Alberto Magnus Rivera - Ex Jesuit - 1935 - 1997
Dear Reader
This page is dedicated to Alberto Rivera who actively exposed the Jesuit Order and the Roman Catholic Papacy as the Biblical Antichrist system described in the Books of Daniel and Revelation. I wish to make it clear that i am NOT promoting Rivera the "MAN," as his character has come under critical scrutiny in recent years. I am promoting Rivera's MESSAGE and MINISTRY, which did indeed tell the truth about ROME when few others were doing so. Please separate the MAN from the MESSAGE as they are 2 different issues. Alberto Rivera is deceased and so there is absolutely no reason to expose the man and his possible unbiblical behaviour and "indiscretions." It is Rivera's MESSAGE, warning about the Jesuit Order that is now what people should be focusing on. To this purpose i have created this page so that you, the reader, can make up your own mind as to whether Alberto Rivera was telling the truth or not!
It is claimed that Rivera was Assassinated (Poisoned) By The Jesuit Order After Numerous Attempts For Exposing Rome's Plans For World Control. I can't prove or disprove this claim BUT at this late stage it isn't important in my opinion.
Please practice what the scripture calls, "Discerning Good from Evil" and "Holding fast to that which is Good and Reject that which is Evil." Romans 12:9 and 1 Thessalonians 5:21
This page is dedicated to Alberto Rivera who actively exposed the Jesuit Order and the Roman Catholic Papacy as the Biblical Antichrist system described in the Books of Daniel and Revelation. I wish to make it clear that i am NOT promoting Rivera the "MAN," as his character has come under critical scrutiny in recent years. I am promoting Rivera's MESSAGE and MINISTRY, which did indeed tell the truth about ROME when few others were doing so. Please separate the MAN from the MESSAGE as they are 2 different issues. Alberto Rivera is deceased and so there is absolutely no reason to expose the man and his possible unbiblical behaviour and "indiscretions." It is Rivera's MESSAGE, warning about the Jesuit Order that is now what people should be focusing on. To this purpose i have created this page so that you, the reader, can make up your own mind as to whether Alberto Rivera was telling the truth or not!
It is claimed that Rivera was Assassinated (Poisoned) By The Jesuit Order After Numerous Attempts For Exposing Rome's Plans For World Control. I can't prove or disprove this claim BUT at this late stage it isn't important in my opinion.
Please practice what the scripture calls, "Discerning Good from Evil" and "Holding fast to that which is Good and Reject that which is Evil." Romans 12:9 and 1 Thessalonians 5:21
From Rome To Christ - Alberto Rivera
Alberto Magnus Rivera - Jesuit "Infiltration"
The Alberto Rivera Story - Adult Comics Series

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Alberto Rivera Exposes The Roman "Pope" As The Antichrist
Alberto Rivera Reveals How The Vatican Created Islam