The Jew As Roman Catholic "Scapegoat"
JESUIT Deception At Its Finest!
It's The Jews! It's The Jews!
The Jesuits cultivate the Jewish smokescreen in order to to hide their operations while providing a visible "public" scapegoat on which to thrust the blame for their own malevolent agenda of world domination! They learned a lesson from the historical persecution and destruction of the Knights Templar, their predecessors, on October 13, 1307 AD by King Philip IV of France. The Jesuits are "master" CHAMELEONS and will become Jews, Christians, Muslims Buddhists, Communists or anything they want, in order to infiltrate and subvert churches, organisations, governments and other disparate groups of people. Many Jews (Papal Court Jews) ie. the "Rothschilds," are elevated to high positions in business and politics by the Jesuits and are either naive dupes or willing coadjutors for profit who have betrayed their own Jewish people!
There is enough documentary evidence extant to confirm this claim!
Here is just one quote of many that just about says it all! Taken from Rome Stoops To Conquer, by E Boyd Barrett, pgs 180-181.
"The Jesuits, in the days when they controlled every Catholic court in Europe, and when as an Order they were swollen with pride, were challenged by a like pride and a like intellectual intolerance by the Jew. They could not break or bend the Jew. They could convert, or seemingly convert, every type of human from Japanese to profligate Parisian, but they could make no headway in leading Israel into the fold of Mother Church. They ceased to look upon the Jew as "a lost sheep," and identified him with an incarnate devil, the sworn enemy of the Catholic. They hated the Jews be- cause the Jews did not bow in homage before them."
Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic institution has blamed the Jews for the criminal "intrigues" IT has perpetrated, in order to absolve itself of any "guilt" and to lay the "blame" for its crimes at the feet of an "INNOCENT" party! For over 1500 years many people have fallen victim to the "Jew diversion" and this is how the Jesuits have gone from strength to strength and conquered the world hiding in "plain sight!"
*Like Christians, all Jews have been declared "heretics" and are slated for "annihilation" by the Jesuit Vatican Cabal and this will continue unabated until the end when Jesus Christ returns for his church taking vengeance on his "enemies."
There is enough documentary evidence extant to confirm this claim!
Here is just one quote of many that just about says it all! Taken from Rome Stoops To Conquer, by E Boyd Barrett, pgs 180-181.
"The Jesuits, in the days when they controlled every Catholic court in Europe, and when as an Order they were swollen with pride, were challenged by a like pride and a like intellectual intolerance by the Jew. They could not break or bend the Jew. They could convert, or seemingly convert, every type of human from Japanese to profligate Parisian, but they could make no headway in leading Israel into the fold of Mother Church. They ceased to look upon the Jew as "a lost sheep," and identified him with an incarnate devil, the sworn enemy of the Catholic. They hated the Jews be- cause the Jews did not bow in homage before them."
Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic institution has blamed the Jews for the criminal "intrigues" IT has perpetrated, in order to absolve itself of any "guilt" and to lay the "blame" for its crimes at the feet of an "INNOCENT" party! For over 1500 years many people have fallen victim to the "Jew diversion" and this is how the Jesuits have gone from strength to strength and conquered the world hiding in "plain sight!"
*Like Christians, all Jews have been declared "heretics" and are slated for "annihilation" by the Jesuit Vatican Cabal and this will continue unabated until the end when Jesus Christ returns for his church taking vengeance on his "enemies."
"Top Of The New World Order" Proof That The Jews Cannot Possibly Rule The World Mirrored From Flat Water You Tube Channel At:
8 Reasons Why The Jews Don't Rule The World
1. The first commercial world bankers and traders were "white," "gentile," "Catholic," Templar Knights, not Jews. This doesn't mean that Jews weren't engaging in finance or trading but that they were restricted and controlled by the Vatican to doing so on a small scale. Rome Inc. controls all competition! This is documented in the video's below.
2. Zionism isn't a recent "modern" development as propaganda would have you believe. The first "Zionists" were "white," "gentile," "Catholic," Templar Knights who captured Jerusalem in 1099 AD, made their headquarters there and controlled Palestine as the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. The idea of creating a papal state in Palestine is a Catholic idea. The Jews had NO interest in returning to an impoverished land as they were prospering and living well in many large European and Mediterranean commercial centres. The Bible also prohibited them from returning to Israel. This is documented also in the video's below.
3. Anti Jewish literature was being written as early as 130 AD by Justyn Martyr an early Catholic writer and by John Chrysostom between 349 and 407 AD. These 2 men were "white," "gentile," "Catholic" theologians who despised the Jews. This stance "is" the official Roman Catholic attitude TODAY towards the Jews. Anti-semitism was and is a Catholic invention and is perpetuated by the Jesuits through their "media" machine. Anti Jewish literature in Nazi Germany was based on the writings of these and other Catholic theologians and writers. This is also documented in the videos below.
4. False claims that the protestant reform giants like John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and many others were actually Jews are not based on any documented evidence. Once again, these men were "white," "gentile," often former Catholic clergy. These are desperate claims attempting to subvert the reformation as a Jewish strategy of control in order to substantiate the conspiracy for world control today by international Jewry. There is no documented evidence for these claims and the main document cited; the "Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" has been exposed as written by the Jesuit Joseph "Abbe" Sieyes prior to the French Revolution. This is also documented in the videos below.
5. The claim that the Jews are masters of "class warfare" is also spurious and not based on documented evidence. Many claim that the eviction of Jews from many nations "proves" their record for fomenting social dissension. Closer examination reveals that it is the Jesuits covertly "BLAMING" and "FRAMING" the Jews and using them as a scapegoat or smokescreen for their "subversive" program. History instead, documents the "EVICTION" of the JESUITS from more than 80 countries, many of which were "CATHOLIC!" Even popes tried to suppress their "evil" activities and were murdered shortly after. The Jesuits are the masters of class insurrection and revolution and under cover of the Catholic Church have masterminded and facilitated all of the violence and chaos of modern history. Their strategy is always the same; create conflict between groups racial or cultural in order to "DIVIDE" and when the killing has stopped the Jesuits (conquer) ie. take "control." The Jews always get the blame for these activities. This also is documented in the videos below.
1. The first commercial world bankers and traders were "white," "gentile," "Catholic," Templar Knights, not Jews. This doesn't mean that Jews weren't engaging in finance or trading but that they were restricted and controlled by the Vatican to doing so on a small scale. Rome Inc. controls all competition! This is documented in the video's below.
2. Zionism isn't a recent "modern" development as propaganda would have you believe. The first "Zionists" were "white," "gentile," "Catholic," Templar Knights who captured Jerusalem in 1099 AD, made their headquarters there and controlled Palestine as the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. The idea of creating a papal state in Palestine is a Catholic idea. The Jews had NO interest in returning to an impoverished land as they were prospering and living well in many large European and Mediterranean commercial centres. The Bible also prohibited them from returning to Israel. This is documented also in the video's below.
3. Anti Jewish literature was being written as early as 130 AD by Justyn Martyr an early Catholic writer and by John Chrysostom between 349 and 407 AD. These 2 men were "white," "gentile," "Catholic" theologians who despised the Jews. This stance "is" the official Roman Catholic attitude TODAY towards the Jews. Anti-semitism was and is a Catholic invention and is perpetuated by the Jesuits through their "media" machine. Anti Jewish literature in Nazi Germany was based on the writings of these and other Catholic theologians and writers. This is also documented in the videos below.
4. False claims that the protestant reform giants like John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and many others were actually Jews are not based on any documented evidence. Once again, these men were "white," "gentile," often former Catholic clergy. These are desperate claims attempting to subvert the reformation as a Jewish strategy of control in order to substantiate the conspiracy for world control today by international Jewry. There is no documented evidence for these claims and the main document cited; the "Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" has been exposed as written by the Jesuit Joseph "Abbe" Sieyes prior to the French Revolution. This is also documented in the videos below.
5. The claim that the Jews are masters of "class warfare" is also spurious and not based on documented evidence. Many claim that the eviction of Jews from many nations "proves" their record for fomenting social dissension. Closer examination reveals that it is the Jesuits covertly "BLAMING" and "FRAMING" the Jews and using them as a scapegoat or smokescreen for their "subversive" program. History instead, documents the "EVICTION" of the JESUITS from more than 80 countries, many of which were "CATHOLIC!" Even popes tried to suppress their "evil" activities and were murdered shortly after. The Jesuits are the masters of class insurrection and revolution and under cover of the Catholic Church have masterminded and facilitated all of the violence and chaos of modern history. Their strategy is always the same; create conflict between groups racial or cultural in order to "DIVIDE" and when the killing has stopped the Jesuits (conquer) ie. take "control." The Jews always get the blame for these activities. This also is documented in the videos below.
6. The Jews are blamed for the US civil war, French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. Closer inspection of historical documents reveals that it was the Jesuits who fomented and financed these events through their Masonic puppets in order to move their NWO closer to fruition through the manipulation, overthrow and control of governments. Once the Jesuits control the governments of the USA, Europe, Russia and China completely, they can implement their "fascist" social control of the masses. This is documented in the videos below.
7. Claims that the founder of the Jesuits, Inigo (Ignatius) de Loyola was a Jew are also misplaced and unsubstantiated. There is documented evidence that Loyola was a "white," "gentile," "Catholic" Templar military man from Basque "nobility" who was also a member of the Spanish "Alumbrados" secret society. Loyola is on record stating clearly, "There are NO jews in Guipúzcoa province." Loyola after being accused of being a Jew is on record stating that he "wished he was", as in some ways he admired the Jews. However, even after being hauled in front of the "Inquisition" twice under suspicion of being a Jew, he was "acquitted," once again demonstrating that he was NOT a Jew. This claim most likely finds its source in the Jesuits themselves as they are the masters of "lies" and "dis-information." Once again, if the Jew conspiracists can paint Loyola a "Jew" then in one stroke they can "PROVE" their Jewish conspiracy to be true! This issue is also discussed in the videos below.
8. Finally, those touting Jewish conspiracy claims, cite world Freemasonry as being under Jewish control thereby enabling Jews the mechanism through which to control the world. Would that it was that easy! Once again, there is a wealth of documented evidence proving that since 1776 AD at least, Freemasonry came under Jesuit control. Adam Weishaupt, a Roman Catholic lawyer in Roman Canon law and Jesuit was commissioned by the Jesuits shortly after they were suppressed in 1773 AD by Pope Clement XIV to form the "ILLUMINATI" a secret society with the purpose of bringing ALL secret societies under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately the Roman Catholic Church. Many point to the symbols used in Freemasonry as being Jewish but if we study more carefully we see these symbols "precede" Jewish culture and have their "origin" in Babylon, so there is no solid argument there. Jews don't control Freemasonry although they may be involved in it at different levels.
The secret societies and all religions have been infiltrated by the Jesuits and are being co-opted for their final goal - spiritual control of the people of the world through a "one world satanic religion."
7. Claims that the founder of the Jesuits, Inigo (Ignatius) de Loyola was a Jew are also misplaced and unsubstantiated. There is documented evidence that Loyola was a "white," "gentile," "Catholic" Templar military man from Basque "nobility" who was also a member of the Spanish "Alumbrados" secret society. Loyola is on record stating clearly, "There are NO jews in Guipúzcoa province." Loyola after being accused of being a Jew is on record stating that he "wished he was", as in some ways he admired the Jews. However, even after being hauled in front of the "Inquisition" twice under suspicion of being a Jew, he was "acquitted," once again demonstrating that he was NOT a Jew. This claim most likely finds its source in the Jesuits themselves as they are the masters of "lies" and "dis-information." Once again, if the Jew conspiracists can paint Loyola a "Jew" then in one stroke they can "PROVE" their Jewish conspiracy to be true! This issue is also discussed in the videos below.
8. Finally, those touting Jewish conspiracy claims, cite world Freemasonry as being under Jewish control thereby enabling Jews the mechanism through which to control the world. Would that it was that easy! Once again, there is a wealth of documented evidence proving that since 1776 AD at least, Freemasonry came under Jesuit control. Adam Weishaupt, a Roman Catholic lawyer in Roman Canon law and Jesuit was commissioned by the Jesuits shortly after they were suppressed in 1773 AD by Pope Clement XIV to form the "ILLUMINATI" a secret society with the purpose of bringing ALL secret societies under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately the Roman Catholic Church. Many point to the symbols used in Freemasonry as being Jewish but if we study more carefully we see these symbols "precede" Jewish culture and have their "origin" in Babylon, so there is no solid argument there. Jews don't control Freemasonry although they may be involved in it at different levels.
The secret societies and all religions have been infiltrated by the Jesuits and are being co-opted for their final goal - spiritual control of the people of the world through a "one world satanic religion."
Here's a video explaining the Jesuit modus operandi using the Jews as a front for their deceitful "machinations" to deceive the whole world!
The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video 40 - The Jewish Scapegoats: How Rome’s Evil Machinations Are Kept Hidden!
Here's another excellent video conversation with Drake Shelton and Eric J Phelps EXPOSING the Jesuit LIE that turned the Jews into a SCAPEGOAT creating the ILLUSION through literature and other media that Jews are wholly responsible for the world's troubles and are the secret rulers of mankind.
"Jews, The Jesuit Scapegoat" Mirrored From The Jesuit's Jungle You Tube Channel at:
Some simple facts about both groups of Jews:
The Jews are not a unified genetic race!
It is important to understand that the Jews or Judaisers aren't a unified race; they are from all different racial backgrounds and share a common religious culture.
The Jews are a 'religious' group even as Christians and Muslims are. Jewish claims of historical lineage to Biblical ancestors is blatantly 'false' as no historical records or evidence exists to prove or substantiate this claim. This trumped up assertion is aggressively pursued in order for Zionist Jews to validate the existence of 'Israel' as a legitimate Jewish nation state. Due to centuries of miscegenation many people carry a percentage of Jewish "genetic" material. I would venture that only God himself knows who the true Jews are according to genealogy.
There are 2 kinds of racial Jews; Sephardim and Ashkenazim and they aren't the same.
Most people get confused at all the information floating around on the Internet.
The 1st group
Historically, evidence indicates the Jews were semitic/sephardic (Arabic) people descended from Shem a son of Noah and later Abraham, the patriarch of both the Jews (Hebrews) and Arabs.
Genetically, they are black haired, brown eyed and olive skinned people just the same as the Arabs today and almost indistinguishable from each other appearance wise!
Due to persecution and genocide perpetrated by the Romans, the Mongolian-Turkic Ashkenazim, the Muslims but mostly by the Roman Catholic Church the number of Sephardic Jews today is small, a minority with little voice or influence even in Israel!
Spiritually, they follow Judaism, Islam, Christianity and some other smaller sects. Some of these semitic Jews are Messianic and believe in the 'Jesus' of the New Testament.
These are the Sephardim and if records existed then these would be the true genealogical descendants of Abraham via his sons Jacob and Esau according to the "flesh."
The 2nd group
Historically, the Ashkenazi Jews appear to be turkic/mongol people descended from the Khazar Empire in what is now south eastern Russia from a large area between the Black and Caspian Seas. This tribe of people appear to have adopted Judaism as a political ploy to evade persecution from Orthodox Russians and Islamic Arabians and as their empire crumbled, over time, they migrated west into many parts of Eastern and eventually Western Europe.
Genetically, they are a mix of different hair colours, eye colours and predominantly fair skin. Through intermarriage there is a wide range of genetic variation in appearance. Appearance-wise it is obvious to anyone with intelligence they are not "Arabic" or semitic in origin.
The Roman Catholic Church plotted centuries ago to form the Israeli state by seizing the land from the Palestinian arabs, disinheriting them first and then exterminating them through systematic genocide. They used Zionist Masonic Jews loyal to Rome to carry this out in 1948 with British, USA and world approval mostly because of the influence exerted by Jesuits in positions of power in politics and banking. The false, (Zionist) Jews aided by the Jesuits created an illegal state through violence in order to form the centre for a future one world government NWO in Jerusalem!
* Contrary to Zionist claims, the formation/existence of the modern "secular" state of Israel ruled by Luciferian Freemasons for the the Pope of Rome is NOT Biblical but a "distortion" of scriptural prophecy!
Spiritually, these Jews follow Judaism predominantly and adhere to the satanic Talmud and its teachings, as well as Kabbalah occultism and not the Torah (OT books of Moses and the Prophets.)
These are the Ashkenazim and evidence indicates they are 'not' genealogical descendants of Abraham but "proselytes."
Historically, the Ashkenazi Jews appear to be turkic/mongol people descended from the Khazar Empire in what is now south eastern Russia from a large area between the Black and Caspian Seas. This tribe of people appear to have adopted Judaism as a political ploy to evade persecution from Orthodox Russians and Islamic Arabians and as their empire crumbled, over time, they migrated west into many parts of Eastern and eventually Western Europe.
Genetically, they are a mix of different hair colours, eye colours and predominantly fair skin. Through intermarriage there is a wide range of genetic variation in appearance. Appearance-wise it is obvious to anyone with intelligence they are not "Arabic" or semitic in origin.
The Roman Catholic Church plotted centuries ago to form the Israeli state by seizing the land from the Palestinian arabs, disinheriting them first and then exterminating them through systematic genocide. They used Zionist Masonic Jews loyal to Rome to carry this out in 1948 with British, USA and world approval mostly because of the influence exerted by Jesuits in positions of power in politics and banking. The false, (Zionist) Jews aided by the Jesuits created an illegal state through violence in order to form the centre for a future one world government NWO in Jerusalem!
* Contrary to Zionist claims, the formation/existence of the modern "secular" state of Israel ruled by Luciferian Freemasons for the the Pope of Rome is NOT Biblical but a "distortion" of scriptural prophecy!
Spiritually, these Jews follow Judaism predominantly and adhere to the satanic Talmud and its teachings, as well as Kabbalah occultism and not the Torah (OT books of Moses and the Prophets.)
These are the Ashkenazim and evidence indicates they are 'not' genealogical descendants of Abraham but "proselytes."
Modern Jewish Identity Is An 'Idea' Based On The Kabbalah And Talmud
Finally, it is important to understand that 'Jewishness' is an idea shared by a very disparate group of people worldwide. Many Jews today are not linked genetically to the ancient Jews of the Bible in any way except by 'Jewish' cultural traditions. Possibly as many as 98% of people claiming today to be 'Jewish' deny any adherence to the 'Torah' (the books of Moses) or the Old Testament prophets and Chronicles.
Most Jews are either 'secular' holding no belief in the God of the Bible or they adhere to the collected 'pharisaical,' Rabbinic writings of the 'Kabbalah' and or 'Talmud' both of which have been given supreme prominence by modern Jewish authorities.
Most Jews are either 'secular' holding no belief in the God of the Bible or they adhere to the collected 'pharisaical,' Rabbinic writings of the 'Kabbalah' and or 'Talmud' both of which have been given supreme prominence by modern Jewish authorities.
The Kabbalah is a mystical occult system/document originating in BABYLON that attempts to explain the ritual path of magic and ritual leading to "enlightenment" or God. This endless quest for enlightenment through knowledge is the basis for Modern Freemasonry and ultimately leads to self as God and the worship of Lucifer.
These writings began when the Jews were taken into exile to Babylon between 597-581 BCE by King Nebuchadnezzar as punishment, for 70 years, after continual rebellion and disobedience to God. The Jews learned the abominable practices of the Babylonians and incorporated the occult symbology, secret rituals, human sacrifice and sexual perversions of their captors into a new Satanic theology called 'Judaism.'
The Talmud is an ongoing, written, Rabbinic discourse on existence, identity, relationships, rituals, rules about conduct and morality and outright blasphemies against Christianity, the Bible and God. Everything 'good' and 'pure' is defiled and turned upside down (inverted) in the Talmud! This foul, extended commentary on the Bible has usurped importance and today, original, Torah believing Jews are persecuted by Talmudic Jews and remain a very small isolated group within 'Jewry.'
Babylonian Talmudic 'inversion' is practiced widely by the JESUITS today and is responsible for much of the social chaos, violence, sexual perversion, bloodshed and culture of death in the world today
These writings began when the Jews were taken into exile to Babylon between 597-581 BCE by King Nebuchadnezzar as punishment, for 70 years, after continual rebellion and disobedience to God. The Jews learned the abominable practices of the Babylonians and incorporated the occult symbology, secret rituals, human sacrifice and sexual perversions of their captors into a new Satanic theology called 'Judaism.'
The Talmud is an ongoing, written, Rabbinic discourse on existence, identity, relationships, rituals, rules about conduct and morality and outright blasphemies against Christianity, the Bible and God. Everything 'good' and 'pure' is defiled and turned upside down (inverted) in the Talmud! This foul, extended commentary on the Bible has usurped importance and today, original, Torah believing Jews are persecuted by Talmudic Jews and remain a very small isolated group within 'Jewry.'
Babylonian Talmudic 'inversion' is practiced widely by the JESUITS today and is responsible for much of the social chaos, violence, sexual perversion, bloodshed and culture of death in the world today
Kabbalah and Talmudic concepts and philosophy are 'Satanic' driving the behaviour of this small group of Luciferian Jews (Hofjuden) who SERVE the POPE today. These teachings form the basis of Sabbatean Frankist Judaism and Freemasonry and drive the centuries long quest by Talmudists (Luciferians) Gentile and Jew for domination and control through 'usury,' debt and war because of the belief they are 'Gods' chosen people and all (goyim,) particularly protestants are equal to animals and worthy of slavery or death.
In fact the Sabbatean Jews actually believe the Jewish people have become 'God' and are partners with Lucifer! All non Jews or 'goyim' are to be used to achieve their goal of world control and then discarded. Many of these people involved with Freemasonry have become unwitting dupes in the formation of the NWO (New World Order) because they are often unwittingly entangled in the web of secret societies controlled by Luciferian Jesuits at the top.
The world is polluted by occult Judaism, which has been "hijacked" and used by the JESUITS and its effects are pervasive and destructive, affecting every living soul worldwide!
This is why Jesus said in Revelation 3:9
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
In fact the Sabbatean Jews actually believe the Jewish people have become 'God' and are partners with Lucifer! All non Jews or 'goyim' are to be used to achieve their goal of world control and then discarded. Many of these people involved with Freemasonry have become unwitting dupes in the formation of the NWO (New World Order) because they are often unwittingly entangled in the web of secret societies controlled by Luciferian Jesuits at the top.
The world is polluted by occult Judaism, which has been "hijacked" and used by the JESUITS and its effects are pervasive and destructive, affecting every living soul worldwide!
This is why Jesus said in Revelation 3:9
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Read further about the Jews here
Watch the video: "The Invention Of Israel" by Shlomo Sand
Watch the video: "The Generals Son" by Miko Peled
Watch the video: "The Invention Of Israel" by Shlomo Sand
Watch the video: "The Generals Son" by Miko Peled