The Roman Catholic "Mark Of The Beast"
3 in 1 ID 2020 DNA Smart Vaccine "Mark Of The Beast" Delivery System
Speculation has run rampant in many quarters for many decades as to WHAT the "Mark Of The Beast" described in the Bible might be! Marks or Marking have always been used by groups since time immemorial to identify those that "belong" and those that don't. The last Roman Catholic "world" empire will follow suit and MARK all those that belong to it. The question is, what form will that Mark take and how will it be administered?
Current available technologies and the Bible both point to what will happen in the last days.
mRNA Vaccines and Sorcery!
mrna_vaccines___sorcery.pdf |
Advanced NANO Technologies Being Used For Body And Mind Control!
ONCE WERE THE LIVING [2020] - SPACEBUSTERS (DOCUMENTARY VIDEO) - Mirrored from Sargeant Major Bitchute Channel at:
The Final Stage MICRO-NEEDLE Patch For In Body Mark Of The Beast "IMPLANT Tattoo For Connection To The "Block-Chain."
Astra-Zeneca Vaccine Texas Trial Recipient Showing 3 in 1 Micro-Needle
Covid 19 mRNA "Vaccine Casualty Statistics" as of Jan 27, 2021
NIH - Researchers Develop Micro-Needle Patch For Flu Vaccination - June 27, 2017
researchers_develop_microneedle_patch_for_flu_vaccination___national_institutes_of_health__nih_.pdf |
Micro-Needle Array For Universal Vaccine Delivery Developed - April 22, 2020
microneedle_array_for_universal_vaccine_delivery_developed___medgadget.pdf |
Micro-needle patches for flu vaccination prove successful in first human clinical trial - June 27, 2017
microneedle_patches_for_flu_vaccination_prove_successful_in_first_human_clinical_trial.pdf |
Recent advances of micro-needles for biomedical applications: drug delivery and beyond - May 2019
recent_advances_of_microneedles_for_biomedical_applications__drug_delivery_and_beyond_-_sciencedirect.pdf |
The safety, immunogenicity, and acceptability of inactivated influenza vaccine delivered by microneedle patch (TIV-MNP 2015): a randomised, partly blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 1 trial - June 27, 2017
the_safety_immunogenicity_and_acceptability_of_inactivated_influenza_vaccine_delivered_by_microneedle_patch__tiv-mnp_2015___a_randomised_partly_blinded_placebo-controlled_phase_1_trial_-_the_lancet.pdf |
Vaccines through micro-needle skin patches - August 7, 2017
vaccines_through_microneedle_skin_patches.pdf |
German Immunologist Sucharit Bhakdi Speaks Of The Dangers Of
The Covid mRNA Vaccine Warning Those Who Take It "Go To Their Doom!"
The Covid mRNA Vaccine Warning Those Who Take It "Go To Their Doom!"
"Mark Of The Beast" 666 Patent With Diagrams & Photos
"Micro - Needle" Luciferase "Quantum Dot" Patch
"Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel - Bringing Exponentials to Pharma" mirrored from
Exponential Medicine You Tube channel at: - Listen to Bancel describe mRNA as "programmable software" - in other words an "OS" or operating system! Do YOU want this inside your body?
Exponential Medicine You Tube channel at: - Listen to Bancel describe mRNA as "programmable software" - in other words an "OS" or operating system! Do YOU want this inside your body?
Do bacteria and viruses really make us sick? Find out in the video below!
Dr Sherry Tenpenny - Experimental Covid 19 Bio-Metric IMPLANT (vaccine) Injection Has NO OFF Button!
Viruses DO NOT Cause Disease! Viruses Are BENEFICIAL And Are Produced By The Body to Cleanse And Detoxify it!
The Jesuit's World Virus And Pandemic "Pretext" For FASCISM!
The Fake "Covid 19" Corona Virus Pandemic "Outbreak" in Wuhan, China - First announced in the 'media" November 17, 2019.
The Hegelian "PROBLEM" (Coronavirus "Pandemic") Needed To Create a "REACTION" (Fear, Panic, World "Medical" Lock-down) and Then The "SOLUTION" = 3 in 1 ID2020 synthetic mRNA Smart " MIRACLE" Vaccine
If there was a "device," a means by which to dominate and control a population then revolution and war would be logical on a localized basis. However, in order to get nearly 8 billion people to comply with a central "Geo-Political" totalitarian authority (the Vatican United Nations world government) "Voluntarily," some other method or "Crisis" was necessary.
This is why a "Health" or "Medical Emergency" ie. a "VIRUS," was chosen by the Jesuits. They saw its trans-national "fluidity" and potential for mass FEAR and COMPLIANCE using "HEALTH" and "SAFETY" as a carrot to entice people into obedience. The "Spanish Flu" VACCINE genocide agenda was so successful between 1917 and 1919 that the Jesuits determined to use this "methodology" again in the future to the ultimate aim of genetically modifying and enslaving the human race with mRNA VACCINES! After many decades of psychological conditioning through Hollywood movies, Media and science channel indoctrination the Jesuits realized that people had been dumbed down enough into believing the pseudo-science LIE that viruses are "dangerous" and "communicable."
After many generations of Masonic cultural "indoctrination" and education, people have finally been coerced into believing what they are told by corrupt Masonic, national and international "Health" and Science" agencies and national governments subservient to Rome.
The Fake "Covid 19" Corona Virus Pandemic "Outbreak" in Wuhan, China - First announced in the 'media" November 17, 2019.
The Hegelian "PROBLEM" (Coronavirus "Pandemic") Needed To Create a "REACTION" (Fear, Panic, World "Medical" Lock-down) and Then The "SOLUTION" = 3 in 1 ID2020 synthetic mRNA Smart " MIRACLE" Vaccine
If there was a "device," a means by which to dominate and control a population then revolution and war would be logical on a localized basis. However, in order to get nearly 8 billion people to comply with a central "Geo-Political" totalitarian authority (the Vatican United Nations world government) "Voluntarily," some other method or "Crisis" was necessary.
This is why a "Health" or "Medical Emergency" ie. a "VIRUS," was chosen by the Jesuits. They saw its trans-national "fluidity" and potential for mass FEAR and COMPLIANCE using "HEALTH" and "SAFETY" as a carrot to entice people into obedience. The "Spanish Flu" VACCINE genocide agenda was so successful between 1917 and 1919 that the Jesuits determined to use this "methodology" again in the future to the ultimate aim of genetically modifying and enslaving the human race with mRNA VACCINES! After many decades of psychological conditioning through Hollywood movies, Media and science channel indoctrination the Jesuits realized that people had been dumbed down enough into believing the pseudo-science LIE that viruses are "dangerous" and "communicable."
After many generations of Masonic cultural "indoctrination" and education, people have finally been coerced into believing what they are told by corrupt Masonic, national and international "Health" and Science" agencies and national governments subservient to Rome.
"Freedom Medical Alliance" Medical Doctors Warning About The Global "Pandemic Fraud" and the Dangers Of The "NEW" Untested Covid 19 mRNA Vaccines!
The year 2019 was chosen as the "launch" date because 2019 = 3 x 6 = 666. This is also the 100 year anniversary of the Jesuit's "Spanish Flu" Inquisition which killed around 100 million victims between 1917 -19 who had been VACCINATED "TWICE." This is nothing more than a grand "MEDICAL INQUISITION" that the Jesuit Military Order is persecuting humanity with. The Jesuits control the "CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH" which is the contemporary version of the "OFFICE OF THE INQUISITION" with which the Roman Catholic "Beast" has and is persecuting and "EXTERMINATING" ALL HERETICS ie. ALL non Catholics! The Biblical "final" instalment of "TRIBULATION" is here.
This FAKE virus "pandemic" will keep rolling out into world communism and the absolute worship of the Roman Catholic Jesuit "BEAST" Pope by all the enslaved citizens of the world. Failure to comply will result in "DEATH." This system will prevail for 42 months and then Jesus Christ will return and destroy it and set up his kingdom on Earth for 1000 years. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
This FAKE virus "pandemic" will keep rolling out into world communism and the absolute worship of the Roman Catholic Jesuit "BEAST" Pope by all the enslaved citizens of the world. Failure to comply will result in "DEATH." This system will prevail for 42 months and then Jesus Christ will return and destroy it and set up his kingdom on Earth for 1000 years. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
The Mark Of The Beast & World Martial Law - 19.05.20
Hello and welcome to You Tube Video number 77 exposing the Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire and its final thrust to enslave the peoples of the world using this FAKE Covid 19 pandemic. Welcome also to the Jesuits real time, real life movie orchestrating World Martial Law and the enslavement of mankind playing out in front of our eyes.
The Jesuits must be laughing at the gullibility of human beings and how easily they believe anything they see or hear from the Papal puppet media pro’s they listen to on TV. While the 4th vow elite Jesuits may be laughing at what they are doing and will continue to do to people worldwide let me tell you it is the grand finale of 500 merciless years of cruelty, violence and bloodshed.
This is now my 90th video and i want to speak here about the Mark Of The Beast, one of the most misunderstood and maligned concepts originating from the Bible which is the Word of God. I feel a sense of urgency that NOW is the time to talk about it!
People, how would it even be possible to know about a concept called “the Mark of the Beast” unless the Bible had explained it and then Hollywood began to “sensationalize” it with “body markings” in endless dystopian SCI FI movies such as the Mad Max series beginning in 1979 and “In Time” released in 2011 among many others. This important end of days event has become shrouded in confusion by a barrage of propaganda and disinformation created by Jesuit controlled education, false Christian teaching and mainstream media over the last 100 years.
Remember people, Hollywood is the Jesuit’s MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA and MIND CONTROL which is used to insert “PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING” disguised as ENTERTAINMENT into the minds of viewers. There is NO SUCH THING as HARMLESS ENTERTAINMENT if TV and films are viewed without vigilant skepticism and critical analysis. Otherwise Satanic concepts are inserted into the mind and the viewer is powerless to resist this programming while watching. What has been occurring for the last 120 years isn’t FICTION! People and in particular young people are being encouraged through movie culture to MARK themselves like never before and it is being marketed as HIP and COOL! With these Markings a person gains street cred and acceptance into Luciferian New Age neo-pagan alternative and mainstream groups and activities.
It’s also very important to understand that different methods of “MARKING” or identifying people have been used by social systems down through the centuries. The practice isn’t NEW and yet the Bible has been warning about 1 final TOTALITARIAN world empire at the end of the age and a MARK which will be required for all those who wish to belong to it! That time for the culmination of all things has come and the end truly is in sight!
Traditionally and historically, different kinds of MARKS were used to IDENTIFY those who belonged to a specific group and those who didn’t. The same applies today. Tattoos, body piercings, certain items of clothing with distinct patterns or colours, accessories like distinct jewellery, coded language or modes of behaviour are used to distinguish members of the group. Without the requisite MARK or MARKS a person is identified as UNINITIATED, an OUTSIDER and INTRUDER; a THREAT and one to be at the least rejected or persecuted and at the worst killed.
Anthropologists and archaeologists have recorded the different MARKS used by minor and major civilizations from ancient times. Anyone can read about this so it is NO mystery that the final world empire will also require a MARK of its citizens. Those who refuse to take this MARK will be viewed as a HINDRANCE and OBSTACLE to WORLD UNITY and will be isolated quickly and exterminated. The most recent glaring historical examples of INTOLERANCE and EXTERMINATION of untold MILLIONS are the MARKING of the Jewish middle class in Hitler’s Germany, the Kulak middle class in Lenin and Stalin’s Russia and the Chinese middle class in Mao’s China. To deny this is to remain WILFULLY IGNORANT of the facts. The men responsible for the slaughter then and now are all Roman Catholic/Communist proxy government puppets put into power by the Jesuit Order and fully compliant with the Jesuit program for social engineering worldwide. The purpose always has been to exterminate the older, wiser generations and indoctrinate the inexperienced, impressionable youth with lies and false promises!
Over a period of 40 years i have heard a number of different interpretations of what the Mark of the Beast is and i could never ever settle on any of them. It is only now that the technology is reality and that God is revealing the strategies of the enemy that there is clarity about what is happening. God said he would do this at the very end and he is keeping his promise. In Daniel 12: 4 the angel told Daniel, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” And knowledge has indeed increased exponentially in every sector including an understanding of what the enemy is planning!
Anyone who says that the Mark is only in the mind; an intention and nothing else is LYING whether willingly or out of ignorance of the scriptures. No one can measure a persons “Intentions” for the purpose of buying and selling. I have heard people explain that the Mark in the forehead only signifies Purpose and in the hand only signifies willingness to commit purpose to Action. How is this measured at a POS (point of sale) in any shop or online? It simply doesn’t work. In any financial transaction there is ALWAYS an exchange of money for goods. Even more so for digital or E money which requires an exchange of DATA for goods, recording the number and amount of financial transactions per individual. Anyone who declares that getting a microchip implant is ok is also a deceiver and i have heard prominent so called Christian leaders like John MacArthur say this. Do NOT believe these people! Ultimately the only way mass populations will be tracked and managed is through a technology implant linking EVERY SOUL to a Quantum Computer hub. That technology is here NOW and ready to GO! Beware of anyone who seeks to mislead you with deceptive teaching!
So what does the Bible say about the Mark?
In Revelation 13:16-18 we read, “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
The first point to mention here is that “HE” means the Papal Antichrist and this is clearly explained in scripture. The Roman Catholic Pope IS the antichrist and comes from a long DYNASTY of Antichrists just as declared in 1 John 2:18, “Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.” Already in the first century before John’s death in 94 AD many apostate figures had appeared and were preaching false doctrines and leading Christians astray into deception. It wasn’t until 325 AD that Rome legalized Christianity and made it the state religion and then the succession of pagan bishops began to persecute TRUE Christian believers because they refused to worship the Emperor/Popes beginning most likely with Constantine. That persecution by Rome has NOT stopped up to the present time. It has been relentless century upon century!
Secondly, “HE causes all to receive” doesn’t mean FORCES. No one will be forced to take the Mark. Satan and his Jesuit minions want VOLUNTARY submission to their system of Papal god-man worship. People will be pressured and coerced into joining the system but NOT forced against their will. How do i know this? Well, this is made clear in Revelation 20:4 which states clearly, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Those who were beheaded and had NOT worshipped the Beast nor his image and had not received his MARK were those who REFUSED to obey the Beast system. REFUSED means that they exercised FREE WILL to choose Jesus Christ. Make no mistake about this; everyone will have to CHOOSE life with Christ or death with Satan! No one will be forced though!
Thirdly, the purpose of giving people a MARK is not only Spiritual; to facilitate allegiance to and worship of the Roman Antichrist Dictator but Economic so that only the MARK holders can BUY or SELL. The Bible clearly states that commerce will continue until the end when Jesus Christ returns to destroy Satans Papal Roman Empire. Exclusion from the Beast system is certain death for anyone. There will be NO other way to obtain the essentials for life such as food, clothing and accommodation. No way to pay for them. Those who are damned will RAT OUT or report anyone that doesn’t have the MARK. They will believe they are doing a GOOD thing getting rid of those who are UNMARKED and will be REWARDED for their treachery.
How do i know this? Well in Matthew 24: 9-12 Jesus states prophetically the conditions at the end saying, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Many people will, like Judas, coldly BETRAY one another to the authorities out of hatred and intolerance. These are not my words. Anyone who does NOT take the MARK will not survive long but will be hunted down and routed out by informants. This has already happened to people many times in many places in history!
Personally i don’t believe any TRUE believers will remain alive at the end to see Jesus Christ return and the evidence i use for this is Jesus own words in Luke 18:7-8 where he states, “And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?” This isn’t Jesus lamenting there are no people of faith because they all defected from God’s kingdom but because no one of faith is left alive. They’ve ALL been killed! The prooftext for this is again Revelation 13: 7-8 which states, “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” You see the Beast is allowed to OVERCOME the Saints of God. This means he WINS and exterminates them. All those that are left are damned; those whose names are NOT written in the Lambs Book of Life
What does the MARK consist of?
According to my research, the Mark of the Beast will consist of 3 components. A high tech Infra Red Dye visible only with a scanner (this is the OUTWARD MARK,) smart nano chips containing all personal information and tracking software and a mRNA/DNA vaccine (these consist of the INWARD MARK) that will corrupt the genetic makeup of the recipient. How do i know this? Well, Bill Gates who is the mouthpiece for WHO, that diabolical Vatican agency set up to conduct Medical Inquisitions against humanity has openly said so in interviews. He has declared that together with DARPA, MIT and other Bio Tech affiliates, he has developed a 3 in 1 vaccine that will be applied with a multi needle device that will inject the materials under the skin and then will dissolve in the skin. Yesterday, May 1st, in a DW News special, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission stated that a vaccine must be available to every person in the world soon and Jeremy Farrar, Trust Director at Wellcome in another DW News special stated that a vaccine will be available for all in the 4th quarter of this year 2020. The same message is coming from Beast science spokesmen in all quarters.
The effects of artificially induced genetic corruption appear to be indicated in Revelation 9: 6 which states, “In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.” Also in Revelation 16: 10-11 which states, “And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.” Finally in Revelation 16: 2 we read, “So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image." These are strange but very graphic scenarios and difficult to explain but genetic mutation/corruption via vaccine offers a plausible explanation of what is happening to these people who worship the Beast.
Last year, a patent numbered WO2020060606 titled CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA was lodged by Microsoft on April 20, 2019 for technology that activates payment of digital currency through “Body Proximity Scanning” of the arm or head. Worse than that, nano chips will allow REAL TIME tracking of a person ANYWHERE, ANYTIME in conjunction with the 5G millimetre short wave EMF technology fields now going up everywhere worldwide. This is 1 reason why i believe they are delaying the introduction of the 3 in 1 vaccine. Installation isn’t complete yet in many places but will be soon. In fact, 5G just may be the significant external causal agent that works by irradiating the injected metals like thimerisol (mercury,) mRNA/DNA material and micro chips actually triggering genetic corruption in the host body. Is it possible? I believe it is. I will post links to documents describing these technologies in the description box below.
The purpose of a 3 in 1 MARK IN the body is to BRAND all humans like sheep or cattle for the purpose of absolute control with their permission. With 1 application people can be Marked with an Infra Red tattoo, injected with nano chips and a gene altering vaccine and they are forever owned by the system and they will choose to do this voluntarily rather than suffer exclusion and execution. This idea of Biometric identification was inserted into many Hollywood movies over decades in order to condition people into accepting it as NORMAL! Movies like, “Star Trek,” “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Blade Runner,” “Minority Report,” “Gattaca,” “Terminator,” “I Robot” and “Ex Machina” illustrated various modes of biometric identification as NORMAL. I’ve heard many people say, “I can’t wait until these new technologies are in place.” If only they really knew what they were wishing for but they are blind to the truth! The Jesuits went to a lot of trouble to make sure people would want to accept the FINAL vaccine that will enslave all participants and doom them for all eternity!
How will the Mark be rolled out?
This NEW vaccine will only be rolled out when the Jesuits have incrementally squeezed people into spiritual and economic submission. The purpose is to make people desperate so they voluntarily line up to take the offered MIRACLE CURE! It is happening now and the process is measured and INCREMENTAL! Events will play out over a number of years until their program is complete! This FAKE pandemic is being used to TEST the resolve of people everywhere. (Remember there is NO scientific proof that viruses can be transmitted person to person or on surfaces. NONE!!!) The science experts are LYING in order to perpetuate the FRAUD! The world is currently under MARTIAL LAW and will remain so. No matter how things eventuate going forward, (and the Jesuit’s methodology for control will be up and down and on and off - different measures in different countries at different times depending on population compliance to New Draconian Roman Laws ) the Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa stated clearly this year that things will NEVER RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE emphasizing the relevance more than ever of the Jesuit contrived “Universal Apostolic Preferences” published June 2019 in directing the Jesuit’s world program for control. I’m quoting now from a Face Book research page on this topic. The writer identified as En Goodz states, “Jesuit Superior General Admitted Covid-19 is Their Mission to Transcend All of Mankind Into One Roman (Babylonian) Catholic (Universal) Church, Quarantine is Their Permanent Spiritual Exercise Resembling Ignatius in the Cave, & ‘If We Don’t Change Now the Next One Will Be Worse’"
“April 2, 2020 — The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Arturo Sosa, S.J., shared his reflections on a live webinar today with the global Ignatian family in light of COVID-19. His comments emphasized the themes found in the ‘Universal Apostolic Preferences,’ now more relevant than ever, as a source of direction for Jesuits and their collaborators amid the pandemic.”
As a result of this FAKE pandemic and world LOCKDOWN many in poorer countries will die of starvation and destitution and their deaths will be blamed on the virus. That’s right, millions of deaths from hunger and other causes will be used to fudge the statistics and escalate the corona virus death count. It’s already started and it’s happening worldwide now in poorer countries in Africa and India. According to officials they have now reached 3 million virus cases worldwide. The Jesuits are using the tried and true Hegelian dialectic strategy to HERD people toward their goal. They CREATE a problem, they direct a REACTION and then they ENFORCE their SOLUTION! They MUST dramatically ESCALATE numbers in order to create a heightened sense of FEAR and PANIC that will pressure people into taking the FAKE miracle 3 in 1 vaccine. The Jesuits are using psychology and deception like HERD IMMUNITY against the masses. They are deliberately using an up and down, on and off technique in MSM NEWS propaganda to frustrate people and keep them wondering and guessing if things will ever return to NORMAL!
I want to be clear with you, the listener, right here. THINGS WILL NOT RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE! The world remains in LOCKDOWN and will be until the system is completely broken and changed and everyone has been vaccinated! That’s what this whole pandemic charade under the false pretext of SAFETY and SECURITY and ONENESS is all about!
Here’s what Masonic puppet Doug Ford the premier of Ontario Canada had to say April 27 on CTV News. Listen carefully to the deliberate ambiguity in his statement and the deferral of any concrete facts. It’s NONSENSE TALK and ALL world leaders speak the SAME message. It is hope endlessly deferred! “Ford repeatedly stated that his plan “is a roadmap, not a calendar.” “The framework is about how we are reopening, not when we are reopening.” he said, “Let me be crystal clear, as long as this virus remains a threat to Ontario, we will continue to take every precaution necessary. We will continue to act based on the best advice that is available to us.” Ford said that no one wants the economy to open up more than he does, but noted that the province cannot take “any unnecessary risks.” He said he won’t set “hard dates” because “the virus travels at its own speed.” he said, “If precautions are not taken then one person with this virus can spread it to hundreds of others.” he said, “My friends, our future is in our hands because through our actions, by taking the advice seriously, by doing our part, we will determine when things open up again.” “The steps we are taking are working, but progress doesn’t mean we can quit now.” The buzz phrase here that all the world government puppets are using is “EASING of RESTRICTIONS.” Don’t be fooled by it!
Let me remind you what the apostle Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 so long ago, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction shall come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Right now the buzzwords in the MSM are, UNITY, PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY just as the prophecy said it would be.
What l believe we’ll see ahead in the coming months is a holding pattern while people worldwide are driven to psychological, emotional, spiritual and economic desperation. Then at a critical juncture comes the COMBINATION rollout of both BILL GATE’S KILLER 3 in 1 vaccine and the one world cryptocurrency money system that will SAVE the world bringing the promise of NORMALCY but only for those who reject Christ. The 5G system will be up and running by this time and work in conjunction with the Internet OF Everything human nano chip GPS tracking system. I do not know the timing of this rollout. I can’t see into the future but i can look at how the pieces will fit together and what i’ve described is what i see taking place very soon.
People, no one is coming to your rescue! There will be no calvary or magical intervention to stop what has been decreed in the Bible. All world governments are working together against mankind. They will NOT rescue you. No armed civilian uprising will stop what is happening either. Any insurrection will be put down brutally. The Jesuits are the RULERS OF EVIL and have the upper hand controlling ALL resources and ALL Law Enforcement including world militaries. The time for civil action is long past. While people have been sleeping the Jesuits infiltrated and subverted all world systems and governments! The Jesuit Military Order of Rome are the REAL VIRUS.
God’s plan for man will not be thwarted by anyone including the Jesuit Order. Every prophesy in the Bible MUST be fulfilled before the end comes. There is now only a personal response to join the Satanic world system or REPENT and follow Jesus Christ to the end. The most important question i can ask you here is: Are YOU SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY? Are YOU COMMITTING SPIRITUAL FORNICATION WITH THE ROMAN BEAST, THE WHORE OF BABYLON? If you are then STOP IT and REPENT and turn back to God!
I am urging you; DO NOT TAKE THIS 3 in i ID2020 DNA SMART CHIP VACCINE when it appears. It is a KILLER and will exclude you from salvation and the Kingdom of God FOREVER! Once taken there is NO undoing it! It is permanent and your fate is sealed! This is my warning to all who are listening. In my whole series of 30 blogs, 90 videos and on my website i have discharged my duty as a WATCHMAN warning day and night about what is soon to come on the Earth just as the Bible warns.
God is full of mercy and will forgive all who REPENT of their sins and call out to him for salvation but time is almost up!
Please consider carefully what i’m saying. This video is both a warning and an invitation to REPENT and turn back to God before it’s TOO late. The Bible is the truth and has remained so to the present day. God’s plan for man is clear and you can believe every word of it! God’s mercy and forgiveness are still available but time is rapidly running out! Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. As declared in John 14:6, Jesus is still “the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to God the Father except through him.”
I appeal to all of you who are reading, who aren’t Born Again and serving God, to be reconciled with God today through the Lord Jesus Christ! Don’t wait! Who knows, today may be your last day on Earth!
If you’re a Christian but are not living as you know you should be then my exhortation is Repent of all sin and get yourself ready for what is coming. Put away every wicked thing and return to God with all your heart. He will forgive you and restore you if you truly REPENT with sorrow of your sin and rebellion!
Thank you for reading and i pray that God will continue to open your eyes to the truth about the Luciferian Jesuits and their spiritual virus/vaccine deception that has blinded the eyes of mankind. Darkness is falling rapidly and time is running out for mankind!
I’ll leave relevant links to sources below.
If you can, please share this important information with others who are willing to listen!
Dr Stephen Lanka Debunks Pictures of Isolated Viruses
3 in 1 smart ID tattoo
DW NEWS - ‘We need global action to give everyone access to a vaccine' - Ursula von der Leyen interview
DW NEWS - Coronavirus vaccine update: How far along is the research? | COVID-19 Special
9 News - Update on COVID-19 vaccine development
Intra-Body Nano Network - Mik Anderson
intra-body_nano-network_-_brief_summary_by_mik_andersen.pdf |
Covert Roman Catholic and Jesuit Agent "Bill Gates" Confesses To Talk Show Host "ELLEN" Rome's Vaccine Agenda
Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations
As tattoos continue to become more mainstreamed among certain demographics within society, it should come as little surprise that big pharma is keen to roll out this latest “wearable tech” solution.
To make sure that you’ve had all of your required doses of government mandated vaccines, scientists at MIT have created a new ink which can be embedded in the skin which can be read using a special infra-red smart phone camera app.
Futurism reports…
“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”
The research groups findings were published this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
“In other words, they’ve found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient’s skin rather than documenting it electronically or on paper — and their low-risk tracking system could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records, especially on a larger scale.”
“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” said MIT researcher Kevin McHugh.
More interesting though is how useful this new technology will be from a corporate point of view, downstream tech such as this will make production and distribution more efficient upstream, as vaccine manufactures can more efficiently identify who needs which product.
Essentially, this is new tech which can allow public administrators, law enforcement and corporate employers, to check within seconds to make sure that you are “safe” to be around,” and do not pose ‘a danger to the rest of the community.’
Interestingly, the funding for this new vaccine tattoo technology has come from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research.
“According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.”
Using tattoos for the administration of vaccine products is not new however, and most likely MIT and the Gates family were inspired by a program started more than 10 years ago, in which a group of German scientists began work using tattoos on mice as means to deliver a new generation of experimental DNA vaccines, specifically with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.
It should be noted that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have come under heavy criticism for an aggressive HPV vaccination “health project” in India, which according to local reports, has resulted in many young girls falling ill, including some deaths.
In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in Telangana — then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh — became sites for observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to thousands of girls aged between nine and 15. The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department officials. The vaccine used was Gardasil, manufactured by Merck. It was administered to around 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students.
Months later, many girls started falling ill and by 2010 five of them died. Two more deaths were reported from Vadodara, Gujarat, where an estimated 14,000 children studying in schools meant for tribal children were also vaccinated with another brand of HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GSK. Earlier in the week, the Associated Press reported that scores of teenaged girls were hospitalised in a small town in northern Colombia with symptoms that parents suspect could be an adverse reaction to Gardasil.
Although large in scale, this tragic incident is just one of many documented events involving Gardasil, including numerous lawsuits (for example, see here and here) which were found in favor of the victims.
Could this technology be utilized by governments as an exclusionary tool, or as a mechanism for social engineering? Certainly he potential is there to streamline these two methods of ‘people management.’ Currently the US government is quietly implementing the REAL ID Act which now requires Americans to hold a biometric ID in order to travel on airplanes. US lawmakers have been pushing for this from the 1980s, when former Attorney General William French Smith had proposed to implement a ‘perfectly harmless national ID system’ for which another cabinet minister at the time also proposed to ‘tattoo a number on each American’s forearm.’ To some, this may seem like the stuff of science fiction, and yet it’s been openly discussed by government for decades.
Not surprisingly, the establishment press, funded by the transnational corporations like pharmaceutical firms Merck and GSK, along with government officials and departments, are actively campaigning to shut down any questions or queries into the safety of vaccines. Any dissent or skeptics are being labeled by media and government with the pejorative term, “anti-vaxers”. Mainstream publication Quartz gives the establishment’s argument against “anti-vaxers” here:
This connection is rejected by mainstream scientists. Andrew Wakefield, the source of this conspiracy theory, was struck off by the UK’s General Medical Council for acting dishonestly and irresponsibly, and his published research was retracted by The Lancet. Earlier this year, a study of over 650,000 children in Denmark concluded that there was no evidence of a connection between MMR and autism—even among children who were seen to be of heightened risk, such as those with autistic siblings. Still, Wakefield’s ideas continue to have enormous influence. A survey of 2,600 parents published in January by the Royal Society for Public Health shows that 21% of parents in the UK think MMR causes unwanted side effects and almost 10% of parents chose not to give their child the MMR vaccine, mainly because of fears about side effects.
Interestingly, to bolster there claim, they supply polling data derived from the pharmaceutical industrial complex itself:
In June, The Wellcome Trust published the results of a survey of over 140,000 people. Only 73% in Northern Europe (which includes the UK), 59% in Western Europe, and 40% in Eastern Europe agreed with the statement that vaccines are safe. The figure was 72% for the US. The WHO listed vaccine hesitancy as a top ten global health threat for 2019 and one that “threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases.”
However, there are numerous sources of independent research and data which is now available that indicates how the over prescription of vaccines can pose a serious health risk.
One recent study by Neil Z. Miller entitled, Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe, outlines a clear pattern of risk, particularly with regards to the over-administering of vaccines to young children.
Numerous other studies have been published which delineate the risks involved with over-vaccination, some of their findings are summarized here.
As tattoos continue to become more mainstreamed among certain demographics within society, it should come as little surprise that big pharma is keen to roll out this latest “wearable tech” solution.
To make sure that you’ve had all of your required doses of government mandated vaccines, scientists at MIT have created a new ink which can be embedded in the skin which can be read using a special infra-red smart phone camera app.
Futurism reports…
“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”
The research groups findings were published this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
“In other words, they’ve found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient’s skin rather than documenting it electronically or on paper — and their low-risk tracking system could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records, especially on a larger scale.”
“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” said MIT researcher Kevin McHugh.
More interesting though is how useful this new technology will be from a corporate point of view, downstream tech such as this will make production and distribution more efficient upstream, as vaccine manufactures can more efficiently identify who needs which product.
Essentially, this is new tech which can allow public administrators, law enforcement and corporate employers, to check within seconds to make sure that you are “safe” to be around,” and do not pose ‘a danger to the rest of the community.’
Interestingly, the funding for this new vaccine tattoo technology has come from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research.
“According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.”
Using tattoos for the administration of vaccine products is not new however, and most likely MIT and the Gates family were inspired by a program started more than 10 years ago, in which a group of German scientists began work using tattoos on mice as means to deliver a new generation of experimental DNA vaccines, specifically with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.
It should be noted that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have come under heavy criticism for an aggressive HPV vaccination “health project” in India, which according to local reports, has resulted in many young girls falling ill, including some deaths.
In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in Telangana — then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh — became sites for observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to thousands of girls aged between nine and 15. The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department officials. The vaccine used was Gardasil, manufactured by Merck. It was administered to around 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students.
Months later, many girls started falling ill and by 2010 five of them died. Two more deaths were reported from Vadodara, Gujarat, where an estimated 14,000 children studying in schools meant for tribal children were also vaccinated with another brand of HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GSK. Earlier in the week, the Associated Press reported that scores of teenaged girls were hospitalised in a small town in northern Colombia with symptoms that parents suspect could be an adverse reaction to Gardasil.
Although large in scale, this tragic incident is just one of many documented events involving Gardasil, including numerous lawsuits (for example, see here and here) which were found in favor of the victims.
Could this technology be utilized by governments as an exclusionary tool, or as a mechanism for social engineering? Certainly he potential is there to streamline these two methods of ‘people management.’ Currently the US government is quietly implementing the REAL ID Act which now requires Americans to hold a biometric ID in order to travel on airplanes. US lawmakers have been pushing for this from the 1980s, when former Attorney General William French Smith had proposed to implement a ‘perfectly harmless national ID system’ for which another cabinet minister at the time also proposed to ‘tattoo a number on each American’s forearm.’ To some, this may seem like the stuff of science fiction, and yet it’s been openly discussed by government for decades.
Not surprisingly, the establishment press, funded by the transnational corporations like pharmaceutical firms Merck and GSK, along with government officials and departments, are actively campaigning to shut down any questions or queries into the safety of vaccines. Any dissent or skeptics are being labeled by media and government with the pejorative term, “anti-vaxers”. Mainstream publication Quartz gives the establishment’s argument against “anti-vaxers” here:
This connection is rejected by mainstream scientists. Andrew Wakefield, the source of this conspiracy theory, was struck off by the UK’s General Medical Council for acting dishonestly and irresponsibly, and his published research was retracted by The Lancet. Earlier this year, a study of over 650,000 children in Denmark concluded that there was no evidence of a connection between MMR and autism—even among children who were seen to be of heightened risk, such as those with autistic siblings. Still, Wakefield’s ideas continue to have enormous influence. A survey of 2,600 parents published in January by the Royal Society for Public Health shows that 21% of parents in the UK think MMR causes unwanted side effects and almost 10% of parents chose not to give their child the MMR vaccine, mainly because of fears about side effects.
Interestingly, to bolster there claim, they supply polling data derived from the pharmaceutical industrial complex itself:
In June, The Wellcome Trust published the results of a survey of over 140,000 people. Only 73% in Northern Europe (which includes the UK), 59% in Western Europe, and 40% in Eastern Europe agreed with the statement that vaccines are safe. The figure was 72% for the US. The WHO listed vaccine hesitancy as a top ten global health threat for 2019 and one that “threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases.”
However, there are numerous sources of independent research and data which is now available that indicates how the over prescription of vaccines can pose a serious health risk.
One recent study by Neil Z. Miller entitled, Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe, outlines a clear pattern of risk, particularly with regards to the over-administering of vaccines to young children.
Numerous other studies have been published which delineate the risks involved with over-vaccination, some of their findings are summarized here.
Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination by Clint Richardson - Mirrored from Info Wars Boot Camp You Tube Channel at: