his physical body after 3 days and will not come again in the last days as he promised.
The liars:
Any man who claimed/s to be Christ or has received a revelation that supersedes or contradicts the claims of Jesus Christ's divinity as written in the Bible.
The truth:
Jesus Christ was the God-man, without sin, sent to fulfil God's promise from the beginning (Genesis 3:15) that he would send his "Messiah" at the perfect point in history and that all those who put their faith in him would be forgiven and saved. He demonstrated the "kingdom of God" on Earth for three years through his ministry of teaching, preaching, performing countless miracles, signs and wonders and finally giving his life on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to cover the sins of mankind with his pure blood. Then he rose from the dead on the 3rd day conquering death and destroying the power of the devil over all those who were captive to sin and fear. Finally, not 1 not 2 not 20 but 400 witnesses watched him ascend bodily into heaven after he promised to return again at the end of time to put an end to Satan's wicked antichrist system, to redeem his church and establish the kingdom of God once more on Earth.
Jesus Christ is God and everything he did has been historically documented and verified by many faithful eyewitnesses in thousands of ancient documents including the Dead Sea Scrolls.
There is no excuse for anyone to not believe, none!
Jesus Christ was a real character but just a man, did not perform countless miracles, did not die on the cross, did not rise from the dead in his physical body after 3 days and will not come again in the last days as he promised.
The liars:
Any man who claimed/s to be Christ or has received a revelation that supersedes or contradicts the claims of Jesus Christ's divinity as written in the Bible.
The truth:
Jesus Christ was the God-man, without sin, sent to fulfil God's promise from the beginning (Genesis 3:15) that he would send his "Messiah" at the perfect point in history and that all those who put their faith in him would be forgiven and saved. He demonstrated the "kingdom of God" on Earth for three years through his ministry of teaching, preaching, performing countless miracles, signs and wonders and finally giving his life on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to cover the sins of mankind with his pure blood. Then he rose from the dead on the 3rd day conquering death and destroying the power of the devil over all those who were captive to sin and fear. Finally, not 1 not 2 not 20 but 400 witnesses watched him ascend bodily into heaven after he promised to return again at the end of time to put an end to Satan's wicked antichrist system, to redeem his church and establish the kingdom of God once more on Earth.
Jesus Christ is God and everything he did has been historically documented and verified by many faithful eyewitnesses in thousands of ancient documents including the Dead Sea Scrolls.
There is no excuse for anyone to not believe, none!
The fifth lie:
Maybe there was a God once but now he is "dead."
The liars:
Beginning with George Hegel then Friedrich Nietzsche and then Jean Paul Sartre and the existentialists and all atheists up to the present day.
The truth:
The idea that God could die, go away or cease to be relevant to his creation is a joke but a terrible joke! God cannot die as he isn't mortal. God has always been and always will be! When men attempt to reduce God to the level of human rationale it is out of pride and arrogance and is contemptible behaviour. The idea that man can go it alone without God who is the source of all life is utter nonsense. God holds every second of every minute of every hour together by his command. No one breathes without his kindness and generosity!
The ideas of Hegel, Nietzsche and Sartre are the source of continuing existential hopelessness, anxiety, misery and separation of men and women from the love and goodness of God! Only in relationship with God can any man or woman find peace, forgiveness and eternal life!
God is alive, guiding world events and waiting to complete his plan for the world!
Maybe there was a God once but now he is "dead."
The liars:
Beginning with George Hegel then Friedrich Nietzsche and then Jean Paul Sartre and the existentialists and all atheists up to the present day.
The truth:
The idea that God could die, go away or cease to be relevant to his creation is a joke but a terrible joke! God cannot die as he isn't mortal. God has always been and always will be! When men attempt to reduce God to the level of human rationale it is out of pride and arrogance and is contemptible behaviour. The idea that man can go it alone without God who is the source of all life is utter nonsense. God holds every second of every minute of every hour together by his command. No one breathes without his kindness and generosity!
The ideas of Hegel, Nietzsche and Sartre are the source of continuing existential hopelessness, anxiety, misery and separation of men and women from the love and goodness of God! Only in relationship with God can any man or woman find peace, forgiveness and eternal life!
God is alive, guiding world events and waiting to complete his plan for the world!
The sixth lie:
God is 3 separate entities (Polytheism) or God is only 1 (Monotheism).
The liars:
All religious people who promulgated/e distorted views of the "Tri-une" godhead where the Bible states clearly that God is 3 yet 1 at the same time. The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit are totally one in unity of mind and purpose and do not act independently of each other.
The truth:
Many men in history have attempted to twist and pervert the Biblical truths about God in order to lead people away from the simple truth. All the ancients like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians and Romans did it with their pantheons of gods. This is one of the devils chief strategies; to confuse people about the nature of God. That is why God declared in the beginning, "Let us" ... indicating a plurality within the godhead but the mystery is this; the three are one in mind and purpose; total unity and agreement in will and intention.
Satan knows that to distort the triune nature of God is to open paths to error and then heresy leading to separation from God and ultimately "damnation." His number one strategy is "divide and conquer" and this he has done all through history with remarkable success.
Dividing the "godhead," dividing families, dividing churches and dividing truth in order to weaken every pillar of strength until he can destroy everything pertaining to "truth" and "godliness."
God is 3 separate entities (Polytheism) or God is only 1 (Monotheism).
The liars:
All religious people who promulgated/e distorted views of the "Tri-une" godhead where the Bible states clearly that God is 3 yet 1 at the same time. The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit are totally one in unity of mind and purpose and do not act independently of each other.
The truth:
Many men in history have attempted to twist and pervert the Biblical truths about God in order to lead people away from the simple truth. All the ancients like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians and Romans did it with their pantheons of gods. This is one of the devils chief strategies; to confuse people about the nature of God. That is why God declared in the beginning, "Let us" ... indicating a plurality within the godhead but the mystery is this; the three are one in mind and purpose; total unity and agreement in will and intention.
Satan knows that to distort the triune nature of God is to open paths to error and then heresy leading to separation from God and ultimately "damnation." His number one strategy is "divide and conquer" and this he has done all through history with remarkable success.
Dividing the "godhead," dividing families, dividing churches and dividing truth in order to weaken every pillar of strength until he can destroy everything pertaining to "truth" and "godliness."
The seventh lie:
God is an impersonal universal force without mind or purpose, at the beck and call of those seeking personal "enlightenment," "Nirvana" and ultimately salvation on their own terms!
The liars:
All religious, ie "spiritual" people who promulgated/e the idea of "God" as an energy force waiting to connect/unite all into a matrix of "universal mind" and the dawning of a future "Golden Age" or collective paradise on Earth without God or judgement!.
The truth:
This spiritual lie promises a personal, mindless, purposeless "energy" that energises and illuminates the recipient without recourse to sin and accountability. A mythical universal energy that always was, leads seekers through endless reincarnations until they have been perfected through good works and achieve "godhood!" This clever lie dethrones God and elevates man to the centre of an endlessly revolving universe where lives are recycled and evolve or devolve according to lessons learnt.
The truth is, no one can earn salvation, it is the gift of God to those that believe, who turn away from sin and put their complete trust in Jesus Christ, the perfect lamb of God! No one can work their way to perfection through endless rebirths and no matter what one does it will never be enough to allay guilt and the fear of death and judgement!
God is an impersonal universal force without mind or purpose, at the beck and call of those seeking personal "enlightenment," "Nirvana" and ultimately salvation on their own terms!
The liars:
All religious, ie "spiritual" people who promulgated/e the idea of "God" as an energy force waiting to connect/unite all into a matrix of "universal mind" and the dawning of a future "Golden Age" or collective paradise on Earth without God or judgement!.
The truth:
This spiritual lie promises a personal, mindless, purposeless "energy" that energises and illuminates the recipient without recourse to sin and accountability. A mythical universal energy that always was, leads seekers through endless reincarnations until they have been perfected through good works and achieve "godhood!" This clever lie dethrones God and elevates man to the centre of an endlessly revolving universe where lives are recycled and evolve or devolve according to lessons learnt.
The truth is, no one can earn salvation, it is the gift of God to those that believe, who turn away from sin and put their complete trust in Jesus Christ, the perfect lamb of God! No one can work their way to perfection through endless rebirths and no matter what one does it will never be enough to allay guilt and the fear of death and judgement!
The eighth lie:
There is no absolute "Truth" but only personal or relative truth enabling unbelieving people to invent their own 'truth' from whatever they find interesting, exciting or convenient to their own desires.
The liars:
Anyone, anywhere who rejected/s the absolute and final "Truth" of God's word, "The Holy Bible" and in it his, (God's) sovereign claim to everything in the heavens and on Earth and his right to judge with absolute "justice" and fairness at the last judgement every human "Soul" that ever walked the Earth.
The truth:
Relativity is one of the most devious ideas to ever infiltrate modern life although it can be found in ancient philosophy! It started more or less with Galileo but was fully birthed in Albert Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" and was so useful to secular reasoning that it was injected into philosophy, culture, science, educational materials, advertising and every form of news and entertainment media. If everything is relative then nothing is absolute. In one fell swoop everything became relative to everything else. All the boundary markers were removed on human behaviour and suddenly it was ok to do almost anything as long as it didn't "hurt" anyone. No more black and white, all grey. No more good or bad, all dependent on situation. No more right or wrong, just don't get caught. The moral floodgate was lowered and wickedness gushed forth and has been prevailing everywhere on the Earth today!
Absolute standards demand responsibility, accountability and punishment and once enforced put an end to the corruption and obfuscation in every sector of human endeavour. Only the principles of absolute truth will return fairness, right judgement and moral balance in this time of wickedness when everything good has been inverted and perverted!
There is no absolute "Truth" but only personal or relative truth enabling unbelieving people to invent their own 'truth' from whatever they find interesting, exciting or convenient to their own desires.
The liars:
Anyone, anywhere who rejected/s the absolute and final "Truth" of God's word, "The Holy Bible" and in it his, (God's) sovereign claim to everything in the heavens and on Earth and his right to judge with absolute "justice" and fairness at the last judgement every human "Soul" that ever walked the Earth.
The truth:
Relativity is one of the most devious ideas to ever infiltrate modern life although it can be found in ancient philosophy! It started more or less with Galileo but was fully birthed in Albert Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" and was so useful to secular reasoning that it was injected into philosophy, culture, science, educational materials, advertising and every form of news and entertainment media. If everything is relative then nothing is absolute. In one fell swoop everything became relative to everything else. All the boundary markers were removed on human behaviour and suddenly it was ok to do almost anything as long as it didn't "hurt" anyone. No more black and white, all grey. No more good or bad, all dependent on situation. No more right or wrong, just don't get caught. The moral floodgate was lowered and wickedness gushed forth and has been prevailing everywhere on the Earth today!
Absolute standards demand responsibility, accountability and punishment and once enforced put an end to the corruption and obfuscation in every sector of human endeavour. Only the principles of absolute truth will return fairness, right judgement and moral balance in this time of wickedness when everything good has been inverted and perverted!
The ninth lie:
All spiritual paths lead to the same place, i.e. heaven, nirvana or God!
The liars:
Any spiritual discipline, creed, ideology or religious code that teaches or promotes the idea that there are many paths, ways or beliefs and that they all share the same goal or destination irregardless of the origin and veracity of those beliefs.
The truth:
This belief is as old as mankind and is not only predictable but inevitable once "one" way has been rejected. Idolatry became rampant after the "fall" of man into sin. The behaviour of men went downhill so fast that in order to preserve a small remnant of unpolluted humanity (Noah and his family/8 people,) God decided to destroy mankind and all life except what was on board the ARK in a giant worldwide flood. Even after this world changing event, which is described in nearly every culture and tribe on Earth, it wasn't that long before men once again deserted the "one" true God and invented other spiritual paths leading to idolatry, sorcery and deception.
Many paths is termed "pantheism" and this philosophy of "all paths lead to God" is found in its extreme form in "Bahai" which incorporates all paths into the one belief system. Jewish occult "kabbalah" also welcomes all beliefs and the application of its ancient wisdom in order to connect with what is called "The Light of the Creator" without discrimination. Every religion or religious system ever invented by man are woeful efforts to appease guilt and attain favour/salvation/godhood with some kind of higher power through religious activity (ritual) or "works" (accumulation of esoteric knowledge.)
This is the problem; nothing any human can do can can bring "forgiveness," "peace," a "transformed life" and eternal "salvation" except relationship with Jesus Christ who is the "one," the "way," the "truth" and the "life!" Every religious/spiritual methodology invented by man will be rejected because God has made "one" way, not any or many ways. All other ways are the inspiration of demons in order to deceive and lead people away from the truth of Jesus Christ into a deadly MAZE of idolatry!
All men are sinners and need forgiveness from God. Jesus Christ is the perfect blood sacrifice provided by God that can free all men from their sins.
There is no confusion and no other way acceptable to God, just one standard for all men until the end of time!
All spiritual paths lead to the same place, i.e. heaven, nirvana or God!
The liars:
Any spiritual discipline, creed, ideology or religious code that teaches or promotes the idea that there are many paths, ways or beliefs and that they all share the same goal or destination irregardless of the origin and veracity of those beliefs.
The truth:
This belief is as old as mankind and is not only predictable but inevitable once "one" way has been rejected. Idolatry became rampant after the "fall" of man into sin. The behaviour of men went downhill so fast that in order to preserve a small remnant of unpolluted humanity (Noah and his family/8 people,) God decided to destroy mankind and all life except what was on board the ARK in a giant worldwide flood. Even after this world changing event, which is described in nearly every culture and tribe on Earth, it wasn't that long before men once again deserted the "one" true God and invented other spiritual paths leading to idolatry, sorcery and deception.
Many paths is termed "pantheism" and this philosophy of "all paths lead to God" is found in its extreme form in "Bahai" which incorporates all paths into the one belief system. Jewish occult "kabbalah" also welcomes all beliefs and the application of its ancient wisdom in order to connect with what is called "The Light of the Creator" without discrimination. Every religion or religious system ever invented by man are woeful efforts to appease guilt and attain favour/salvation/godhood with some kind of higher power through religious activity (ritual) or "works" (accumulation of esoteric knowledge.)
This is the problem; nothing any human can do can can bring "forgiveness," "peace," a "transformed life" and eternal "salvation" except relationship with Jesus Christ who is the "one," the "way," the "truth" and the "life!" Every religious/spiritual methodology invented by man will be rejected because God has made "one" way, not any or many ways. All other ways are the inspiration of demons in order to deceive and lead people away from the truth of Jesus Christ into a deadly MAZE of idolatry!
All men are sinners and need forgiveness from God. Jesus Christ is the perfect blood sacrifice provided by God that can free all men from their sins.
There is no confusion and no other way acceptable to God, just one standard for all men until the end of time!
The tenth lie:
Everyone is intrinsically good so irregardless of what they think, say or do in a lifetime, they will go to "Heaven" or to a better place after death without judgement.
The liars:
Anyone, anywhere who believed/s and advocates this lie which rejects God's declaration that all humans everywhere are "sinful creatures" needing redemption and his eternal plan of salvation for "lost" mankind through Jesus Christ his son.
The truth:
This is a convenient but false belief for those who are clinging to the hope of a "nice" life after death believing that anyone, regardless of the horrible things they might have done somehow should be rewarded for their despicable behaviour! In the same way humanity has learned from the Bible what is just and right according to Gods absolute standard of justice for mankind, they must then apply that standard to themselves and surely find themselves deficient according to Gods holiness and perfect measure.
No one is born evil however no one has lived without sinning and deserves "heaven," no one!!
The Bible says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 KJV) and this means everyone, except for innocent children who die before the age of understanding!
Everyone is intrinsically good so irregardless of what they think, say or do in a lifetime, they will go to "Heaven" or to a better place after death without judgement.
The liars:
Anyone, anywhere who believed/s and advocates this lie which rejects God's declaration that all humans everywhere are "sinful creatures" needing redemption and his eternal plan of salvation for "lost" mankind through Jesus Christ his son.
The truth:
This is a convenient but false belief for those who are clinging to the hope of a "nice" life after death believing that anyone, regardless of the horrible things they might have done somehow should be rewarded for their despicable behaviour! In the same way humanity has learned from the Bible what is just and right according to Gods absolute standard of justice for mankind, they must then apply that standard to themselves and surely find themselves deficient according to Gods holiness and perfect measure.
No one is born evil however no one has lived without sinning and deserves "heaven," no one!!
The Bible says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 KJV) and this means everyone, except for innocent children who die before the age of understanding!
The eleventh lie:
Angels and demons don't exist but are an invention of human imagination!
The liars:
All men and women who mock and scoff at the existence of the Devil and the supernatural realm, blinded by pride and so called modern technological sophistication. Also, the deceived witches and warlocks who claim that there is no Devil, only energy and that practicing occult rituals and magic only uses Satan as an idea that represents "nature."
The truth:
This lie is one of the Devils most effective and with it he has hoodwinked the gullible masses into believing he doesn't exist. With the rise of knowledge and technology more and more people have placed their faith in material things and the supernatural has been relegated to the realm of fairy tales. This unbelief suits the Devil just fine and serves as a cover for his operations because "anonymity" is the perfect disguise after all!
Take note though reader that the elite rulers of this world believe in and serve him openly, make no mistake about it. Also, many indigenous tribes still practice sorcery and animism and worship evil spirits. Increasingly around the world the rise of paganism and witchcraft has led to an increase in the speed at which the darkness is falling. These neo pagans openly serve the Devil and powerful demons and exchange their souls for temporal power, status and worldly riches and an exalted place they believe is theirs when Satan's kingdom takes control of the Earth in the future.
Satan's best trick is parading reality in plain sight in Hollywood films and music videos where all the occult symbols, costumes and storylines glorify evil themes of magic, sorcery, murder, torture, sexual depravity and abhorrent behaviour. It's now understood by psychologists that decades of watching this material has desensitised at least 2 generations to absolute truth.
When people are continually exposed to extreme graphic material on TV, the internet and in movies over time they are unable to critically assess the messages in the text and images! Since they cannot see what is in front of them they cannot protect themselves from prolonged exposure to the hypnotic effect of subliminal messages covertly inserted in the programs.
Mass desensitisation occurs resulting in a personal inability to believe beyond what is seen in the material realm. Mass media has turned angels, demons and the supernatural into another form of fiction for this younger generation who have been inundated with it! They can't see the "truth" in "plain sight" and mock spiritual things openly!
The media is Satan's propaganda machine and is totally under his control. Watching mainstream media (MSM) regularly without an awareness of this renders the viewer an unwitting victim of predictive programming and hypnotic brainwashing!
Angels and demons don't exist but are an invention of human imagination!
The liars:
All men and women who mock and scoff at the existence of the Devil and the supernatural realm, blinded by pride and so called modern technological sophistication. Also, the deceived witches and warlocks who claim that there is no Devil, only energy and that practicing occult rituals and magic only uses Satan as an idea that represents "nature."
The truth:
This lie is one of the Devils most effective and with it he has hoodwinked the gullible masses into believing he doesn't exist. With the rise of knowledge and technology more and more people have placed their faith in material things and the supernatural has been relegated to the realm of fairy tales. This unbelief suits the Devil just fine and serves as a cover for his operations because "anonymity" is the perfect disguise after all!
Take note though reader that the elite rulers of this world believe in and serve him openly, make no mistake about it. Also, many indigenous tribes still practice sorcery and animism and worship evil spirits. Increasingly around the world the rise of paganism and witchcraft has led to an increase in the speed at which the darkness is falling. These neo pagans openly serve the Devil and powerful demons and exchange their souls for temporal power, status and worldly riches and an exalted place they believe is theirs when Satan's kingdom takes control of the Earth in the future.
Satan's best trick is parading reality in plain sight in Hollywood films and music videos where all the occult symbols, costumes and storylines glorify evil themes of magic, sorcery, murder, torture, sexual depravity and abhorrent behaviour. It's now understood by psychologists that decades of watching this material has desensitised at least 2 generations to absolute truth.
When people are continually exposed to extreme graphic material on TV, the internet and in movies over time they are unable to critically assess the messages in the text and images! Since they cannot see what is in front of them they cannot protect themselves from prolonged exposure to the hypnotic effect of subliminal messages covertly inserted in the programs.
Mass desensitisation occurs resulting in a personal inability to believe beyond what is seen in the material realm. Mass media has turned angels, demons and the supernatural into another form of fiction for this younger generation who have been inundated with it! They can't see the "truth" in "plain sight" and mock spiritual things openly!
The media is Satan's propaganda machine and is totally under his control. Watching mainstream media (MSM) regularly without an awareness of this renders the viewer an unwitting victim of predictive programming and hypnotic brainwashing!
The twelfth lie:
Hell or eternal damnation/punishment does not exist!
The liars:
All who advocate that there are no consequences for rejecting God's plan for salvation or for evil acts committed in this life, in particular, teachers and philosophers who lead people astray with heretical ideas and false gospels!
The truth:
Every culture on Earth has inserted into it some form of "Hell," a place where the wicked go after death! How did that happen? Where did this idea come from? The idea that bad people will receive punishment after death. The duality of good and evil is reciprocated by reward and punishment. The Earthly systems of law and justice are a reflection of the Heavenly system and that was learned long ago after the fall in Eden. All ancient cultures developed their fictional systems of gods and the idea of a hereafter or land of the dead in order to deal with the finality of death having rejected the truth passed down from the beginning and which is now contained in The Bible, God's document/hand book of revelation to mankind!
The idea of an eternal place of fiery torment from which there is no escape is unpleasant for anyone. This is the final reality though, for all those who reject God and die in sin. There is no other option for God, all sin must be judged and punished. All humans are debtors and guilty and should rightly be punished by a righteous and holy God. A way for all to receive forgiveness and eternal life has been provided by God in his son, Jesus Christ.
Come God's way and the most wicked person can be forgiven. Reject God's way and there is no recourse for God except to remove that person away from him into eternal fire. It's all about choice, God can't do anymore except give the invitation. He is so pure and holy he cannot even look upon sin. Only those who have turned from sin, received a new heart and been born again through Jesus Christ are seen as holy and righteous and can enter the kingdom of light!
Oh yeah! Everyone wants a heaven but no one wants a hell! Why is that not surprising? Of course no one wants to end up in hell but sadly many will! All people are sinful, rebellious and selfish. The end result of this condition is death and separation from the life of God. Hell is a fitting end for any wicked person who rejects the wonderful, unmerited grace of God!
2 Corinthians 5: 17
Sin and sinners will not be found in the kingdom of God. Neither will they be remembered anymore for "the old things are passed away, all is made new!"
Hell or eternal damnation/punishment does not exist!
The liars:
All who advocate that there are no consequences for rejecting God's plan for salvation or for evil acts committed in this life, in particular, teachers and philosophers who lead people astray with heretical ideas and false gospels!
The truth:
Every culture on Earth has inserted into it some form of "Hell," a place where the wicked go after death! How did that happen? Where did this idea come from? The idea that bad people will receive punishment after death. The duality of good and evil is reciprocated by reward and punishment. The Earthly systems of law and justice are a reflection of the Heavenly system and that was learned long ago after the fall in Eden. All ancient cultures developed their fictional systems of gods and the idea of a hereafter or land of the dead in order to deal with the finality of death having rejected the truth passed down from the beginning and which is now contained in The Bible, God's document/hand book of revelation to mankind!
The idea of an eternal place of fiery torment from which there is no escape is unpleasant for anyone. This is the final reality though, for all those who reject God and die in sin. There is no other option for God, all sin must be judged and punished. All humans are debtors and guilty and should rightly be punished by a righteous and holy God. A way for all to receive forgiveness and eternal life has been provided by God in his son, Jesus Christ.
Come God's way and the most wicked person can be forgiven. Reject God's way and there is no recourse for God except to remove that person away from him into eternal fire. It's all about choice, God can't do anymore except give the invitation. He is so pure and holy he cannot even look upon sin. Only those who have turned from sin, received a new heart and been born again through Jesus Christ are seen as holy and righteous and can enter the kingdom of light!
Oh yeah! Everyone wants a heaven but no one wants a hell! Why is that not surprising? Of course no one wants to end up in hell but sadly many will! All people are sinful, rebellious and selfish. The end result of this condition is death and separation from the life of God. Hell is a fitting end for any wicked person who rejects the wonderful, unmerited grace of God!
2 Corinthians 5: 17
Sin and sinners will not be found in the kingdom of God. Neither will they be remembered anymore for "the old things are passed away, all is made new!"