Jesuitical Roman Catholic Ecumenism
With the breaking of the Protestant Reformation in 1517 led by Martin Luther and a few other brave souls a great "wound" was inflicted on the Roman Catholic "Beast" system. Millions began to break free from the fascist Roman Catholic "priesthood" and its spiritual and temporal control over humanity as the truths of the Bible became evident. Within a few short years (1534) Satan raised up Ignatius Loyola and his Jesuit Military Order and by 1545 the Council of Trent had been initiated and a war plan laid down to COUNTER the Reformation and return absolute control over the "Heretics" who refused to worship the Papal antichrist!
Since 1563 and the finalization of the Council of Trent war plan, Rome and its Jesuit Military have been waging war against "Free" men everywhere. It has taken 500 years and endless years of "bloody conflict" for the Jesuits to realise that only through infiltration, subversion and deception on a grand scale could Rome usurp control over ALL men everywhere! Since 1921 and the Edinburgh Missionary Conference and then the founding of the Jesuit's "World Council of Churches" in 1948 by John R Mott, Rome has been steadily luring Christian churches back into its control through its web of ecumenical organizations. The combined population of church members for the WCC is over 500 million. Prior to this in London in 1846 the World Evangelical Alliance was formed consisting today of 8 regional alliances and 600 million members. Together with the publication of many corrupt Bible versions produced under Jesuit supervision Rome has been destroying the TRUTHS of the WORD OF GOD and the FREEDOMS that come from those divine truths.
The world is standing on the brink and time for "freedom of conscience" is running out. As of 2020 the vast majority of world religions and sects including all New Age spiritualities have submitted to Papal authority and worship the Beast. It is a documented fact. Rome has NEVER changed its intention! Vatican Council II in 1962 reaffirmed the goals of the Council Of Trent on every point. Vatican II affirms Catholic doctrine dating back to 1302, when Pope Boniface VIII asserted that “it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” NOTHING has changed.
The INQUISITION now titled the "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith" was never disbanded contrary to claims by Rome and is always operative under the Jesuits ready and waiting to do its bloody work of "extermination" once again! Rome is lying to all as it deceives apostate Christians with a false gospel of "UNIVERSAL LOVE" by twisting the scriptures. Only true Christians will recognize what is happening and refuse to participate. They will understand God's command in Revelation 18:4 to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rome will hunt down and eliminate "ALL" who stand up for TRUTH (Jesus Christ) and refuse to take the MARK of the BEAST!
Roman "Ecumenism" is the final world deception by the "4th Beast" of Daniel 7 to take place before Jesus Christ returns to end this DARK AGE!
The INQUISITION now titled the "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith" was never disbanded contrary to claims by Rome and is always operative under the Jesuits ready and waiting to do its bloody work of "extermination" once again! Rome is lying to all as it deceives apostate Christians with a false gospel of "UNIVERSAL LOVE" by twisting the scriptures. Only true Christians will recognize what is happening and refuse to participate. They will understand God's command in Revelation 18:4 to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rome will hunt down and eliminate "ALL" who stand up for TRUTH (Jesus Christ) and refuse to take the MARK of the BEAST!
Roman "Ecumenism" is the final world deception by the "4th Beast" of Daniel 7 to take place before Jesus Christ returns to end this DARK AGE!
"The Two Kingdoms: The Ecumenical Movement" mirrored from Even At The Doors You Tube channel at:
"Bridge To Babylon: Rome, Ecumenism & The Bible - A Lamp In The Dark Part III" mirrored from Jesus Christ Is The Almighty Creator King James Bible Colossians Chapter 1 Christina You Tube channel at:
"Ecumenism" Spiritual Whoredom (Documentary)" mirrored from Glorifying JESUS You Tube channel at:
"One World Religion: The Death of Protestantism 1" mirrored from John Wycliffe You Tube channel at:
"One World Religion: The Death Of Protestantism 2" mirrored from John Wycliffe You Tube channel at:
"One World Religion: The Death Of Protestantism 3" Mirrored from John Wycliffe You Tube channel at:
"The Pope Wants You to Pray for a One World Religion" mirrored from Truthstream Media You Tube channel at: