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“It is here that the tremendous power of the Church makes itself felt. It is through this [Jesuit] ‘direction’ that statesmen are compelled to act, not for the benefit of the country to which they belong, but for the benefit of the Church, which controls them. It is here that matters of the most secret nature are discussed and decided [like the present Crusade against Islam, the attack into Afghanistan commencing on the anniversary of the naval Battle of Lepanto when the Armada of the Pope’s Knights of Malta destroyed the Armada of the Islamic Ottoman Turks on October 7, 1571. It is here that alliances . . . are arranged, and political treaties are agreed on.”
The Black Pope - Mary Cusack (former nun) 1896, pg. 106.
“It is here that the tremendous power of the Church makes itself felt. It is through this [Jesuit] ‘direction’ that statesmen are compelled to act, not for the benefit of the country to which they belong, but for the benefit of the Church, which controls them. It is here that matters of the most secret nature are discussed and decided [like the present Crusade against Islam, the attack into Afghanistan commencing on the anniversary of the naval Battle of Lepanto when the Armada of the Pope’s Knights of Malta destroyed the Armada of the Islamic Ottoman Turks on October 7, 1571. It is here that alliances . . . are arranged, and political treaties are agreed on.”
The Black Pope - Mary Cusack (former nun) 1896, pg. 106.
ALL POPES believe they are GOD!
“For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the one true God.”
Pope Innocent III - Antichrist of the Dark Ages, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
“We [the Popes] hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.
Undeniable evidence mouthed repeatedly over 6 centuries of the threat by the Roman Cult to RULE the EARTH! This REMAINS the major threat TODAY!
“For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the one true God.”
Pope Innocent III - Antichrist of the Dark Ages, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
“We [the Popes] hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.
Undeniable evidence mouthed repeatedly over 6 centuries of the threat by the Roman Cult to RULE the EARTH! This REMAINS the major threat TODAY!
“But if our hopes in this should be blasted, and since offences of necessity will come, our political schemes must be cunningly varied, according to the different posture of the times; and princes, our intimates, whom we can influence to follow our counsels, must be pushed on to embroil themselves in vigorous wars one with another, to the end, our Society (as promoters of the universal good of the world,) may on all hands be solicited to contribute its assistance, and always employed in being mediators of public dissensions: . . . ”
Ignatius Loyola - Founder, 1st Jesuit General, 1540-1556, "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," 1540.
This has NOT changed! The JESUITS continue to execute this MANDATE of Loyola today with ferocious tenacity and heartless cruelty toward the people of the Earth!
“But if our hopes in this should be blasted, and since offences of necessity will come, our political schemes must be cunningly varied, according to the different posture of the times; and princes, our intimates, whom we can influence to follow our counsels, must be pushed on to embroil themselves in vigorous wars one with another, to the end, our Society (as promoters of the universal good of the world,) may on all hands be solicited to contribute its assistance, and always employed in being mediators of public dissensions: . . . ”
Ignatius Loyola - Founder, 1st Jesuit General, 1540-1556, "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," 1540.
This has NOT changed! The JESUITS continue to execute this MANDATE of Loyola today with ferocious tenacity and heartless cruelty toward the people of the Earth!

Dear Reader
History has been REVISED by Jesuit authors to the point where it almost doesn't make sense. So much detail has been OMITTED and or EXAGGERATED that reference to the Jesuits and their connection to historical events is often difficult to ascertain. However, the truth can readily be found by perusing the writings of Jesuit authors and otherwise who were contemporary to their times and described events accurately and without bias. Original historical pictures and text when combined, paint an ominous picture of "diabolical cunning" in covering up the truth about Jesuit involvement. Many scholarly books warning about the Jesuits have been "disappeared" by the Jesuits through their worldwide media conglomerate and are no longer available for purchase, some only as Pdf's. Nevertheless, the truth will come OUT regardless of Rome's efforts to suppress it!
In this article i will attempt to CUT THROUGH the MYTHS surrounding 2 of the most influential characters in modern world history and give a simplified account of who they were and why they did what they did! Feel free to make your own judgements!
Download free "out of print" Pdf books about the JESUIT order at:
History has been REVISED by Jesuit authors to the point where it almost doesn't make sense. So much detail has been OMITTED and or EXAGGERATED that reference to the Jesuits and their connection to historical events is often difficult to ascertain. However, the truth can readily be found by perusing the writings of Jesuit authors and otherwise who were contemporary to their times and described events accurately and without bias. Original historical pictures and text when combined, paint an ominous picture of "diabolical cunning" in covering up the truth about Jesuit involvement. Many scholarly books warning about the Jesuits have been "disappeared" by the Jesuits through their worldwide media conglomerate and are no longer available for purchase, some only as Pdf's. Nevertheless, the truth will come OUT regardless of Rome's efforts to suppress it!
In this article i will attempt to CUT THROUGH the MYTHS surrounding 2 of the most influential characters in modern world history and give a simplified account of who they were and why they did what they did! Feel free to make your own judgements!
Download free "out of print" Pdf books about the JESUIT order at:

Napoleon Bonaparte: Jesuit Agent & Servant Of Rome
Few people know that Napoleon, (1769-1821) born on the island of Corsica, was raised by Roman Catholic parents and educated first by nuns until the age of 9 and then by the Jesuits in France. He spent only 4 months, January to May 1779 at the Autun Academy near Aix, then was transferred to the Brienne Le Chateau military school for 6 years until 1784. Then he was sent to the Ecole Militaire in Paris finishing a 2 year course in 1 year. This was all funded by a "scholarship" but of course the identity of the patron is undisclosed.
I maintain the Jesuits saw potential in Napoleon from the time he was young and with his parents agreement, funded him, grooming him as an obedient "hammer" of vengeance, to crush the enemies of the Jesuits; Popes, the Kings and Queens of Europe who expelled them, other Catholic orders and the Muslims. This he was to do, changing the political and spiritual face of Europe forever and laying the foundation for the Jesuit's future, Luciferian New World Order!
Few people know that Napoleon, (1769-1821) born on the island of Corsica, was raised by Roman Catholic parents and educated first by nuns until the age of 9 and then by the Jesuits in France. He spent only 4 months, January to May 1779 at the Autun Academy near Aix, then was transferred to the Brienne Le Chateau military school for 6 years until 1784. Then he was sent to the Ecole Militaire in Paris finishing a 2 year course in 1 year. This was all funded by a "scholarship" but of course the identity of the patron is undisclosed.
I maintain the Jesuits saw potential in Napoleon from the time he was young and with his parents agreement, funded him, grooming him as an obedient "hammer" of vengeance, to crush the enemies of the Jesuits; Popes, the Kings and Queens of Europe who expelled them, other Catholic orders and the Muslims. This he was to do, changing the political and spiritual face of Europe forever and laying the foundation for the Jesuit's future, Luciferian New World Order!

The Making Of A HAMMER: Napoleon's Progress 1785 - 1799
The rise of Napoleon to ruler of France cannot be understood unless it is within the context of a "hidden hand" assisting him every step of the way. His involvement in the complex Corsican "nationalist" struggle while at the same time fighting for France, one of the 3 protagonists involved, is inexplicable. "He was a supporter of the republican Jacobin movement, organising clubs in Corsica." - (Wikipedia.) The Jacobins were vicious Masonic thugs controlled by the Jesuits under the guise of "Illuminati." The Jesuits are MASTER political and military agitators using a vast resource of historical knowledge to usurp advantage over their enemies. All 4th vow Jesuits are highly trained in numerous academic fields and are military tacticians. The Jesuits always use a 3rd party to do their "dirty work" while they appear "unconnected" to major political and spiritual events!
Their tactic is always the same: INFILTRATE and SUBVERT their enemies secretly from behind the scenes! This behaviour is in "full" accord with their "bloody" oaths!
It is vital to remember here that in 1773 the Jesuits had already been suppressed by order of Pope Clement XIV so Napoleon was being guided covertly by the Jesuits during his rise to power. Napoleon's adviser (handler) was Emmanuel (Abbie) Joseph Sieyès a Jesuit trained clergyman, writer, political theorist and founding father of the "Social Sciences." He was a major player and took 6 key positions of political power at critical moments during the 10 years of the Revolution ensuring Napoleon's hold on power and rise to the place of "emperor." This description of him by his associates is very chilling; that of a cold and dispassionate man.
"Although Sieyès was passionate about his ideologies, he had a rather uninvolved social life. His journals and papers held much information about his studies but almost nothing pertaining to his personal life. His associates referred to him as cold and vain. In particular, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord remarked that, "Men are in his eyes chess-pieces to be moved, they occupy his mind but say nothing to his heart."
Sieyès: His Life And His Nationalism. Van Deusen, Glyndon, pg 22.
Just as major political leaders today have Jesuits standing behind them so did Napoleon. He did as he was told in exchange for "Earthly" reward. Time and again we read that Napoleon disobeyed commands or left his post or backed the opposing side and yet was NOT reprimanded, punished or SHOT! How is that even possible? Only if powerful people were looking out for him and paving the way forward ... and pave the Jesuits did!
For example, " He was promoted to captain in the regular army in July 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against French troops." - (Wikipedia.) What? A French commander leading a riot against French troops. Isn't that TREASON? No problem; instead of punishment or death he was PROMOTED! That's diabolical Jesuitical INVERSION of what is RIGHT! This happens again and again when reading the story of Napoleon's rapid rise to power. Somewhere between 1785 and 1795 Napoleon became a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of Paris. (recorded by Catholic historian Nesta Webster) European Freemasonry was taken over by the Jesuits in 1776 when the Illuminati was created by Adam Weishaupt as a FRONT to conceal the Jesuit's ACTIONS during their 40 year suppression. Napoleon was a Masonic "deist" and the willing servant of the Luciferian Jesuits.
Napoleon understood fully who the Jesuits were and admits it. In exile on St Helena (1815-1821) he wrote; "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." His admission is not one of horror at the realisation but of Luciferian ADMIRATION! The Jesuits used him and then used their English lackeys to assassinate him when he became expendable!
Could Napoleon's warning to us from the grave be any clearer?
The rise of Napoleon to ruler of France cannot be understood unless it is within the context of a "hidden hand" assisting him every step of the way. His involvement in the complex Corsican "nationalist" struggle while at the same time fighting for France, one of the 3 protagonists involved, is inexplicable. "He was a supporter of the republican Jacobin movement, organising clubs in Corsica." - (Wikipedia.) The Jacobins were vicious Masonic thugs controlled by the Jesuits under the guise of "Illuminati." The Jesuits are MASTER political and military agitators using a vast resource of historical knowledge to usurp advantage over their enemies. All 4th vow Jesuits are highly trained in numerous academic fields and are military tacticians. The Jesuits always use a 3rd party to do their "dirty work" while they appear "unconnected" to major political and spiritual events!
Their tactic is always the same: INFILTRATE and SUBVERT their enemies secretly from behind the scenes! This behaviour is in "full" accord with their "bloody" oaths!
It is vital to remember here that in 1773 the Jesuits had already been suppressed by order of Pope Clement XIV so Napoleon was being guided covertly by the Jesuits during his rise to power. Napoleon's adviser (handler) was Emmanuel (Abbie) Joseph Sieyès a Jesuit trained clergyman, writer, political theorist and founding father of the "Social Sciences." He was a major player and took 6 key positions of political power at critical moments during the 10 years of the Revolution ensuring Napoleon's hold on power and rise to the place of "emperor." This description of him by his associates is very chilling; that of a cold and dispassionate man.
"Although Sieyès was passionate about his ideologies, he had a rather uninvolved social life. His journals and papers held much information about his studies but almost nothing pertaining to his personal life. His associates referred to him as cold and vain. In particular, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord remarked that, "Men are in his eyes chess-pieces to be moved, they occupy his mind but say nothing to his heart."
Sieyès: His Life And His Nationalism. Van Deusen, Glyndon, pg 22.
Just as major political leaders today have Jesuits standing behind them so did Napoleon. He did as he was told in exchange for "Earthly" reward. Time and again we read that Napoleon disobeyed commands or left his post or backed the opposing side and yet was NOT reprimanded, punished or SHOT! How is that even possible? Only if powerful people were looking out for him and paving the way forward ... and pave the Jesuits did!
For example, " He was promoted to captain in the regular army in July 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against French troops." - (Wikipedia.) What? A French commander leading a riot against French troops. Isn't that TREASON? No problem; instead of punishment or death he was PROMOTED! That's diabolical Jesuitical INVERSION of what is RIGHT! This happens again and again when reading the story of Napoleon's rapid rise to power. Somewhere between 1785 and 1795 Napoleon became a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of Paris. (recorded by Catholic historian Nesta Webster) European Freemasonry was taken over by the Jesuits in 1776 when the Illuminati was created by Adam Weishaupt as a FRONT to conceal the Jesuit's ACTIONS during their 40 year suppression. Napoleon was a Masonic "deist" and the willing servant of the Luciferian Jesuits.
Napoleon understood fully who the Jesuits were and admits it. In exile on St Helena (1815-1821) he wrote; "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." His admission is not one of horror at the realisation but of Luciferian ADMIRATION! The Jesuits used him and then used their English lackeys to assassinate him when he became expendable!
Could Napoleon's warning to us from the grave be any clearer?

In 1792 Napoleon was promoted to Captain in the French regular army. He's already proven his "revolutionary" salt to his ghostly superiors in Corsica. In 1793 as artillery commander of the "Army of Italy" he is wounded during the "Siege of Toulon" and promoted to brigadier general at the age of 24. He is made commander of forces guarding the Republican National Convention in 1795 repulsing the royalist forces becoming famous and thus promoted to Commander of the Interior and Commander of the Army of Italy. In 1797 after a succession of victories in the Italian campaign, France controls northern Italy, Venice, the Lowland countries and brings Austria to heel. Between 1797 and 1799 Napoleon drives the Knights Hospitaller (later Knights Of Malta) out of Malta, crushes the Mamluk ruling caste in Egypt and lays brutal seige to coastal towns like Jaffa and Acre in the Ottoman territory of Syria and Galilee in order to establish French control of the trade route to India via the Middle East. Or so the books say! Looks more like Roman Catholic payback to the Muslims who opposed the popes attempts to capture Jerusalem and the Holy Land during the 4 major crusades between 1096 and 1291.
On November 9, (911) 1799, Napoleon, by re-writing the constitution and fudging the numbers in a "rigged plebiscite" gets himself elected as "first consul" and effectively becomes dictator of France.
** Remember that the "bloody" French Revolution is happening simultaneously between 1789 and 1799 while Napoleon is campaigning in the field punishing the Jesuit's enemies and that he becomes "Dictator of France" on the same date that the "revolution" ends; November 9, 1799! If you call that coincidence then you just aren't paying attention. This was all PLANNED by the Jesuits down to the exact day and month they wanted - 911 which has very HIGH occult significance to Luciferians.
On November 9, (911) 1799, Napoleon, by re-writing the constitution and fudging the numbers in a "rigged plebiscite" gets himself elected as "first consul" and effectively becomes dictator of France.
** Remember that the "bloody" French Revolution is happening simultaneously between 1789 and 1799 while Napoleon is campaigning in the field punishing the Jesuit's enemies and that he becomes "Dictator of France" on the same date that the "revolution" ends; November 9, 1799! If you call that coincidence then you just aren't paying attention. This was all PLANNED by the Jesuits down to the exact day and month they wanted - 911 which has very HIGH occult significance to Luciferians.

Napoleon isn't done yet! In 1800 he crushes the Austrians in Northern Italy and by 1802 has signed a treaty with the British. Using political intrigue and assassination plots against him he harnesses "sympathy" and gets himself elected as "Emperor" in 1804, believing himself to be a Roman "Caesar." The Jesuits had re-created a new Roman Empire. Don't think so? Napoleon was crowned with a gold Roman "laurel wreathe" and a replica of "Charlemagne's" crown was also made but Napoleon refused to wear it. Napoleon greatly admired the Romans and preferred being the new Augustus CAESAR! of the Jesuit's new created Holy Roman Empire.
** Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Emperor crowned in AD 800 on December 25th. You just can't make this stuff up! December 25 is the height of the Luciferian winter solstice, later to become "Christ mass" a pagan Roman Catholic celebration of Saturnalia! It's all Luciferian!
** Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Emperor crowned in AD 800 on December 25th. You just can't make this stuff up! December 25 is the height of the Luciferian winter solstice, later to become "Christ mass" a pagan Roman Catholic celebration of Saturnalia! It's all Luciferian!

Between 1805 and 1814 Napoleon waged an ongoing campaign of battles against 3 more coalitions of European nations. Examining the different alliances and counter alliances, battles that were thrown and decisions that resulted in ultimate defeat we see the rise and then steady decline of Napoleon but even more telling we see the Jesuit hand manoeuvring the European powers like chess pieces on a board. Is it possible to display such genius in some battles (Austerlitz, Jena and Auerstedt) and then stupidity in others (Leipzig, Aspern-Essling and Waterloo?) With Napoleon, this contradiction is what we see.
Napoleon's Russian campaign is telling. He waited until June 24, 1812 to invade but the Russians kept retreating and stalling until September 7 when they finally engaged Napoleon near Moscow. Defeated, the Russians burned Moscow and retreated again. Napoleon waited another 5 weeks before making a decision to return to France. Of course the winter snows trapped the French army and more than 350.000 men perished from exposure and the Cossack sword. Napoleon, like a coward abandoned his army to their fate and fled back to Paris in a sled.
This was the Jesuits destroying the youthful "republican" manhood of France. They would do EXACTLY the same using Hitler with the "Operation Barbarossa" invasion of Russia in 1941. Hitler would ignore the advice of his generals resulting in an estimated 830.000 men lost in battle and as a result of the extreme winter conditions. Hitler, like Napoleon also delayed his invasion by 2 weeks for unexplained reasons, contributing greatly to the failure of the campaign.
Napoleon's Russian campaign is telling. He waited until June 24, 1812 to invade but the Russians kept retreating and stalling until September 7 when they finally engaged Napoleon near Moscow. Defeated, the Russians burned Moscow and retreated again. Napoleon waited another 5 weeks before making a decision to return to France. Of course the winter snows trapped the French army and more than 350.000 men perished from exposure and the Cossack sword. Napoleon, like a coward abandoned his army to their fate and fled back to Paris in a sled.
This was the Jesuits destroying the youthful "republican" manhood of France. They would do EXACTLY the same using Hitler with the "Operation Barbarossa" invasion of Russia in 1941. Hitler would ignore the advice of his generals resulting in an estimated 830.000 men lost in battle and as a result of the extreme winter conditions. Hitler, like Napoleon also delayed his invasion by 2 weeks for unexplained reasons, contributing greatly to the failure of the campaign.
“There is no record in history of an association whose organisation has stood for three hundred years unchanged and unaltered by all the assaults of men and time, and which has exercised such an immense influence over the destinies of mankind . . . ‘The ends justify the means,’ is his favourite maxim; and as his only end, as we have shewn, is the order, at its bidding the Jesuit is ready to commit any crime whatsoever.”
History of the Jesuits - G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 [Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England]

Napoleon continued to fight on against a coalition of European powers after his disaster in Russia. Again he delayed in his tactics (why?) allowing his enemies to gain the upper hand so that by 1814 the game is up as they close in on him. He is banished to the island of Elba and the European powers then squabble over a "peace plan" for Europe at the Congress of Vienna between Nov. 1814 and June 1815. Miraculously, Napoleon escapes (How?) and on Feb. 26 he's back in France with full support of the army and leaders (How?) beginning a new campaign. He is then defeated at Waterloo by Wellington and Leberecht von Blucher where he throws the battle to the English. Why?
Well, because, the Jesuits used the news of the battle to feign defeat of the British and take control of the Bank of England through their servant Nathan Mayer Rothschild who bought up what were suddenly deemed as worthless stocks at pennies in the pound before his ruse was uncovered! The Bank of England is still controlled by the Jesuits today!
** Napoleon is a "pawn" in the hands of the Jesuits. Abbe Sieyes gives him his orders and he complies. A victory here, a defeat there according to the Jesuit plan for the chessboard of Europe! In the end they checkmate him, killing him with arsenic in exile! Did he see it coming? The ignoble end of a HAMMER of VENGEANCE used to smash the non-compliant monarchs of Europe and eliminate the protestant peoples!
Between 1789 and 1815 the Jesuits brilliantly killed many birds with one stone. They 1) got rid of their obedient "Hammer," Napoleon in 1815, after using him to crush the Kings and Queens of Europe, they 2) took revenge on their enemy the Dominican order, assassinating thousands of priests during the French Revolution, they 3) did the same with their political enemies, beheading, shooting and imprisoning more than 50.000 victims, they 4) formed a "Holy Alliance" through their tool Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria with the monarchs of Europe through the Congress of Vienna and later the secret "Treaty of Verona" in 1822 to suppress all attempts by the peoples of Europe for "popular" government, they 5) expanded their "nascent" American Empire with the "bargain basement" purchase of the "Louisiana" territory for $15 million and finally 6) resurfaced "triumphant" from "suppression" on Aug. 7, 1814 nearly 41 years later in almost total control of Europe under the guise of the mysterious, "Illuminati."
Well, because, the Jesuits used the news of the battle to feign defeat of the British and take control of the Bank of England through their servant Nathan Mayer Rothschild who bought up what were suddenly deemed as worthless stocks at pennies in the pound before his ruse was uncovered! The Bank of England is still controlled by the Jesuits today!
** Napoleon is a "pawn" in the hands of the Jesuits. Abbe Sieyes gives him his orders and he complies. A victory here, a defeat there according to the Jesuit plan for the chessboard of Europe! In the end they checkmate him, killing him with arsenic in exile! Did he see it coming? The ignoble end of a HAMMER of VENGEANCE used to smash the non-compliant monarchs of Europe and eliminate the protestant peoples!
Between 1789 and 1815 the Jesuits brilliantly killed many birds with one stone. They 1) got rid of their obedient "Hammer," Napoleon in 1815, after using him to crush the Kings and Queens of Europe, they 2) took revenge on their enemy the Dominican order, assassinating thousands of priests during the French Revolution, they 3) did the same with their political enemies, beheading, shooting and imprisoning more than 50.000 victims, they 4) formed a "Holy Alliance" through their tool Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria with the monarchs of Europe through the Congress of Vienna and later the secret "Treaty of Verona" in 1822 to suppress all attempts by the peoples of Europe for "popular" government, they 5) expanded their "nascent" American Empire with the "bargain basement" purchase of the "Louisiana" territory for $15 million and finally 6) resurfaced "triumphant" from "suppression" on Aug. 7, 1814 nearly 41 years later in almost total control of Europe under the guise of the mysterious, "Illuminati."
April 30, 1803 - Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to the USA doubling the size of the Jesuit's American Empire.
1809 - Napoleon takes Pope Pius VII prisoner until 1814 when he agrees, under pressure, to lift the suppression on the Jesuits.
April 11, 1814 - Napoleon abdicates and is sent into exile on Elba.
November 1814 - June 22, 1815 - Congress of Vienna is overseen by Jesuit General Tadeusz Brzozowski - Absolute Monarchs Promoting Absolute Despotisms for the next 100 years by war and revolution until the outbreak of WWI in 1914.
August 6, 1814 - Pope Pius VII Papal Bull restores the Jesuit order after 41 years of suppression.
February 26, 1815 - Napoleon escapes and lands in France - start of the 100 days.
June 18, 1815 - Napoleon throws the battle and the Bank of England falls into Jesuit hands.
June 22, 1815 - Napoleon surrenders to the British - start of final exile to St Helena.
May 5, 1821 - Napoleon dies on St Helena after being poisoned with arsenic by the British.
November 22, 1822 - Treaty of Verona agreed upon by the major European political powers to establish absolute rule over the nations of Europe, Russia, America and the nations of the Far East under the Jesuits.
April 30, 1803 - Napoleon sells the Louisiana Purchase to the USA doubling the size of the Jesuit's American Empire.
1809 - Napoleon takes Pope Pius VII prisoner until 1814 when he agrees, under pressure, to lift the suppression on the Jesuits.
April 11, 1814 - Napoleon abdicates and is sent into exile on Elba.
November 1814 - June 22, 1815 - Congress of Vienna is overseen by Jesuit General Tadeusz Brzozowski - Absolute Monarchs Promoting Absolute Despotisms for the next 100 years by war and revolution until the outbreak of WWI in 1914.
August 6, 1814 - Pope Pius VII Papal Bull restores the Jesuit order after 41 years of suppression.
February 26, 1815 - Napoleon escapes and lands in France - start of the 100 days.
June 18, 1815 - Napoleon throws the battle and the Bank of England falls into Jesuit hands.
June 22, 1815 - Napoleon surrenders to the British - start of final exile to St Helena.
May 5, 1821 - Napoleon dies on St Helena after being poisoned with arsenic by the British.
November 22, 1822 - Treaty of Verona agreed upon by the major European political powers to establish absolute rule over the nations of Europe, Russia, America and the nations of the Far East under the Jesuits.
“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.”
The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers - M. Josephson, 1968, American Physician & Historian
“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.”
The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers - M. Josephson, 1968, American Physician & Historian
"Being one of the greatest enigmas of history, Napoleon was a tool of the Order. As a result of the Order’s Suppression in 1773, Napoleon, believing the people should not have the Bible in their own language pursuant to the Council of Trent, was brought to power out of Corsica, the Order’s island fortress. Through Bonaparte’s military exploits the Jesuits imprisoned the Papal Caesar and drove the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe into exile until they had learned their lesson to never interfere with the POWER of the Black Pope.
Here we see the great betrayal by the Emperor as he abandons his Grande Armee of 250,000? men to the snows and Cossacks of Russia in 1812. Those brave men, truly believing they were fighting for liberty, could not be allowed to return to France, the Order intending to reduce Europe to the tyranny of the Holy Alliance. To further dash the hopes of the French, Napoleon, betrayed by his Jesuit masters including the Jesuit-trained coadjutor Abbe Sieyes, was confined to St. Helena, an island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and in due time given the Order’s “poison cup” by his detested English jailer in 1821."
Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, Vol. XIV, p. 748.
"Being one of the greatest enigmas of history, Napoleon was a tool of the Order. As a result of the Order’s Suppression in 1773, Napoleon, believing the people should not have the Bible in their own language pursuant to the Council of Trent, was brought to power out of Corsica, the Order’s island fortress. Through Bonaparte’s military exploits the Jesuits imprisoned the Papal Caesar and drove the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe into exile until they had learned their lesson to never interfere with the POWER of the Black Pope.
Here we see the great betrayal by the Emperor as he abandons his Grande Armee of 250,000? men to the snows and Cossacks of Russia in 1812. Those brave men, truly believing they were fighting for liberty, could not be allowed to return to France, the Order intending to reduce Europe to the tyranny of the Holy Alliance. To further dash the hopes of the French, Napoleon, betrayed by his Jesuit masters including the Jesuit-trained coadjutor Abbe Sieyes, was confined to St. Helena, an island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and in due time given the Order’s “poison cup” by his detested English jailer in 1821."
Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, Vol. XIV, p. 748.
By 1822, the stage is set for the Jesuits to move their plan for world domination forward under the leadership of Johannes Philip Roothaan, 21st Superior General of the Jesuits between 1829 and 1853. The plans are set for the American Civil War between 1861 and 1865 to "divide" America and suppress democratic "autonomy." The Jesuits will incite a multitude of wars in every part of the world using European Empires subservient to Rome to militarily suppress all attempts at establishing popular government and "self rule" by indigenous peoples.
The Holy Alliance of 1815 had consisted of Russia led by the Romanoffs, Prussia led by the Hohenzollerns and Austria led by the Hapsburgs but by 1914 all three had long abandoned Rome, asserting their independence and thwarting the Jesuit's master plan. The Jesuits were enraged and embroiled Protestant Lutheran Prussian Germany and Austria in the First World War ending in their defeat and humiliation by 1918. Then in 1917 they orchestrated the Bolshevist Revolution in Russia, assassinating the royal family and turning the country into a Marxist hell hole.
These events set the scene on the world stage for the events that followed a few decades later in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan culminating in World War 2.
The Jesuits had orchestrated WWI and now they would finish the job with WWII completing their second 30 year war against Protestant Christianity!
The Holy Alliance of 1815 had consisted of Russia led by the Romanoffs, Prussia led by the Hohenzollerns and Austria led by the Hapsburgs but by 1914 all three had long abandoned Rome, asserting their independence and thwarting the Jesuit's master plan. The Jesuits were enraged and embroiled Protestant Lutheran Prussian Germany and Austria in the First World War ending in their defeat and humiliation by 1918. Then in 1917 they orchestrated the Bolshevist Revolution in Russia, assassinating the royal family and turning the country into a Marxist hell hole.
These events set the scene on the world stage for the events that followed a few decades later in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan culminating in World War 2.
The Jesuits had orchestrated WWI and now they would finish the job with WWII completing their second 30 year war against Protestant Christianity!

Adolf Hitler: The New Napoleon - Jesuit Agent & Servant of Rome
Like Napoleon, Hitler was raised Roman Catholic by Roman Catholic parents and remained a servant of the Roman religion. The myths about him being half Jewish are just nonsense; a Jesuit attempt to create confusion over his origins. This can be confirmed with a basic fact check. He was born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara Pölzl on April, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Irregardless of what has been written about Hitler and the stories are numerous; he remained a Roman Catholic all his life and there is a textual and pictorial record to prove it!
"In 1941, Hitler told General Gerhart Engel: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” He never left the church. He was baptised a Roman Catholic as an infant and was a communicant and altar boy in his youth."
Taken from: "Hitler Was A Good Catholic"
There isn't enough solid textual information to prove conclusively that he was a Freemason or sympathetic to their cause as most of the Masonic lodges in Germany were eventually closed down by Hitler's administration except for one favoured chapter, thus creating the "illusion" that the Nazis were anti Masonic. However, the TRUTH is in the photos where we see Hitler flashing Masonic signs indicating he was indeed a "Masonic" adept!
He was an occultist as well as Catholic, demonstrating that both "dovetail" together, CONTRARY to all the false claims of the RC church that Freemasonry is the "enemy" of the church! His mentor Dietrich Eckhart was a member of the Thule Society. They met when Hitler joined the DAP (German Workers Party) (later NSDAP -Nazi Party) in Munich sometime in 1919 as an undercover agent while still in the army. Hitler despite all his rhetoric, was a Luciferian (both Roman Catholicism & Thule are occult - satanic) serving Satan all the while proclaiming God and Christianity! Remember, Catholicism is NOT Christianity!
Hitler appears to have said and been so many conflicting things and rubbed shoulders with so many different kinds of people (leading to contradictions and opacity on his life) in his rise to prominence from obscurity but it is his almost invisible connections to the Jesuits (likely through Masonry) that appears to escape the notice of even prominent historians. This is in spite of the documented evidence that Himmler was a Jesuit, Himmler's uncle was a Jesuit and the SS was modelled on the Jesuit Order. This is openly stated in documents. Why is this ignored? Well, because no book laying the blame for WWII at the feet of the Jesuits will EVER make the bestseller list, let alone get approved for publishing! It might even get the author killed for his troubles!
Just like Napoleon, close study reveals how Hitler was assisted every step of the way up to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933 (a year of "High" occult significance) and then "Fuhrer" (Leader) the very next year. How is this possible?
Many will argue that he was saying the right things and was popular and so had the full support of his party and the German people. This may be true to some extent but it ignores the powers behind the scenes pulling strings making Hitler's rapid ascent to power possible, just as it did for Napoleon.
The truth is visible in Hitler's HAND SIGNS, which are MASONIC and the Freemasons (all secret societies) had come under Jesuit control by 1814!
Like Napoleon, Hitler was raised Roman Catholic by Roman Catholic parents and remained a servant of the Roman religion. The myths about him being half Jewish are just nonsense; a Jesuit attempt to create confusion over his origins. This can be confirmed with a basic fact check. He was born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara Pölzl on April, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Irregardless of what has been written about Hitler and the stories are numerous; he remained a Roman Catholic all his life and there is a textual and pictorial record to prove it!
"In 1941, Hitler told General Gerhart Engel: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” He never left the church. He was baptised a Roman Catholic as an infant and was a communicant and altar boy in his youth."
Taken from: "Hitler Was A Good Catholic"
There isn't enough solid textual information to prove conclusively that he was a Freemason or sympathetic to their cause as most of the Masonic lodges in Germany were eventually closed down by Hitler's administration except for one favoured chapter, thus creating the "illusion" that the Nazis were anti Masonic. However, the TRUTH is in the photos where we see Hitler flashing Masonic signs indicating he was indeed a "Masonic" adept!
He was an occultist as well as Catholic, demonstrating that both "dovetail" together, CONTRARY to all the false claims of the RC church that Freemasonry is the "enemy" of the church! His mentor Dietrich Eckhart was a member of the Thule Society. They met when Hitler joined the DAP (German Workers Party) (later NSDAP -Nazi Party) in Munich sometime in 1919 as an undercover agent while still in the army. Hitler despite all his rhetoric, was a Luciferian (both Roman Catholicism & Thule are occult - satanic) serving Satan all the while proclaiming God and Christianity! Remember, Catholicism is NOT Christianity!
Hitler appears to have said and been so many conflicting things and rubbed shoulders with so many different kinds of people (leading to contradictions and opacity on his life) in his rise to prominence from obscurity but it is his almost invisible connections to the Jesuits (likely through Masonry) that appears to escape the notice of even prominent historians. This is in spite of the documented evidence that Himmler was a Jesuit, Himmler's uncle was a Jesuit and the SS was modelled on the Jesuit Order. This is openly stated in documents. Why is this ignored? Well, because no book laying the blame for WWII at the feet of the Jesuits will EVER make the bestseller list, let alone get approved for publishing! It might even get the author killed for his troubles!
Just like Napoleon, close study reveals how Hitler was assisted every step of the way up to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933 (a year of "High" occult significance) and then "Fuhrer" (Leader) the very next year. How is this possible?
Many will argue that he was saying the right things and was popular and so had the full support of his party and the German people. This may be true to some extent but it ignores the powers behind the scenes pulling strings making Hitler's rapid ascent to power possible, just as it did for Napoleon.
The truth is visible in Hitler's HAND SIGNS, which are MASONIC and the Freemasons (all secret societies) had come under Jesuit control by 1814!

Hitler And Cardinal Pacelli: The Vatican Connection
Let's get something straight right here. What is TOLD in any "official" narrative is always a LIE! This whole world operates on LIES. This is how the DECEPTION is maintained by the Jesuits of Rome. They have written history and that history is a TOTAL FABRICATION containing small fragments of truth.
Hitler was boosted into power by the Jesuit HIDDEN HAND and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was the facilitator under instructions of undoubtedly the most wicked Jesuit Superior General who ever drew breath; Wlodimir Ledóchowski! These 2 men orchestrated every aspect of Hitler's regime prior to and during WWII. There's always 2 sides to a story and sometimes 3. If you are unfamiliar with the Jesuits and their MIND then read their bloody 4th oath HERE and you'll understand what their evil goal is and the means they will resort to in order to obtain it!
Hitler APPEARED to care for the plight of the German people but the truth is, his REAL mission was to REBUILD and then DESTROY (smash) Germany and lay waste to its Protestant Christian heritage as well as the Jews. To CRUSH the German peoples into submission once and for all. Hard to believe? It is a fact. The Jesuits used Hitler and his friends Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Roosevelt, Hirohito and Churchill to WASTE Europe, Russia and Asia so they could inaugurate the Jesuit's 44 year 'COLD WAR" in preparation to REBUILD them into an atheistic LUCIFERIAN EMPIRE. These men weren't ENEMIES as history declares them to be! They were acting together for a "COMMON CAUSE" ... a New World Order in which they believed!
Dear reader, these men were following instructions from the Jesuits every step of the way! Hard to believe i know but it is a FACT! All these world leaders were TRAITORS to their people, CARRYING OUT a Jesuit plan that resulted in the EXTERMINATION of tens of millions of people both civilian and military! They were all controlled and are VILLAINS not HEROES!
Today we see the New World Order they have created out of the United Nations. WWII was just another INQUISITION PROGRAM to further the JESUITICAL COUNTER REFORMATION against Biblical Christianity begun in 1567 after the evil Council of Trent concluded! Today, Europe, Russia and Asia are fundamentally godless, pagan, atheistic, Roman Catholic strongholds.
** The photo evidence of the full involvement of the Roman Catholic Church with Hitler's "Third Reich" is damning. The Vatican's repeated plea of innocence based on "not knowing" and "not wanting to get involved in politics" is HYPOCRISY beyond belief. The VATICAN is a POLITICAL STATE and was continually updated on actions taken by the Nazi regime. This is documented in a continuous stream of letters and communication sent and received by the Pope's confirming their guilt!
Let's get something straight right here. What is TOLD in any "official" narrative is always a LIE! This whole world operates on LIES. This is how the DECEPTION is maintained by the Jesuits of Rome. They have written history and that history is a TOTAL FABRICATION containing small fragments of truth.
Hitler was boosted into power by the Jesuit HIDDEN HAND and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was the facilitator under instructions of undoubtedly the most wicked Jesuit Superior General who ever drew breath; Wlodimir Ledóchowski! These 2 men orchestrated every aspect of Hitler's regime prior to and during WWII. There's always 2 sides to a story and sometimes 3. If you are unfamiliar with the Jesuits and their MIND then read their bloody 4th oath HERE and you'll understand what their evil goal is and the means they will resort to in order to obtain it!
Hitler APPEARED to care for the plight of the German people but the truth is, his REAL mission was to REBUILD and then DESTROY (smash) Germany and lay waste to its Protestant Christian heritage as well as the Jews. To CRUSH the German peoples into submission once and for all. Hard to believe? It is a fact. The Jesuits used Hitler and his friends Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Roosevelt, Hirohito and Churchill to WASTE Europe, Russia and Asia so they could inaugurate the Jesuit's 44 year 'COLD WAR" in preparation to REBUILD them into an atheistic LUCIFERIAN EMPIRE. These men weren't ENEMIES as history declares them to be! They were acting together for a "COMMON CAUSE" ... a New World Order in which they believed!
Dear reader, these men were following instructions from the Jesuits every step of the way! Hard to believe i know but it is a FACT! All these world leaders were TRAITORS to their people, CARRYING OUT a Jesuit plan that resulted in the EXTERMINATION of tens of millions of people both civilian and military! They were all controlled and are VILLAINS not HEROES!
Today we see the New World Order they have created out of the United Nations. WWII was just another INQUISITION PROGRAM to further the JESUITICAL COUNTER REFORMATION against Biblical Christianity begun in 1567 after the evil Council of Trent concluded! Today, Europe, Russia and Asia are fundamentally godless, pagan, atheistic, Roman Catholic strongholds.
** The photo evidence of the full involvement of the Roman Catholic Church with Hitler's "Third Reich" is damning. The Vatican's repeated plea of innocence based on "not knowing" and "not wanting to get involved in politics" is HYPOCRISY beyond belief. The VATICAN is a POLITICAL STATE and was continually updated on actions taken by the Nazi regime. This is documented in a continuous stream of letters and communication sent and received by the Pope's confirming their guilt!

Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli came from a family that was closely linked to the Papal families (Black Nobility) and rose through the ranks rapidly. His brother Francesco, a canon lawyer helped negotiate the Lateran Treaty with Benito Mussolini which gave birth to the Vatican State in 1929. This is a very significant event in world history. A church became a country? Can anyone see something WRONG with that?
You can read all the details about Pacelli's rise to power HERE.
Pacelli was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Germany on June 23, 1920 and carried out secret negotiations with Hitler during his rise to power in the 1920's. Let's have a look at this amazing "convergence."
In 1933 Hitler is Chancellor, Pacelli is Nuncio. That same year a "Reichskonkordat" is signed between the Roman church and the Nazi government of Germany. (A "concordat" is a treaty pledging allegiance and OBEDIENCE to the Pope of Rome.) All the garbage written about a silent war between the Pope and Hitler is pure nonsense written for gullible people! They were all WORKING TOGETHER to fulfil the Jesuit's PLAN for EUROPE! It was and still is, all about CONQUEST!
Pacelli is rewarded for his cooperation with the Jesuits and promoted to POPE, 6 years later on March 2, 1939, becoming Pope Pius XII. Only very wicked men go to the top and Pacelli was wicked. His predecessor Pope Pius XI said so before he died.
He stated, "When today the Pope dies, you'll get another one tomorrow, because the Church continues. It would be a much bigger tragedy, if Cardinal Pacelli dies, because there is only one. I pray every day, God may send another one into one of our seminaries, but as of today, there is only one in this world."
Satanic inversion flips the meaning so it actually reads; "he is so evil, there is only one like him in the world."
Hitler is also rewarded with the top position as Fuhrer of Germany the next year as part of the deal and the stage is set for the commencement of the Jesuit Vatican WWII.
You can read all the details about Pacelli's rise to power HERE.
Pacelli was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Germany on June 23, 1920 and carried out secret negotiations with Hitler during his rise to power in the 1920's. Let's have a look at this amazing "convergence."
In 1933 Hitler is Chancellor, Pacelli is Nuncio. That same year a "Reichskonkordat" is signed between the Roman church and the Nazi government of Germany. (A "concordat" is a treaty pledging allegiance and OBEDIENCE to the Pope of Rome.) All the garbage written about a silent war between the Pope and Hitler is pure nonsense written for gullible people! They were all WORKING TOGETHER to fulfil the Jesuit's PLAN for EUROPE! It was and still is, all about CONQUEST!
Pacelli is rewarded for his cooperation with the Jesuits and promoted to POPE, 6 years later on March 2, 1939, becoming Pope Pius XII. Only very wicked men go to the top and Pacelli was wicked. His predecessor Pope Pius XI said so before he died.
He stated, "When today the Pope dies, you'll get another one tomorrow, because the Church continues. It would be a much bigger tragedy, if Cardinal Pacelli dies, because there is only one. I pray every day, God may send another one into one of our seminaries, but as of today, there is only one in this world."
Satanic inversion flips the meaning so it actually reads; "he is so evil, there is only one like him in the world."
Hitler is also rewarded with the top position as Fuhrer of Germany the next year as part of the deal and the stage is set for the commencement of the Jesuit Vatican WWII.
Following is Hitler's open admission that he is carrying on the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church persecuting, incarcerating, torturing and killing Jews and Christians in the belief he is doing service to God!
"As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organisation of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organisation into my own party.”
Franz von Papen, Hitler's Chancellor made similar statements confirming that this is the accepted program of Hitler's government!
"The Third Reich is the first power that not only recognises, but puts into practice the high principles of the Papacy."
"Vatican Policy in World Affairs-The Converted Catholic"
This was prophesied by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago!
"They will put you out of the synagogues. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." John 16:2

Hitler's Modus Operandi
Like Napoleon, Hitler will go on to make strange decisions at crucial moments during the war, resulting in plots by top officers to assassinate him. Many historians state that Hitler "should have won." These bad decisions would result in enormous losses of life and in the end, the destruction of Germany and Protestant Christianity. But i'm positing that, that was the Jesuit's intention from the beginning. Hitler was raised up to be an obedient HAMMER of vengeance for the Jesuits. That was his purpose! He was FOLLOWING ORDERS to re-arrange Europe!
It appears all went well between 1933 and 1942 until slowly but surely the wheels started to fall off the war effort after his decisions in the Ukraine offensive. Part of the problem appears to have been Hitler's system of rule which placed him at the top of the hierarchy causing all to rely entirely on his decisions for good or bad.
"Hitler made clear in his speeches that the people formed a pyramid. “At its apex was ‘the genius, the great man.’ . . . The Leader was the ‘central point’ or ‘preserver’ of the ‘idea.’ This demanded, Hitler repeatedly under-lined, blind obedience and loyalty from the followers" (Kershaw, 2008, p. 181).
Read more about the evil Wlodimir Ledochowski SG at:
This is a mirror of the Jesuit "power" structure with the Superior General (Ledochowski between 1939 and 1945) at the apex giving orders to those below. Hitler was megalomaniacal and cruelly vindictive and enjoyed the suffering of others. This is pure Jesuitical behaviour. They enjoy torture and the suffering of others. That's why the Jesuits still control the Office of the Inquisition today, only the title has changed to: "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith."
"In this regard, Hitler was extremely cruel. It was not enough for him to dispose of his enemies once and for all. They had to suffer! The conspirators of July 20, 1944, were not simply killed, they were murdered slowly and excruciatingly (Fest, 2004a, p.1005). The executions were filmed and, on the very same evening, Hitler watched the movies to the “last convulsions of the delinquents" (“letzte Zuckungen der Delinquenten”; Fest, 2004a, p.1006)."
"In this respect, Haffner’s speculation that it was a heart felt matter for Hitler to destroy the German nation was not so fallacious. In the Burned Soil (Vebrannte Erde) Commands (Nero-Befehl; Haffner, 1978, p. 198), Hitler expressed the living conditions he wished for the German people after the war. "None! The best had anyway died and the remaining do not deserve any consideration."
Taken from: A psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler's decision making as commander in chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus
Was Hitler cruel and vindictive toward the German people? Without a doubt, like Napoleon, he was a traitor and tyrant working to a covert ROMAN agenda to WASTE Germany!
Do the German people understand this today? Maybe some but there is a "collective" guilt that cripples them to the present day. Here is a statement made by German writers Dorner and Guss about the BEWITCHING of Germany denying the culpability of the German populace or Hitler, or so it seems!
"What can one do against the dark power of evil? We Germans were just misled. It was not really us who committed these atrocities: It was an overarching dark power that caused us to become members of the Hitler Youth, to become soldiers, and to completely destroy almost all of Europe. We were bewitched. Such a demonising of Hitler only deflects responsibility."
"A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler's Decision Making as Commander In Chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus," Dorner and Guss, pg 48.
Read the full article HERE or download the Pdf:
Like Napoleon, Hitler will go on to make strange decisions at crucial moments during the war, resulting in plots by top officers to assassinate him. Many historians state that Hitler "should have won." These bad decisions would result in enormous losses of life and in the end, the destruction of Germany and Protestant Christianity. But i'm positing that, that was the Jesuit's intention from the beginning. Hitler was raised up to be an obedient HAMMER of vengeance for the Jesuits. That was his purpose! He was FOLLOWING ORDERS to re-arrange Europe!
It appears all went well between 1933 and 1942 until slowly but surely the wheels started to fall off the war effort after his decisions in the Ukraine offensive. Part of the problem appears to have been Hitler's system of rule which placed him at the top of the hierarchy causing all to rely entirely on his decisions for good or bad.
"Hitler made clear in his speeches that the people formed a pyramid. “At its apex was ‘the genius, the great man.’ . . . The Leader was the ‘central point’ or ‘preserver’ of the ‘idea.’ This demanded, Hitler repeatedly under-lined, blind obedience and loyalty from the followers" (Kershaw, 2008, p. 181).
Read more about the evil Wlodimir Ledochowski SG at:
This is a mirror of the Jesuit "power" structure with the Superior General (Ledochowski between 1939 and 1945) at the apex giving orders to those below. Hitler was megalomaniacal and cruelly vindictive and enjoyed the suffering of others. This is pure Jesuitical behaviour. They enjoy torture and the suffering of others. That's why the Jesuits still control the Office of the Inquisition today, only the title has changed to: "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith."
"In this regard, Hitler was extremely cruel. It was not enough for him to dispose of his enemies once and for all. They had to suffer! The conspirators of July 20, 1944, were not simply killed, they were murdered slowly and excruciatingly (Fest, 2004a, p.1005). The executions were filmed and, on the very same evening, Hitler watched the movies to the “last convulsions of the delinquents" (“letzte Zuckungen der Delinquenten”; Fest, 2004a, p.1006)."
"In this respect, Haffner’s speculation that it was a heart felt matter for Hitler to destroy the German nation was not so fallacious. In the Burned Soil (Vebrannte Erde) Commands (Nero-Befehl; Haffner, 1978, p. 198), Hitler expressed the living conditions he wished for the German people after the war. "None! The best had anyway died and the remaining do not deserve any consideration."
Taken from: A psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler's decision making as commander in chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus
Was Hitler cruel and vindictive toward the German people? Without a doubt, like Napoleon, he was a traitor and tyrant working to a covert ROMAN agenda to WASTE Germany!
Do the German people understand this today? Maybe some but there is a "collective" guilt that cripples them to the present day. Here is a statement made by German writers Dorner and Guss about the BEWITCHING of Germany denying the culpability of the German populace or Hitler, or so it seems!
"What can one do against the dark power of evil? We Germans were just misled. It was not really us who committed these atrocities: It was an overarching dark power that caused us to become members of the Hitler Youth, to become soldiers, and to completely destroy almost all of Europe. We were bewitched. Such a demonising of Hitler only deflects responsibility."
"A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler's Decision Making as Commander In Chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus," Dorner and Guss, pg 48.
Read the full article HERE or download the Pdf:

hitlerreviewofgeneralpsycdoernerguess2011__1_.pdf | |
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Watch how Nazi Germany was created by the Roman Catholic Empire!

Here's A Short List of Hitler's "Inexplicable" War Errors
The Dunkirk Evacuation - May 26-June 4, 1940
What happened? Hitler was allowed to be victorious and overrun France early in the piece, cutting off 338.226 British troops so they had to be evacuated. But wait! Hitler just let them go. Why didn't he destroy them? He was told not to, that's why. Why didn't Hitler take the opportunity to attack England at that strategic moment of so called allied weakness? Because he was told not to. Why? The Jesuits wanted a long, protracted war giving them time to destroy their population targets. They needed time (years) to do this.
Battle Of Britain - July 10, 1940
What happened? For 3 months the German airforce bombed England attempting to inflict enough damage and ensuring the success of Operation Sea Lion which was to follow. Why? After enormous losses of aircraft Hitler called a halt and abandoned his planned attempt at invading England by sea. Had he persisted he might have succeeded. Instead he turned his focus to the Eastern forum as he was ordered to do leaving his Western flank open to attack and once again extending the length of the war.
Operation Sea lion - September, 1940
What happened? Nothing! Hitler abandoned his plan for invasion by sea and focused his resources in the opposite direction to confront his fellow Jesuitical coadjutor and friend, Stalin in the East. The reason given is oil but this is just a distraction. The real purpose is the destruction of his army, Stalin's army, civilians and ultimately the vanquished German people. This operation had it gone ahead in tandem with continued aerial bombardment may have been successful!
Operation Barbarossa - June 22, 1941 - January 7, 1942
What happened? Hitler decides to redirect a large part of his army toward Russia just like Napoleon did. Even better, he delays, just as Napoleon did at a critical juncture diminishing his chances of success because of the oncoming Russian winter. Isn't that amazing, he's COPYING Napoleon's ERROR! Why? Is he an idiot? No, he's simply following orders to slowly DESTROY his army in the same manner Napoleon did! Many of these soldiers were Protestant Lutherans. Remember, the Jesuits are a MILITARY ORDER!
It is estimated more than 3 million German personnel were involved in this fatal theatre on the Eastern Front. Stalin, another Jesuit trained stooge, got the chance (under orders) to waste his army to the tune of millions dead and an estimated 5 million Russian men taken as P.O.W's by the Germans of which 3.5 million perished! Fatalities for the german army numbered 830.000. Millions of civilians also perished in the conflict. Some estimate upward of 14 million victims!
The result? An ongoing war of attrition backwards and forwards resulting in the deaths of millions more, ending finally in January 1945 with the capitulation of the German forces. For what? A protracted war designed to waste populations, many people of which are Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish and Catholic persuasion.
It must be remembered here that the German (Nazism,) Italian (Fascism) and Russian (Communism) war machines were constructed and financed by the Jesuit controlled Masonic Wall Street Bankers like Schiff, Warburg, Morgan and Bush in New York. This is a documented fact. Both sides, (Allies & Axis) are being financed and controlled by the same HIDDEN HAND. The Jesuits ALWAYS control both sides and NEVER LOSE in a conflict!
** Remember, the Jesuits took control of the US money supply when they secretly created their Masonic FEDERAL RESERVE bank on December 23, 1913, just in time to print millions in worthless paper, "Fiat" currency to finance their "Inquisitional" war against Germany, WWI! See, "The Monster From Jekyll Island" by historian G. Edward Griffin, 1994, for the facts about this.
Dear Reader
Adolf Hitler and his top men including Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and William Frick were Roman Catholic. Himmler was a Jesuit and modelled the SS on the Jesuit order. Hitler himself stated, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." That implicates the Nazis with the Jesuits in one statement! Under Hitler's Social Democrat government Germany essentially became a Catholic vassal state and "SWORD" of Rome even though only 40% of the population was Catholic. The facts literally scream, Hitler's ties to Rome and his unswerving allegiance to the Pope. Hitler carried out the protocols of the Jesuit order in everything he did. He openly declared his awe and admiration for the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic church just as Napoleon did!
Hitler and his Catholic cronies became a HAMMER of vengeance for the Luciferian Jesuits to "crush" the German PROTESTANT peoples once and for all so they could rebuild Germany as a 20th century economic "miracle" and the cornerstone of their coming Luciferian, European Union.
Martin Bormann, Hitler's second in charge would be tasked by the Jesuits with secreting the Nazi riches out of Germany into Swiss Banks. "In Berlin, Hitler had advised Bormann to "Bury everything, you will need it to return to power." - NY Times 1973. Stories were circulated about both Hitler's and Bormann's suicides in Berlin as the Russians approached yet many eyewitnesses attest to seeing both of them in South America years later but that is another account. The truth is the "bodies" of both men were never recovered. MIRACULOUSLY in a few decades, Germany rises from the rubble like a "PHOENIX," rapidly rebuilding to become a post WWII economic "POWERHOUSE." HOW is that possible? Only with assistance by the Jesuits! It was all pre-planned.
Read an account of Bormann's post war economic exploits at:
Martin Bormann and the Future of Germany by Paul Manning
** There is no doubt in my mind that both men exited Europe via the Vatican "RAT LINES" secretly in order to perpetuate Jesuit MYTHS that persist today about their deaths. The JESUITS are the "MASTERS" of MYTH and MAGIC and the creation of FALSE or ILLUSORY realities! Life truly is "stranger than fiction" when WAKING UP and discovering the truth after so many years of believing Jesuitical revisionist histories and pseudo science "LIES" learned from school textbooks published by the Masonic press!
According to many disparate sources Hitler and Bormann lived out their days in South America. A reward from the Jesuits for a job well done!
Adolf Hitler and his top men including Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and William Frick were Roman Catholic. Himmler was a Jesuit and modelled the SS on the Jesuit order. Hitler himself stated, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." That implicates the Nazis with the Jesuits in one statement! Under Hitler's Social Democrat government Germany essentially became a Catholic vassal state and "SWORD" of Rome even though only 40% of the population was Catholic. The facts literally scream, Hitler's ties to Rome and his unswerving allegiance to the Pope. Hitler carried out the protocols of the Jesuit order in everything he did. He openly declared his awe and admiration for the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic church just as Napoleon did!
Hitler and his Catholic cronies became a HAMMER of vengeance for the Luciferian Jesuits to "crush" the German PROTESTANT peoples once and for all so they could rebuild Germany as a 20th century economic "miracle" and the cornerstone of their coming Luciferian, European Union.
Martin Bormann, Hitler's second in charge would be tasked by the Jesuits with secreting the Nazi riches out of Germany into Swiss Banks. "In Berlin, Hitler had advised Bormann to "Bury everything, you will need it to return to power." - NY Times 1973. Stories were circulated about both Hitler's and Bormann's suicides in Berlin as the Russians approached yet many eyewitnesses attest to seeing both of them in South America years later but that is another account. The truth is the "bodies" of both men were never recovered. MIRACULOUSLY in a few decades, Germany rises from the rubble like a "PHOENIX," rapidly rebuilding to become a post WWII economic "POWERHOUSE." HOW is that possible? Only with assistance by the Jesuits! It was all pre-planned.
Read an account of Bormann's post war economic exploits at:
Martin Bormann and the Future of Germany by Paul Manning
** There is no doubt in my mind that both men exited Europe via the Vatican "RAT LINES" secretly in order to perpetuate Jesuit MYTHS that persist today about their deaths. The JESUITS are the "MASTERS" of MYTH and MAGIC and the creation of FALSE or ILLUSORY realities! Life truly is "stranger than fiction" when WAKING UP and discovering the truth after so many years of believing Jesuitical revisionist histories and pseudo science "LIES" learned from school textbooks published by the Masonic press!
According to many disparate sources Hitler and Bormann lived out their days in South America. A reward from the Jesuits for a job well done!

Luciferian Sun Worship & Androgyny
History is not what you've been led to believe! The TRUE history of the world runs PARALLEL to the "textbook history" sold to the public. The question is WHY has this been done as it has definitely NOT happened by CHANCE! NO, NO, NO! To believe that would be deliberate, wilful ignorance.
The truth is; correct KNOWLEDGE about history and science has been SUPPRESSED and MANIPULATED down through the ages by a pagan Luciferian Cult who aspire to WORLD RULE! This cult practices ancient Babylonian religion, worshipping the sun and sexual androgyny as central to their pagan mystical "gnostic" religion. Using the Roman Catholic religion as a vehicle and instrument of "power" they have covertly usurped control over all world systems. The goal is a One World Government and religion... theirs! Lucifer or Satan is their "god" and they ADMIT this openly! Deception and lies are the foundation of their world system.
Learn more about the Luciferian UN agenda to destroy God's perfect order:
Transgenderism, Androgyny and Occult Godhood
Learn more about Jesuitical Masonic pseudo science at:
SCIENTISM: The Luciferian Fake Science Deception!
The JESUITS control this world system from the top of the POWER PYRAMID they have CREATED over 500 years! They hide behind multiple "smokescreens; the "evil" Jew myth, which they created long ago and the "evil" Banker myth, which they also created! They have DECEIVED the whole world!
History is not what you've been led to believe! The TRUE history of the world runs PARALLEL to the "textbook history" sold to the public. The question is WHY has this been done as it has definitely NOT happened by CHANCE! NO, NO, NO! To believe that would be deliberate, wilful ignorance.
The truth is; correct KNOWLEDGE about history and science has been SUPPRESSED and MANIPULATED down through the ages by a pagan Luciferian Cult who aspire to WORLD RULE! This cult practices ancient Babylonian religion, worshipping the sun and sexual androgyny as central to their pagan mystical "gnostic" religion. Using the Roman Catholic religion as a vehicle and instrument of "power" they have covertly usurped control over all world systems. The goal is a One World Government and religion... theirs! Lucifer or Satan is their "god" and they ADMIT this openly! Deception and lies are the foundation of their world system.
Learn more about the Luciferian UN agenda to destroy God's perfect order:
Transgenderism, Androgyny and Occult Godhood
Learn more about Jesuitical Masonic pseudo science at:
SCIENTISM: The Luciferian Fake Science Deception!
The JESUITS control this world system from the top of the POWER PYRAMID they have CREATED over 500 years! They hide behind multiple "smokescreens; the "evil" Jew myth, which they created long ago and the "evil" Banker myth, which they also created! They have DECEIVED the whole world!
If you have persisted reading this far, then it means you are "looking" for answers! I have done my best to WARN you of the DANGER that lies ahead! The truth is, this world is under the authority of a powerful "evil" angel who has MALICIOUS intentions toward mankind. God is allowing Satan to do what he is doing for a limited time because he is an instrument in God's plan for mankind! Every human soul must make a choice of ALLEGIANCE to either JESUS CHRIST (GOOD) or SATAN (EVIL) the "god" of this world. There is NO third choice. Rejecting Christ, forgiveness for personal SIN and his Lordship over your life will result in ETERNAL separation from God = ETERNAL DAMNATION.
God MUST punish all those who refuse his offer of MERCY and choose instead to make themselves "god" and do what is evil! God is a JUST "judge" so he must PUNISH sin (rebellion) and REWARD righteousness (obedience!) He is FAIR! Rejecting God and his plan of REDEMPTION means CHOOSING to serve Satan whether you personally believe Satan exists or not. This world is first and foremost a "SPIRITUAL" reality. The material is fading away day by day!
Every "Soul" will die and stand before God at the LAST JUDGEMENT! There is NO escape! Everyone who has ever lived will face the judgement and an eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell!
"Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment."
Hebrews 9:27
God MUST punish all those who refuse his offer of MERCY and choose instead to make themselves "god" and do what is evil! God is a JUST "judge" so he must PUNISH sin (rebellion) and REWARD righteousness (obedience!) He is FAIR! Rejecting God and his plan of REDEMPTION means CHOOSING to serve Satan whether you personally believe Satan exists or not. This world is first and foremost a "SPIRITUAL" reality. The material is fading away day by day!
Every "Soul" will die and stand before God at the LAST JUDGEMENT! There is NO escape! Everyone who has ever lived will face the judgement and an eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell!
"Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment."
Hebrews 9:27
Jesus Christ said, "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life, NO MAN comes to the Father (God) but through ME." John 14:6
There is NO other way to be SAVED from SIN and DEATH!
God loves you and his FREE offer of Mercy is being offered NOW but time is running out on human history. This AGE is almost finished, darkness is falling and these are the LAST DAYS!
The Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire "BEAST" system is HERE NOW and is attempting to DECEIVE all into accepting the One World Religion and worship of Satan's god-man Dictator - the Pope of Rome! This is the MARK of the Beast! All who take this mark and JOIN this world system WILL DIE ETERNALLY!
I urge you to Save yourself from this EVIL generation!
If you want to learn more go HERE and HERE
There is NO other way to be SAVED from SIN and DEATH!
God loves you and his FREE offer of Mercy is being offered NOW but time is running out on human history. This AGE is almost finished, darkness is falling and these are the LAST DAYS!
The Luciferian Jesuit Roman Catholic Empire "BEAST" system is HERE NOW and is attempting to DECEIVE all into accepting the One World Religion and worship of Satan's god-man Dictator - the Pope of Rome! This is the MARK of the Beast! All who take this mark and JOIN this world system WILL DIE ETERNALLY!
I urge you to Save yourself from this EVIL generation!
If you want to learn more go HERE and HERE
The Young Gibb Brothers Sold Their Souls Early For Fame And Fortune!
Seductive Melodies And Sensual Harmonies Were Demonically Birthed!
Dear Reader
The intention of this blog is to shed light on truth about the "Pop" music industry focusing on the Bee Gees, a musical act of remarkable longevity, which few people question, simply accepting both as a naturally occurring progressive development of social culture. The masses have been conned into believing these musical acts are "random" outpourings of artistic genius. Since the public practice of worshipping music and film "idols" is firmly entrenched and accepted generationally, i maintain we're no longer observing a random "phenomenon" but instead a rolling, generational, cultural "psychological operation" to seduce mankind!
There is a PLAN, a nefarious "mind" behind the success of the operation financially and even more importantly, "spiritually." The adoration of "stars" and "idols" is RELIGIOUS and my contention is that the mind behind "Pop" culture is incredibly intelligent, deceptive and aggressively malevolent towards mankind.
The intention of this blog is to shed light on truth about the "Pop" music industry focusing on the Bee Gees, a musical act of remarkable longevity, which few people question, simply accepting both as a naturally occurring progressive development of social culture. The masses have been conned into believing these musical acts are "random" outpourings of artistic genius. Since the public practice of worshipping music and film "idols" is firmly entrenched and accepted generationally, i maintain we're no longer observing a random "phenomenon" but instead a rolling, generational, cultural "psychological operation" to seduce mankind!
There is a PLAN, a nefarious "mind" behind the success of the operation financially and even more importantly, "spiritually." The adoration of "stars" and "idols" is RELIGIOUS and my contention is that the mind behind "Pop" culture is incredibly intelligent, deceptive and aggressively malevolent towards mankind.
The Jesuit - Freemason - Entertainment Connection
Once again it's important to stress that the ENTERTAINMENT industry, which is nothing more than MASS PUBLIC THEATRE is operated by the Jesuit controlled Masonic criminal cabal. Yes, European Freemasonry was taken over in 1776 by the Bavarian Illuminati which is just another moniker for JESUITS, created by Adam Weishaupt to create a smokescreen and confusion over the disbanding of the Jesuits. In truth they just went underground and infiltrated key organisations in Europe through their Masonic foot-soldiers, posting them to high ranking and influential positions of power. When the Jesuits re-surfaced publicly in 1814 they were effectively but covertly in control of European politics and banking and well on the way to doing the same in the USA. Today, 200 years later they totally control the Public Theatre juggernaut worldwide!
Learn more:
Luciferian Jesuits And Deistic Freemasons: The Synagogue Of Satan!
It is through the network of Luciferian Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic knightly orders (Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights Templar etc.) that the Jesuits control the entertainment industry today. Music, movies, theatre and games comprise the ministry of PUBLIC THEATRE and is nothing less than a military operation against the minds and souls of men using "CULTURE" as a weapon to distract and deceive! It's the old Caesarian Roman trick of "BREAD & CIRCUSES" to keep the public distracted, dumbed down and under CONTROL whilst feeding them lies!
Understanding these historical developments illuminates how and why the public entertainment agenda has become all pervasive and powerfully influential on society everywhere.
The Luciferian Jesuits are SORCERERS of Sound and Vision; the PUPPET MASTERS of THEATRE, MAGIC and ILLUSION.
Learn more:
Luciferian Jesuits Construct Modern "Pop" Culture!
Once again it's important to stress that the ENTERTAINMENT industry, which is nothing more than MASS PUBLIC THEATRE is operated by the Jesuit controlled Masonic criminal cabal. Yes, European Freemasonry was taken over in 1776 by the Bavarian Illuminati which is just another moniker for JESUITS, created by Adam Weishaupt to create a smokescreen and confusion over the disbanding of the Jesuits. In truth they just went underground and infiltrated key organisations in Europe through their Masonic foot-soldiers, posting them to high ranking and influential positions of power. When the Jesuits re-surfaced publicly in 1814 they were effectively but covertly in control of European politics and banking and well on the way to doing the same in the USA. Today, 200 years later they totally control the Public Theatre juggernaut worldwide!
Learn more:
Luciferian Jesuits And Deistic Freemasons: The Synagogue Of Satan!
It is through the network of Luciferian Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic knightly orders (Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights Templar etc.) that the Jesuits control the entertainment industry today. Music, movies, theatre and games comprise the ministry of PUBLIC THEATRE and is nothing less than a military operation against the minds and souls of men using "CULTURE" as a weapon to distract and deceive! It's the old Caesarian Roman trick of "BREAD & CIRCUSES" to keep the public distracted, dumbed down and under CONTROL whilst feeding them lies!
Understanding these historical developments illuminates how and why the public entertainment agenda has become all pervasive and powerfully influential on society everywhere.
The Luciferian Jesuits are SORCERERS of Sound and Vision; the PUPPET MASTERS of THEATRE, MAGIC and ILLUSION.
Learn more:
Luciferian Jesuits Construct Modern "Pop" Culture!
This blog hasn't been written to denigrate the Gibb brothers (Bee Gees) talent and skill with music. Barry, Robin, Maurice and their younger brother Andy were all naturally gifted singers and musicians. They were dedicated performers and worked hard to hone their skills as musicians. I grew up with their music even attending a concert back in the 70's, not understanding the spiritual FORCE behind it yet admiring it for many years. Nevertheless, there is a place where talent is just NOT enough to ensure great success and FAME. There are tens of thousands of talented musicians that will NEVER make it to where the Bee Gee's did. WHY! Maybe not enough talent or powerful connections or maybe an unwillingness to SELL their SOULS? Think about it!
So what happened to the Gibb brothers that took them to heights of world success and fame that few can even dream of? I can assure you it didn't happen in a bubble of isolation. It took me many hours of reading and searching to find the connections in early videos, interviews and documented statements made by people connected to the Gibb brothers from very early on in their exposure to the entertainment world during the 1960's.
In Masonic numerology the title Bee Gees has high numerical value!
BEE GEES = B33 G33s = 2 x 33 = 66 or 2556551 = 29 = 2 x 6 = 66
There is more to a name than most people understand!
Watch the documentary below to get a background understanding of the slow but steady ascent of the early Bee Gees to phenomenal success.
The question directed to the Bee Gees at the start: What is the reason for your popularity? The answer by Barry Gibb: "I think that's impossible to answer. Ummm, really impossible. Nobody really knows the reason!" I believe this is untrue. They knew the reason but weren't going to tell at that time. They did many years later though!
This blog hasn't been written to denigrate the Gibb brothers (Bee Gees) talent and skill with music. Barry, Robin, Maurice and their younger brother Andy were all naturally gifted singers and musicians. They were dedicated performers and worked hard to hone their skills as musicians. I grew up with their music even attending a concert back in the 70's, not understanding the spiritual FORCE behind it yet admiring it for many years. Nevertheless, there is a place where talent is just NOT enough to ensure great success and FAME. There are tens of thousands of talented musicians that will NEVER make it to where the Bee Gee's did. WHY! Maybe not enough talent or powerful connections or maybe an unwillingness to SELL their SOULS? Think about it!
So what happened to the Gibb brothers that took them to heights of world success and fame that few can even dream of? I can assure you it didn't happen in a bubble of isolation. It took me many hours of reading and searching to find the connections in early videos, interviews and documented statements made by people connected to the Gibb brothers from very early on in their exposure to the entertainment world during the 1960's.
In Masonic numerology the title Bee Gees has high numerical value!
BEE GEES = B33 G33s = 2 x 33 = 66 or 2556551 = 29 = 2 x 6 = 66
There is more to a name than most people understand!
Watch the documentary below to get a background understanding of the slow but steady ascent of the early Bee Gees to phenomenal success.
The question directed to the Bee Gees at the start: What is the reason for your popularity? The answer by Barry Gibb: "I think that's impossible to answer. Ummm, really impossible. Nobody really knows the reason!" I believe this is untrue. They knew the reason but weren't going to tell at that time. They did many years later though!
The Bee Gees, Music & Sorcery
It may come as a surprise to readers that the Bee Gees actually admitted that they don't write their songs. The brothers have admitted also that they CAN'T write music. The Gibbs have never had any FORMAL musical education. So, this begs the question how did the music HAPPEN? How is it CONSTRUCTED?
Here is a frank admission by the Gibbs that they DIDN'T write the songs/music.
I prepared a word for word transcript from the video interview.
Bee Gees In Conversation With David Frost - Spirit Tour 1979 TV Special
Location: The Bee Gees Miami, USA home.
Video Starting at minute 3:49 - 5:20
DF: Starting with the music then. How does a Bee Gee song get born?
BG: It usually starts with a melody or a title and uh but you see we don’t really write songs so much as we write FEELINGS. And we try to put feelings into a melody or it usually is a whole 3 minutes of a certain emotion that moves people.
DF: You say that someone quoted something about you that it wasn’t just a question of writing songs but the songs are THERE, it’s almost that you PLUCK them out of the air.
BG: Yeah it is like that.
DF: Over (out) of your head …
BG: There is a sort of …
BG: It’s exactly like that. It’s almost as if someone has already written the songs in the air and they’re giving them to us.
RG: They’re already written but they’re only written for us "OUT THERE" for us to "RECEIVE."
DF: That’s the problem …
RG: Shoo? (indecipherable) may have picked up a couple!
Laughter all round
RG: It’s like if i say the music feels like that … when we start writing we start "RECEIVING" the music from … you know … WABC.
Laughter all round
RG: We seem to be receiving the music from the AIR you know … and that kind of music that compares to the kind of music that we were writing 4 years ago, it’s just entirely different.
BG: It’s a revelation to us. (They don't know how it happens? Not true.)
MG: Once we have that we can go into the studio and mostly the lyrics are usually written during the actual laying down of the backtrack and then the lyrics are usually finished, after Robin and Barry will go off somewhere …
BG: Once we get that, once we get that FEELING to the studio that’s when the fun really begins.
Studio: Minute 5:15
BG: If you’ve got a band with 3 good strong musicians it’s hard to tell … that they can’t "SEE IT" in their mind what the finished song is. If you write a song you can usually "SEE" how it should be finished. You’ve got to put it down physically and those guys as brilliant as they are can’t always … just can’t hear what you’re talking about because you’ve got a "PICTURE" and they don’t. And that’s the most difficult part i think … is transferring your thoughts through them. And if you’ve got that happening then you’ve got a great band.
**Satan is the ruler of this world, the power of the air. (airwaves) His symbol is a lightening bolt!
"In which you used to walk when you conformed to the ways of this world and of the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience." Ephesian 2:2
When the Bee Gees refer to plucking a song from the AIR (airwaves) they are referring to a "Demonic" exchange taking place inter-dimensionally between the physical and spiritual realms. This communion with fallen angels is forbidden by God.
NECROMANCY (sorcery/witchcraft,) conjuring demon spirits, is practiced by many elite performers including magicians and not only calls into question the possibility of genuine personal inspiration and genius in the formation of a creative work but the covert supernatural PURPOSE behind its creation!
Brian Wilson of the Beach boys made this outright admission, "We were all messed up on drugs. We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music. I was stoned on hashish and grass and I got a little too much into this one tape called ‘Fire’. Then, a place down the street burned down the same day we did the song. And I said to myself ‘Somehow we must have burned that building down."
Records president Larry Waronker claimed to have encountered at least five different entities (demons) that use Brian Wilson’s body as their home.
Taken from:
The Dark Stuff: Selected Writings on Rock Music, Updated Edition, Da Capo Press, 2002, p. 43, by Nick Kent
Watch the video below for the Frost interview starting at minute 3:49.
It may come as a surprise to readers that the Bee Gees actually admitted that they don't write their songs. The brothers have admitted also that they CAN'T write music. The Gibbs have never had any FORMAL musical education. So, this begs the question how did the music HAPPEN? How is it CONSTRUCTED?
Here is a frank admission by the Gibbs that they DIDN'T write the songs/music.
I prepared a word for word transcript from the video interview.
Bee Gees In Conversation With David Frost - Spirit Tour 1979 TV Special
Location: The Bee Gees Miami, USA home.
Video Starting at minute 3:49 - 5:20
DF: Starting with the music then. How does a Bee Gee song get born?
BG: It usually starts with a melody or a title and uh but you see we don’t really write songs so much as we write FEELINGS. And we try to put feelings into a melody or it usually is a whole 3 minutes of a certain emotion that moves people.
DF: You say that someone quoted something about you that it wasn’t just a question of writing songs but the songs are THERE, it’s almost that you PLUCK them out of the air.
BG: Yeah it is like that.
DF: Over (out) of your head …
BG: There is a sort of …
BG: It’s exactly like that. It’s almost as if someone has already written the songs in the air and they’re giving them to us.
RG: They’re already written but they’re only written for us "OUT THERE" for us to "RECEIVE."
DF: That’s the problem …
RG: Shoo? (indecipherable) may have picked up a couple!
Laughter all round
RG: It’s like if i say the music feels like that … when we start writing we start "RECEIVING" the music from … you know … WABC.
Laughter all round
RG: We seem to be receiving the music from the AIR you know … and that kind of music that compares to the kind of music that we were writing 4 years ago, it’s just entirely different.
BG: It’s a revelation to us. (They don't know how it happens? Not true.)
MG: Once we have that we can go into the studio and mostly the lyrics are usually written during the actual laying down of the backtrack and then the lyrics are usually finished, after Robin and Barry will go off somewhere …
BG: Once we get that, once we get that FEELING to the studio that’s when the fun really begins.
Studio: Minute 5:15
BG: If you’ve got a band with 3 good strong musicians it’s hard to tell … that they can’t "SEE IT" in their mind what the finished song is. If you write a song you can usually "SEE" how it should be finished. You’ve got to put it down physically and those guys as brilliant as they are can’t always … just can’t hear what you’re talking about because you’ve got a "PICTURE" and they don’t. And that’s the most difficult part i think … is transferring your thoughts through them. And if you’ve got that happening then you’ve got a great band.
**Satan is the ruler of this world, the power of the air. (airwaves) His symbol is a lightening bolt!
"In which you used to walk when you conformed to the ways of this world and of the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience." Ephesian 2:2
When the Bee Gees refer to plucking a song from the AIR (airwaves) they are referring to a "Demonic" exchange taking place inter-dimensionally between the physical and spiritual realms. This communion with fallen angels is forbidden by God.
NECROMANCY (sorcery/witchcraft,) conjuring demon spirits, is practiced by many elite performers including magicians and not only calls into question the possibility of genuine personal inspiration and genius in the formation of a creative work but the covert supernatural PURPOSE behind its creation!
Brian Wilson of the Beach boys made this outright admission, "We were all messed up on drugs. We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music. I was stoned on hashish and grass and I got a little too much into this one tape called ‘Fire’. Then, a place down the street burned down the same day we did the song. And I said to myself ‘Somehow we must have burned that building down."
Records president Larry Waronker claimed to have encountered at least five different entities (demons) that use Brian Wilson’s body as their home.
Taken from:
The Dark Stuff: Selected Writings on Rock Music, Updated Edition, Da Capo Press, 2002, p. 43, by Nick Kent
Watch the video below for the Frost interview starting at minute 3:49.
So, a Radio transmitter? Receiver? Plucking songs whole OUT OF THE AIR? Picturing FEELINGS? This is a graphic description of a human MEDIUM CHANNELING sensory vibrations from the UNSEEN spiritual realm. Oh i know, right about now, the naysayer materialists are going to deny this reality. Let me say here that artistic IMPULSE or INSPIRATION comes from SOMEWHERE! It doesn't come from NOWHERE!
Artistic creation in any form is, i believe, SPIRITUALLY influenced for the good or bad. Humans are exactly like RADIO ANTENNAE operating simultaneously in the spiritual, emotional, psychological, intellectual and physical realms. Humans are INFLUENCED by what they OPEN THEMSELVES UP TO.
The Gibb brothers had somehow become highly attenuated to demonic spiritual influence even believing it was from God. This can only happen if attempts were made by them or someone on their behalf, to OPEN a PORTAL to demonic channels using hallucinogenic drugs, practicing the occult & channeling of spirits or indulging in gross sexual depravity. These are the traditional historical methods/gateways to "DEMONIC" possession! This is what occurs when indigenous shamans become possessed by spirits (Voodoo etc.) and begin to manifest supernatural powers.
Here are some eyewitness reports:
Bill Oakes, former head of RSO, Robert Stigwood Organisation, made a profound statement in the BBC Documentary on the Bee Gees in 2014, after watching the Bee Gees at work in the studio, he said, "Creating these melodies like spun gold OUT OF THIN AIR. How did they do it? It's extraordinary!" He witnessed something paranormal happening before his eyes.
Vince Melouney, guitarist and 5th Bee Gee stated, "They came right out of left field, Colin (drummer Colin Petersen) and i didn't know WHERE THEY CAME FROM. They were WRTING AT AN INCREDIBLE PACE, i mean it was just FLOWING out of them because things were going well" and "The guys used to just come up with songs like PICK THEM OUT OF THE AIR." He also witnessed this paranormal activity firsthand.
Barry Gibb stated about the brother's working methodology, "There was a sense that WE PSYCHICALLY KNEW WHERE EACH OTHER WAS GOING because we knew each other" and "If one of us had an idea WE WOULD ALL JUMP IN and stretch that out and make that work." He recognised a "psychic" or supernatural quality to what they were doing.
On the tribute video "G'Day USA" from 2011 Barry said about the song "Nobody Gets Too Much Heaven No More" from 1979 that, "There's a CERTAIN SPIRITUALITY in that song that i don't think i've heard in any other song but at the same time I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW IT CAME ABOUT. But i think that's what songwriting is. It's really NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU'RE DOING." Really? Most artists songwriters would disagree that they are unknowing about what they're doing, ie. the thinking "effort" involved in the creative process.
Are we talking just about "familiarity" here or something that goes way beyond material experience? That is always the big question. In my opinion based on admissions made by them, the Gibb brothers have been practicing "TRANCE" state automatism which is communion with and possession by evil spirits.
What happened to the Gibb brothers? When did this demonic gift begin operating? Unfortunately, the picture from their early period is a bit sketchy but their own statements and those of acquaintances give us a reasonable glimpse of what occurred.
Artistic creation in any form is, i believe, SPIRITUALLY influenced for the good or bad. Humans are exactly like RADIO ANTENNAE operating simultaneously in the spiritual, emotional, psychological, intellectual and physical realms. Humans are INFLUENCED by what they OPEN THEMSELVES UP TO.
The Gibb brothers had somehow become highly attenuated to demonic spiritual influence even believing it was from God. This can only happen if attempts were made by them or someone on their behalf, to OPEN a PORTAL to demonic channels using hallucinogenic drugs, practicing the occult & channeling of spirits or indulging in gross sexual depravity. These are the traditional historical methods/gateways to "DEMONIC" possession! This is what occurs when indigenous shamans become possessed by spirits (Voodoo etc.) and begin to manifest supernatural powers.
Here are some eyewitness reports:
Bill Oakes, former head of RSO, Robert Stigwood Organisation, made a profound statement in the BBC Documentary on the Bee Gees in 2014, after watching the Bee Gees at work in the studio, he said, "Creating these melodies like spun gold OUT OF THIN AIR. How did they do it? It's extraordinary!" He witnessed something paranormal happening before his eyes.
Vince Melouney, guitarist and 5th Bee Gee stated, "They came right out of left field, Colin (drummer Colin Petersen) and i didn't know WHERE THEY CAME FROM. They were WRTING AT AN INCREDIBLE PACE, i mean it was just FLOWING out of them because things were going well" and "The guys used to just come up with songs like PICK THEM OUT OF THE AIR." He also witnessed this paranormal activity firsthand.
Barry Gibb stated about the brother's working methodology, "There was a sense that WE PSYCHICALLY KNEW WHERE EACH OTHER WAS GOING because we knew each other" and "If one of us had an idea WE WOULD ALL JUMP IN and stretch that out and make that work." He recognised a "psychic" or supernatural quality to what they were doing.
On the tribute video "G'Day USA" from 2011 Barry said about the song "Nobody Gets Too Much Heaven No More" from 1979 that, "There's a CERTAIN SPIRITUALITY in that song that i don't think i've heard in any other song but at the same time I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW IT CAME ABOUT. But i think that's what songwriting is. It's really NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU'RE DOING." Really? Most artists songwriters would disagree that they are unknowing about what they're doing, ie. the thinking "effort" involved in the creative process.
Are we talking just about "familiarity" here or something that goes way beyond material experience? That is always the big question. In my opinion based on admissions made by them, the Gibb brothers have been practicing "TRANCE" state automatism which is communion with and possession by evil spirits.
What happened to the Gibb brothers? When did this demonic gift begin operating? Unfortunately, the picture from their early period is a bit sketchy but their own statements and those of acquaintances give us a reasonable glimpse of what occurred.
Early Influences On The Gibb Brothers
Barry Gibb, the eldest of the brothers by 4 years, essentially guided the progress of the group and it's clear from Barry's statement that there was a "pact" made between them in Manchester that music and fame were to be the ONLY goal. He stated that they had agreed, "That this is where we were going and nowhere else, that we were not going to detract from this path, we were going to be famous come hell or high water." By age 12 Barry had already "written" 180 songs according to Bill Goode a Brisbane businessman who became their first manager. This, if true, is extraordinary for a 12 year old and a sign that something unusual had been occurring in his life. (Was Barry Gibb already channeling material from "Spirits" at this young age?)
There are a number of people who enabled the Gibb brothers to leap frog the competition when there were hundreds, maybe thousands of talented young performers trying to get noticed by record company agents. Early on in Australia, Bill Goode, Bill Gates, Nat Kipner and Ossie Byrne gave the Gibb brothers studio time for experimentation and recording as well as airplay and promotion of gigs in Brisbane and Sydney, which resulted in the 1967 "Spin Labels" release of their first no 1 hit, "Spicks and Specks" in Australia after 10 singles released by "Festival Records" weren't promoted and failed to perform.
Listen to Nat Kipner tell anecdotes from his music industry experience in Australia and abroad during the 60's and 70's. He died in 2009.
In that same year they returned to England and were signed up within weeks of arriving with Aussie expatriate Robert Stigwood who'd just become manager of Brian Epstein's NEMS music business. It is uncanny that Epstein (the Beatles manager) died later the same year under very suspicious circumstances. What are the chances? 1) Bee Gees arrive and audition, 2) Stigwood signs them in February, 3) Epstein is murdered, (i believe) in August, 4) less than 6 months later and the Bee Gees begin their rapid rise to star status while 5) the Beatles begin their steady decline after releasing Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band in May of that year.
Were the Bee Gees meant to take the Beatles place?
Epstein was a Jewish, homosexual drug addict and Stigwood was a Roman Catholic, homosexual drug addict. Both were intimately involved and both were ambitious business impresarios with a lot to gain in the burgeoning pop music industry at that time. What could go wrong? The Masonic music industry is a dangerous place to be when your usefulness has expired. So many fake suicides and murders over the decades! The Jesuit cabal murders anyone who has become an impediment to their plans!
The music industry is controlled by powerful Masons so there is little doubt in my mind that Robert Stigwood was elevated because he was a Mason and that the Gibb brothers were too, although i can't prove it. (The occult symbols are there in the promotional material and album covers but very subtle, unlike the music acts today where the Masonic hand signs and symbols are flashed everywhere.) It is also highly likely that Nat Kipner (ex US Air Force,) Ossie Byrne (ex Australian army) and Bill Gates (DJ&Promoter) were Masons but again i can't prove it.
Many military personnel joined the Freemasons while in the armed services but it was typically kept hush during the post war period and not advertised. These men and, in particular Robert Stigwood had a profound effect on the Bee Gees and were responsible for opening the door enabling their worldly climb to success. It is the combination of talent, total desire for fame, powerful record industry connections and sorcery that enabled the tremendous success of the Bee Gees. No one is elevated in the "club" until they have "paid" their dues as many celebrities have testified and the greater the success the greater the price that is extracted!
The Bee Gees were knighted in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth, "Commanders Of The British Empire," (CBE's) and were inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame in 1997. These high awards including 11 Grammy's are only given to Kings in Satan's entertainment/propaganda system. These are not awarded arbitrarily to just anyone. You must have performed EXTREME wickedness to receive these Masonic awards.
The question is, what else did the Bee Gees have to do to reach those dizzying heights of world fame? We may never know the rituals and sacrifices that were made but i maintain the story is VERY dark!
Barry Gibb, the eldest of the brothers by 4 years, essentially guided the progress of the group and it's clear from Barry's statement that there was a "pact" made between them in Manchester that music and fame were to be the ONLY goal. He stated that they had agreed, "That this is where we were going and nowhere else, that we were not going to detract from this path, we were going to be famous come hell or high water." By age 12 Barry had already "written" 180 songs according to Bill Goode a Brisbane businessman who became their first manager. This, if true, is extraordinary for a 12 year old and a sign that something unusual had been occurring in his life. (Was Barry Gibb already channeling material from "Spirits" at this young age?)
There are a number of people who enabled the Gibb brothers to leap frog the competition when there were hundreds, maybe thousands of talented young performers trying to get noticed by record company agents. Early on in Australia, Bill Goode, Bill Gates, Nat Kipner and Ossie Byrne gave the Gibb brothers studio time for experimentation and recording as well as airplay and promotion of gigs in Brisbane and Sydney, which resulted in the 1967 "Spin Labels" release of their first no 1 hit, "Spicks and Specks" in Australia after 10 singles released by "Festival Records" weren't promoted and failed to perform.
Listen to Nat Kipner tell anecdotes from his music industry experience in Australia and abroad during the 60's and 70's. He died in 2009.
In that same year they returned to England and were signed up within weeks of arriving with Aussie expatriate Robert Stigwood who'd just become manager of Brian Epstein's NEMS music business. It is uncanny that Epstein (the Beatles manager) died later the same year under very suspicious circumstances. What are the chances? 1) Bee Gees arrive and audition, 2) Stigwood signs them in February, 3) Epstein is murdered, (i believe) in August, 4) less than 6 months later and the Bee Gees begin their rapid rise to star status while 5) the Beatles begin their steady decline after releasing Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band in May of that year.
Were the Bee Gees meant to take the Beatles place?
Epstein was a Jewish, homosexual drug addict and Stigwood was a Roman Catholic, homosexual drug addict. Both were intimately involved and both were ambitious business impresarios with a lot to gain in the burgeoning pop music industry at that time. What could go wrong? The Masonic music industry is a dangerous place to be when your usefulness has expired. So many fake suicides and murders over the decades! The Jesuit cabal murders anyone who has become an impediment to their plans!
The music industry is controlled by powerful Masons so there is little doubt in my mind that Robert Stigwood was elevated because he was a Mason and that the Gibb brothers were too, although i can't prove it. (The occult symbols are there in the promotional material and album covers but very subtle, unlike the music acts today where the Masonic hand signs and symbols are flashed everywhere.) It is also highly likely that Nat Kipner (ex US Air Force,) Ossie Byrne (ex Australian army) and Bill Gates (DJ&Promoter) were Masons but again i can't prove it.
Many military personnel joined the Freemasons while in the armed services but it was typically kept hush during the post war period and not advertised. These men and, in particular Robert Stigwood had a profound effect on the Bee Gees and were responsible for opening the door enabling their worldly climb to success. It is the combination of talent, total desire for fame, powerful record industry connections and sorcery that enabled the tremendous success of the Bee Gees. No one is elevated in the "club" until they have "paid" their dues as many celebrities have testified and the greater the success the greater the price that is extracted!
The Bee Gees were knighted in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth, "Commanders Of The British Empire," (CBE's) and were inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame in 1997. These high awards including 11 Grammy's are only given to Kings in Satan's entertainment/propaganda system. These are not awarded arbitrarily to just anyone. You must have performed EXTREME wickedness to receive these Masonic awards.
The question is, what else did the Bee Gees have to do to reach those dizzying heights of world fame? We may never know the rituals and sacrifices that were made but i maintain the story is VERY dark!
Luciferian Music Is Divided Into Soft Pop And Hard Rock
Many musicians/performers have openly admitted that they don't write their music but that it just comes to them at any time of day or night as a package which they then write down or record. Songwriting team Elton John and Bernie Taupin actually admit that all their lyrics are written in witchy language channelled from the aether. Meaning is usually ambiguous and bad is presented as good in these songs. As new music styles are being developed artists and songs are divided into soft and hard content. The rulers of the music empire know that people want both and they are happy to provide it at a price.
Satan doesn't care what your music choice is, soft or hard as long as you consume it become addicted to it and finally are deceived and destroyed by it!
The Bee Gees have been the darlings and flagship of Satan's soft music machine pumping out slick, sensual pop, which soothes the mind but is loaded with Luciferian lyrical content. Satanic ideas are slipped in under the protective barrier of consciousness as awareness is dulled and the ears are tickled with skilfully blended melodies and harmonies. Wham!, the satanic package is delivered to the brain and heart while the listeners defences are down, distracted by the ecstatic mix of vocal harmonies and hypnotically undulating wall of sound. The Gibb trio has been wildly successful, making a number of comebacks and now touted as LEGENDS, selling more than 220 million records since their inception, earning their Masonic masters untold wealth.
Bee Gees music is re-packaged generationally perpetuating the psychological operation against mankind indefinitely into the future. There is a reason why they are at the top with only a few other groups having achieved the same phenomenal status. Like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley the Bee Gees are musical "royalty, PRINCES in the Dark Kingdom. They have been rewarded with tremendous wealth and fame but also cursed like the others with mental problems, drug and sexual addictions, broken marriages and early deaths.
There is a heavy price to pay for dancing with demon spirits.
Many musicians/performers have openly admitted that they don't write their music but that it just comes to them at any time of day or night as a package which they then write down or record. Songwriting team Elton John and Bernie Taupin actually admit that all their lyrics are written in witchy language channelled from the aether. Meaning is usually ambiguous and bad is presented as good in these songs. As new music styles are being developed artists and songs are divided into soft and hard content. The rulers of the music empire know that people want both and they are happy to provide it at a price.
Satan doesn't care what your music choice is, soft or hard as long as you consume it become addicted to it and finally are deceived and destroyed by it!
The Bee Gees have been the darlings and flagship of Satan's soft music machine pumping out slick, sensual pop, which soothes the mind but is loaded with Luciferian lyrical content. Satanic ideas are slipped in under the protective barrier of consciousness as awareness is dulled and the ears are tickled with skilfully blended melodies and harmonies. Wham!, the satanic package is delivered to the brain and heart while the listeners defences are down, distracted by the ecstatic mix of vocal harmonies and hypnotically undulating wall of sound. The Gibb trio has been wildly successful, making a number of comebacks and now touted as LEGENDS, selling more than 220 million records since their inception, earning their Masonic masters untold wealth.
Bee Gees music is re-packaged generationally perpetuating the psychological operation against mankind indefinitely into the future. There is a reason why they are at the top with only a few other groups having achieved the same phenomenal status. Like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley the Bee Gees are musical "royalty, PRINCES in the Dark Kingdom. They have been rewarded with tremendous wealth and fame but also cursed like the others with mental problems, drug and sexual addictions, broken marriages and early deaths.
There is a heavy price to pay for dancing with demon spirits.
The Occult And Luciferian Concepts In Bee Gee Music!
From early innocent songs of lost love, memories and hope of future love to very subtle insinuations later of sexual immorality, infidelity, betrayal, false concepts of eternal destiny and heaven and references to demons and spirits the Bee Gees discography tracks a wide path. Their 4th album Odessa was packaged in red and gold referencing communism and the single off it was titled May 1st, which is the Masonic celebration of the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati on that date in 1776 by the Jesuits. Coincidence? No sir. All presented as double meanings in innocent pop songs to a naive and unsuspecting public.
Many of their songs like "Human Sacrifice," "ESP," "Haunted House," "Tragedy," "Immortality," Too Much Heaven," "Jive Talking," "The Lord," "Blue Island" and
"Spirits Having Flown" are referencing spiritual concepts in humanistic terms with NO reference to the Bible at all. Doing this creates a FALSE spiritual reality and understanding of these concepts, which are clearly laid out in black and white terms in the Bible.
The Bee Gees mix spiritual concepts with occult practice freely in their music in a potent New Age presentation of light and sound, leading to a deception in the listeners mind about the OBJECTIVE TRUTH of those concepts. Spiritual truth and emotions are conflated and presented as relative and subjective experience. Are the Gibbs doing this intentionally? I believe they know and are led by their spirit guides into doing so. It is deliberately deceptive and diabolically malicious behaviour! Music became "god" to the Gibb brothers very early on and they are intoxicated by its power to blind and coerce the crowd into adulation and worship of their star status.
The Bee Gees have done more than any other artist to implant core satanic ideas in the minds of millions; that man is good, love is without judgement and everyone goes to heaven. Their music has been preparing the way for acceptance of the New Age one world religion, and the false belief that everyone is a god, free to do as they will without eternal consequences.
From early innocent songs of lost love, memories and hope of future love to very subtle insinuations later of sexual immorality, infidelity, betrayal, false concepts of eternal destiny and heaven and references to demons and spirits the Bee Gees discography tracks a wide path. Their 4th album Odessa was packaged in red and gold referencing communism and the single off it was titled May 1st, which is the Masonic celebration of the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati on that date in 1776 by the Jesuits. Coincidence? No sir. All presented as double meanings in innocent pop songs to a naive and unsuspecting public.
Many of their songs like "Human Sacrifice," "ESP," "Haunted House," "Tragedy," "Immortality," Too Much Heaven," "Jive Talking," "The Lord," "Blue Island" and
"Spirits Having Flown" are referencing spiritual concepts in humanistic terms with NO reference to the Bible at all. Doing this creates a FALSE spiritual reality and understanding of these concepts, which are clearly laid out in black and white terms in the Bible.
The Bee Gees mix spiritual concepts with occult practice freely in their music in a potent New Age presentation of light and sound, leading to a deception in the listeners mind about the OBJECTIVE TRUTH of those concepts. Spiritual truth and emotions are conflated and presented as relative and subjective experience. Are the Gibbs doing this intentionally? I believe they know and are led by their spirit guides into doing so. It is deliberately deceptive and diabolically malicious behaviour! Music became "god" to the Gibb brothers very early on and they are intoxicated by its power to blind and coerce the crowd into adulation and worship of their star status.
The Bee Gees have done more than any other artist to implant core satanic ideas in the minds of millions; that man is good, love is without judgement and everyone goes to heaven. Their music has been preparing the way for acceptance of the New Age one world religion, and the false belief that everyone is a god, free to do as they will without eternal consequences.

The Gibb - Occult Connection
Drugs, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Necromancy and Meditation
There is something really strange about the Bee Gees if you stand back and look at the facts objectively, from a retrospective point of view. It's hard to put a finger on what it is exactly but these boys were driven by a "force" from a very early age towards an "unnatural" future that most children don't even think about let alone dream of. Maurice Gibb recounts an incident when Robin had a bicycle accident and he broke out in bruises on his body in exactly the same places where his brother had been injured. This was a supernatural event among many yet to occur.
Transcript of video interview Part 3 with Maurice Gibb in 1993.
Maurice Gibb: "I know when the phone goes it's Robin and when the phone goes it's Barry. Could be anytime and i know. We all HAVE THIS ... In fact Robin and i are in the twin's book, which is a big book on twins who have THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO THEM. Cause he (Robin) had a bicycle accident once and came home and i had the bruises all over me in the same places. And he had bruised himself ... and i was in the bath at the time and i got out of the bath and i'm drying myself and so when i looked down i had bruises here, there, there, on my shoulder and two on my chest here. And he came back from the hospital and he had bruises all in the same places. The only thing was, i wasn't hurting, he was.
Interviewer: So if you wake up in the middle of the night, hear a song, he wakes up too and sings it?
Maurice: No, he'll wake up, have an idea and call me and i'll know it's him. But, and i'll know it's Barry. The three of us are very much the same.
Interviewer: Are you superstitious?
Maurice: No.
Interviewer: IT'S just there?
Maurice: IT'S just there. IT'S just been going on for years.
Interviewer: IT can't be explained?
Maurice: No.
Taken from:
What is the IT that can't be explained? Is it really possible the Gibb brothers were totally ignorant of the paranormal forces driving them? Did they never question it? I personally don't believe this but like many who are deceived they chose to believe the FORCE was benevolent or godly instead of Satanic powers manipulating their lust for fame and glory.
It was during these golden years (1970's) that the group began to experiment with drugs. In the VH1 documentary Legends: Bee Gees, Barry described this period:
“It was the flower-power period. There wasn’t anybody you knew that wasn’t on some form of drugs.”
Maurice added, “Actually, what it was at one time was Barry would be smoking pot, Robin was on pills, and I’d be drinking.”
The three brothers jokingly nicknamed one another “Pot, Pills, and Piss” for their respective substances of choice.
Michael Jackson had never tried marijuana, but according to Frank Cascio’s biography My Friend Michael, a curious tale of cannabis and creativity from the archives of rock and roll history comes to light. Barry Gibb informed Michael of the incredible creative juices that cannabis awakens. So much so, in fact, that Barry insisted that he’d written the vast majority of his greatest hits while under the influence of the herb. Michael and Barry sparked a joint right there in the recording studio, and it’s rumoured that the two would drive through the mountains surrounding Neverland Ranch to get high together.
Taken from:
There are some very rare references to "meditation" in the sources i unearthed but the Gibb family have remained fairly tight lipped about many things. Barry makes a reference to meditation and his mother Barbara had a meditation "room" in her Miami home. From this i can "infer" that practicing meditation was an integral part of the routine of some family members. Meditation is an "occult" Eastern practice and practicing it is a sure fire way of opening doors to demonic oppression. This is another source of the demonic energy behind the Bee Gees.
“My memories of my time in Redcliffe are as vivid today as when I was running around barefoot with my brothers exploring its many treasures. As children we spent a lot of time on the jetty at night, looking into the waters of Moreton Bay. It was just like meditating,” reminisced Barry.
Taken from:
Drugs, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Necromancy and Meditation
There is something really strange about the Bee Gees if you stand back and look at the facts objectively, from a retrospective point of view. It's hard to put a finger on what it is exactly but these boys were driven by a "force" from a very early age towards an "unnatural" future that most children don't even think about let alone dream of. Maurice Gibb recounts an incident when Robin had a bicycle accident and he broke out in bruises on his body in exactly the same places where his brother had been injured. This was a supernatural event among many yet to occur.
Transcript of video interview Part 3 with Maurice Gibb in 1993.
Maurice Gibb: "I know when the phone goes it's Robin and when the phone goes it's Barry. Could be anytime and i know. We all HAVE THIS ... In fact Robin and i are in the twin's book, which is a big book on twins who have THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO THEM. Cause he (Robin) had a bicycle accident once and came home and i had the bruises all over me in the same places. And he had bruised himself ... and i was in the bath at the time and i got out of the bath and i'm drying myself and so when i looked down i had bruises here, there, there, on my shoulder and two on my chest here. And he came back from the hospital and he had bruises all in the same places. The only thing was, i wasn't hurting, he was.
Interviewer: So if you wake up in the middle of the night, hear a song, he wakes up too and sings it?
Maurice: No, he'll wake up, have an idea and call me and i'll know it's him. But, and i'll know it's Barry. The three of us are very much the same.
Interviewer: Are you superstitious?
Maurice: No.
Interviewer: IT'S just there?
Maurice: IT'S just there. IT'S just been going on for years.
Interviewer: IT can't be explained?
Maurice: No.
Taken from:
What is the IT that can't be explained? Is it really possible the Gibb brothers were totally ignorant of the paranormal forces driving them? Did they never question it? I personally don't believe this but like many who are deceived they chose to believe the FORCE was benevolent or godly instead of Satanic powers manipulating their lust for fame and glory.
It was during these golden years (1970's) that the group began to experiment with drugs. In the VH1 documentary Legends: Bee Gees, Barry described this period:
“It was the flower-power period. There wasn’t anybody you knew that wasn’t on some form of drugs.”
Maurice added, “Actually, what it was at one time was Barry would be smoking pot, Robin was on pills, and I’d be drinking.”
The three brothers jokingly nicknamed one another “Pot, Pills, and Piss” for their respective substances of choice.
Michael Jackson had never tried marijuana, but according to Frank Cascio’s biography My Friend Michael, a curious tale of cannabis and creativity from the archives of rock and roll history comes to light. Barry Gibb informed Michael of the incredible creative juices that cannabis awakens. So much so, in fact, that Barry insisted that he’d written the vast majority of his greatest hits while under the influence of the herb. Michael and Barry sparked a joint right there in the recording studio, and it’s rumoured that the two would drive through the mountains surrounding Neverland Ranch to get high together.
Taken from:
There are some very rare references to "meditation" in the sources i unearthed but the Gibb family have remained fairly tight lipped about many things. Barry makes a reference to meditation and his mother Barbara had a meditation "room" in her Miami home. From this i can "infer" that practicing meditation was an integral part of the routine of some family members. Meditation is an "occult" Eastern practice and practicing it is a sure fire way of opening doors to demonic oppression. This is another source of the demonic energy behind the Bee Gees.
“My memories of my time in Redcliffe are as vivid today as when I was running around barefoot with my brothers exploring its many treasures. As children we spent a lot of time on the jetty at night, looking into the waters of Moreton Bay. It was just like meditating,” reminisced Barry.
Taken from:

Spiritual Deception
In a 1993 interview Barry Gibb was asked why they had chosen the children of Bosnia as a subject to sing for and raise money. His answer was deceptive and frightening and revealed his absolute ignorance of Bible truth!
Transcript of video interview Part 1 beginning at minute 2:05
BG: "Well we dedicated our song Blue Island. We wrote that for the children of Yugoslavia, ummm because we'd heard the stories about the spiritualists who upon contacting the other side, uhhh heard it described as a blue island. And we wanted to to write a song about the fact that heaven might indeed be a blue island. And it's our message to the children of Yugoslavia, uhhh former Yugoslavia, that if, that at the end of everything else, even if worse comes to worst, we all meet together on a blue island at some time. And it's a happy thought and a positive thought and at some point we'd like to do a concert for the children of Yugoslavia."
RG: "It's an optimistic song, it's a song of optimism!"
Bee Gees Interview 1993
In their song "Children Of The World" from 1976 some of the lines read:
Like a bird in the wind, like a tree in the storm
Like the breath of a child from the moment he's born
To the very last day when the curtains are drawn
We are children of the world, asking every question why
From arrival to survival, just to make it worth the waiting
We are faces in the night, watching every day go by
In the back of your mind there is always a MARK
There's a wandering solo alone in the dark
You can keep it forever or tear it apart
These lyrics express the hopelessness of life without Christ, forever questioning, learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth 2Timothy 3:7. Wicked, never ending anticipation (psychological torment) without any answers. Faces in the night, alone in the dark? Yes, because without Christ there is only spiritual darkness, guilt and fear of punishment! There is always a MARK? Well this is a direct reference to the MARK of the Luciferian Jesuit BEAST world system prophesied in Revelation 13:16-17 that the damned will receive. As for ALL going to heaven - the Bible declares the opposite! Few people will get there, not just anyone. That's a diabolical LIE, deceiving people outright!
These are a just a few graphic examples of the Luciferian mind espousing Heaven for everyone irregardless, yet torment in never KNOWING for sure. This is what is often inferred/proclaimed in Bee Gee songs. Over and over they sing about a nebulous worldly LOVE without responsibility or judgement. These are lies straight from Hell!
Unless a human soul repents of their SINS and becomes BORN AGAIN, they will NOT enter the Kingdom Of God!
Jesus said:
“Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
John 3:3
"No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Luke 13:3
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:13-14
The truth is, very FEW people will find Heaven but the MAJORITY will find Hell. The Bible declares this over and over. There is NO salvation for anyone OUTSIDE of JESUS CHRIST the only true God. Of course the Bee Gees rejected Christ in favour of Satan's WORLD system and its riches. They are sad victims of the same ploy that Satan tried on Jesus Christ in the wilderness. He offered him all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would fall down and worship him.
"Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.” “Away from me, Satan!” Jesus declared. “For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only."
Matthew 4:8-10
In a 1993 interview Barry Gibb was asked why they had chosen the children of Bosnia as a subject to sing for and raise money. His answer was deceptive and frightening and revealed his absolute ignorance of Bible truth!
Transcript of video interview Part 1 beginning at minute 2:05
BG: "Well we dedicated our song Blue Island. We wrote that for the children of Yugoslavia, ummm because we'd heard the stories about the spiritualists who upon contacting the other side, uhhh heard it described as a blue island. And we wanted to to write a song about the fact that heaven might indeed be a blue island. And it's our message to the children of Yugoslavia, uhhh former Yugoslavia, that if, that at the end of everything else, even if worse comes to worst, we all meet together on a blue island at some time. And it's a happy thought and a positive thought and at some point we'd like to do a concert for the children of Yugoslavia."
RG: "It's an optimistic song, it's a song of optimism!"
Bee Gees Interview 1993
In their song "Children Of The World" from 1976 some of the lines read:
Like a bird in the wind, like a tree in the storm
Like the breath of a child from the moment he's born
To the very last day when the curtains are drawn
We are children of the world, asking every question why
From arrival to survival, just to make it worth the waiting
We are faces in the night, watching every day go by
In the back of your mind there is always a MARK
There's a wandering solo alone in the dark
You can keep it forever or tear it apart
These lyrics express the hopelessness of life without Christ, forever questioning, learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth 2Timothy 3:7. Wicked, never ending anticipation (psychological torment) without any answers. Faces in the night, alone in the dark? Yes, because without Christ there is only spiritual darkness, guilt and fear of punishment! There is always a MARK? Well this is a direct reference to the MARK of the Luciferian Jesuit BEAST world system prophesied in Revelation 13:16-17 that the damned will receive. As for ALL going to heaven - the Bible declares the opposite! Few people will get there, not just anyone. That's a diabolical LIE, deceiving people outright!
These are a just a few graphic examples of the Luciferian mind espousing Heaven for everyone irregardless, yet torment in never KNOWING for sure. This is what is often inferred/proclaimed in Bee Gee songs. Over and over they sing about a nebulous worldly LOVE without responsibility or judgement. These are lies straight from Hell!
Unless a human soul repents of their SINS and becomes BORN AGAIN, they will NOT enter the Kingdom Of God!
Jesus said:
“Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
John 3:3
"No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Luke 13:3
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:13-14
The truth is, very FEW people will find Heaven but the MAJORITY will find Hell. The Bible declares this over and over. There is NO salvation for anyone OUTSIDE of JESUS CHRIST the only true God. Of course the Bee Gees rejected Christ in favour of Satan's WORLD system and its riches. They are sad victims of the same ploy that Satan tried on Jesus Christ in the wilderness. He offered him all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would fall down and worship him.
"Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.” “Away from me, Satan!” Jesus declared. “For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only."
Matthew 4:8-10
Dear Reader
In the very last days of this evil age, God is calling all who will hear his warning to REPENT of their SINS and humble themselves that they might receive forgiveness before it's too late. There is still time to call out to God and receive his mercy and grace. When time is up and only God knows when that is, then it's time for judgement and there are NO second chances. This life is it. When your life is over it's over. The time to REPENT and serve God is NOW. The Bible says:
"For He says: “In the time of favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, NOW is the time of favour; NOW is the day of salvation!"
2 Corinthians 6:2
God loves all men but he is commanding them to cease from wickedness and turn and start obeying him. The price for refusing God's commands and mercy is ETERNAL DEATH! He has NO choice but to punish the wicked and reward the righteous because he is a JUST and FAIR GOD!
Jesus warned:
"Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so also He has granted the Son to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when ALL who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out--those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment."
John 5:25-29
I pray that you would not reject God like the Bee Gees have but that you will make the right choice and be SAVED from this perverse and wicked generation!
If you would like to know more go HERE or HERE
In the very last days of this evil age, God is calling all who will hear his warning to REPENT of their SINS and humble themselves that they might receive forgiveness before it's too late. There is still time to call out to God and receive his mercy and grace. When time is up and only God knows when that is, then it's time for judgement and there are NO second chances. This life is it. When your life is over it's over. The time to REPENT and serve God is NOW. The Bible says:
"For He says: “In the time of favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, NOW is the time of favour; NOW is the day of salvation!"
2 Corinthians 6:2
God loves all men but he is commanding them to cease from wickedness and turn and start obeying him. The price for refusing God's commands and mercy is ETERNAL DEATH! He has NO choice but to punish the wicked and reward the righteous because he is a JUST and FAIR GOD!
Jesus warned:
"Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so also He has granted the Son to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when ALL who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out--those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment."
John 5:25-29
I pray that you would not reject God like the Bee Gees have but that you will make the right choice and be SAVED from this perverse and wicked generation!
If you would like to know more go HERE or HERE
The Jesuits & Tavistock Turning People Into Immoral Beasts!
Every Civilisation Has Imploded From Idolatry And Sexual Corruption!

Dear Reader
We are living in unprecedented times! Darkness is falling as the attacks on family, children and society increase. Deviancy is everywhere and people are revelling in their rebellion (lawlessness) and sin. Never has there been such a concerted push by authorities to institute "aberration" as NORMAL. Luciferian INVERSION is everywhere yet most cannot see it. We are swimming in a soup of conflicting messages, signs and symbols and have tuned out or switched off. Transgenderism, homosexuality, bestiality, trans-humanism, pedophilia, gender fluidity and every criminal act is being normalised through the media, education programs and new laws. What we are witnessing is the DEIFICATION of MAN and his DESIRES. Of course, outside God, those desires are perverted and based on unbridled SELFISHNESS!
The LOVE IS LOVE mantra being chanted everywhere in recent years is one of the most idiotic and meaningless statements ever coined. It is an oxymoron meant to obfuscate or negate what REAL love is, in an attempt to level the playing field and overcome any resistance to the sexual immorality being ushered in through the gender "fluid" relationships agenda. It is DANGEROUSLY SEDUCTIVE snaring many with it's emotional calls for sympathy and tolerance for psychopathic and abusive behaviours!
Love Is Love seeks to validate ALL deviant sexual behaviour under the blanket term of LOVE. The term sounds legitimate but the repercussions of its long term effects will have grave consequences on society and particularly young children, which are the target of the Luciferian deviants pushing this change. There is a "TIPPING" point where the majority permits or accepts (acquiesces to) the changes and from there it's downhill all the way to total degradation and finally destruction!
REAL LOVE is complete OBEDIENCE to GOD! It is an act carrying behind it a weight of responsibility for others and to the highest authority - GOD'S WORD!
Love Is Love will be exposed ultimately for what it is; a selfish excuse for debased individuals to indulge unashamedly in lust and immorality.
The Jesuits are depraved Luciferian sodomites and although they masquerade behind a mask of false "piety" they are the intelligent force covertly planning and promoting the "Love Is Love" propaganda program!
Watch the video GAY JESUITS an expose by an ex Jesuit!
We are living in unprecedented times! Darkness is falling as the attacks on family, children and society increase. Deviancy is everywhere and people are revelling in their rebellion (lawlessness) and sin. Never has there been such a concerted push by authorities to institute "aberration" as NORMAL. Luciferian INVERSION is everywhere yet most cannot see it. We are swimming in a soup of conflicting messages, signs and symbols and have tuned out or switched off. Transgenderism, homosexuality, bestiality, trans-humanism, pedophilia, gender fluidity and every criminal act is being normalised through the media, education programs and new laws. What we are witnessing is the DEIFICATION of MAN and his DESIRES. Of course, outside God, those desires are perverted and based on unbridled SELFISHNESS!
The LOVE IS LOVE mantra being chanted everywhere in recent years is one of the most idiotic and meaningless statements ever coined. It is an oxymoron meant to obfuscate or negate what REAL love is, in an attempt to level the playing field and overcome any resistance to the sexual immorality being ushered in through the gender "fluid" relationships agenda. It is DANGEROUSLY SEDUCTIVE snaring many with it's emotional calls for sympathy and tolerance for psychopathic and abusive behaviours!
Love Is Love seeks to validate ALL deviant sexual behaviour under the blanket term of LOVE. The term sounds legitimate but the repercussions of its long term effects will have grave consequences on society and particularly young children, which are the target of the Luciferian deviants pushing this change. There is a "TIPPING" point where the majority permits or accepts (acquiesces to) the changes and from there it's downhill all the way to total degradation and finally destruction!
REAL LOVE is complete OBEDIENCE to GOD! It is an act carrying behind it a weight of responsibility for others and to the highest authority - GOD'S WORD!
Love Is Love will be exposed ultimately for what it is; a selfish excuse for debased individuals to indulge unashamedly in lust and immorality.
The Jesuits are depraved Luciferian sodomites and although they masquerade behind a mask of false "piety" they are the intelligent force covertly planning and promoting the "Love Is Love" propaganda program!
Watch the video GAY JESUITS an expose by an ex Jesuit!

Sexual & Spiritual Depravity
The practice of sexual promiscuity and gross immorality is IDOLATRY! This is the worship of pleasure, SENSUALITY, (hedonism) at its worst. WORSHIP! Whatever a person adores, places first or makes central as the object of their desires, in their life is what they WORSHIP! Engaging in aberrant pleasures of the flesh in and outside of marriage is to construct a "false" God in ones life. When normal heterosexual relations and FIDELITY occur within the marital bound then all bodes well for health, family and society at large. God is honoured because his rules for a HEALTHY society are UPHELD.
The rejection of God's rules is the first step to disaster. It is a fast slippery slope to disaster when a community or society abandons God's way. It's only a matter of time before the next steps are taken toward pedophilia, incest, rape, bestiality, homosexuality and trans-sexual perversion being normalised. This is what is happening now in most Western countries. The psychological conditioning agents are TV soaps and reality shows, Hollywood movies, pop music and internet pornography, which promote a false "freedom" and "follow your heart" philosophy leading to liberal/lax attitudes in human thinking and behavioural standards.
"For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
Ephesians 5:5
There has been a gradual decline since the 1920's with every successive decade seeing an "incremental" degrading of God's standard of Purity and Holiness and the increased adoption of Luciferian behavioural standards. There was a "hastening" in the 60's with the "youth" and "free Love" revolution due in part to Alfred Kinsey's false study of male and female sexuality in America and it has greatly accelerated since then. The Luciferians have managed to deceive the wider general populace into accepting its norm and have eroded standards of decency under the pretence of artistic, personal and social freedoms. Abortion (infanticide) is now rampant, homosexual marriage has been adopted, rapists serve light penalties, pedophiles rape children with impunity, criminals commit debauched sexual crimes and young children are encouraged to be trans-sexual in their behaviour. This will NOT stop!
Alistair Crowley and his disciples were able with sorcery to open satanic portals in the early decades of the 20th century and release powerful demonic spirits unleashing a diabolical wave of violence, rebellion and immoral anti-social behaviour in successive generations of youth that have led us to where we are today. A Kinsey, K Anger, A Crowley, A LaVey, H Hefner and many other top Luciferians were sodomite sorcerers commissioned to engage in the promotion of every wicked sexual deviancy including ritual child sacrifice. They have guided the satanic darkening of the minds of men over many decades under the direction of the Jesuits aided by their Masonic foot soldiers!
The evil spirit driving this colourful facade of rainbows and love is cunning, cruel and intolerant to any godly opposition. Persecution of those who oppose it must and will come in time!
Can it get worse? Oh yes, much worse. It will get to the place where God CAN'T and WON'T restrain his judgement any longer and then it's all over. The end!
Don't think so? God destroyed the whole Earth with a flood 4500 years ago saving only 8 people. He also destroyed cities and nations because their wickedness had become INTOLERABLE. Biblical examples are Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho and Jerusalem. There is a point of no return. The warnings are in the BIBLE for all to read! God is gracious and will restrain judgement only if a people will REPENT and cease from their sin. A Biblical example is the Assyrian city of Nineveh recorded in the book of Jonah. (Jonah 3:10)
God is patient in his mercy but when he finally acts it will be without mercy!
"Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow to fulfil His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare."
2 Peter 3: 8-10
The practice of sexual promiscuity and gross immorality is IDOLATRY! This is the worship of pleasure, SENSUALITY, (hedonism) at its worst. WORSHIP! Whatever a person adores, places first or makes central as the object of their desires, in their life is what they WORSHIP! Engaging in aberrant pleasures of the flesh in and outside of marriage is to construct a "false" God in ones life. When normal heterosexual relations and FIDELITY occur within the marital bound then all bodes well for health, family and society at large. God is honoured because his rules for a HEALTHY society are UPHELD.
The rejection of God's rules is the first step to disaster. It is a fast slippery slope to disaster when a community or society abandons God's way. It's only a matter of time before the next steps are taken toward pedophilia, incest, rape, bestiality, homosexuality and trans-sexual perversion being normalised. This is what is happening now in most Western countries. The psychological conditioning agents are TV soaps and reality shows, Hollywood movies, pop music and internet pornography, which promote a false "freedom" and "follow your heart" philosophy leading to liberal/lax attitudes in human thinking and behavioural standards.
"For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
Ephesians 5:5
There has been a gradual decline since the 1920's with every successive decade seeing an "incremental" degrading of God's standard of Purity and Holiness and the increased adoption of Luciferian behavioural standards. There was a "hastening" in the 60's with the "youth" and "free Love" revolution due in part to Alfred Kinsey's false study of male and female sexuality in America and it has greatly accelerated since then. The Luciferians have managed to deceive the wider general populace into accepting its norm and have eroded standards of decency under the pretence of artistic, personal and social freedoms. Abortion (infanticide) is now rampant, homosexual marriage has been adopted, rapists serve light penalties, pedophiles rape children with impunity, criminals commit debauched sexual crimes and young children are encouraged to be trans-sexual in their behaviour. This will NOT stop!
Alistair Crowley and his disciples were able with sorcery to open satanic portals in the early decades of the 20th century and release powerful demonic spirits unleashing a diabolical wave of violence, rebellion and immoral anti-social behaviour in successive generations of youth that have led us to where we are today. A Kinsey, K Anger, A Crowley, A LaVey, H Hefner and many other top Luciferians were sodomite sorcerers commissioned to engage in the promotion of every wicked sexual deviancy including ritual child sacrifice. They have guided the satanic darkening of the minds of men over many decades under the direction of the Jesuits aided by their Masonic foot soldiers!
The evil spirit driving this colourful facade of rainbows and love is cunning, cruel and intolerant to any godly opposition. Persecution of those who oppose it must and will come in time!
Can it get worse? Oh yes, much worse. It will get to the place where God CAN'T and WON'T restrain his judgement any longer and then it's all over. The end!
Don't think so? God destroyed the whole Earth with a flood 4500 years ago saving only 8 people. He also destroyed cities and nations because their wickedness had become INTOLERABLE. Biblical examples are Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho and Jerusalem. There is a point of no return. The warnings are in the BIBLE for all to read! God is gracious and will restrain judgement only if a people will REPENT and cease from their sin. A Biblical example is the Assyrian city of Nineveh recorded in the book of Jonah. (Jonah 3:10)
God is patient in his mercy but when he finally acts it will be without mercy!
"Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow to fulfil His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare."
2 Peter 3: 8-10

The Luciferian System
The Jesuit sodomites are the group Satan uses to control his kingdom on the Earth. Jesus did not argue with Satan's claim to authority over the kingdoms of the Earth. He still controls them all using his crowning achievement; the Roman Catholic Empire which has endured tyrannically for 1700 years with the Templar-Jesuits ruling for the last 500 years.
“All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.”
Matthew 4:9
Satan wants to be worshipped as God - that's what he's after - WORSHIP!
Of course Jesus refused his offer, for which all Christians are eternally grateful.
The increasing filth and degradation is Satan's methodology for corrupting and BREAKING society DOWN into a MIND CONTROLLED mass blindly pursuing his Golden Calf of fleshly gratification thinking they are "FREE." History reveals the darkness under the Templar/Jesuit controlled Roman Catholic system but people don't or won't see the significance of WHY it was a period of darkness for mankind. The world has enjoyed light and liberty for only the last 400 years because of the Protestant Reformation and the great freedoms from the liberating truths of the Word Of God as it was restored to the common man. This freedom resulted in "Modern" societies, free from tyrannical Roman Catholic FASCIST MEDIEVALISM!
The Jesuits have been waging war on mankind and working hard to roll back all the hard fought and won freedoms and progress that Protestant Christian societies have made. They want to return the world to the 13th century when the Roman cult was at the peak of its power and control and the Pope was like a god. People of the world have been living in a period of God's "GRACE" for the last 200 years in particular. That doesn't mean to say Satan hasn't been hard at it. He has and it is evident in the carnage and atrocities of the revolutions and wars of the 19th and 20th centuries in particular, all fomented by the Jesuits who do not want peace, love and harmony under God.
The Luciferian Jesuits want total corruption and a false peace under their anti-christ world communist dictatorship and Satan wants everyone to worship his false Christ dictator!
The Jesuit sodomites are the group Satan uses to control his kingdom on the Earth. Jesus did not argue with Satan's claim to authority over the kingdoms of the Earth. He still controls them all using his crowning achievement; the Roman Catholic Empire which has endured tyrannically for 1700 years with the Templar-Jesuits ruling for the last 500 years.
“All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.”
Matthew 4:9
Satan wants to be worshipped as God - that's what he's after - WORSHIP!
Of course Jesus refused his offer, for which all Christians are eternally grateful.
The increasing filth and degradation is Satan's methodology for corrupting and BREAKING society DOWN into a MIND CONTROLLED mass blindly pursuing his Golden Calf of fleshly gratification thinking they are "FREE." History reveals the darkness under the Templar/Jesuit controlled Roman Catholic system but people don't or won't see the significance of WHY it was a period of darkness for mankind. The world has enjoyed light and liberty for only the last 400 years because of the Protestant Reformation and the great freedoms from the liberating truths of the Word Of God as it was restored to the common man. This freedom resulted in "Modern" societies, free from tyrannical Roman Catholic FASCIST MEDIEVALISM!
The Jesuits have been waging war on mankind and working hard to roll back all the hard fought and won freedoms and progress that Protestant Christian societies have made. They want to return the world to the 13th century when the Roman cult was at the peak of its power and control and the Pope was like a god. People of the world have been living in a period of God's "GRACE" for the last 200 years in particular. That doesn't mean to say Satan hasn't been hard at it. He has and it is evident in the carnage and atrocities of the revolutions and wars of the 19th and 20th centuries in particular, all fomented by the Jesuits who do not want peace, love and harmony under God.
The Luciferian Jesuits want total corruption and a false peace under their anti-christ world communist dictatorship and Satan wants everyone to worship his false Christ dictator!
The "Love Is Love" Psychological Operation
History reveals the appearance of the Love is Love phrase in the title of a song by Culture Club in 1985, then again as the title of a Hong Kong movie in 1990 and then it appears again as a music album title by Elkie Brooks in 1994. Then 18 years later in 2012 it seems to re-surface as part of an album title Love Is Love/Return To Dust by Code Orange. In 2016 DC Comics release a comic titled Love Is Love commemorating the fake shooting psychological operation in an Orlando, Florida nightclub and YES, it was FAKE like so many others.
So, Bingo, there's the connection to the LGBTQ agenda right there. Love is Love has been filtered incrementally into the wider consciousness of the public over a period of 30 years using pop music, film and comics. Next, Trey Pearson a "gay" Christian singer releases a music album in 2017 titled, yes, you guessed it, "Love Is Love." That's the satanic mixing (syncretism) of the holy (Christianity) and profane (homosexuality) thus confusing and deceiving many.
Can you see how the Jesuits do it? Through Tavistock Institute they are socially ENGINEERING the people everywhere to subliminally ACCEPT aberrant homosexual behaviour using the slick but meaningless mantra, "Love Is Love" as a smokescreen! On the 23rd of January 2018, the Guardian reported on an evangelical Christian organisation called Anchored North releasing videos using the Love Is Love mantra many claim promotes "conversion therapy" for gay Christians. The video is aimed at Social Media and has been viewed more than 2 million times causing a storm of controversy and protests mostly from the LGBTQ forum i'm sure. Regardless of the video creators' intentions for good or bad, the phrase "Love Is Love" is getting more and more exposure in different forms of media and unfortunately wider acceptance of the wicked agenda it actually represents.
Finally, this year another music video by an Australian performer, Starley Hope was released titled, yes, you guessed it, Love is Love. It is clear that this satanic message will continue to be thrust into our faces well into the future. The Jesuits are making sure the message is being propagated everywhere; HK, the USA, the UK and Australia because of its deceptive value. Expect to see more of it from other quarters!
Read the Guardian article HERE
Watch the video HERE
Watch the shocking video below calling for sympathy and tolerance of pedophiles!
History reveals the appearance of the Love is Love phrase in the title of a song by Culture Club in 1985, then again as the title of a Hong Kong movie in 1990 and then it appears again as a music album title by Elkie Brooks in 1994. Then 18 years later in 2012 it seems to re-surface as part of an album title Love Is Love/Return To Dust by Code Orange. In 2016 DC Comics release a comic titled Love Is Love commemorating the fake shooting psychological operation in an Orlando, Florida nightclub and YES, it was FAKE like so many others.
So, Bingo, there's the connection to the LGBTQ agenda right there. Love is Love has been filtered incrementally into the wider consciousness of the public over a period of 30 years using pop music, film and comics. Next, Trey Pearson a "gay" Christian singer releases a music album in 2017 titled, yes, you guessed it, "Love Is Love." That's the satanic mixing (syncretism) of the holy (Christianity) and profane (homosexuality) thus confusing and deceiving many.
Can you see how the Jesuits do it? Through Tavistock Institute they are socially ENGINEERING the people everywhere to subliminally ACCEPT aberrant homosexual behaviour using the slick but meaningless mantra, "Love Is Love" as a smokescreen! On the 23rd of January 2018, the Guardian reported on an evangelical Christian organisation called Anchored North releasing videos using the Love Is Love mantra many claim promotes "conversion therapy" for gay Christians. The video is aimed at Social Media and has been viewed more than 2 million times causing a storm of controversy and protests mostly from the LGBTQ forum i'm sure. Regardless of the video creators' intentions for good or bad, the phrase "Love Is Love" is getting more and more exposure in different forms of media and unfortunately wider acceptance of the wicked agenda it actually represents.
Finally, this year another music video by an Australian performer, Starley Hope was released titled, yes, you guessed it, Love is Love. It is clear that this satanic message will continue to be thrust into our faces well into the future. The Jesuits are making sure the message is being propagated everywhere; HK, the USA, the UK and Australia because of its deceptive value. Expect to see more of it from other quarters!
Read the Guardian article HERE
Watch the video HERE
Watch the shocking video below calling for sympathy and tolerance of pedophiles!
God Will Judge All Sin
God judges sin in both the temporal and eternal realms! ALL unforgiven sin will be punished now and in eternity! There will be no escape for any soul. The Bible says God's righteous wrath against sin is being and will be revealed.
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness."
Romans 1:18
"God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honour, and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger."
Romans 2:7
The Bible is very clear:
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23
God judges sin in both the temporal and eternal realms! ALL unforgiven sin will be punished now and in eternity! There will be no escape for any soul. The Bible says God's righteous wrath against sin is being and will be revealed.
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness."
Romans 1:18
"God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honour, and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger."
Romans 2:7
The Bible is very clear:
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23
Repent Or Perish
In predominantly white, Western nations today we are witnessing the dismantling of Protestant morality and culture. Everything has been infiltrated from within by the Jesuit Masonic FIFTH COLUMN, "TROJAN HORSE." Read more HERE. The rot has gone so deep that the point of no return has been reached. Luciferian, NOT Christian ethics and morality predominate at every level of society. From Government to nursing homes, God has been forced out of the mechanisms used for managing civilised life by godly minded people for the people. Sin and pleasure dominates minds and hearts and it's every man for himself. Life is no longer sacred and precious but disposable - an end in itself!
Liberal Jesuit theology pollutes the apostate churches. Schools are teaching Jesuitical "cultural marxist" principles aimed at producing unthinking clones. The media and in particular, TV is pumping out a cesspool of programmes filled with pornography, filthy talk, anti God behaviour and Luciferian thought, inverting everything that is good to bad and bad to the status of good. Worst of all, men have elevated themselves to positions of pre-eminence and made themselves into "gods," changing laws, enabling wickedness to flourish while mocking and scoffing at God's laws. Human behaviour is descending to more and more base levels of degradation and people hardly lift an eyebrow anymore. There is little shock or outrage as there would have been even one generation ago. It was prophesied long ago that this would happen. The system we live in CAN'T be fixed!
God's command hasn't changed though. Oh no! It is the same message to ALL. REPENT or PERISH! Jesus never minced his words. God's standard is absolute holiness and purity in thought, word and deed. This has not and will never, change. Obtaining the righteousness of God is the Highest and Noblest calling for any Man or Woman. It is the ONLY real purpose in life!
Jesus warned:
"No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Luke 13:3
"For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things."
Philippians 3:18-19
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
Proverbs 14:12
"If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand."
Ezekiel 3:18
"Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"
Ezekiel 23:11
In predominantly white, Western nations today we are witnessing the dismantling of Protestant morality and culture. Everything has been infiltrated from within by the Jesuit Masonic FIFTH COLUMN, "TROJAN HORSE." Read more HERE. The rot has gone so deep that the point of no return has been reached. Luciferian, NOT Christian ethics and morality predominate at every level of society. From Government to nursing homes, God has been forced out of the mechanisms used for managing civilised life by godly minded people for the people. Sin and pleasure dominates minds and hearts and it's every man for himself. Life is no longer sacred and precious but disposable - an end in itself!
Liberal Jesuit theology pollutes the apostate churches. Schools are teaching Jesuitical "cultural marxist" principles aimed at producing unthinking clones. The media and in particular, TV is pumping out a cesspool of programmes filled with pornography, filthy talk, anti God behaviour and Luciferian thought, inverting everything that is good to bad and bad to the status of good. Worst of all, men have elevated themselves to positions of pre-eminence and made themselves into "gods," changing laws, enabling wickedness to flourish while mocking and scoffing at God's laws. Human behaviour is descending to more and more base levels of degradation and people hardly lift an eyebrow anymore. There is little shock or outrage as there would have been even one generation ago. It was prophesied long ago that this would happen. The system we live in CAN'T be fixed!
God's command hasn't changed though. Oh no! It is the same message to ALL. REPENT or PERISH! Jesus never minced his words. God's standard is absolute holiness and purity in thought, word and deed. This has not and will never, change. Obtaining the righteousness of God is the Highest and Noblest calling for any Man or Woman. It is the ONLY real purpose in life!
Jesus warned:
"No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Luke 13:3
"For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things."
Philippians 3:18-19
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
Proverbs 14:12
"If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand."
Ezekiel 3:18
"Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"
Ezekiel 23:11
Dear Reader
It's not too late to turn away from sin and go God's way!
The Bible says, "For He says: “In the time of favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is the time of favour; now is the day of salvation!"
2 Corinthians 6:2
As the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire destroys the last vestiges of Christianity there is a HOPE for you. When finally, God's LIGHT is, for the most part extinguished from the Earth then time is up and it's game over. Jesus Christ will return in all his glory and set up his eternal kingdom.
Will you be a part of that glorious future?
Are the trivial things of this earth so important that you would lose your eternal soul over them?
Nothing is more important than ETERNITY and where you will spend it.
There are only 2 destinations for the human soul: Heaven or Hell - consider carefully!
God loves you and is calling you but you must acknowledge your sin, ask his forgiveness and turn away from it forever, in order to serve Jesus Christ who is GOD!
Would you like to know more?
Then go HERE and HERE
It's not too late to turn away from sin and go God's way!
The Bible says, "For He says: “In the time of favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is the time of favour; now is the day of salvation!"
2 Corinthians 6:2
As the Jesuit Vatican Roman Empire destroys the last vestiges of Christianity there is a HOPE for you. When finally, God's LIGHT is, for the most part extinguished from the Earth then time is up and it's game over. Jesus Christ will return in all his glory and set up his eternal kingdom.
Will you be a part of that glorious future?
Are the trivial things of this earth so important that you would lose your eternal soul over them?
Nothing is more important than ETERNITY and where you will spend it.
There are only 2 destinations for the human soul: Heaven or Hell - consider carefully!
God loves you and is calling you but you must acknowledge your sin, ask his forgiveness and turn away from it forever, in order to serve Jesus Christ who is GOD!
Would you like to know more?
Then go HERE and HERE
Two Kings; Two World Systems, Two Kinds of Heart and Mind!
The False Christ "Great Delusion" Blinding Mankind, Is Gathering Speed!
Dear Reader
To date, i have been writing mostly about the Jesuits, explaining their modus operandi and warning against their worldwide system of control. This is necessary so that people can come to an understanding of why the world has the appearance of being in such a precarious state, creating fear and even terror in many who do not understand what's happening. The message is always: Do not be deceived! APPEARANCES can be and are mostly DECEIVING!
In this short blog i want to look at the 2 kingdoms on Earth that exist side by side yet are diametrically opposed to each other in EVERY way. These 2 kingdoms are at war with each other and only 1 will be the victor in the end. All people on Earth are citizens and participants in these 2 invisible spiritual kingdoms whether they want to be or not.
There are NO exceptions; being alive on Earth automatically places you in either of the 2 kingdoms.
To date, i have been writing mostly about the Jesuits, explaining their modus operandi and warning against their worldwide system of control. This is necessary so that people can come to an understanding of why the world has the appearance of being in such a precarious state, creating fear and even terror in many who do not understand what's happening. The message is always: Do not be deceived! APPEARANCES can be and are mostly DECEIVING!
In this short blog i want to look at the 2 kingdoms on Earth that exist side by side yet are diametrically opposed to each other in EVERY way. These 2 kingdoms are at war with each other and only 1 will be the victor in the end. All people on Earth are citizens and participants in these 2 invisible spiritual kingdoms whether they want to be or not.
There are NO exceptions; being alive on Earth automatically places you in either of the 2 kingdoms.

Two Kingdoms
The 2 kingdoms i'm talking about are SPIRITUAL and at war constantly with each other for the minds and hearts of men. You've probably already naturally inferred that 1 must be good and 1 must be bad. If so, you are right and it's that simple. Evil hates good and vice versa. There is NO common ground. White is white and black is black. There is no room for GREY with spiritual truth! Both systems CANNOT compromise and call a TRUCE, ever. Only 1 can win this war! I'm talking here about absolute, objective truth that NEVER changes, NOT relative subjectivity based on personal feelings and experience which constantly change!
I'm not talking about physical wars that are fought over Earthly land or resources for the sake of power and control although this is a part of the over-arching schemes of the Jesuit Vatican Empire. This war being fought is a SPIRITUAL WAR for the allegiance of men and women to the Kingdom Of God or the Kingdom Of Satan. It is about the eternal destiny of human SOULS. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere.
God has a kingdom (the Kingdom of Light) and so does Satan (the kingdom of Darkness) called "the Prince of this world" by Jesus in John 12:31. People either belong to one kingdom or the other. There is NO third choice. Everyone must choose which kingdom they will belong to, whether for good or evil! People, by their words and actions are either serving God or Satan. To deny this is foolishness for it is obvious to anyone who can discern the events that are now taking place in the world!
The 2 kingdoms i'm talking about are SPIRITUAL and at war constantly with each other for the minds and hearts of men. You've probably already naturally inferred that 1 must be good and 1 must be bad. If so, you are right and it's that simple. Evil hates good and vice versa. There is NO common ground. White is white and black is black. There is no room for GREY with spiritual truth! Both systems CANNOT compromise and call a TRUCE, ever. Only 1 can win this war! I'm talking here about absolute, objective truth that NEVER changes, NOT relative subjectivity based on personal feelings and experience which constantly change!
I'm not talking about physical wars that are fought over Earthly land or resources for the sake of power and control although this is a part of the over-arching schemes of the Jesuit Vatican Empire. This war being fought is a SPIRITUAL WAR for the allegiance of men and women to the Kingdom Of God or the Kingdom Of Satan. It is about the eternal destiny of human SOULS. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere.
God has a kingdom (the Kingdom of Light) and so does Satan (the kingdom of Darkness) called "the Prince of this world" by Jesus in John 12:31. People either belong to one kingdom or the other. There is NO third choice. Everyone must choose which kingdom they will belong to, whether for good or evil! People, by their words and actions are either serving God or Satan. To deny this is foolishness for it is obvious to anyone who can discern the events that are now taking place in the world!

What Constitutes Evil?
Evil comprises DISOBEDIENCE to God's commands. The first act of disobedience by man was in the Garden of Eden. In contrast, good comprises OBEDIENCE to God's commands. It's that simple! There are no excuses for anyone. God is a HOLY God and commands obedience to his WORD and the rejection of every VILE and SINFUL act. NO exceptions will be made for ANY SOUL who SINS wilfully! Those who love God DO what is GOOD because he is GOOD and they love RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those who HATE God DO what is EVIL just like their father the Devil because like him, they love and rejoice in WICKEDNESS. This is really easy for anyone to understand.
People in God's kingdom love Jesus Christ, obey him and DON'T SIN! This is evident in their purity of speech and actions. People in Satan's kingdom reject Jesus Christ, his commands and SIN wilfully, enjoying it (knowing it is wrong) and even more wickedly, encouraging others to do the same evil deeds or worse. This is also evident by their vile speech, blasphemy and disgusting behaviour. The Bible lists in many places what the sins of the flesh are.
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
Galatians 5: 19-21
"He that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8
Evil comprises DISOBEDIENCE to God's commands. The first act of disobedience by man was in the Garden of Eden. In contrast, good comprises OBEDIENCE to God's commands. It's that simple! There are no excuses for anyone. God is a HOLY God and commands obedience to his WORD and the rejection of every VILE and SINFUL act. NO exceptions will be made for ANY SOUL who SINS wilfully! Those who love God DO what is GOOD because he is GOOD and they love RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those who HATE God DO what is EVIL just like their father the Devil because like him, they love and rejoice in WICKEDNESS. This is really easy for anyone to understand.
People in God's kingdom love Jesus Christ, obey him and DON'T SIN! This is evident in their purity of speech and actions. People in Satan's kingdom reject Jesus Christ, his commands and SIN wilfully, enjoying it (knowing it is wrong) and even more wickedly, encouraging others to do the same evil deeds or worse. This is also evident by their vile speech, blasphemy and disgusting behaviour. The Bible lists in many places what the sins of the flesh are.
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
Galatians 5: 19-21
"He that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8

Who Is In The Kingdom Of Darkness?
Quite simply, all those souls who have rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and God! If we divide these people up into groups we see quickly that they constitute an enormous percentage of the world's population. In the West billions of Muslims, Hindus, Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics are slaves of MAN-MADE religious systems full of idolatry and pagan rituals that are detestable to God. Included with these are the major cults such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons (LDS) Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists (SDA,) Children Of God and The Unification Church (Moonies) among many others. In the East there are hundreds of millions snared in Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism. In between exist all the shamanistic indigenous religions, neo-pagan groups, witch covens, secret societies and atheists embracing satanic ideologies like humanism and communism.
Added to these are all the mainstream Evangelical Christians who have been deceived by a false Gospel but believe they are in the kingdom of God! These are the recipients of heretical, Jesuitical Calvinist doctrines teaching Faith ALONE salvation apart from works, penal substitution, predestination, the sinful nature, denial of man's free will and accountability for sin, eternal security (once saved always saved), antinomianism (saved in sin) and others.
These deluded religious souls go to church, worship, have the appearance of godliness even engaging in good works yet continue to sin with impunity, living as they always have with unregenerate hearts not seeking the kingdom and its righteousness but loving the world and all it offers. They are doomed unless they REPENT and forsake their sin! Is this you?
For more info on Calvinism go to:
In recent times we have been witnessing the corrupt influence in Christian circles of the heretical "Faith" and "Prosperity" teaching (Word Of Faith,) the "Emergent" church movement, "Hebrew" roots movement and New Age "Gnostic" forms of pseudo-Christianity. All combined, this adds up to a lot of people who are on the road to damnation thinking they are good with God.
There is only ONE way to God and that is the Biblical JESUS CHRIST!
Jesus states very clearly in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by me."
Jesus also warned:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7: 13-14
Jesus Christ is the "Narrow Gate."
The vital question then is, "Are you believing in and following the REAL Christ?"
Quite simply, all those souls who have rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and God! If we divide these people up into groups we see quickly that they constitute an enormous percentage of the world's population. In the West billions of Muslims, Hindus, Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics are slaves of MAN-MADE religious systems full of idolatry and pagan rituals that are detestable to God. Included with these are the major cults such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons (LDS) Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists (SDA,) Children Of God and The Unification Church (Moonies) among many others. In the East there are hundreds of millions snared in Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism. In between exist all the shamanistic indigenous religions, neo-pagan groups, witch covens, secret societies and atheists embracing satanic ideologies like humanism and communism.
Added to these are all the mainstream Evangelical Christians who have been deceived by a false Gospel but believe they are in the kingdom of God! These are the recipients of heretical, Jesuitical Calvinist doctrines teaching Faith ALONE salvation apart from works, penal substitution, predestination, the sinful nature, denial of man's free will and accountability for sin, eternal security (once saved always saved), antinomianism (saved in sin) and others.
These deluded religious souls go to church, worship, have the appearance of godliness even engaging in good works yet continue to sin with impunity, living as they always have with unregenerate hearts not seeking the kingdom and its righteousness but loving the world and all it offers. They are doomed unless they REPENT and forsake their sin! Is this you?
For more info on Calvinism go to:
In recent times we have been witnessing the corrupt influence in Christian circles of the heretical "Faith" and "Prosperity" teaching (Word Of Faith,) the "Emergent" church movement, "Hebrew" roots movement and New Age "Gnostic" forms of pseudo-Christianity. All combined, this adds up to a lot of people who are on the road to damnation thinking they are good with God.
There is only ONE way to God and that is the Biblical JESUS CHRIST!
Jesus states very clearly in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by me."
Jesus also warned:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7: 13-14
Jesus Christ is the "Narrow Gate."
The vital question then is, "Are you believing in and following the REAL Christ?"

The IMAGE Of The Beast!
Revelation 13:14 talks about the people of the Earth living in a 2 BEAST system being told by the 2nd beast, which comes out of the Earth to, "make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live." This second beast, "had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon" is a religious system that appears to be "innocent or pure" like a lamb but has the voice of the Devil. The 2 beasts work together to deceive mankind!
BEAST is a metaphor for a SYSTEM. The first system (beast) is the Roman Catholic Empire which has dominated the world for 1700 years. There is no other system (religio - political) in history which fits this description in Revelation. The second system (beast) is the Ecumenical United Nations Office (EUNO) which creates the IMAGE (false Christ) that causes all people to worship the first beast - ROME! This has been orchestrated by the Jesuits working behind the scenes. Remember, Ecumenism is CONTROLLED by Rome!
The first beast observed coming up out of the sea by John was almost destroyed by the Protestant Reformation in the 1600's after more than 1000 years of rule. The sword causing the wound was the Bible - the Word of God - bringing truth back to the people living in fear and superstition during the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Dark Ages. Once people realised that Jesus Christ was their high priest and advocate with the Father and the only one they needed, they abandoned the apostate Roman priesthood cult in droves!
The second beast is an aggregate of Apostate Protestant churches worldwide, which have recently joined with Rome in "Ecumenism" (EUNO) under the dictates of the Pope. Learn more HERE. Both beasts preach a false Gospel and a false Christ, which is the IMAGE many worship, not realising or not caring that they have been deceived. This is the GREAT DELUSION described in 2 Thessalonians that God will send upon wicked, unrepentant mankind!
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2: 11-12
This "IMAGE" of CHRIST is the antithesis of the REAL CHRIST! It looks real, sounds real, feels real but it is a SATANIC COUNTERFEIT - a FAKE; unbiblical, fashioned by apostate teachers (Luther, Calvin, Wesley etc.) to DECEIVE; unable to SAVE anyone, dooming millions to destruction! The false IMAGE of Christ demands NOTHING of its followers. No change of mind or heart, no cessation of sin, resulting in a FORM of godliness with people DENYING its POWER! It promotes a false concept of LOVE that isn't Biblical. This love "accepts" or "tolerates" ANY vile sin without JUDGEMENT! It promotes a God that is, all inclusive, overlooks SIN and can be reached by ANY path using ANY name or title! This is pure HERESY!
A Christ without judgement? A Christ accepting of all and everything on the condition of man's mental acceptance without true repentance from sin? This is NOT the Christ of the Bible! This is a PICTURE of a fictitious Christ that people have CREATED in their minds that is actually ANTI-CHRIST!
The apostle Paul warned about FALSE believers:
"Traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these."
1 Timothy 3: 5
Jesus warned:
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24: 4-5
"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:11
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before." Matthew 24: 24-25
Again Paul warns:
"Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if you continue in his goodness: otherwise you also shall be cut off." Romans 11: 22
"For our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12: 29
Revelation 13:14 talks about the people of the Earth living in a 2 BEAST system being told by the 2nd beast, which comes out of the Earth to, "make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live." This second beast, "had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon" is a religious system that appears to be "innocent or pure" like a lamb but has the voice of the Devil. The 2 beasts work together to deceive mankind!
BEAST is a metaphor for a SYSTEM. The first system (beast) is the Roman Catholic Empire which has dominated the world for 1700 years. There is no other system (religio - political) in history which fits this description in Revelation. The second system (beast) is the Ecumenical United Nations Office (EUNO) which creates the IMAGE (false Christ) that causes all people to worship the first beast - ROME! This has been orchestrated by the Jesuits working behind the scenes. Remember, Ecumenism is CONTROLLED by Rome!
The first beast observed coming up out of the sea by John was almost destroyed by the Protestant Reformation in the 1600's after more than 1000 years of rule. The sword causing the wound was the Bible - the Word of God - bringing truth back to the people living in fear and superstition during the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Dark Ages. Once people realised that Jesus Christ was their high priest and advocate with the Father and the only one they needed, they abandoned the apostate Roman priesthood cult in droves!
The second beast is an aggregate of Apostate Protestant churches worldwide, which have recently joined with Rome in "Ecumenism" (EUNO) under the dictates of the Pope. Learn more HERE. Both beasts preach a false Gospel and a false Christ, which is the IMAGE many worship, not realising or not caring that they have been deceived. This is the GREAT DELUSION described in 2 Thessalonians that God will send upon wicked, unrepentant mankind!
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2: 11-12
This "IMAGE" of CHRIST is the antithesis of the REAL CHRIST! It looks real, sounds real, feels real but it is a SATANIC COUNTERFEIT - a FAKE; unbiblical, fashioned by apostate teachers (Luther, Calvin, Wesley etc.) to DECEIVE; unable to SAVE anyone, dooming millions to destruction! The false IMAGE of Christ demands NOTHING of its followers. No change of mind or heart, no cessation of sin, resulting in a FORM of godliness with people DENYING its POWER! It promotes a false concept of LOVE that isn't Biblical. This love "accepts" or "tolerates" ANY vile sin without JUDGEMENT! It promotes a God that is, all inclusive, overlooks SIN and can be reached by ANY path using ANY name or title! This is pure HERESY!
A Christ without judgement? A Christ accepting of all and everything on the condition of man's mental acceptance without true repentance from sin? This is NOT the Christ of the Bible! This is a PICTURE of a fictitious Christ that people have CREATED in their minds that is actually ANTI-CHRIST!
The apostle Paul warned about FALSE believers:
"Traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these."
1 Timothy 3: 5
Jesus warned:
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24: 4-5
"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:11
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before." Matthew 24: 24-25
Again Paul warns:
"Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if you continue in his goodness: otherwise you also shall be cut off." Romans 11: 22
"For our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12: 29

The World Mind
World simply means "World System" of thinking and doing! People living for the world are idolaters, making MONEY, POSITION and STATUS their number 1 priority in life to the exclusion of all else. These things have become their gods - the things that are worshipped, adored and lusted after! Pride and arrogance drive the worldly person who believes the "end justifies the means" in the same way as the Jesuits do, as this is their maxim, excusing the evil they do. Greed is normalised and it's always more, more, more!
The desire for riches and power and the ruination and tragedy they often bring does not deter the mad scramble to climb the ladder of success. Neither GOD's warnings nor final JUDGEMENT of sin are taken into consideration or feared. Running after pleasure is the constant preoccupation and IDOL of those who love this world and live a lie. Death and the destiny of the human soul is IGNORED by the worldly person until it's too late and they pass into eternity under judgement as enemies of God!
The Bible warns:
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2: 15-16
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24
This is God's promise to those who love him:
"And the world is passing away, along with its lusts: but he that does the will of God lives for ever." 1 John 2: 17
World simply means "World System" of thinking and doing! People living for the world are idolaters, making MONEY, POSITION and STATUS their number 1 priority in life to the exclusion of all else. These things have become their gods - the things that are worshipped, adored and lusted after! Pride and arrogance drive the worldly person who believes the "end justifies the means" in the same way as the Jesuits do, as this is their maxim, excusing the evil they do. Greed is normalised and it's always more, more, more!
The desire for riches and power and the ruination and tragedy they often bring does not deter the mad scramble to climb the ladder of success. Neither GOD's warnings nor final JUDGEMENT of sin are taken into consideration or feared. Running after pleasure is the constant preoccupation and IDOL of those who love this world and live a lie. Death and the destiny of the human soul is IGNORED by the worldly person until it's too late and they pass into eternity under judgement as enemies of God!
The Bible warns:
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2: 15-16
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24
This is God's promise to those who love him:
"And the world is passing away, along with its lusts: but he that does the will of God lives for ever." 1 John 2: 17

Are You Passing The Test?
Are you living a holy and sanctified life in the fear of God, denying yourself gratuitous pleasures and turning away from sin? Are you sharing unselfishly, denying ungodliness and growing in faith and maturity with God in obedience to his WORD? Do you hate the world and all its filth and debauchery? Are you putting God first before everything else?
Are you also experiencing personal difficulties, loneliness, persecution, abuse, ridicule, mockery and ostracisation from neighbours, family and friends because you declare the Gospel message to those around you and follow Jesus, striving to live a righteous life?
If so, then you are passing the test daily and suffering the same treatment as the Lord Jesus Christ did on your behalf in the years of his ministry on Earth even suffering a horrible death on the cross. Your reward, if you endure to the end is great - Eternal Life - reigning with Jesus Christ as kings and queens in his kingdom FOREVER! Because he rose from the dead and conquered death, you shall also be resurrected from the grave and live never to die again!
Jesus said:
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10
"Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake." Luke 6:22
"Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." John 15:20
This is God's holy command to all men everywhere:
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2: 11-14
Are you living a holy and sanctified life in the fear of God, denying yourself gratuitous pleasures and turning away from sin? Are you sharing unselfishly, denying ungodliness and growing in faith and maturity with God in obedience to his WORD? Do you hate the world and all its filth and debauchery? Are you putting God first before everything else?
Are you also experiencing personal difficulties, loneliness, persecution, abuse, ridicule, mockery and ostracisation from neighbours, family and friends because you declare the Gospel message to those around you and follow Jesus, striving to live a righteous life?
If so, then you are passing the test daily and suffering the same treatment as the Lord Jesus Christ did on your behalf in the years of his ministry on Earth even suffering a horrible death on the cross. Your reward, if you endure to the end is great - Eternal Life - reigning with Jesus Christ as kings and queens in his kingdom FOREVER! Because he rose from the dead and conquered death, you shall also be resurrected from the grave and live never to die again!
Jesus said:
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10
"Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake." Luke 6:22
"Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." John 15:20
This is God's holy command to all men everywhere:
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2: 11-14
God's Righteous Judgement
Last Days For The Kingdom Of Darkness
These are the last days of this age on Earth! Time is winding down. Satan, the Prince of this world system has been judged. God has been waiting for all men to repent of their evil deeds but his patience and kindness are almost done. The Jesuits and their covert kingdom of darkness is complete, only waiting for its ultimate transition into the open for a short time with total world control. Now is the time to turn your heart towards God and ask his forgiveness before the door of God's GRACE closes forever. God WILL judge all SIN. No one will escape the final judgement. There is still time to repent. Don't wait!
The KINGDOM OF GOD is at hand and the KINGDOM OF DARKNESS is soon to be destroyed by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to Earth in great glory!
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is patient toward all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3: 9
God does NOT take pleasure in the death of the wicked but it is YOUR choice.
REPENT today before it's too late. There are NO second chances!
"And as it is appointed unto men to die once, but after this the judgment:"
Hebrews 9: 27
Want to know more? Go HERE or HERE
Last Days For The Kingdom Of Darkness
These are the last days of this age on Earth! Time is winding down. Satan, the Prince of this world system has been judged. God has been waiting for all men to repent of their evil deeds but his patience and kindness are almost done. The Jesuits and their covert kingdom of darkness is complete, only waiting for its ultimate transition into the open for a short time with total world control. Now is the time to turn your heart towards God and ask his forgiveness before the door of God's GRACE closes forever. God WILL judge all SIN. No one will escape the final judgement. There is still time to repent. Don't wait!
The KINGDOM OF GOD is at hand and the KINGDOM OF DARKNESS is soon to be destroyed by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to Earth in great glory!
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is patient toward all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3: 9
God does NOT take pleasure in the death of the wicked but it is YOUR choice.
REPENT today before it's too late. There are NO second chances!
"And as it is appointed unto men to die once, but after this the judgment:"
Hebrews 9: 27
Want to know more? Go HERE or HERE
DC & Marvel "SUPER HEROES" Are The Mythological Pagan "gods" Re-born!
LUCIFERIANS Conditioning The Minds Of Men To Receive The Anti Christ "god man!"
Warning Against The Jesuits
“The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. …For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.”
– Robert J. Breckinridge (author)
“The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. …For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.”
– Robert J. Breckinridge (author)

Superman; The Satanic Counterfeit Of Jesus Christ
The modern fixation on "Superheroes" and mythological "gods" was foretold a long time ago in the Bible. David Crow describes accurately what is taking place in current comic and movie culture. This is NOT a chance happening but well PLANNED and EXECUTED as PROPAGANDA by the Freemasons who 'force' the Pop Culture Industry on an unsuspecting, brain washed public as "relevant!" All Freemasonry is controlled by the Jesuits of Rome = the Jesuits control the "CULTURE" industry!
"Intones Brando (Marlon Brando; "Superman: The Movie") with a majestic monotone, “They could be a great people Kal-El if they wish to be; they only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you, my only son." - David Crow - compare with God's affirmation of his son Jesus Christ: ("And behold a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17)
"Putting the weight of human enlightenment on Kal-El’s (= Hebrew for "voice of God) shoulders, Brando’s Jor-El has sent his son to Earth to save us all from our petty weaknesses (sins?) While Donner does not go so far as to suggest Superman will die for our sins, he makes the godlike power Superman enjoys, and the mandate he has from his space dad, implicitly supernatural when Kal-El flies into the sky in an attempt to disobey his father’s edicts. Despite being long dead, Jor-El’s face appears in the clouds to order his son toward a more divine purpose." - Crow
"In the most basic and rudimentary sense, the “Superman” was a being and ideal of human perfection, as defined by Niezsche, that all could aspire toward becoming (or birthing) in place of God or religion." - Crow
Satan vs Superman Story Parallels
Story Line Satan Superman
Falls to Earth √ √
Alien DNA √ √
Prince of the Air √ √
Super human abilities √ √
Never acknowledges God √ √
Leader of other super human beings √ √
Has ONE major weakness that can kill him √ √
Comes to save the Earth √ √
From a mysterious unknown world √ √
Is considered a god √ √
Borrowed from revelationnow.net
There it is folks; a summary of what Pop "superheroes" are meant for. The 'Agenda' is not only about worshipping the "Fallen Angels" (Demons) represented by the 'ancient' gods recently reborn as "Superheroes" but also about HERO worship, lusting after strange "Powers" and deluding people into believing they can BECOME "gods." This is the Luciferian "New Age" doctrine of Enlightenment through Knowledge, GNOSIS (self-improvement.) If you can't see the occult parallel of (S)atan masquerading as (S)uperman in opposition to Jesus Christ as the TRUE Lord and Saviour of the world then it's probably because you don't WANT to see it.
Read the excellent essay "A New World of Gods and Superheroes" by David Crow at:
The images below from the original Superman comic strip reveal occult symbols: Masonic colour pairs blue and red/green and gold, Saturn, the Sun and phallic 'space obelisk' rocket!

Dear Reader
This last time we are living in is witnessing the return of the "Dark Ages" concealed behind the 'guise' of progressive, post modern, technological sophistication. Everyone is being 'dazzled' like "deer in the spotlight," blinded by the cleverness and pride of human invention!
Here's what God has to say:
"Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" 1 Timothy 4:1
"they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
2 Timothy 4:4
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"
2 Thessalonians 2:11
This 'turning' away from 'faith' and 'truth' is an 'incremental' shift over time towards lies and myths after rejecting God's kingship over the Earth and his offer of mercy toward sinful mankind! Christianity is under attack everywhere like never before. What is happening is a repeat of what happened prior to the great flood of Noah. It is taking place in every area of human activity but nowhere is it as influential as in the fields of education and culture.
The Jesuits, centuries ago worked out the importance of these 2 fields and have pumped massive resources into them in order to CONTROL the INFORMATION FLOW. They understood that what people read, watch and listen to INFLUENCES their BELIEFS about God and their relationship to him and his 'creation.' The Jesuits having obtained 'corporate' control of newspapers, books, radio, TV, film and internet then WEAPONISED these SYSTEMS and turned them AGAINST mankind. The Jesuits Of Rome now control WORLD EDUCATION and CULTURE in every country and on every continent. This is done through a 'spiderweb' of "FRONT" groups and organisations they have created over the last 200 years in particular.
Go to these Links for more info on Education & Culture:
The Jesuit "Trojan Horse" Infiltration Of World Education!
Luciferian Jesuits Construct Modern "Pop" Culture!
The Jesuit "PROPAGANDA" MOVIE MINISTRY worldwide is vital for PLANTING Luciferian ideals through 'predictive programming' into the minds of very large population groups to keep them "In the Dark," distracted from the truth of "JESUS CHRIST." Why? Because he is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
John 14:6
The "Good News" about Jesus Christ is the only THREAT to the Synagogue Of Satan's world system of evil!

David Crow states:
"Rather than focus on the ink and lettering that inspires almost every other blockbuster these days, superhero movies increasingly look to read between those printed lines and Ben-Day dots in search of something grander, more spiritual, and ultimately godly. From Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill’s Superman almost meeting his own Lance of Longinus demise at the hands of Pontius “Batman” Pilate, and still nonetheless being martyred on the cross later, to the X-Men for all intents and purposes battling the most cynical reading of the Old Testament God in a film called Apocalypse, superhero movies have gotten biblical,"
"Indeed, Dr. Pretorius ("Bride Of Frankenstein" 1935) should never have bothered toasting to a new world of gods and monsters, not when the actual 20th and 21st centuries’ American culture would become so wrapped up in one of gods and superheroes... in many ways it could be argued that the trend to seek God in a comic book has been inside the superhero’s DNA since the very beginning." - Crow
The arrogant boast by the character Apocalypse:
“I’ve been called many things over many lifetimes: Ra, Krishna, Yahweh. [That is, Yahweh – the true, living God of the Bible.] I (Satan) was here to spark and fan the flame of man’s awakening, (Garden Of Eden) to spin the wheel of civilisation. You are all my children and you’re lost because you follow blind leaders. Everything they’ve built will fall, and from the ashes of their world we’ll build a better one.”
Borrowed from - http://666surveillancesystem.com/x-men-apocalypse-and-the-transformation-of-society-part-1/
SATAN wants to build the world in HIS image and through Hollywood is conditioning minds to accept false NEW AGE ideas of RE-INCARNATION and PANTHEISM - that ALL paths lead to God! The Superhero genre TWISTS the truth and INVERTS good and evil CONFUSING the very NATURE of what is GOOD in people's minds! Satan's promise of a BETTER world is a lie!
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20
"Rather than focus on the ink and lettering that inspires almost every other blockbuster these days, superhero movies increasingly look to read between those printed lines and Ben-Day dots in search of something grander, more spiritual, and ultimately godly. From Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill’s Superman almost meeting his own Lance of Longinus demise at the hands of Pontius “Batman” Pilate, and still nonetheless being martyred on the cross later, to the X-Men for all intents and purposes battling the most cynical reading of the Old Testament God in a film called Apocalypse, superhero movies have gotten biblical,"
"Indeed, Dr. Pretorius ("Bride Of Frankenstein" 1935) should never have bothered toasting to a new world of gods and monsters, not when the actual 20th and 21st centuries’ American culture would become so wrapped up in one of gods and superheroes... in many ways it could be argued that the trend to seek God in a comic book has been inside the superhero’s DNA since the very beginning." - Crow
The arrogant boast by the character Apocalypse:
“I’ve been called many things over many lifetimes: Ra, Krishna, Yahweh. [That is, Yahweh – the true, living God of the Bible.] I (Satan) was here to spark and fan the flame of man’s awakening, (Garden Of Eden) to spin the wheel of civilisation. You are all my children and you’re lost because you follow blind leaders. Everything they’ve built will fall, and from the ashes of their world we’ll build a better one.”
Borrowed from - http://666surveillancesystem.com/x-men-apocalypse-and-the-transformation-of-society-part-1/
SATAN wants to build the world in HIS image and through Hollywood is conditioning minds to accept false NEW AGE ideas of RE-INCARNATION and PANTHEISM - that ALL paths lead to God! The Superhero genre TWISTS the truth and INVERTS good and evil CONFUSING the very NATURE of what is GOOD in people's minds! Satan's promise of a BETTER world is a lie!
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

Hollywood Propaganda Operation
Hollywood is a massive Jesuit planned and controlled, CIA led, "PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION" against mankind! Movies are being used to CAST a MAGICAL SPELL over the minds of the unsuspecting!
There have been only 2 purposes for Hollywood since its inception in the early 20th century. Firstly, the dissemination of ideology for the purpose of predictive programming for the masses. Secondly, the pollution and destruction of human virtues and knowledge of God's law. Entertainment has always been employed for the purpose of distraction (escape) away from truth and reality. Its only purpose has been the covert propagation of occult themes through mythical (fiction) narratives and in the 20th century, through the medium of 'film,' the insertion and NORMALISATION of 'illusions' of 'grandeur,' discontent, envy, lust and violence into the minds of ordinary men! Is there any TRUTH in the movies? Sure is! The Luciferians are continuously showing us what they've got planned for the future but people think it's just fun fiction, a fantasy... entertainment!
It is important to note here that the Luciferians have always used 'pageantry' 'theatre' or ritual 'spectacle' (Roman Catholic pagan temple 'mass' ritual) to emphasise and inscribe on the minds (Brainwashing) of religious adherents their 'spiritual' doctrines. This has been done since ancient Babylon and the practice continues today. (This is how the Luciferians have managed to deceive the world into believing Roman Catholicism is Christianity when it is NOT!) The Jesuits are the pedlars of filmic 'dreams' catering to those who live for the delusion of the material 'now.' The Luciferians now in control, are using Hollywood and other film enterprises worldwide to imprint onto the minds of billions of TV and movie viewers in every country, their 'satanic' values and doctrines. Desires and dreams (illusions) of acquiring more wealth, power, status and sex have become the norm in society today.
Hollywood has done more in 100 years to saturate society everywhere with the reality of the satanic mind than any other source known!
Hollywood is a massive Jesuit planned and controlled, CIA led, "PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION" against mankind! Movies are being used to CAST a MAGICAL SPELL over the minds of the unsuspecting!
There have been only 2 purposes for Hollywood since its inception in the early 20th century. Firstly, the dissemination of ideology for the purpose of predictive programming for the masses. Secondly, the pollution and destruction of human virtues and knowledge of God's law. Entertainment has always been employed for the purpose of distraction (escape) away from truth and reality. Its only purpose has been the covert propagation of occult themes through mythical (fiction) narratives and in the 20th century, through the medium of 'film,' the insertion and NORMALISATION of 'illusions' of 'grandeur,' discontent, envy, lust and violence into the minds of ordinary men! Is there any TRUTH in the movies? Sure is! The Luciferians are continuously showing us what they've got planned for the future but people think it's just fun fiction, a fantasy... entertainment!
It is important to note here that the Luciferians have always used 'pageantry' 'theatre' or ritual 'spectacle' (Roman Catholic pagan temple 'mass' ritual) to emphasise and inscribe on the minds (Brainwashing) of religious adherents their 'spiritual' doctrines. This has been done since ancient Babylon and the practice continues today. (This is how the Luciferians have managed to deceive the world into believing Roman Catholicism is Christianity when it is NOT!) The Jesuits are the pedlars of filmic 'dreams' catering to those who live for the delusion of the material 'now.' The Luciferians now in control, are using Hollywood and other film enterprises worldwide to imprint onto the minds of billions of TV and movie viewers in every country, their 'satanic' values and doctrines. Desires and dreams (illusions) of acquiring more wealth, power, status and sex have become the norm in society today.
Hollywood has done more in 100 years to saturate society everywhere with the reality of the satanic mind than any other source known!

DC & Marvel Comics Hollywood "Duopoly"
Essentially, the 'superhero' genre is dominated by DC and Marvel. Why? Well, Marvel Comics is owned by DISNEY and DC Comics is owned by AT&T. That pretty well explains why most superhero films made, come from these 2 corporate camps, which are both controlled by the Jesuits anyway. These companies work together to 'realise' the Jesuit agenda. They aren't competing contrary to public 'perception.' There are 63 companies producing comic publications, listed HERE and some stories from these sources get made into films like "Hellboy" from "Dark Horse" but the vast majority don't. Hellboy was extremely effective for the Jesuits with its Luciferian 'inversion' of truth and 'distortion' of Biblical claims creating yet more fictional confusion in viewers minds. In Hollywood films "DEVILS" become HEROES and objects of 'empathy' rather than alarm and outrage! People are becoming totally desensitised to the extreme 'danger' of the occult and the goals of the satanic kingdom!
The Jesuits have done an amazing job of buying up artistic 'content' and 'copyright' control by buying out small talent agencies and merging them with other larger corporate entities. M&A (mergers & acquisitions + corporate 'umbrellas') is how the Jesuits ALWAYS retain control over business in every area worldwide. This is how they keep people in the DARK with the notion that evil CORPORATIONS rule the world! It is simply false!
Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, became Atlas Comics by the 1950's, then became Marvel in 1961 and was bought out by Disney in 2009. DC started in 1934 as National Allied Publications, becoming National Comics Publications in 1946 merging with Detective Comics and All American Publications and then National Comics was merged with Independent News resulting in National Periodical Publications in 1961. The company would be re branded DC Comics in 1977 but had been using the brand Superman-DC since 1940. In 1967 NPP was bought by Kinney National Company, which then purchased Warner Brothers-Seven Arts in 1969 later changing its name to Warner Communications in 1972. In 1989 Warner Communications merged with Time Inc. changing later to Warner Media and in 2018 was bought by AT&T Inc.
So you can see there were 4 M&A's for Marvel and 6 for DC since the 1930's. This is how control is achieved through consolidation of artistic property. Today, there is almost no competition in the marketplace in order that the 2 'occult' universes of 'gods' can be fully employed as 'competing' alternative realities against the unsuspecting public as a high tech mind control, "psychological indoctrination operation cloaked from the masses in the guise of 'harmless' entertainment!
Essentially, the 'superhero' genre is dominated by DC and Marvel. Why? Well, Marvel Comics is owned by DISNEY and DC Comics is owned by AT&T. That pretty well explains why most superhero films made, come from these 2 corporate camps, which are both controlled by the Jesuits anyway. These companies work together to 'realise' the Jesuit agenda. They aren't competing contrary to public 'perception.' There are 63 companies producing comic publications, listed HERE and some stories from these sources get made into films like "Hellboy" from "Dark Horse" but the vast majority don't. Hellboy was extremely effective for the Jesuits with its Luciferian 'inversion' of truth and 'distortion' of Biblical claims creating yet more fictional confusion in viewers minds. In Hollywood films "DEVILS" become HEROES and objects of 'empathy' rather than alarm and outrage! People are becoming totally desensitised to the extreme 'danger' of the occult and the goals of the satanic kingdom!
The Jesuits have done an amazing job of buying up artistic 'content' and 'copyright' control by buying out small talent agencies and merging them with other larger corporate entities. M&A (mergers & acquisitions + corporate 'umbrellas') is how the Jesuits ALWAYS retain control over business in every area worldwide. This is how they keep people in the DARK with the notion that evil CORPORATIONS rule the world! It is simply false!
Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, became Atlas Comics by the 1950's, then became Marvel in 1961 and was bought out by Disney in 2009. DC started in 1934 as National Allied Publications, becoming National Comics Publications in 1946 merging with Detective Comics and All American Publications and then National Comics was merged with Independent News resulting in National Periodical Publications in 1961. The company would be re branded DC Comics in 1977 but had been using the brand Superman-DC since 1940. In 1967 NPP was bought by Kinney National Company, which then purchased Warner Brothers-Seven Arts in 1969 later changing its name to Warner Communications in 1972. In 1989 Warner Communications merged with Time Inc. changing later to Warner Media and in 2018 was bought by AT&T Inc.
So you can see there were 4 M&A's for Marvel and 6 for DC since the 1930's. This is how control is achieved through consolidation of artistic property. Today, there is almost no competition in the marketplace in order that the 2 'occult' universes of 'gods' can be fully employed as 'competing' alternative realities against the unsuspecting public as a high tech mind control, "psychological indoctrination operation cloaked from the masses in the guise of 'harmless' entertainment!

Key Comic Book Writers & Artists
Where did the flood of stories and characters come from in the 1930's? I believe that key individuals with TALENT had been prepared as MEDIUMS or CHANNELS (through their involvement with the occult, magic and secret societies like Freemasonry) for the satanic creative flowering that was to follow. There is more than a hint in the literature available about these artists and their involvement in the occult. I will go further and boldly state that i believe they were all Freemasons or witches but i can't prove it definitively. Nevertheless, for anyone even vaguely familiar with signs and symbols, their repetitious usage in the comics and movies should be indication and warning enough of their DARK source!
Men like Lee Falk & Phil Davis sort of kick started the 1st generation surge along with Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, Will Eisner, Jack Kirby, Bob Kane & Bill Finger, Stan Lee, Jerry Iger and others. A few decades later a younger crop of artists like Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Mike Mignola, Frank Miller, Grant Morrison and others picked up the baton and carried the initial surge forward to where we are today with greater artistic refinement but a much darker vision!
First the characters appear rough in static comic book panels requiring the imagination to give them life and movement but then they get a life of their own through dynamic movement and drama in mobile film-stock. The development of art in a total sensory environment has been a powerful assault on the human 'mind' and driven forward by an ever increasing demand for greater mental stimulation and excitement. Inevitably the imagination is disabled and atrophied in favour of gratuitous fleeting sensation!
Watch Grant Morrison talk about Magic & Witchcraft in his stories.
Watch "New Gods" explaining Jack Kirby's influential comic universe, "The Fourth World" and the creation of "Darkseid" and "The Great Darkness!"
The future being foretold in comic book stories.

The Pantheon Of Comic Book Gods
Mandrake The Magician with 'hypnotic' powers, allegedly created by Lee Falk is the first character promoted with extensive newspaper 'syndication,' appearing in 1934, then the Phantom also, apparently by Falk, appears in 1936. Doctor Occult a detective using 'magic' created by Jerome Siegel & Joe Shuster appears for the first time in 1935. These supernaturally charged yet 'mortal' characters 'may' have been created innocently enough (i personally doubt this) but by 1938 the 'immortals' start to arrive into popular culture with the advent of "Superman" created also by Siegel & Shuster. Masked vigilante Batman by Bob Kane & Bill Finger appears in 1939, then The Spirit by Will Eisner, The Spectre also by Jerry Siegel & Bernard Baily and The Green Hornet by George W. Trendle & Fran Striker arrive beginning in 1940.
It should be noted that innocent but villainous comic characters like "Spring-heeled Jack" had been published as far back as 1878 in cheap pulp fiction format and there had been a slow but steady growth in the number of fictional characters produced such as Tarzan, Zorro and Buck Rodgers up to the late 1920's. However the 1930's witnesses an explosion of 'sophisticated' new characters brandishing a heady mixture of spiritual and technological powers. What's going on? Between 1935 and 1940, in only 5 short years, 30 new comic characters appear on the publishing scene. Coincidence? I don't think so.
From 1940 there is a rapid escalation of new characters and over the next 83 years more than 8.000 super heroes are added to the Marvel 'Universe' of characters and 10.000 to the DC 'Universe.' With the rapid advancement of both computer and motion picture technologies, visual culture has been 'saturated' by the super hero presence in advertising, print and electronic media. This is a 'deliberate' campaign to infiltrate the concepts of 'supernatural' power and 'godhood' into the collective consciousness of the masses!
There seems to be 3 main categories of super hero/villain characters; magician/sorcerers (Dr Strange 1940,) demon spirits/gods (Etrigan The Demon 1972) and technology enhanced (trans-human) humans (Iron Man 1968.) Mythical gods start to appear in Marvel Comics in 1962 with the creation of Thor and the Asgardian Universe by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby. In 1990 "The Pantheon" of demigod characters led by Agamemnon appears in Marvel created by Peter David. Other worlds, deep space, ET's, parallel universes and advanced technologies are introduced to familiarise the public with what the Jesuit cabal have planned for mankind in the future.
NASA was founded in 1958 by Luciferian Dwight Eisenhower in order to perpetuate and make 'real' the illusion (deception) of DEEP SPACE and HELIO CENTRISM just as it had been visualised in the COMIC BOOKS and dramatised in RADIO over the previous 6 decades! The CIA launched a 'psychological operation' against the American citizens in 1938 when Orson Welles broadcast his now infamous, "War Of The Worlds" drama adapted from H.G Wells original story published in 1898. This was done the day before Halloween, a satanic pagan fire festival called Samhain, causing widespread fear and panic and possibly a number of deaths. Radio and pop fiction are weaponised and used AGAINST an unsuspecting public for the first time ever, harnessing dark occult energy to deeply embed concepts of space and alien invasion into the national psyche!
Mandrake The Magician with 'hypnotic' powers, allegedly created by Lee Falk is the first character promoted with extensive newspaper 'syndication,' appearing in 1934, then the Phantom also, apparently by Falk, appears in 1936. Doctor Occult a detective using 'magic' created by Jerome Siegel & Joe Shuster appears for the first time in 1935. These supernaturally charged yet 'mortal' characters 'may' have been created innocently enough (i personally doubt this) but by 1938 the 'immortals' start to arrive into popular culture with the advent of "Superman" created also by Siegel & Shuster. Masked vigilante Batman by Bob Kane & Bill Finger appears in 1939, then The Spirit by Will Eisner, The Spectre also by Jerry Siegel & Bernard Baily and The Green Hornet by George W. Trendle & Fran Striker arrive beginning in 1940.
It should be noted that innocent but villainous comic characters like "Spring-heeled Jack" had been published as far back as 1878 in cheap pulp fiction format and there had been a slow but steady growth in the number of fictional characters produced such as Tarzan, Zorro and Buck Rodgers up to the late 1920's. However the 1930's witnesses an explosion of 'sophisticated' new characters brandishing a heady mixture of spiritual and technological powers. What's going on? Between 1935 and 1940, in only 5 short years, 30 new comic characters appear on the publishing scene. Coincidence? I don't think so.
From 1940 there is a rapid escalation of new characters and over the next 83 years more than 8.000 super heroes are added to the Marvel 'Universe' of characters and 10.000 to the DC 'Universe.' With the rapid advancement of both computer and motion picture technologies, visual culture has been 'saturated' by the super hero presence in advertising, print and electronic media. This is a 'deliberate' campaign to infiltrate the concepts of 'supernatural' power and 'godhood' into the collective consciousness of the masses!
There seems to be 3 main categories of super hero/villain characters; magician/sorcerers (Dr Strange 1940,) demon spirits/gods (Etrigan The Demon 1972) and technology enhanced (trans-human) humans (Iron Man 1968.) Mythical gods start to appear in Marvel Comics in 1962 with the creation of Thor and the Asgardian Universe by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby. In 1990 "The Pantheon" of demigod characters led by Agamemnon appears in Marvel created by Peter David. Other worlds, deep space, ET's, parallel universes and advanced technologies are introduced to familiarise the public with what the Jesuit cabal have planned for mankind in the future.
NASA was founded in 1958 by Luciferian Dwight Eisenhower in order to perpetuate and make 'real' the illusion (deception) of DEEP SPACE and HELIO CENTRISM just as it had been visualised in the COMIC BOOKS and dramatised in RADIO over the previous 6 decades! The CIA launched a 'psychological operation' against the American citizens in 1938 when Orson Welles broadcast his now infamous, "War Of The Worlds" drama adapted from H.G Wells original story published in 1898. This was done the day before Halloween, a satanic pagan fire festival called Samhain, causing widespread fear and panic and possibly a number of deaths. Radio and pop fiction are weaponised and used AGAINST an unsuspecting public for the first time ever, harnessing dark occult energy to deeply embed concepts of space and alien invasion into the national psyche!

It's All About "WORSHIP!"
The worship/adulation/reverence for SUPER (superior) men/women is preparing hearts and minds to accept as USUAL the worship of THE Antichrist SUPER MAN when he appears. Roman Catholics already do this with the pope who openly declares he is God. Buddhists do it with Buddha, the god man who achieved "Nirvana" and Muslims do it with Mohammed, the "Prophet" of Allah. New Agers are looking for the "Maitreya" or World Teacher who will bring lasting peace. It just requires the RIGHT circumstances to COERCE ALL people to acknowledge and worship ONE MAN. The Jesuits are using 'superheroes' to condition people into accepting this idea without resistance!
Superheroes bridge the gap in people's understanding, making CREDIBLE what was once deemed INCREDIBLE... that men can become/are in fact "gods" in latent form through the MERGING of MYTH and REALITY. This will make it easier in the minds of many to believe the final world dictator is a "superhero," a "god" and will worship him as one, when he demands it!
The worship/adulation/reverence for SUPER (superior) men/women is preparing hearts and minds to accept as USUAL the worship of THE Antichrist SUPER MAN when he appears. Roman Catholics already do this with the pope who openly declares he is God. Buddhists do it with Buddha, the god man who achieved "Nirvana" and Muslims do it with Mohammed, the "Prophet" of Allah. New Agers are looking for the "Maitreya" or World Teacher who will bring lasting peace. It just requires the RIGHT circumstances to COERCE ALL people to acknowledge and worship ONE MAN. The Jesuits are using 'superheroes' to condition people into accepting this idea without resistance!
Superheroes bridge the gap in people's understanding, making CREDIBLE what was once deemed INCREDIBLE... that men can become/are in fact "gods" in latent form through the MERGING of MYTH and REALITY. This will make it easier in the minds of many to believe the final world dictator is a "superhero," a "god" and will worship him as one, when he demands it!
Superhero Books & Essays
David Livingstone, Conspiracy School, January 26, 2016
Tigerman (Novel)
Nick Harkaway, Publisher: Knopf, July 29, 2014.
Secret Skin (Essay)
Michael Chabon, New Yorker, March 10, 2008.
Superheroes!: Capes, Cowls, and the Creation of Comic Book Culture
Laurence Maslon, Crown Archetype; First Edition edition, October 1, 2013.
Grant Morrison and the Superhero Renaissance: Critical Essays
Darragh Greene (Author, Editor), Kate Roddy (Editor), McFarland, July 27, 2015.
On the Origin of Superheroes: From the Big Bang to Action Comics No. 1
Chris Gavaler, University Of Iowa Press; 1 edition, November 1, 2015.
Before Marvel And DC: Superheroes Of The Ancient World
Natalie Haynes, BBC, August 19, 2015.
Comic book superheroes: the gods of modern mythology (Essay)
Archie Bland, The Guardian, May 27, 2016.
Batman Died For Our Sins: Redemption According to Christopher Nolan (Essay)
Chris Dierkes, Beams and Struts, August 22, 2012.
Why superheroes tap into the Messiah story (Essay)
Joel Hodge, ABC, The Drum, Apr 1, 2016.
A New World of Gods and Superheroes (Essay)
David Crow, Den Of Geek, June 6, 2016.
Super Society-Super Heroes (Commentary)
Mystery Of The Iniquity, November 15, 2012.
X-Men: Apocalypse” and the Transformation of Society (Essay)
Georgann Ryan & John McTernan, 666 Surveillance System Blog, July 1, 2016.
Hella Good: 15 Superheroes Who Made A Deal With The Devil (Commentary)
Vincent Pasquill, CBR.com, March 30, 2018.
Batman Died For Our Sins: Redemption According to Christopher Nolan (Essay)
Chris Dierkes, Beams And Struts.com, August 22, 2012.
Below: Three superheroes out of many who sold their SOULS to the Devil!
David Livingstone, Conspiracy School, January 26, 2016
Tigerman (Novel)
Nick Harkaway, Publisher: Knopf, July 29, 2014.
Secret Skin (Essay)
Michael Chabon, New Yorker, March 10, 2008.
Superheroes!: Capes, Cowls, and the Creation of Comic Book Culture
Laurence Maslon, Crown Archetype; First Edition edition, October 1, 2013.
Grant Morrison and the Superhero Renaissance: Critical Essays
Darragh Greene (Author, Editor), Kate Roddy (Editor), McFarland, July 27, 2015.
On the Origin of Superheroes: From the Big Bang to Action Comics No. 1
Chris Gavaler, University Of Iowa Press; 1 edition, November 1, 2015.
Before Marvel And DC: Superheroes Of The Ancient World
Natalie Haynes, BBC, August 19, 2015.
Comic book superheroes: the gods of modern mythology (Essay)
Archie Bland, The Guardian, May 27, 2016.
Batman Died For Our Sins: Redemption According to Christopher Nolan (Essay)
Chris Dierkes, Beams and Struts, August 22, 2012.
Why superheroes tap into the Messiah story (Essay)
Joel Hodge, ABC, The Drum, Apr 1, 2016.
A New World of Gods and Superheroes (Essay)
David Crow, Den Of Geek, June 6, 2016.
Super Society-Super Heroes (Commentary)
Mystery Of The Iniquity, November 15, 2012.
X-Men: Apocalypse” and the Transformation of Society (Essay)
Georgann Ryan & John McTernan, 666 Surveillance System Blog, July 1, 2016.
Hella Good: 15 Superheroes Who Made A Deal With The Devil (Commentary)
Vincent Pasquill, CBR.com, March 30, 2018.
Batman Died For Our Sins: Redemption According to Christopher Nolan (Essay)
Chris Dierkes, Beams And Struts.com, August 22, 2012.
Below: Three superheroes out of many who sold their SOULS to the Devil!
Comments & Quotes
Here's some great quotes by secular writers who SEE what's going on and say so irregardless of a belief in God! It's not just ME that has come to the conclusions that i have. There are many people who also SEE IT and GET IT!
"Tidhar, likewise, sees a crop of blockbusters about the harm superheroes wreak as deeply indicative of the era: one in which the self-obsession of the 90s is no longer permissible, but the clarity of the 30s and 40s is no longer available." - Archie Bland
“The idea of the superhero, it’s changed from world war two, when you knew who the good guys were. That’s less and less clear, and we’re not sure about the whole idea of heroes any more. We’re in a more cynical age. We haven’t had a righteous cause like that, and so the heroes themselves are becoming tarnished.” - Lavie Tidhar, "The Violent Century"
"More recently, the comic books have endlessly revised the careers of their protagonists – making Captain America evil, Batman a borderline sociopath, and temporarily killing Superman – as the movies have become a staple summer blockbuster." - Archie Bland, "Comic Book Superheroes: The Gods Of Modern Mythology"
"It’s no coincidence that no new superhero has really caught on for decades: we need our myths to have the weight of an oscillating history, the better to gauge what they are telling us about ourselves." - Archie Bland
"It comes as yet another slew of revisionist superhero movies make millions at the box office, continuing the genre’s relentless domination of the cinema but depicting their protagonists as utterly compromised." - Archie Bland
“They’re our Greek myths but the difference, is, they’re no longer what the Greek myths were to the Greeks – they’re what they were to western civilisation centuries later. We know them so well now. They have outlived the intent of the original. And there are people who grew up with them, seven-year-olds who are 57 now. They don’t want to throw them away, but they want to interpret them through the lens of their own time.” - Laurence Maslon
“Wish fulfilment is at the core of it,” says Lavie Tidhar
"Titles from that “golden age” of comic books, which lasted until the early 1950s, were also uncomplicated stories of good guys prevailing over evil." - Kate Roddy
"The following “silver age”, defined by Marvel and Stan Lee’s Spider-Man, gave its protagonists a little more heft." - Archie Bland
"Marvel made comics appeal to adolescents and young adults, it made the characters more interesting." - Kate Roddy
"So Spider-Man is a relatable young guy who has to deal with the boring bits of teenage life, and the Fantastic Four have these family feuds. That note of humanity gets introduced." - Kate Roddy
"In the 1980s, Alan Moore’s seminal Watchmen series jolted comic books into yet another era, a period sometimes known as the “dark age.” As postmodernism took hold and the real world started to gaze more intently at its navel, superheroes followed suit, dwelling endlessly on their own motivations and circumstances, finding themselves morally compromised, and wondering where they stood in the world." - Archie Bland
“I got slightly tired of the endless emotional angst,” says Nick Harkaway. “I lose sympathy for superhero characters who can fly, who are indestructible, who are gorgeous, when they start whingeing.”
"And a modern scepticism about authority and the trustworthiness of heroes has infected our myths, too... The three big superhero movies of the year – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, and X-Men: Apocalypse – all dwell on the idea that superbattles cause terrible collateral damage to ordinary people; in Captain America, the United Nations gets involved as a regulator." - Archie Bland
“Pop culture gives you the temperature of the nation. We live with the weird now, we live with technology, and maybe some of these superheroes wear ordinary clothes because we live in an extraordinary world. They’re our point of identification." - Nick Harkaway
Watch "The Replacement gods Superheroes" video compare mythology and Biblical accounts with comic book storylines and symbology!
Here's some great quotes by secular writers who SEE what's going on and say so irregardless of a belief in God! It's not just ME that has come to the conclusions that i have. There are many people who also SEE IT and GET IT!
"Tidhar, likewise, sees a crop of blockbusters about the harm superheroes wreak as deeply indicative of the era: one in which the self-obsession of the 90s is no longer permissible, but the clarity of the 30s and 40s is no longer available." - Archie Bland
“The idea of the superhero, it’s changed from world war two, when you knew who the good guys were. That’s less and less clear, and we’re not sure about the whole idea of heroes any more. We’re in a more cynical age. We haven’t had a righteous cause like that, and so the heroes themselves are becoming tarnished.” - Lavie Tidhar, "The Violent Century"
"More recently, the comic books have endlessly revised the careers of their protagonists – making Captain America evil, Batman a borderline sociopath, and temporarily killing Superman – as the movies have become a staple summer blockbuster." - Archie Bland, "Comic Book Superheroes: The Gods Of Modern Mythology"
"It’s no coincidence that no new superhero has really caught on for decades: we need our myths to have the weight of an oscillating history, the better to gauge what they are telling us about ourselves." - Archie Bland
"It comes as yet another slew of revisionist superhero movies make millions at the box office, continuing the genre’s relentless domination of the cinema but depicting their protagonists as utterly compromised." - Archie Bland
“They’re our Greek myths but the difference, is, they’re no longer what the Greek myths were to the Greeks – they’re what they were to western civilisation centuries later. We know them so well now. They have outlived the intent of the original. And there are people who grew up with them, seven-year-olds who are 57 now. They don’t want to throw them away, but they want to interpret them through the lens of their own time.” - Laurence Maslon
“Wish fulfilment is at the core of it,” says Lavie Tidhar
"Titles from that “golden age” of comic books, which lasted until the early 1950s, were also uncomplicated stories of good guys prevailing over evil." - Kate Roddy
"The following “silver age”, defined by Marvel and Stan Lee’s Spider-Man, gave its protagonists a little more heft." - Archie Bland
"Marvel made comics appeal to adolescents and young adults, it made the characters more interesting." - Kate Roddy
"So Spider-Man is a relatable young guy who has to deal with the boring bits of teenage life, and the Fantastic Four have these family feuds. That note of humanity gets introduced." - Kate Roddy
"In the 1980s, Alan Moore’s seminal Watchmen series jolted comic books into yet another era, a period sometimes known as the “dark age.” As postmodernism took hold and the real world started to gaze more intently at its navel, superheroes followed suit, dwelling endlessly on their own motivations and circumstances, finding themselves morally compromised, and wondering where they stood in the world." - Archie Bland
“I got slightly tired of the endless emotional angst,” says Nick Harkaway. “I lose sympathy for superhero characters who can fly, who are indestructible, who are gorgeous, when they start whingeing.”
"And a modern scepticism about authority and the trustworthiness of heroes has infected our myths, too... The three big superhero movies of the year – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, and X-Men: Apocalypse – all dwell on the idea that superbattles cause terrible collateral damage to ordinary people; in Captain America, the United Nations gets involved as a regulator." - Archie Bland
“Pop culture gives you the temperature of the nation. We live with the weird now, we live with technology, and maybe some of these superheroes wear ordinary clothes because we live in an extraordinary world. They’re our point of identification." - Nick Harkaway
Watch "The Replacement gods Superheroes" video compare mythology and Biblical accounts with comic book storylines and symbology!
The New "Superhero-gods"
Dear reader, what we are seeing is an ongoing, world-wide psychological operation against the minds of men. Superheroes are being used as a vehicle to captivate and inculcate occult ideologies into their thoughts and create a satanic worldview that people will embrace. The Jesuits understand modern psychology because they invented it through Luciferians, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung and employ it actively in their propaganda campaigns. People mostly have not caught on to what is happening and remain asleep, deaf and blind to the seriousness of world events and those who are manipulating them.
The occult roots of mythical gods and goddesses go back to almost the beginning of time when men turned away from God and invented their own fictions. The Jesuits know that if they can keep people distracted with these fictions then they can take total control without any resistance. This point of no return is approaching rapidly as technology, AI and world governance converge making a world wide electronic prison possible for the first time in human history.
Dear reader, what we are seeing is an ongoing, world-wide psychological operation against the minds of men. Superheroes are being used as a vehicle to captivate and inculcate occult ideologies into their thoughts and create a satanic worldview that people will embrace. The Jesuits understand modern psychology because they invented it through Luciferians, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung and employ it actively in their propaganda campaigns. People mostly have not caught on to what is happening and remain asleep, deaf and blind to the seriousness of world events and those who are manipulating them.
The occult roots of mythical gods and goddesses go back to almost the beginning of time when men turned away from God and invented their own fictions. The Jesuits know that if they can keep people distracted with these fictions then they can take total control without any resistance. This point of no return is approaching rapidly as technology, AI and world governance converge making a world wide electronic prison possible for the first time in human history.
Whether you believe or accept that the Jesuits are your enemy and the perpetrators of the greatest long term media propaganda campaign on Earth is your choice. It is already too late for anyone to undo what is done. All world systems are essentially controlled by this Luciferian cult. Their One World Order has been coming for a long time. We may disagree about the name of the enemy of mankind but one thing is certain, ALL people are going to have to make a choice about their eternal destiny SOON because time is running out. The Jesuits are totally committed to the destruction of the human race. They are psychopaths and won't stop until they have instituted their one world government through the United Nations.
Everyone will have to make a choice very soon as to whose side they're on. They will be FORCED! There are only 2 sides; Satan's world system or the Kingdom of God. That's it! There is NO 3rd choice. Time is running out fast. If you've read this far then i believe you're meant to read this warning and invitation. The One World System is already here, all around us. The new laws based on UN Agendas 21 & 30 are slowly squeezing freedoms out of existence. The Luciferians won't stop until everyone is a micro-chipped SLAVE.
What is happening was prophesied in the Bible a long time ago through many of God's prophets. The last Anti Christ world dictator must rise and take power for a short time and wage war against all Christians before Jesus Christ returns and destroys him and then sets up his eternal kingdom on Earth.
You and i can't fight the Luciferian NWO but you can take responsibility for your own soul and be SAVED from your SIN today and KNOW that you are redeemed by God into his family of believers. No matter what might be done to you by the NWO system, God will NEVER abandon you. The Bible says that God loves you and will SAVE all those who call out for MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Now is the time. After death it is TOO late! There are NO second chances! All those who die without Jesus Christ will suffer ETERNAL PUNISHMENT away from God in HELL. This is NOT FICTION!
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"
Hebrews 9:27
God never intended for anyone to perish eternally so he offers man an escape from punishment however he MUST judge ALL sin because he is the Just and Fair judge of the Universe!
Jesus said in John 6: 37-40
"All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which has sent me, that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which sees the Son, and believes on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."
This is the promise of God to all people, everywhere, until the end of this age!
If you would like to learn more then go HERE and HERE.
Everyone will have to make a choice very soon as to whose side they're on. They will be FORCED! There are only 2 sides; Satan's world system or the Kingdom of God. That's it! There is NO 3rd choice. Time is running out fast. If you've read this far then i believe you're meant to read this warning and invitation. The One World System is already here, all around us. The new laws based on UN Agendas 21 & 30 are slowly squeezing freedoms out of existence. The Luciferians won't stop until everyone is a micro-chipped SLAVE.
What is happening was prophesied in the Bible a long time ago through many of God's prophets. The last Anti Christ world dictator must rise and take power for a short time and wage war against all Christians before Jesus Christ returns and destroys him and then sets up his eternal kingdom on Earth.
You and i can't fight the Luciferian NWO but you can take responsibility for your own soul and be SAVED from your SIN today and KNOW that you are redeemed by God into his family of believers. No matter what might be done to you by the NWO system, God will NEVER abandon you. The Bible says that God loves you and will SAVE all those who call out for MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Now is the time. After death it is TOO late! There are NO second chances! All those who die without Jesus Christ will suffer ETERNAL PUNISHMENT away from God in HELL. This is NOT FICTION!
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"
Hebrews 9:27
God never intended for anyone to perish eternally so he offers man an escape from punishment however he MUST judge ALL sin because he is the Just and Fair judge of the Universe!
Jesus said in John 6: 37-40
"All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which has sent me, that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which sees the Son, and believes on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."
This is the promise of God to all people, everywhere, until the end of this age!
If you would like to learn more then go HERE and HERE.