Satan's New Age Minions
How the Wave of Darkness Continues to Grow
Three kinds of Participants:
There are basically 3 types or categories of participants in the Jesuit, occult, New Age, New World Order movement currently taking control of world systems by stealth! These groups form a pyramid with the base consisting of participants i would term 'useful dupes.' These people believe they are contributing to a 'new' world where man will solve all the current problems and create a 'golden age' without God.
A large number of people in this 'base' are 'disaffected' young people that have been indoctrinated by parents and teachers from the 'baby boomer' generation. Most of them are under 35 and grew up in the 80's and 90's. Many of these young people are 'atheistic' or 'materialistic' and have swallowed the lies of 'scientism,' 'evolution' and 'green' ideology due to JESUIT authored textbooks and MSM media propaganda. Most do not question what they read/hear in the mainstream media and embrace 'uncritically,' feminist, socialist, environmental and trans-humanist ideologies. They are the product of a 'hybrid' set of alternative ideas and lifestyles lived out by parents and eagerly embrace new technologies blindly seeing them as the saviour of mankind.
Another large segment of this 'base' group of people are the 'baby boomers' who came of age in the 50's and 60's when growing social awareness resulted in unrest and the birth of protest movements against government and corporate businesses, birthing drug fuelled music, art, literary and film culture. Underpinning all this activity was the 'consciousness' movement and its activities growing out of 'Eastern' religious practices such as 'Buddhism.' Feeding into this heady mix were the growing 'neo pagan' practices and the the rise of 'witchcraft' and 'satanism' in an increasingly secular society. Many of the 'dupes' actively working and promoting new age activities and philosophies come out of this era of social ferment.
These 'boomers' are involved in local politics, non governmental organisations (NGO's) education, alternative 'healing' practices and spiritual organisations espousing New Age 'occultic' teachings. They wield considerable power by virtue of their numbers and are evangelistic in their fervour for a humanistic 'golden age' based on principles they learned in their youth. They believe the future will be bright and utopian. Most of them do not understand the deception they are involved in and believe what they are doing is 'right.' Most of them are strong advocates of 'environmentalism' and the new 'green' religion of 'saving the planet.' They continue to lead the younger generations into 'deception' and wield considerable influence over them! Due to their involvement and participation in occult activities from youth many of these people continue to be involved in witchcraft, sorcery and secret societies like the 'Freemasons' so are controlled and held to secrecy by 'blood' oaths and illicit activities.
These 'boomers' are involved in local politics, non governmental organisations (NGO's) education, alternative 'healing' practices and spiritual organisations espousing New Age 'occultic' teachings. They wield considerable power by virtue of their numbers and are evangelistic in their fervour for a humanistic 'golden age' based on principles they learned in their youth. They believe the future will be bright and utopian. Most of them do not understand the deception they are involved in and believe what they are doing is 'right.' Most of them are strong advocates of 'environmentalism' and the new 'green' religion of 'saving the planet.' They continue to lead the younger generations into 'deception' and wield considerable influence over them! Due to their involvement and participation in occult activities from youth many of these people continue to be involved in witchcraft, sorcery and secret societies like the 'Freemasons' so are controlled and held to secrecy by 'blood' oaths and illicit activities.
The second group consists of people who are more knowledgeable about the NWO plan but are informed on a 'need to know' basis (compartmentalisation) by those above them. This means they never have the complete picture about what is going on but carry out their duties for the sake of 'reward.' These people have considerable decision making power and can be found in the upper echelons of politics, the military, intelligence agencies and international bodies such as the UN, WHO, IMF and the World Bank. They are 'partial dupes' and know enough to carry out their duties but do not know that they are helping construct a system of world 'communism.' They have been kept in the dark by their superiors and mostly believe that what they are doing is helping the 'greater cause.' Many of these people are also heavily involved in witchcraft and secret fraternal societies such as 'Freemasonry' and are bound and controlled by blackmail or blood oaths of secrecy!
The last group occupy the top section of the pyramid. These people are the 'elites' and control the first 2 groups through a maze of organisations connecting all banking, political, educational and cultural groups worldwide. They consist of the Roman Catholic Pope and the 13 ancient Luciferian "bloodline" families called the 'black nobility' who control more than 80% of the worlds wealth. Behind these are the JESUITS with their general, the "Black Pope" having all power and controlling all world systems. It would be accurate to say that maybe less than 2000 people hold the destiny of the world's peoples in their hands. This group makes the plans for world dominance and gives orders for the plans to be carried out at strategic points in time. They are responsible for all the wars and actively foment rebellion and revolution amongst the youth of all nations. They do this in order to topple governments, subvert social stability, create 'chaos' and socially 'engineer' whole generations of people into adopting increasingly corrupt and anti 'God' behaviour.
The 'elites' use a multi pronged strategy to implement their 'mind control' program firstly through the mass 'media' which they own and control, then through world education systems and finally through art and culture. This group are 'enlightened' (the Illuminati) and take their orders from Lucifer himself. They give their worship and allegiance to Satan in return for power, wealth and status. These people murder their own children and are involved in human sacrifice, pedophilia, bestiality, slavery, murder and every depravity and perversion known to man. This is the price Satan demands in return for their power and wealth.
The 'elites' use a multi pronged strategy to implement their 'mind control' program firstly through the mass 'media' which they own and control, then through world education systems and finally through art and culture. This group are 'enlightened' (the Illuminati) and take their orders from Lucifer himself. They give their worship and allegiance to Satan in return for power, wealth and status. These people murder their own children and are involved in human sacrifice, pedophilia, bestiality, slavery, murder and every depravity and perversion known to man. This is the price Satan demands in return for their power and wealth.
Of course, Satan is at the pinnacle of the power pyramid and is symbolised as the all seeing 'eye' of Horus. He is controlling the world systems through his 'knowing' or "illuminated" minions ( Jesuits, Catholic Knights, Freemasons) who then delegate his will to the millions of 'unknowing' minions or 'dupes.'
This is how the satanic world system continues to expand through "Compartmentalisation," deception, lies and ignorance!
This is how the satanic world system continues to expand through "Compartmentalisation," deception, lies and ignorance!